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 Progress: United States #23

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress: United States #23 Empty
PostSubject: Progress: United States #23   Progress: United States #23 EmptyMon Jul 06, 2020 2:53 pm

Progress: United States #23 Progress_strong_style_pro_wrestling_logo_by_nuruddinayobwwe-dbceh2i


/strôNG/ /stīl/

1. ‘... A style of wrestling evolved from Japanese Puroresu (プロレス) and traditional British Catch wrestling that incorporates full contact martial arts kicks and strikes with a strong emphasis placed on submission wrestling ...’

Progress: United States #23 18134d978fb46d3e069c804d98d9b187
Progress Atlas Champion: AJ STYLES
Progress: United States #23 Pete-dunne-uk-champ                     Progress: United States #23 OBA-YcxK_400x400
United Kingdom Champion:                  United States Champion:
PETE DUNNE                                                LOW KI

Progress: United States #23 Dcx1rrn-48605f53-4d63-484f-b7c3-067aeaab4891
Progress Tag Team Champions: RODERICK STRONG & KYLE O’REILLEY

LOCATION: Providence, Rhode Island
ARENA: Dunkin’ Donuts Center
ANNOUNCERS: Mauro Renallo & Renee Young

Progress: United States #23 DND-Booking-Image

Progress: United States #23 Axstv


We get a recap of last weeks show, with Low Ki winning the vacant United States title in a 6 man ladder match ....

We also see highlights of the World Cup, with AJ Styles and Austin Aries going to war with each other AND War Machine retaining the UWF world tag team titles over The ONE% (Kyle O’Reilley & Roderick Strong) .... we see the return of Charlotte Flair and how she factored into Lacey Evans retaining the Universal women’s tile against Toni Storm & Shayna Baszler ....

Then we close with highlights from Chapter 42 of Progress: UK where Johnny Gargano returned and viciously attacked his former tag team partner Tomasso Ciampa, bloodying him and causing him to lose the United Kingdom title ....

* * * * OPENING SEGMENT * * * *

Show starts out with former United States champion Johnny Gargano coming out .... Gargano seems to be displaying a more edgy character now and less white-meat baby face ....  He says he’s lost a lot lately .... Lost the best friend he’s ever had in his life, and then had the United States title taken from him .... Then he went to London and destroyed his former best friend, and he’s here tonight to take back what belongs to him .... Gargano calls out Low Ki and says he doesn’t deserve the United States title and he wants it back.... Low Ki comes out and says he’s a warrior and he will be a fighting champion .... but this is HIS United States title because Johnny was not fit to defend it .... Gargano pulls off his protective mask covering his still-broken face and tosses it down like he’s ready to fight right now .... SUPERKICK LAYS OUT LOW KI!  Johnny picks up the US title and looks at it and then tosses it on Low Ki’s chest ....

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**** IN THE BACK: ****

Johnny Gargano busts into MVP’s office .... He wants his United States title back .... MVP says he will get a title shot when he’s cleared but until Johnny has his release then he can’t compete .... Johnny says he saw what he did to Ciampa in the U.K. .... an eye for an eye .... Low Ki barges in and goes after Johnny but MVP holds him back and says Johnny has a broken face .... Johnny is ready to fight too .... Low Ki storms out and says Gargano should be a man and fight him in the ring .... MVP says Johnny isn’t cleared so he doesn’t need to be here .... he tells him to ‘go home’, but Johnny says he isn’t going to get rid of him that easily ....

**** 1. Keith Lee vs. Dalton Castle w/ the Boys ****

Elias comes down to the ring during the match to distract Castle .... The Boys try to get in his way, leading to Elias beating up the Boys and smashing his guitar over one of their heads .... This distracts Castle, allowing Lee to hit the POUNCE and then finish him off with the Ground Zero ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

**** PROMO ****

A promo for the UWF 10th Anniversary Show airs .... It runs down the card so far, with comments from Goldust and Velveteen Dream regarding their match .... War Machine defends the UWF tag titles against Paul Orndorff & Roddy Piper and Metal Pollution in a 3 way dance .... it finishes up with a promo from Drew Mcintyre about his UWF world title match against Adam Cole ....

Drew says when he started in this business everyone told him how he was the next big thing, so he thought things should be handed to him instead of working for it .... because of that he failed .... But he doesn’t talk about the past and he only goes forward .... He learned that he has to work for everything, and that journey took him to the Progress World Cup, where he faced and beat the best this sport has to offer from 16 different countries .... McIntyre says it’s his world now, and everyone is on notice especially Adam Cole .... McIntyre is a man, and he’s going to look Adam
Cole in his eyes and fight him like a man ....  He says he’s the most dangerous man that Adam Cole has ever faced, because he knows what it’s like to lose everything .... And at the 10th Anniversary Show, The Iron King of Scotland is coming for the UWF crown ....

**** 2. Eli Drake vs. Ricochet ****

This match stems from the altercation between Drake and Ricochet on the last show, which resulted in a brawl and Ricochet injuring his knee and not being able to compete in the United States title ladder match .... Ricochet would make his presence known later, interfering in the match and costing Drake the US title .... we get lots of back and forth action here, with Drake trying to ground Ricochet .... Ricochet looks poised to finish Drake off with the 630, but Drake shoves the ref into the ropes causing Ricochet to fall and crotch himself on the top rope!  This allows Drake to scoop him up and hit the Gravy Train for the 3 count and the upset!

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Back from break, we get the Progress Champion AJ Styles in the ring .... AJ still has a bandage on his head from being busted open at the World Cup by Austin Aries .... AJ says he bled buckets at the World Cup but he’s still the champion and he’s not done with Aries ....

