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 Progress: United States #17

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress: United States #17 Empty
PostSubject: Progress: United States #17   Progress: United States #17 EmptyMon Jul 06, 2020 2:37 pm

Progress: United States #17 Progress_strong_style_pro_wrestling_logo_by_nuruddinayobwwe-dbceh2i


/strôNG/ /stīl/

1. ‘... A style of wrestling evolved from Japanese Puroresu (プロレス) and traditional British Catch wrestling that incorporates full contact martial arts kicks and strikes with a strong emphasis placed on submission wrestling ...’

Progress: United States #17 Aj_styles_wwe_champion_2017_by_lunaticdesigner-dbtgtag
Atlas Champion: AJ STYLES
Progress: United States #17 Tommaso_ciampa_nxt_champion_2018_by_ssjgokufan01-dcft1qf     Progress: United States #17 Johnny_gargano_united_states_champion_by_brunoradkephotoshop-dbxsmwn
United Kingdom                            United States
Champion: TOMASSO CIAMPA         Champion: JOHNNY GARGANO
Progress: United States #17 Hqdefault
Progress Tag Team Champions: WAR MACHINE (ROWE & HANSON)

LOCATION: Boston, Massachusetts
ARENA: Agganis Arena
ANNOUNCERS: Mauro Renallo & Renee Young

Progress: United States #17 Agganis-arena_t1


Instead of the normal recap video, the opening video hypes the main event .... Rottweilers vs American Wolves one last time in a ‘loser leaves Progress’ match .... we get highlights of the Rottweilers attacking the Wolves in their return to Progress, and of their violent street fight at the Great American Bash in London .... these teams have faced each other on every Progress show since, and tonight it all ends as one team will have to leave ....

* * * * OPENING SEGMENT * * * *

Mauro Renallo & Renee Young are at the announce desk and they hype tonight’s show .... TONIGHT we will see:

- New Women’s Universal Champion Lacey Evans will be here

- ‘The Machine’ Brian Cage vs. ‘Limitless’ Keith Lee

- US champion Johnny Gargano & Ricochet vs. The Miz & Dolph Ziggler

- American Wolves vs. Rottweilers (Loser Leaves Progress)

Show starts off with the arrival of Progress Atlas Champion AJ Styles .... AJ knows Finn Balor is here and is going to call him out tonight so he is here to call Balor out instead .... He says that things at VENDETTA didn’t end the way he wanted them to either, and he needs the rematch just as much as Balor does ....

Balor comes out to a better reaction than AJ and gets right in his face .... Balor is still convinced AJ/ Strong/ Aries are in on it together .... He vows to beat AJ at ALL IN and win back the Atlas title ....

Roderick Strong & Austin Aries come out to stir the pot and say Balor is right to be suspicious .... Aries & Strong are there to watch AJ’s back .... They circle the ring like they are trying to surround Balor, but Balor makes the first move and goes on the attack .... he drills AJ with a forearm and knocks him out of the ring, but Strong and Aries hit the ring and attack!  2 on 1 attack on Balor, and Strong gets a chair .... AJ back in the ring and makes the save for Balor and takes the chair from Strong .... Aries & Strong bail out, and Balor turns around to see AJ with the chair .... We go to break with boy guys in a huge standoff ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

It is announced that it will be Finn Balor vs. Austin Aries tonight ....

**** 1. Candice LeRae def. Ariel Monroe —— Women’s Match ****

Candice is making her singles debut while Monroe last competed in the Heart of Shimmer tournament .... Monroe is firery and talks a lot of trash during her offensive parts of the match .... both ladies look good, but the crowd is solidly behind Candice .... Candice hits a lionsault for a close near fall, then finishes Monroe with the Unprettier for the 3 count ....


MVP talks about Progress: ALL IN coming up the night before UWF GLORY from Melbourne, Australia .... He announces US champion Johnny Gargano is on team USA for the 5 on 5 (US vs UK) match .... He also says the winner of tonight’s Brian Cage vs Keith Lee match will be added to the team .... and that match is NEXT!

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

**** 2. ‘The Machine’ Brian Cage vs. ‘Limitless’ Keith Lee —— singles match ****

Cage has been on a dominant win-streak since day 1 in Progress, and Keith Lee has become a star in a very short amount of time .... this is a big HOSS BATTLE, but these guys pull out moves that aren’t indicative of their size, like Keith Lee doing a leapfrog followed by a standing dropkick to take out Cage .... This match basically tells a story of ‘can you top this?’ as they both try to out-do each other .... Lee kicks out of the F’N-5 (F-5), while Cage kicks out of Lee’s Spirit Bomb!  The match breaks down into a brawl and spills outside the ring, and Lee posts Cage .... Lee tries to beat the count, but Cage stops him and slams him into the timekeeper table .... Cage then tries to beat the count, but this time Lee stops him and both guys are unable to beat the count back in the ring as they brawl on the floor ....

