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 WCW Summer Sizzler

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WCW Summer Sizzler  Empty
PostSubject: WCW Summer Sizzler    WCW Summer Sizzler  EmptyMon Jun 20, 2022 7:14 pm

WCW Summer Sizzler  Hkp5ISy


WCW Summer Sizzler  0u74q6X

Location: Busch Stadium, St. Louis MO

WCW Summer Sizzler  RBigyGv 

  Jim Ross: "Hello wrestling fans.....Jim Ross here, coming to you live from Busch Stadium in St. Louis for one hell of a night of wrestling action..... headlined by War Games! And I can guarantee you that one's gonna get nasty! But right now we are gonna kick things off with a very special battle royal. With the winner getting any title shot they choose in the future!"           

  Match One: 10 Man Battle Royal for a future title shot to any title              

As the cameras pan to the ring we see the final participants getting in the ring, such as...... Dustin Rhodes, Keith Lee, Pentagon Jr, and then we hear Oriental music playing......

And out comes Yokozuna led to the ring by Mr. Fuji!!!!

WCW Summer Sizzler  LsigYzi

Everyone in the ring looks shocked to see Yokozuna as he enters the ring. Yoko no-sold everything from Koko B Ware and threw him out of there. Carlito went after him and he was knocked down with a punch. Keith Lee steps midring and pointed at Yoko and the crowd goes crazy in anticipation. They did a couple of shoulderblocks, but nobody really moved. Lee worked on Yoko in the corner but  missed a charge, so Yoko flipped him over with a belly to belly to eliminate Lee!!
Everybody ganged up on Yoko. The crowd loved that, but they were unable to get rid of him. It was 6 on 1. Yoko fought them off. Chris Adams dropkicked Jushin Liger out of there. Adams charged in and Yokozuna whipped him out with a rough hip toss.

The final four were Pentagon Jr, Kerry Von Erich, Dustin and Yokozuna. Penta fought off Perez and put him on the top rope. Penta eliminated him with a forearm, sending Von Erich to the floor. Pentagon hit Yoko in the back and then hit him with a couple of dropkicks. Then Pentagon charged so Yoko sidestepped him and hiptossed him out.

It’s Dustin with Yoko. The big man worked him over in the corner. Dustin fought back with kicks. Yoko has yet to go down. Dustin went up top and hit him with a double axhandle. The crowd was going nuts with Yoko teetering. Yoko went down to one knee. Dustin charged in and Yoko dropped him with a superkick. Yoko dropped Dustin with a belly to belly and legdrop. Yoko charged at him in the corner and hits a backsplash. Yoko went for another one, Dustin moved, Yoko hit the buckle and stumbles out..... Dustin goes for the Bulldog but Yoko catches Dustin and throws him over the top to the floor! Your winner...... YOKOZUNA!!!!!

WCW Summer Sizzler  LOZ2LcX

   Jim Ross: "MY GAWD! WHAT A DEBUT FOR THE MIGHTY YOKOZUNA! And now he has a title shot coming up down the road of his choosing! And ya just know that the Champions around the IWA are holding their titles a little tighter right now!"            

