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 Progress: United States #16

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress: United States #16 Empty
PostSubject: Progress: United States #16   Progress: United States #16 EmptyMon Jul 06, 2020 2:36 pm

Progress: United States #16 Progress_strong_style_pro_wrestling_logo_by_nuruddinayobwwe-dbceh2i


/strôNG/ /stīl/

1. ‘... A style of wrestling evolved from Japanese Puroresu (プロレス) and traditional British Catch wrestling that incorporates full contact martial arts kicks and strikes with a strong emphasis placed on submission wrestling ...’

Progress: United States #16 Aj_styles_wwe_champion_2017_by_lunaticdesigner-dbtgtag
Progress Atlas Champion: AJ STYLES
Progress: United States #16 Tommaso_ciampa_nxt_champion_2018_by_ssjgokufan01-dcft1qf     Progress: United States #16 Johnny_gargano_united_states_champion_by_brunoradkephotoshop-dbxsmwn
United Kingdom                            United States
Champion: TOMASSO CIAMPA        Champion: JOHNNY GARGANO
Progress: United States #16 Hqdefault
Progress Tag Team Champions: WAR MACHINE (ROWE & HANSON)

LOCATION: Boston, Massachusetts
ARENA: Agganis Arena
ANNOUNCERS: Mauro Renallo & Renee Young

Progress: United States #16 Agganis-arena_t1

RECAP: We get the same recap video that aired on Progress UK, going over the events of VENDETTA as well as Heart it Shimmer 2 ....

* * * * OPENING SEGMENT * * * *

Mauro Renallo & Renee Young are at the announce desk and they hype tonight’s show ....

Show starts with Ricochet coming down to the ring .... Mauro talks about Ricochets big win over Dolph Ziggler at Vendetta .... Ricochet cuts a promo about how he’s going straight to the top and he immediately issues a challenge to new US Champion Johnny Gargano for a title shot ....

This brings The Miz out to interrupt .... Ricochet has been here for 5 minutes and thinks he can take the Miz’s spotlight?  There isn’t enough spotlight for the both of them, because the Miz demands IT ALL .... first he has to deal with Johnny Garganos 5 minutes of fame and now Ricochet is here for a cup of coffee .... Ricochet talks about Miz’s career being ‘straight to DVD’ .... Miz gets pissed .... Miz wants to teach Ricochet a lesson TONIGHT ....

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IN THE BACK - Kyle O’Reilley cuts a promo and says tonight Redragon is supposed to finally get their one on one match for the tag titles .... O’Reilley says they have been screwed multiple times because they keep getting put in multi-team matches and they didn’t take the fall .... and now when they finally get their opportunity Bobby Fish is laid up with an injury .... O’Reilley still has the steel chair he attacked War Machine with at VENDETTA, and he says this is the only partner he needs and he will fight them on his own if he has to ....

**** 1. War Machine (Hanson & Rowe) def. Kyle O’Reilley —— Progress Tag team title match **** ....

This is basically a squash .... O’Reilley uses the chair as an equalizer at first, but War Machine quickly disarm him .... O’Reilley gets some Hope spots, but he is cut off by Thor’s Hammer .... The Fallout finishes O’Reilley ....

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Ember Moon is interviewed about the controversy in her match against Lacey Evans .... She says the refs decision is final but she wants there to be no doubt .... She offers to put the title on the line tonight because she is a fighting champion ....

Shayna Baszler interrupts .... if Moon is such a fighting champion then why won’t she put the title on the line against her?  Because Moon is scared, just like the rest of the locker room .... she saw what she did to Charlotte and Baszler is why Charlotte isn’t here .... Moon says she will fight her any place any time .... Shayna tells her to be careful what she says ....

Back in the arena, the lights are down and a single spotlight shows a man seated on a stool in the middle of the ring and he has a guitar ....

Progress: United States #16 2c3a77d23bc4ccbae780f5b7b27c59b7bf0665fc_hq

‘Ladies and Gentlemen .... Elias’

The man called ‘The Drifter’ greets the crowd .... ‘Hello, I am Elias.  And I’ve got just one question for everyone here tonight .... WHO WANTS TO WALK WITH ELIAS????’ .... Elias says that he was gone for a while but fear not he is back because the people need to hear the message his music brings .... he is their shepherd .... so everyone hold their applause, silence their cell phones, and most importantly shut their mouths while he’s talking ....

Elias starts to play his guitar, verbally insulting the town and the people in it with his song .... ‘LONG NECKS & REDNECKS’ hits and brings out ‘Cowboy’ James Storm to interrupt .... Elias is pissed and says Progress is where he got his start, but he left because he kept being interrupted like this .... Storm says he’s not out here to disrespect him, he just loves some good guitar playing .... He wants Elias to keep playing, so Elias starts playing again and Storm pops open a beer and the foam sprays on Elias by mistake .... Elias is pissed that he’s got beer on his guitar .... Elias fails to attack, and Storm fires up on him with right hands .... Storm sets up for the Last Call Superkick, but Elias ducks and nails him with a low blow!  Elias gets the guitar, then SMASHES IT OVER STORM’S HEAD!!!!  Elias walks out, but then comes back and hits ‘Drift Away’ for good measure and stands tall over Storm ....