Lee and Cage have to be separated on the floor as the fans boo their displeasure in not having a winner .... they chant ‘FIGHT FOREVER!’ as the fight outside the ring is broken up ....


War Machine cuts a promo about destroying every team in their path .... they are the reason that Redragon isn’t a team anymore .... they will continue to wage WAR against anyone that steps to them ....

Progress: United States #17 Usos-2_221.0.0

ENTER: The Usos!!!!  The Usos are making their return to Progress (they were the last Wrestle Kingdom tag champions before the rebranding) .... the Usos say War Machine has beaten a lot of teams, but they haven’t beaten the Usos .... War Machine say the only reason they haven’t yet is because they went somewhere else for a payday .... Jimmy says the past doesn’t matter and they are here now, and they are coming for the titles ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Up next we get the arrival of new Womens Universal Champion Lacey Evans for her championship celebration .... Lacey says that it’s time to celebrate her because she didn’t get to celebrate after her win last week .... She says finally you have a champion that’s a strong, dignified woman that you can be proud of and all the little girls in the audience can look up to .... she is a legitimate role model of how every woman should act and she is an inspiration to all women, especially her daughter, and she will try not to ‘lose her manners’ ....

Evans’ celebration is cut short by the arrival of Shayna Baszler and the Horsewomen (Marina Shafir & Jessamyn Duke) .... Evans immediately gets that ‘Oh Shit’ look on her face .... Baszler says she controls the women’s division and everyone is in her hands, even Lacey Evans .... If you don’t think so, just look what happened last week .... The outcome of the Universal title match wasn’t determined by Ember Moon or Lacey Evans, it was determined by HER!  Shayna says Evans owes her because if it wasn’t for her then she wouldn’t even be the champion .... Lacey looks offended .... Baszler tells Evans to hand the title over to her because she doesn’t want her daughter to see her get hurt on live TV ....

Evans is clearly intimidated by Baszler .... She looks scared to death, but they are interrupted as the music hits and out comes the Shimmer tag team champions the EST!  BelAir has the mic and she says they just came out because they are tired of hearing them talk .... how bout we fight instead!  We get an impromptu tag match ....

**** 3. (Universal Women’s Champion) Lacey Evans & Shayna Baszler def. (Shimmer tag team champions) The EST (Bianca BelAir & Naomi) —— Women’s Tag team match ****

Baszler intimidates Evans the entire match .... Belair wipes out Shafir & Duke with a dive, but in the ring Evans hits Naomi with the ‘Womans Right’ .... Baszler pulls Evans off of the cover and orders her to go back to the corner .... Evans backs away .... Baszler locks on the Kirafuda Clutch on Naomi and she is forced to tap out ....

POST MATCH - Baszler stares down Evans, then goes back and puts the Kirafuda Clutch back on Naomi again!  Baszler screams at Evans as she’s choking Naomi, BUT EVANS NAILS HER WITH THE WOMANS RIGHT!  Baszler drops like a sack of bricks, but Evans bails as Duke and Shafir hit the ring ....

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MVP announces that BOTH Keith Lee and Brian Cage will be members of Team US ....

He also announces that on the next chapter of Progress: United Kingdom, there will be a tag team Gauntlet to determine who will challenge War Machine for the Progress tag team titles at ALL IN ....

**** 4. The Miz & Dolph Ziggler def. (United States Champion) Johnny Gargano & Ricochet —— Tag team match ****

Dueling chants for Johnny and Ricochet to start .... The faces control the early action, ending with a double dive by Gargano through the ropes while Ricochet flies over the top to wipe out Miz & Ziggler .... Ziggler comes back and catches Gargano with the fame-asser after Miz grabs his leg and then the heels take the heat .... Johnny is isolated in their corner .... Ricochet finally gets the hot tag and he runs wild on Miz .... Ziggler is back in and gets taken out with a headscissors .... Ricochet hits the 619 on Ziggler and goes up top, but dives to the outside the take out Miz instead!  Ziggler catches Ricochet coming back in the ring with a Superkick, but Gargano hits the slingshot DDT on Ziggler!  He scoops him up for the lawn dart, but Ziggler slips off and hits the zig zag!  Ricochet with a handspring cutter for a 2 count!  Ricochet up top, but Miz is on the aprons and fights with him .... Gargano with a Superkick to the Miz, knocking him into Ricochet and crouching him on the top rope!  Gargano goes for the slingshot spear on Ziggler but runs right into a Superkick!  Ziggler covers and gets the 3 count!