This brings out the ONE% led by Aries, and Aries cuts a promo and says he should be the new Atlas champion right now .... AJ saw that he was about to lose and got himself disqualified to save the title .... He wants AJ to be stripped of the title and it be awarded to him!  AJ wants to fight Aries right now but Aries says no .... he doesn’t want another match with AJ, he just wants the title because he’s the rightful champion and AJ is a madman ....

They are interrupted by the newest member of the USA brand, MATT RIDDLE!!!!  Riddle says that he’s here on the USA brand full time now and he’s the first in line for a shot at the title .... Riddle says the ONE% are entitled but don’t want to earn it in the ring .... This leads to Aries vs Riddle being booked for tonight’s main event ....

**** IN THE BACK: ****

Charlotte Flair talks about coming back and says she returned to take out Shayna Baszler .... She is cut off by Universal Champion Lacey Evans .... Evans says there is a new Queen now and brags about keeping her title at the World Cup when everyone thought she would lose .... But instead of everyone talking about her monumental victory for all women, they are talking about the return of that ‘nasty’ Charlotte Flair .... Evans says she is the example all women should follow, and she’s not a ‘quitter’ like Charlotte .... she tells Charlotte to stay out of her way or otherwise she will have to exorcise her right, her ‘Woman’s Right’ .... Charlotte says she wants to fight so let’s fight ....

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**** 3. The Briscoes (Jay & Mark) vs. The USO’s (Jimmy & Jey) ****

Amazing tag team match between 2 brother combos .... both teams pull out all the stops here .... back and forth it goes with the crowd split down the middle on who they want to win .... The USO’s look like they have pulled it off when they hit the Samoan Drop/ corkscrew nexkbreaker on Jay, but Mark flies in with the froggy-bow to break it up .... all 4 going at it in the middle now, and the USO’s score with a double superkick on Mark .... Jimmy and Jey go to opposite corners for the splash, but Mark is back up and shoves Jey off to the floor .... Jimmy dives off BUT MEETS THE KNEES OF JAY!  Jay hooks him .... JAY DRILLER!  1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!

The Briscoes show respect and shake hands with the USO’s and then leave the ring, but as the Usos leave the ring they are attacked by 2 men ....

Progress: United States #23 5572


Ohno lays out Jey with the discus elbow, and Cesaro hits Jimmy with the Swiss Death .... Cesaro gets Jimmy in the giant swing, THEN A BASEMENT DROPKICK BY OHNO!  They pick up Jey AND HIT THE KRS-ONE!  The Briscoes hit the ring and chase off the Kings, who have made their impact ....


It is officially announced that AJ Styles will defend the Atlas title in 2 weeks against Austin Aries in a rematch from the World Cup ....

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**** 4. Universal Women’s Champion Lacey Evans vs. Charlotte Flair ****

Evans gets on the mic and makes sure that everyone knows this is a non-title match because Charlotte hasn’t earned a title match .... Charlotte responds by putting on a clinic during this match .... Evans surprises some by how she matches Charlotte .... these two are just getting going good when  we get the arrival of Shayna Baszler .... Baszler is incensed with Charlottes interference at the World Cup and the attacks her outside the ring .... Charlotte brawls with her and the fight goes up the ramp and they disappear through the curtain .... the ref puts the count on and Charlotte is long gone and she is counted out ....

POST MATCH - Lacey celebrates like there is no tomorrow, but then TONI STORM’S music hits!  Toni hits the ring and goes after Lacey and they brawl!  Storm ducks the Woman’s Right and lands a kick to the gut, then plants her with Storm Zero!!!!  Toni covers and slaps the mat 3 times as the fans chant ‘1 ... 2 ... 3!’  Toni holds up the Universal title, then tosses it down on Evans’ chest and says she’s coming for the belt ....

**** IN THE BACK: ****

Meanwhile, we cut to the back as Charlotte and Shayna Baszler are brawling through the gorilla position .... Progress officials try to break them up, but Baszler turns her fury on the male officials and starts taking them out with strikes .... Charlotte breaks free and Spears Baszler through the production area!!!!  It’s a wild scene as MVP comes in and tries to get the women separated ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

**** IN THE BACK: ****

MVP is trying to get things under control backstage when he is interrupted by Kenny King .... King wants to talk about the Progress tag title shot .... He asks MVP again to be his partner and again MVP turns him down .... MVP says he has a lot he’s dealing with and he’s not an in-ring competitor anymore .... he tells King to find someone else and says to give Darren Young or Rhett Titus a call .... King says he doesn’t want those guys, he wants MVP and then does the ‘Young Money’ sign with his hands .... MVP tells him he’s busy and to get out ....

**** 5. Matt Riddle vs. Austin Aries ****

Riddle is SUPER over with the crowd here .... these 2 are having a really good match when the other members of The ONE% try to get involved .... Riddle tries to fight them off, which results in a DQ finish ....

POST MATCH - Progress Atlas champion AJ Styles hits the ring and goes after Austin Aries, who escapes .... Styles and Riddle battle against Roderick Strong and Kyle O’Reilley, which then leads to ‘THE MACHINE’ BRIAN CAGE coming out!  Cage hits the ring and you don’t know why he’s there, but then he turns and takes out O’Reilley with a discus clothesline!  Riddle with the Final Flash takes out Strong!  Aries climbs up on the apron as Cage and Riddle both turn to face Styles, and the final image is of AJ Styles in the middle of the ring surrounded by Brian Cage, Matt Riddle and Austin Aries all at the same time as the show goes off the air ....
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