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**** 2. Kimber Bombs (Kimber Lee & Cherry Bomb) def. S-N-S Express (Sassy Stephanie & Jessie Belle Smothers) —— women’s tag team match **** ....

The self-proclaimed ‘world’s cutest tag team’ is reunited here in Progress, and they are successful in their first match back together .... We get a good match between these two team, with the Kimber Bombs showing what they can do .... They manage to hit their ‘Bombs Away’ finisher (Codebreaker by Cherry Bomb into a release German Suplex by Kimber) on Jessie to get the pin ....

POST MATCH - The Kimber Bombs make it clear that they are looking for the Shimmer tag team titles, making the belt motion across their waists ....


‘The Machine’ Brian Cage is interviewed on why he didn’t shake Keith Lee’s hand after he helped him last week .... Cage says he didn’t want Lee’s help and didn’t need his help ....

Keith Lee interrupts and confronts Cage, who gets right in his face and says Lee didn’t save him, he only got in his way .... Lee says he just came from MVP’s office, and next wee he’s going to allow Cage to ‘Bask in his Glory’ ....

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**** 3. American Wolves (Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards) def. The Rottweilers (Low Ki & Homicide) —— Tag team match **** ....

This match is what you would come to expect from these 2 teams .... Eddie Kingston comes out and tries to get involved on behalf of the Rottweilers, but this ends up costing them as it backfires .... this allows the Wolves to hit the Force of Nature on Homicide and get the 3 count ....

POST MATCH - Salina gets in Kingston’s face .... Kingston goes to slap her again, but this time the Rottweilers stop him and then they just DESTROY Kingston .... Homicide lays him out with the Cop Killa .... Salina kneels down beside Kingston and tells him the Cease Fire is over ....

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Brand New Atlas Champion AJ Styles comes out .... he gets a mixed reaction from the crowd as a replay is shown of Austin Aries and Roderick Strong interfering in the match and attacking Finn Balor ....  AJ cuts a promo about how he always knew he was better than Finn Balor, but he didn’t want to win like that .... He says he’s the champion, but he’s challenging Balor to a rematch at Progress: ALL IN ....

This brings out Austin Aries & Roderick Strong .... they clap for AJ and congratulate him .... Aries tells AJ he’s welcome for them helping him win the title, and not to worry because they will be in his corner at ALL IN too .... AJ says he has nothing to do with Strong & Aries, but they act like they were all in on it together .... Aries & Strong leave, and there is a smattering of boos that can be heard among the crowd afterward ....

**** 4. Ricochet def. The Miz w/ Maryse —— Singles match **** ....

Classic back and forth action here .... Miz uses a distraction from Maryse to ground Ricochet, but he battles back .... Ricochet hits some high spots, but Miz counters with a kick to the knee and the kneeling DDT .... Miz goes for the Skull Krushing Finale but Ricochet escapes and hits a reverse huricanrana for a close 2!  Springboard 450 hits the knees of Miz, but Ricochet manages to scoop him up and hit the Benadryller out of nowhere for the 3 count ....

POST MATCH - Dolph Ziggler hits the ring and attacks Ricochet .... Miz joins in and it’s 2 on 1, but out of the back comes Johnny Gargano to make the save for Ricochet .... They clear the ring, and Gargano holds up the US title and taunts Miz but when he turns he sees Ricochet eyeing the title .... Gargano and Ricochet face off to end the segment ....  

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‘The Machine’ Brian Cage vs. Keith Lee

United States Champion Johnny Gargano & Ricochet vs. The Miz & Dolph Ziggler

**** Main Event: Lacey Evans def. (c) Ember Moon —— Universal title match **** ....

As Ember Moon makes her entrance, Shayna Baszler comes out from behind and locks her in the Kirafuda Clutch!  Moon gets choked out on the stage and officials run out and try to break up the melee .... Moon is hurt .... The ref waves off the match, but Evans isn’t having it .... She gets on the mic and protests, saying if Moon can’t wrestle then she forfeits the title .... Evans demands that the ref come raise her hand and bring her the title .... Moon isn’t having it, and she pushes past the trainers and slides in the ring .... she orders the ref to start the match!

The bell rings, AND MOON RUNS RIGHT INTO THE WOMAN’S RIGHT!  Evans covers, but Moon kicks out at 2!!!!  As the match continues, Moon fights back but Shayna Baszler comes back out and is ringside .... Moon turns the tide and goes up top for the Eclipse, but she sees Baszler .... MOON WIPES HER OUT WITH A DIVE OFF THE TOP!!!!  Moon rolls back in the ring, but runs into the WOMAN’S RIGHT from Evans again!  1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!  New Champion!!!!

Progress: United States #16 Tenor

POST MATCH - Evans grabs the title and runs as Baszler comes back in the ring .... She grabs Moon and locks on the Kirafuda Clutch again!  Referees hit the ring and have to pull Baszler off of Moon, and it looks like Baszler is leaving but she pushes past them and locks the choke on Moon AGAIN!!!!  The show ends with the bell ringing uncontrollably as Progress officials try to pull Baszler off of Moon ....
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