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Up next, Elias Sampson is in the ring .... he says he’s out to ‘finish’ his performance since he was so rudely interrupted by James Storm last week .... He talks about that little ‘tune’ he played on James Storms head last week, and he calls Storm a redneck and white trash, just like the people here tonight .... he’s pissed at Storm that his head broke his guitar so he wrote a song about it .... Elias starts to play, but he is interrupted by the arrival of Dalton Castle!  

Progress: United States #17 Dalton-sat

Castle makes his flamboyant entrance, and he’s obviously a stark contrast to Elias’ drifter persona .... they trade barbs back and forth, leading to Elias attacking Castle .... Castle turns the tide and clears the ring, but Elias escapes with his guitar ....


Ricochet and Johnny Gargano argue about what happened in their match .... Ricochet tells him he wants the US title .... MVP comes in and interrupts them and says they are going to have to get along because they are BOTH on Team US at ‘ALL IN’ and he needs them to be on the same page ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

**** 5. Finn Balor def. Austin Aries w/ Roderick Strong —— singles match ****

AJ Styles is on commentary for this match, and Mauro and Renee grill him about the recent events that link him with Strong & Aries .... AJ continues to deny that he is involved and he says that everyone, including the announce team AND Finn Balor, have allowed Aries & Strong to get inside their heads .... AJ says that he HAS to face Balor again to prove once and for all that he deserves to have this title ....

The match is pretty evenly contested, with minimal interference from Strong .... Balor turns the tide on Aries and has the advantage late, and this is where Strong gets involved .... AJ leaves the announce table and looks like he tries to prevent Strongs interference, but ends up accidentally distracting the ref instead .... Balor dropkicks AJ off the apron!  Balor avoids Strong, who nails Aries by mistake and allows Balor to hit the Coup De Gras for the 3 count ....

After the match, Strong attacks Balor and grabs a chair .... AJ recovers and stops Strong just as he is about to hit Balor with the chair again .... Just like earlier, Balor turns to see AJ with a chair in his hand again .... this time he doesn’t give AJ a chance to act or explain himself and he just charges and drills him with the shotgun dropkick!  Balor up top ... COUP DE GRAS TO AJ!!!!  Balors music hits and he stands tall ....


We get a video chronicling the feud between the American Wolves and the Rottweilers that has led to this match .... one team must leave ....

**** 6. The Rottweilers (Low Ki & Homicide) def. American Wolves (Eddie Edwards & Davey Richards) —— Loser Leaves Progress Match ****

Anything goes in this one, and the Rottweilers come to the ring carrying weapons .... The Wolves try to go on the attack by hitting stereo suicide dives, but the Rottweilers cut them off this time .... all 4 guys brawl around the ring to start, and Homicide pulls a table out from under the ring .... Richards and Edwards turn the tables with kendo stick shots .... Edwards has a chain and he chokes Low Ki with it .... Now we have a ladder involved!  Richards lays Low Ki on the timekeepers table and climbs the ladder, but Homicide cuts him off .... Homicide with a cutter off the ladder and puts Richards through the table!  Edwards gets double-teamed, and Low Ki drills him with the Ki Krusher!  1 ... 2 ... Eddie kicks out!  They set him up for the Cop Killa/ Double Stomp but Richards is back up and takes out Homicide and Low Ki with chairshots!  Force of Nature on Homicide!  1 ... 2 ... Low Ki pulls the ref out of the ring before the 3!!!!  Eddie with a dive to the outside takes out Low Ki!!!!  Richards hits the creeping death kick on Homicide but there is no ref to count .... He goes outside and gets Eddie and they attempt to put Homicide through the table with the doomsday cutter .... Low Ki is up in enough time to break it up .... Low Ki with the Tidal Krush on Edwards and goes up top .... double stomp misses and the Wolves hit a double Superkick!  They try for Hour of Wolves on Low Ki, but Homicide low blows Eddie!  Homicide knocks Davey off the top and sends him crashing through ANOTHER table on the floor!  Eddie is up and sees he’s outnumbered, but defiantly spits in Homicides face!  Homicide rips off the elbow pad and KILLS Eddie with a Lariat!!!!  They pick him up .... COP KILLA DOUBLE STOMP!!!!  1 ... 2 ... 3! ....

The Wolves must now leave Progress .... Eddie sits in the middle of the ring dejected and emotional .... Davey comes and sits next to him and they sit there for a long time as the crowd applauds them .... they get to their feet and hug in the middle, and take a curtain call with the fans before leaving the ring for the final time ....

Progress: ALL IN

Live from HISENSE Arena in Melbourne, Australia the night before UWF GLORY

5 on 5 - Progress U.S. (Johnny Gargano/ Ricochet/ TBA/ TBA/ TBA)
Progress U.K. (Tomasso Ciampa/ Juice Robinson/ TBA/ TBA/ TBA)

Progress Atlas title: (c) AJ Styles vs. former champion Finn Balor

More matches to be announced!
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