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 Progress: United States #8

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress: United States #8 Empty
PostSubject: Progress: United States #8   Progress: United States #8 EmptyMon Jul 06, 2020 2:10 pm

Progress: United States #8 Progress-screen-logo-copy

Progress: United States #8 Flag-day

LOCATION: Tampa, Florida
ARENA: Amalie Arena
ANNOUNCERS: Mauro Renallo & Renee Young

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UNITED KINGDOM CHAMPION: ‘Bruiserweight’ Pete Dunne

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PROGRESS TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: Sanity (Eric Young & Alexander Wolfe)

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- Interference by The Miz helped Kenny King upset Austin Aries
- The American Wolves defeated the Revival in their debut, but were attacked by the new team of Low Ki & Homicide who were also making their debut ....
- FROM SHIMMER: highlights of Ember Moon winning the Women’s Money in the Bank match to earn a title shot at the championship of her choosing ....  

* * * * OPENING SEGMENT * * * *

Miz starts off the show and cuts a promo on No. 1 contender Austin Aries .... How is Aries going to beat him when he can’t even beat Kenny King?  

This brings out Kenny King, who takes offense to Miz’s comments .... King says he belongs in the spotlight too, but Miz doesn’t think so .... King says not to get it twisted, that he’s the one that’s going to take the title, not Aries ....

Next out is Austin Aries, who says Miz wants the spotlight but he can’t stop talking about Austin Aries .... Aries has issues with both guys, and asks them for a match tonight .... King & Miz vs. Aries & a partner ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Match 1: Redragon (Kyle O’Reilley & Bobby Fish) - def - Grizzled Young Vets (James Drake & Zack Gibson) .... (Chasing the Dragon)


Brian Cage cuts a promo about running Roman Reigns out of Progress .... Now he’s going to win the Atlas title because he’s got this whole company on his back .... Moose interrupts .... he says he never got a chance to play for a National title or a super bowl when he played football in college and in the pros, but he’s got the chance to be the Atlas Champion .... and he’s not going to let Cage or anyone else stop him ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Up next, Salina De La Renta debuts and introduces her new tag team, the Rottweilers (Low Ki & Homicide) .... Low Ki and Homicide showed up last week and attacked the American Wolves, injuring Davey Richards .... De La Renta says this is just the beginning of what they are going to do .... What they did last week was show how serious they are about being the top tag team in Progress ....

Eddie Edwards comes out alone but he has a baseball bat .... He hits the ring but gets bum rushed by Ki and Homicide .... they set him up for Cop Killa/ Warriors Way just like they did to Richards, but MVP comes out and calls them off .... In Progress we settle things in the ring, and MVP books Eddie vs Low Ki for right now ....

Match 2: Eddie Edwards - def - Low Ki w/ Salina De La Renta & Homicide .... (Inside Cradle as a Ki Krusher reversal)

Homicide hits the ring to attack Eddie after the match but he slides out and escapes, leaving Low Ki and Homicide empty handed ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Renee Young is in the ring and she introduces the women’s Universal Champion Charlotte .... Renee asks her about no-showing their previous interview on the last Shimmer show and says Charlotte was issued a $25,000 fine for that .... Charlotte doesn’t care about fines because she spent $25k on a pair of shoes she only wore once ....

Moving on, Renee asks Charlotte to comment on her loss at mania, and Charlotte gets defensive and flips her shit on Renee .... She accuses Renee of trying to embarrass her by making her talk about WrestleMania and she backs Renee into a corner .... it looks like things are going to get physical, but then Ember Moons music hits and she comes out with the MITB briefcase!  Ember says she shouldn’t worry about her WrestleMania hangover, she needs to worry about the eclipse because now Moon holds Charlotte’s fate inside this briefcase and she is cashing in her briefcase title shot RIGHT NOW!

Ember starts to make her way to the ring, but she never makes it as she is attacked from behind by the Submission Sorority!  The Sorority once again do Charlotte’s dirty work, injuring the arm of Moon and preventing her from cashing in the MITB contract ....

The beat down continues until NIA JAX RETURNS and makes the save!!!!  Jax clears the ring and then says she’s cashing in her Queen of the Ring title opportunity tonight!  Charlotte refuses, but MVP comes out and says that Jax can cash in whenever she wants and he makes the match official!!!!

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Match 4: ‘The Machine’ Brian Cage - def - Moose .... (Weapon X)

We get the same video package announcing the Atlas title tournament brackets that aired on Progress UK ....

Back in the ring, Miz and Kenny King come out and await the arrival of Austin Aries and his partner .... Aries comes out alone and Miz and King laugh at him saying he doesn’t have a partner .... Aries brings out RODERICK STRONG!!!!  

Austin Aries & Roderick Strong - def - (US Champion) The Miz & Kenny King ....

There is a moment in the match where King hits the Royal Flush on Aries and has him pinned, but Miz grabs King and tosses him out of the ring and tries to pin Aries himself .... Aries kick out!  Miz then goes for the Skull Krushing Finale but Strong comes out of nowhere with the Sick Kick to Miz to break it up!  Strong dives on King outside the ring, while Aries hits the brainbuster on Miz and gets the 3 count!

After the match, King comes back in and is pissed at Miz .... Miz says he’s the man and he was supposed to get the win but King ruined it!  King lays out Miz with the Royal Flush and walks off ....

While Miz is recovering in the ring, MVP comes out and reveals that Miz will defend the US title against Austin Aries AND Kenny King on Night 1 of the Atlas title tournament .... Miz is in the tournament on Night 2, and his first round opponent is none other than Johnny Gargano .... Miz is furious ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Match 5: (Women’s Universal Champion) Charlotte - vs - (Queen of the Ring winner) Nia Jax ....

Charlotte tries like hell to get out of this match, trying to get counted out by bailing on the match right from the start .... Jax chases her down and controls early with her power .... Jax slams Charlotte and hits repeated elbow drops and scoring a near fall .... Jax with a cobra clutch but Charlotte escapes only to be tossed around more .... Charlotte finally gets some offense after she counters a Samoan drop and scores with the big boot .... Charlotte lays in some chops but Jax stops all that with a big headbutt .... Charlotte comes back and clips the knee, then immediately hits natural selection!  1 ... 2 ... Jax kicks out!!!!  Charlotte removes the padding from one of the turnbuckles, but Jax avoids being slammed into it .... Instead, Charlotte works the knee of Jax, but Jax rolls to the floor .... Charlotte continues the assault but Jax fights back, only to miss a charge and post herself!  Charlotte grabs her and slams her into the post again, then goes all the way up top .... MOONSAULT ALL THE WAY TO THE FLOOR!!!!  Charlotte rolls back in and demands that the ref count Jax out .... JAX BEATS THE COUNT AT 9!!!!  Charlotte grabs the leg and goes for the figure four, but Jax kicks her off right into the unprotected turnbuckle!  Both women are down, but as Charlotte gets back to her feet Jax crushes her with an avalanche corner splash!!!!  Jax grabs Charlotte by the hair and drags her to her feet .... CHARLOTTE SLAPS JAX IN THE FACE!  Jax just stands there stunned, then tosses her into the ropes .... POP UP SAMOAN DROP!!!!  Jax hooks the leg .... 1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!

Nia Jax has ended the 2 year title reign of Charlotte as Universal Champion!  Jax is handed the title and holds it up in celebration as she is the new Champion ....

Progress: United States #8 Nia-Jax-posing-with-the-Raw-Womens-Championship-on-Raw-before-WrestleMania-33
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