  Match Two: Sammy Guevara vs Dean Malenko               

Great armlock exchange to start. They trade boot scrapes across the face. When it’s Guevara returning the favor, Dean hits the floor. A heavily choreographed segment brings the crowd to their feet for a standing ovation. It ends with both guys taking turns with a headscissors and delivering dropkicks at the same time. Guevara takes Dean to the mat with a cross armbreaker. Guevara and Dean are bridging over knucklelocks. Sammy hits a Uranage out of that and a Hilo gets two. Dean backs Sammy into the corner to escape a chinlock and delivers a double-arm suplex. Malenko dropkicks the knee and stays on that like a shark that smells blood! Malenko applies an Indian deathlock and then pulls back on the arms like you would for a surfboard! He rolls Guevara over into a pinning combination for a few nearfalls. Dean takes Guevara to school and then posts the knee a few times. Back in, Dean grapevines the leg a bunch with Guevara fighting for his life. Guevara gets a temporary break with a snap suplex. Powerbomb and the Tornado DDT gives Sammy a pair of nearfalls. Guevara hits the Hurracanrana out of the corner, but slams his knee on the way down. Slow cover gets two. Guevara tries what Dean did with the Indian deathlock into a surfboard, but can’t get him up and grabs an STF instead. They brawl out to the floor where Guevara gets flipped over the top rope into the guardrail. Sammy tries to suplex Dean into the ring, but Dean counters with a suplex of his own to bring Guevara down on the concrete, which does more damage to the knee! Guevara sidesteps a pescado, causing Malenko to jam his knee. Guevara climbs up top and splashes Malenko. Back in, Malenko has the advantage with a Brainbuster. Guevara blocks another one and gives Dean a Brainbuster this time. FROG SPLASH! Cover, 1..... 2..... NO! Guevara misses a corner charge and takes a Northern Lights suplex for two. Malenko makes several attempts for the Texas Cloverleaf, but Guevara fears it like the plaque and thwarts them all by lunging for the ropes. Sammy turns the final counter into a small package for 1.... 2..... NO! Guevara clasps onto Malenko’s hand and springs off the ropes with a hurracanrana for 1.... 2.....NO! Pumphandle backbreaker gets two. Sammy applies the Gory Special into a pinning predicament that leads to a rollup sequence. STANDING OVATION! Sammy gets caught up on top for a possible Super Electric Chair Drop, but counters it into a sunset flip powerbomb! 1.....2......NO! As both men get to their feet, the bell rings because have reached the 30-minute time limit. Tlive audience come to their feet and start chanting "5 MORE MINUTES!" Guevara wants it too! Malenko looks to be for it, then rolls out of the ring, leaving Guevara watching on and the fans wanting more!

  Jim Ross: "You have heard of instant classics? I believe we just witnessed one! Guevaras stock is on the rise here in WCW but Dean Malenko may have something to say about that going forward."         

Match Three: Toni Storm vs Paige for the WCW Womens title     

Storm with a quick takedown early on Paige. Paige wraps herself up in the ropes to prevent another takedown. Paige with repeated knees to the chest of Storm. Paige with big forearms. Storm responds with rights. Paige pushes Storm back first into the steel ring post. Paige sends Storm face first into the announce table and tosses her back in the ring. Paige keeps Storm grounded with a front choke. Paige gets an abdominal stretch applied. Storm breaks free dropping down. Storm with chops to Paige and a big boot. Paige with a roll up for a two count. Paige drops Storm with a quick kick. Storm gets the Figure Four locked in. Paige turns it over to counter. Storm turns it back. Storm falls to the outside as Paige hangs on to the bottom rope. Storm breaks it before the referee reaches his five count. Storm then drops Paige face first off the ring apron. Storm again sends Paige into the ring apron and then back inside the ring. Storm lowers her knee pad and drops repeated knees over Paige. Storm locks the head of Paige with her knees and drops Paige down face first on the mat. Storm flips Paige across the ring a few times and then connects with shoulder charges in the corner. Paige sends Storm shoulder first into the steel ring post and dumps her to the floor. Paige with shots and tosses Storm back inside. Paige pulls back on the arms of Storm pressing her boot on her back against the ropes. Paige with a full body scissors keeping Storm grounded. Paige with a running knee to the jaw of Storm. Toni fights back with a necbreaker in the corner on Paige. Paige and Toni exchange forearms. Storm with a spear and follows that up with a blockbuster stunner. Paige rolls out of the ring to avoid the cover. Paige keeps crawling away from Storm. Paige dumps Storm into the ring barricade. Paige stands up on the ring barricade posing, and yells out to the fans, "THIS IS MY HOUSE!!" Storm jumps up and spears Paige off. Storm rolls Paige inside the ring........  Storm puts Paige into the Cross STF! Paige tries tobescape but Storm has it cinched in.......PAIGE TAPS OUT AND TONI STORM RETAINS THE WCW WOMENS TITLE!

WCW Summer Sizzler  UKAOggy 

   Match Four: Sting vs Manny Fernandez vs Samoa Joe for the IWA World TV title               

The bell rings and all 3 men stand in the middle staring at each other. Joe opened up with chops to Stings chest. Sting came back with a leaping kick to the head to Fernandez, sending him to the floor. Joe rolled Manny back in the ring. Fernandez got a boot to the face, but Sting nailed a dropkick to knock him down for a two count as Joe made the save. Fernandez dumped Sting out of the ring and pointed at Joe. Sting came back in with stomps on Manny in the corner. Sting with a kick to the mouth of Joe. Manny ran the ropes and hit a running cross body block on Sting. Joe got back in the ring, teased a superplex and Fernandez showed up with the Powerbomb on Joe for the Tower of Doom. Joe got the Coquina Clutch on Manny, but Fernandez kicked Joe to break it up. Both Manny and Joe were on the floor, so Sting hit a dive over the top to knock them both down on the floor.

