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 Progress Wrestling Presents: .... VENDETTA!

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress Wrestling Presents: .... VENDETTA! Empty
PostSubject: Progress Wrestling Presents: .... VENDETTA!   Progress Wrestling Presents: .... VENDETTA! EmptyMon Jul 06, 2020 2:34 pm

Progress Wrestling Presents: .... VENDETTA! Progress_strong_style_pro_wrestling_logo_by_nuruddinayobwwe-dbceh2i

.... PRESENTS ....

Progress Wrestling Presents: .... VENDETTA! Pwk_vendetta___logo_by_dglproductions-dad3ra4


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1. ‘... A style of wrestling evolved from Japanese Puroresu (プロレス) and traditional British Catch wrestling that incorporates full contact martial arts kicks and strikes with a strong emphasis placed on submission wrestling ...’

Progress Wrestling Presents: .... VENDETTA! Finn_balor_winged_eagle_wwf_championship_by_nuruddinayobwwe-dbwrsgc
Progress Atlas Champion: FINN BALOR
Progress Wrestling Presents: .... VENDETTA! Damooo     Progress Wrestling Presents: .... VENDETTA! The_miz_intercontinental_champion_2018_png_by_ambriegnsasylum16-dc8fdrm
United Kingdom                            United States
Champion: KILLIAN DAIN               Champion: THE MIZ
Progress Wrestling Presents: .... VENDETTA! Hqdefault
Progress Tag Team Champions: WAR MACHINE (ROWE & HANSON)

LOCATION: Providence, Rhode Island
ARENA: Dunkin Donuts Center
ANNOUNCERS: Mauro Renallo, Renee Young & Corey Graves

Progress Wrestling Presents: .... VENDETTA! DND-Booking-Image

* These shows are presented as ‘Super Shows’ and are released ON DEMAND on .... Commentary is provided by the joint broadcast team of MAURO RENALLO and COREY GRAVES, with RENEE YOUNG joining commentary on women’s matches .... there are very few backstage segments and the shows basically focus on the in-ring product .... *

**** 1. Ricochet vs. Dolph Ziggler - SINGLES MATCH ****

This is a HOT opener that really gets the crowd energized .... We get some good back and forth work early on, with Ziggler getting the better of the exchange and really letting Ricochet know about it .... Ziggler checks his pulse and jogs around, saying he can do this all night without breaking a sweat .... They go back at it, and Ricochet works some slick counters and picks up the pace .... Ziggler works right with him and talks shit, then looks to ground the action .... Ricochet comes back with a dropkick and then backflips off the ropes into his super hero pose .... Ricochet goes for a springboard but Ziggler shoves him off the top all the way to the floor!  Outside, Ziggler tosses him into the railing and takes over .... Ricochet fights back, hitting a springboard uppercut then a running shooting star press!  Ziggler out at 2!  Ziggler tries to ground Ricochet with a sleeper hold, but Ricochet fights out and they trade strikes and kicks .... Ricochet with a palm strike, but Ziggler comes back with a Superkick and he falls on Ricochet .... 1 ... 2 ... Noooo!  Ricochet blocks the zig zag and tosses Ziggler off, then scoops him up in a fireman carry .... Ziggler elbows his way out of it, but Ricochet hits a big boot .... Ricochet goes for a quebrada .... BUT ZIGGLER CUTS HIM OFF IN MID-AIR WITH THE ADAM COLE SUPERKICK SPOT!  Ziggler collapses on top ... 1 ... 2 ... 2.9999!!!!  Ricochet kicks out at 2 again!  Ziggler goes for zig zag again but Ricochet turns and catches him on his shoulders as he jumps .... BENADRYLLER!!!!  1 ... 2 ... Ziggler kicks out this time!  Ricochet goes up top for the 630 but Ziggler is up in time and meets him .... they fight and Ricochet ends up hitting a super reverse huricanrana off the top!  HOLY SHIT!!!!  Ziggler is in perfect position, and Ricochet back up top and hits the 630 for the pin!

**** 2. War Machine (Rowe & Hanson) vs. Redragon (O’Reilley & Fish) vs. Mustache Mountain (Bate & Seven) - PROGRESS TAG TEAM TITLES ****

Redragon and Mustache Mountain attack War Machine in the isle as they make their entrance and its 4 on 2 .... Seven and Bate team up to toss Hanson into the ring steps, taking him out .... then Redragon take out Rowe with Chasing the Dragon on the floor!  