Back inside, Joe and Manny hit a double shoulder tackle on Sting. Joe hitting a running splash in the corner on Sting and Fernandez hit a running corner splash on Sting as well. Joe hit an atomic drop, boot to the face and a senton splash. Fernandez hit a running senton splash of his own for two. Joe bounced off the ropes and Manny hit Joe with a clothesline to end that alliance. Sting ducked a clothesline and hit an overhead back kick on Fernandez. Sting continued on offense with forearms as well as a running dropkick. Joe with a clothesline on Sting..... corner splash on Manny and leaping kick by Joe on Fernandez. Sting sent both men out of the ring. Dropkick by Sting to Joe and a running knee to the face on the apron. Sting  hit a running dropkick on Manny that sent him into the barricade. Back in the ring, Sting hit chops on Joe, but Joe came back with a one arm uranage slam. Sting broke free of a Coquina Clutch attempt and hit a double stomp. Sting with a double stomp to Manny as well. Joe countered Slingblade with a belly to belly suplex. Fernandez came back with a Flying Burrito on Joe. Sting  hits a Stinger Splash on Joe! Sting applies the Scorpion Deathlock to Joe! He has it locked in!! Fernandez hits the ropes and nails Sting with the Flying Burrito!! Manny covers Sting, 1......2.......3! Fernandez retains! Sting approaches Manny and shakes his hand in respect before leaving the ring. Manny then extends his hand to Joe......but Joe slaps it away and rolls out of the ring. Manny thanks the fans then heads to the dressing room as Joe is pissed around ringside.

The fans pop as the new WCW Heavyweight champion, Triple H makes his way to the ring for his match. As Hunter walks the isle, Samoa Joe blocks the way! The two have a stalemate near ringside. Then, when either man decides to move for the other, the words start to fly. After a heated debate Joe finally steps to the side so Hunter can pass he does......Joe hits an Enzuiguri to the back of HHH, sending Hunter into the steel post! Joe picks Hunter up......MUSCLE Buster to the floor! Joe looks down at Hunter then leaves the ringside area. Hunters opponent, Andrade makes his way to the ring.......

WCW Summer Sizzler  R0Fpjzp

The ref asks Hunter if he can continue and Triple H says yes! Triple H charged in, Andrade moved and HHH hit left shoulder first into the turnbuckle. Back into the ring, Andrade got a one count after a backbreaker. Andrade with an armbar using the ropes to pull on the arm. Hunter came back with a suplex where he threw Andrade across the ring. HHH was rolling with a belly to belly suplex. Hunter, obviously in a lot of pain, went to the top rope and jumped off with a punch. Hunter hit a high knee for a two count. Andrade came back with a dropkick. Andrade with an inverted Tornado DDT out of the corner for a two count. HHH drove Andrade into the corner. They did a spot where Andrade tried an inverted hurricanrana, but HHH turned it into an inverted Alabama Slam for a two count. The fight went to the floor again as Andrade hit a headscissors that sent HHH head first into the ring post. Andrade went up top and hit a moonsault onto HHH. Andrade sent Hunter back in the ring for a two count.

They battled on the top rope with HHH wanting a superplex, but Andrade fought out of it with a double foot stomp in the corner followed by a running double knee attack for a two count. Hunter came back with a sitout Powerbomb for a two count. They exchanged nearfalls and Triple H hit the Pedigree, 1.....2......but Andrade gets his foot on the bottom rope. Andrade avoided a corner attack and sent HHH face first into the turnbuckle. Andrade hit the running double knees to the back of the head of HHH for a two count. Andrade left the ring and hit a Hammerlock DDT for a two count as HHH kicked out. HHH got back to his feet and hit a Pedigree! Hunter grabs his ribs......slowly crawls to cover, 1......2.......3!!!

WCW Summer Sizzler  ZU14Rgv

A battered and exhausted Triple H takes his title but you can tell the attack from.Joe earlier still has him in tons of pain and then.......

WCW Summer Sizzler  2svXhWx

Mr. Fuji leads Yokozuna to the ring. The ref tries keeping them away from the injured Hunter but Fuji informs the ref that Yoko won the battle royal earlier with the right to a future title shot......that they are cashing in right now!!! Yoko charges across the ring with a huge hip attack to Hunter and the ref has no choice but to call for the bell, starting an impromptu title match!

Match Six : Triple H vs Yokozuna w/Mr. Fuji for the WCW Heavyweight title            

Yoko lands numerous firearms to Hunters back. Yoko whips HHH into the ropes into a sidewalk slam! Hunter screams out in pain! Yoko grabs Hunter by the arm and pulls him to the corner. Yoko climbs up the ropes......BANZAI DROP TO HUNTER! 1.....2.......3!!! Your winner.......AND NEEEEWWWW WCW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION........ YOKOZUNA!

WCW Summer Sizzler  Wi30OCy

  Jim Ross: "What a chain of events here fans! But thanks to the attack from Samoa Joe, Hunter was not 100% and quite honestly he should have never accepted this match! Fuji scores the upset of the century here by cashing in the championship opportunity just hours after Yokozuna won it! And we haveca brand new WCW Heavyweight champion!"           

   Match Seven: Dusty Rhodes vs Bruiser Brody for the IWA World title                

Dusty squats in the corner, fists balled up, calling Brody on. Brody moves toward Dusty and grabs him, and Rhodes starts swinging wildly in his grasp. Rhodes with a bionic  elbow, but Brody just eats it and stalks him some more. They grapple around and Brody dumps Dusty through the ropes to the floor. Dusty comes back in just as Brody goes out after him. Brody with a couple kicks to the midsection, then an overhand chop and a right hand. Dusty staggers away, Brody right after him. Brody with his big bodyslam, then he drops a leg. Rhodes sells it with twitching as he sits up halfway. Brody with a chinlock now. He lets go of that and drives a precise knee down, then another. Brody covers and gets two. Brody kicks at Dusty’s left ear and Dusty smacks at the ear in response. They do that a few times in a row. Dusty out to the floor, holding his ear, Brody giving chase.

Brody catches up to Dusty and jabs him in the jaw with a chair. Referee out there with them, but more or less letting them fight. Dusty holding his ear still as they go back into the ring from different sides.

Brody runs at Dusty and kicks him in the ear again, then again. A third kick to the ear. Dusty rolls back out to the floor in agony, and Brody chases again, smacking Dustys head off of the ring post. Dustys bleeding from the left ear now from the repeated blows. Brody kicks him in the ear again from inside the ring, through the ropes. Brody just keeps kicking Rhodes in the ear. Brody raises his arms and comes forward, then drops a knee to the back of Dustys head. Brody uses the ropes for leverage and comes down with another knee, covering for two.

Brody dropkick! Dusty struggling to get back to his feet, and Brody is there when he does. Brody setting for a piledriver, gets Dusty up. Dusty kicks his legs back and forth trying to block, but Brody DRILLS him with the piledriver in the center of the ring, then covers, 1......2.......NO!

Rhodes finally catches a Brody kick and goes for the toehold, but Brody kicks him away. Rhodes with a kick to the knee, then a right hand jab, holding his bad ear with his left hand. Brody goes to the eyes, but Rhodes turns that around and mule kicks him low.

Brody out to the floor, and now Rhodes has his opening to turn this thing around. Dusty goes out and drives Brody’s head into the post, then Brody stumbles out into the crowd. Rhodes gets a table and drops it down over Brody’s back. Dusty back into the ring, and he winds up with a massive left hand on Brody’s big skull. Now Brody’s busted open as they’re both in the ring and worse for wear. Rhodes taking it to Brody with a ROUNDHOUSE left hand. Another one! Brody staggers but doesn’t fall. Rhodes grabs him in a side headlock, but Brody quickly counters with a back suplex.

Brody going up top as Rhodes tries to pull himself up with the ropes. Rhodes sprints over with a burst of energy and knocks Brody off the top, then unleashes a great jab combo, dancing in front of Brody, whose left eye is now soaked with blood. Brody goes down from the punches, and Dusty gets the spinning toehold!

Brody gets free and hits Rhodes with an uppercut. Dusty woozy against the ropes as Brody grabs a headlock. Dusty shoves him off the ropes, their bodies collide, and both men are hurt. Brody rolls out and Rhodes is down by the apron. Brody starts choking Rhodes over the apron, then climbs back into the ring.

Or he tries to, anyway, as Dusty cuts him off with low shots and takes him down. Brody and Rhodes fall to the floor, both bleeding and tired. Rhodes hits a bionic elbow that rocks Brody who rolls back into the ring. Dusty scales up the turnbuckles..... and flies off with a crossbody to the dazed Brody! 1.....2. ....3!!! Dusty retains in a bloodbath! 

WCW Summer Sizzler  GjG0lPv

  Jim Ross: "Bruiser Brody is as tough as a $2 steak fans, and he just brought the fight to the world champion, as we all knew he would. But give it to the Dream! He never backed down and found the will and a way to retain his title! And as crazy as that battle was, it's now time for our Main Event! As you can see the cage being lowered...... it's time for War Games!            

WCW Summer Sizzler  LO6I1dd

  Main Event: The 4 Horsemen  vs The Pinnacle in War Games               

The two groups make their entrances and the ref calls Flair and MJF in for the coin flip......MJF dares Arn Anderson to start the match against him. Arn accepts and jumps inside the cage......only for MJF to back out and send in Terry Gordy to start for The Pinnacle against Arn!

Gordy starts off for the first five minutes with Arn. Gordy nails Arn with an elbow and heads over into the other ring, daring Arn to join him. Gordy gives Arn a dropkick from the top rope and then throws Arn back into the other ring. Gordy gets nailed, but he comes back with a low blow! He gives Arn a piledriver and then sits back in the corner. The cage comes into play as Arn gets his face grated on the cage. Arn knows he’s in trouble so he goes after Girdys leg. Gordy FEARS what Arn is thinking and slides out over to the other ring to regroup. Gordy nails Arn and takes him face-first into the cage. Now Arn goes low on Gordy and attempts a knee drop, but Gordy rolls out of the way and applies the Figure-Four! Gordy releases the hold, but continues stomping on Arn’s knee as the Horsemen win the coin toss at the end of the first five-minute period.

Tully comes in for the double-team beatdown, but Gordy fights back with clotheslines. His offensive flurry doesn’t last long, as the numbers game gets to him and they take advantage of Gordys knee. In the meantime, Gordy gets busted open without the Horsemen even needing to use the cage! The first two minute period is over and Dr. Death  runs in to save his friend. He completely DESTROYS the Arn and Tully, including catapulting Tully into the cage multiple times! He doesn’t even stop to take a breather after that and follows up by giving Tully a running shoulder tackle. Meanwhile in the other ring, Gordy is just beating the crap out of Arn. Uh oh, Tully is now busted open! He gets hung out to dry on the ropes while being demolished by Doc and Gordy! Arn tries to save, but he gets dropped with a clothesline from Doc. In comes Ric Flair, who sneak-attacks Williams. He no-sells some chops, but then Arn comes up and clips Doc from behind. Flair and Arn then toss Williams face-first into the cage a bunch of times, while Tully chokes Gordy down on the mat. Then out of nowhere, Gordy comes back and clotheslines all three Horsemen to save Williams from getting beat up! Flair attacks Doc again while Arn keeps Gordy in the corner. Then, Flair leaves Doc alone and starts chopping Gordy and grinding his face up against the cage! Here comes Wardlow!!!

Flair is all over the place! He’s now over at the door to meet Wardlow and pokes him in the eyes to keep control of what’s happening in the match. Flair gets in a little offense, but then Wardlow explodes out of the corner with a DOUBLE LARIAT for Arn & Flair! He doesn’t stop and runs over and makes Tully taste the steel! Powerbomb to Tully! Meanwhile, Dr. Death is pressing Flair up and then slams him down to the canvas as MJF is outside the cage, loving what he sees. Wardlow has some fun playing a little ping-pong with Tully between the ropes. Flair tries to save with Tully by chopping on Wardlow, but he no-sells and Flair freaks out and chops the shit out of Wardlow. He gets tossed into the cage as Barry Windham comes in to make it 4-on-3.

Barry goes right after Wardlow! Barry, Blanchard and Flair all triple-team Wardlow while they try and keep Doc from getting to Wardlow. In the other ring, Arn is getting worn down by Gordy until Barry decides to help him out. Meanwhile, Tully and Flair deliver a SPIKE PILEDRIVER on Wardlow! Dr. Death saves Gordy while Wardlow receives ANOTHER SPIKE PILEDRIVER! Gordy rolls over to the other ring to shield Wardlow with his body, as Flair and Blanchard decide to beat the crap out of him as well. Arn leaves Windham alone with Dr. Death and continues the beatdown of Wardlow.

In comes MJF as the last member of the Pinnacle team to enter Wargames which means only one thing.......THE MATCH BEYOND HAS BEGUN! SUBMISSION OR SURRENDER! Arn delivers a double noggin knocker on Doc and Gordy while Flair is ripping at MJF’s face! Wardlow rushes to MJF's aid and annihilate Windham with a lariat. Gordy battles back and puts Tully into the Oriental Spike! Wardlow hits a powerslam on Flair! Now all the Horsemen are down! MJF begins giving orders to Wardlow..... "FINISH FLAIR OFF!" 

Wardlow grabs Flair...... POWERBOMB SYMPHONY! NOT 1......NOT 2.......NOT EVEN 3! MJF tells Wardlow to keep doing it! Dr. Death has Windham in a STF and Gordy still has Tully in the Oriental Spike! MJF pulls a bloody Arn up and tells him to look at what the Pinnacle have done to his Horsemen comrades. MJF tells Arn to quit.....or they will end Flairs career right now. Arn won't do it. MJF tells Wardlow to continue the damage. POWERBOMB SYMPHONY CONTINUES TO FLAIR! 10 of them to be exact. MJF tells Wardlow to hold Arn back. MJF grabs Flair who is in bad shape and locks in the Salt of the Earth! MJF screams to Arn to quit or he will retire Flair right now while he cinches in the hold even more. After a few seconds, Arn reluctantly says "I Quit" to save Flair..... giving The Pinnacle the win! The cage raises up as The Pinnacle celebrate and several EMT's attend to a motionless Flair. After a few minutes they have to put Flair on a stretcher to get him out of the ring as The Pinnacle stand victorious!

    Jim Ross: "Fans, I've called a many of Ric Flair matches, and not one time has the man ever been stretchered out until tonight. It looks like that pompous ass MJF, lived up to his promise of ending Ric Flairs career. And the sad part is....he didn't have a play in it. It was all Wardlow following his orders. Then the little bastard applies the Salt of the Earth. Just disgusting! Fans, we are almost out of time..... but please keep Ric Flair in your thoughts and prayers tonight! He's gonna need them. We will see you Saturday night at the pay per view!"        


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WCW Summer Sizzler  Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW Summer Sizzler    WCW Summer Sizzler  EmptyTue Jun 21, 2022 11:47 pm

YOKO IS HERE...and he was not gonna be denied!! great debut

wow!! match of the tour candidate!! REMATCH!!!


A helluva triple threat match! Some unexpected spots with guys working together but it was always every man for himself!

Somehow MANNYn comes out of this retaining his world tv title and it was hard fought by all and well earned victory by MANNY!

Ofc JOE wasnt shaking his fukin hand ! lol

wtf joe?? get over yourself dude

HHH was stupid for agreeing to continue but it turned out well for him...barely!!

Fuji ,you sly fukin devil!!

The ref had no choice and YOKO took advantage!! CRAZY TURN OF EVENTS!!


all these ungodly hard title defenses may finally be catching up to the champ!

can he survive the rest of this tour??

great,great win for the world champ tho!

dear fukin god!! what a main event!

Arn really had no choice in the matter but the fallout from this could go so many ways...i cant wait to see what the future holds!!


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WCW Summer Sizzler  Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW Summer Sizzler    WCW Summer Sizzler  EmptyMon Jun 27, 2022 1:29 pm

Toko is here.What a way to debut. Cool

Storm retains. cheers

IWA TV Title match was my fav of the show

Hunter retains Cool only to lose it right after. Shocked

Yoko is the new champ here. cheers cheers

Dusty vs Bruiser was what i would expect from them 2.Dusty is gonna need a vacation after this month.

War Games. cheers cheers cheers My fav type of match in pro wrestling.

Arn had no choice in doing what he did to save Flair.
Wonder what the fallout from this will be?

great show.

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Johnny Rose

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WCW Summer Sizzler  Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW Summer Sizzler    WCW Summer Sizzler  EmptyTue Jun 28, 2022 6:29 am

Yoko was a force in that opener .

Want to see a Malenko vs Sammy rematch asap .

Toni Storm has been unstoppable .

3 way was incredible. Manny survived it , something tells me it’s not done between these 3 .

Wow , you twisted and turned that match . Who is going to beat Yokozuna !!!

Dusty vs Brody was everything it should be .

Arn did what he had to do .

Good stuff

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