War Machine has been effectively taken out of this match, and we get Mustache Mountain vs Redragon in the ring .... Back and forth action between these two and the pace quickens a lot here .... They work some slick back and forth, with Seven and Bate working double teams .... the crowd is split between these two teams here as trainers have come out to check on War Machine .... Fish comes in and gets a cheap shot on Seven, so Redragon takes over .... They hit 2 man smash machine but Seven kicks out .... they work the heat on Seven, but he battles back with chops, then fakes Fish out with a chop but hits a DDT instead when he ducks his head .... Hot tag to Bate, who runs wild with a BIG XPLODER on Fish and then a running shooting star press .... O’Reilley breaks up the pin, then eats the rebound lariat from Bate!  Tyler Driver 97 reversed into a guillotine from O’Reilley!!  Bate powers out into a Northern Lights Suplex but Fish breaks it up!  Fish and O’Reilley hit Total Elimination on Bate for a near fall as Seven barely breaks it up!  Seven Stars Lariat takes out O’Reilley!  They set Fish up .... MUSTACHE RIDE!!!!  1 ... 2 ... the ref is pulled outside by Ray Rowe!!!!  

Hanson and Rowe hit the ring and start running wild on everyone .... Hanson gets O’Reilley in one corner and Seven in the other and he runs wild with corner clotheslines .... Hanson then takes out Fish with a dive on the outside!  Hanson lands on Fish awkwardly and Fish immediately screams in pain and is holding his knee!  The ref and trainers at ringside quickly over to check on Fish, and the ref immediately throws up the ‘X’ .... In the ring, Rowe hits the judo throw followed by a hard knee strike to O’Reilley to take him out, but then gets rushed by Seven and Bate!  They hit the rebound lariat/ Dragon Suplex combo on Rowe!  He kicks out at 2!!!!  Hanson back in but Mustache Mountain double team him and go for a double clothesline but Hanson cartwheels out of trouble and hits a dual lariat to take them down! .... War Machine try for the Fallout on Bate, but he back flips out and shows his feat of strength by catapulting Rowe into the corner, which crotches Hanson!  O’Reilley back in and hits Axe and Smash to take out Bate!  Seven Stars Lariat takes out O’Reilley!  Seven walks right into THORS HAMMER!!!!  War Machine is all alone in the ring with Trent Seven .... FALLOUT!!!!  1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!

POST MATCH - trainers are still checking on Bobby Fish, and he has to be helped out with a legit injury .... O’Reilley is pissed, and he snaps and attacks Rowe and Hanson from behind with a chair!!!!  O’Reilley leaves the tag champs laying and walks out ....

**** 3. Alexa Bliss vs. Santana Garrett - SINGLES MATCH ****

The history between these two has been well-documented .... Bliss says Santana turned on her because she needs Bliss to stay relevant, but Santana says that Bliss finally got paid back for what she did to Santana 2 years ago .... Bliss owns the early moments, but Santana takes a cheap shot and gets the heat .... the crowd is behind Bliss .... Bliss hits the ‘insult to injury’ for a close 2 count, but misses the Twisted Bliss when Santana rolls out of the way .... Santana hits a pedigree, then the shining star press and gets the clean win on Bliss!

**** 4. (C) Killian Dain vs. Tomasso Ciampa - United Kingdom title ****

Ciampa has become obsessed with winning the U.K. title, so much so he explodes with a psycho knee trigger on Dain as he’s taking his vest off!  Dain is woozy, but tells the ref to ring the bell and Ciampa attacks with 5 consecutive running knees into the corner!  Dain keeps kicking out, and eventually gathers his wits enough to battle back .... Ciampa kicks out of the back senton, then battles out of the Ulster Plantation with more strikes .... Dain goes for The Divide but misses and hits the ref instead!  Ciampa goes for another Psycho Knee Trigger but Dain catches him and hits a powerbomb .... Dain goes for the Vader Bomb but Ciampa low blows him!  He gets underneath him and turns it into Project Ciampa!!!!  Ciampa has the pin but there is no ref!  Ciampa is losing his shit at this point and he pulls off the knee pad .... he goes for the Psycho Knee Trigger again, but Dain cuts him off with The Divide!!!!  Dain with a back senton, then gets Ciampa up on his shoulders .... ULSTER PLANTATION!  Dain hooks the leg and gets the 3 count to retain!

Ciampa acts like he’s hearing voices after the match, and he wrecks the announcer table at ringside before leaving ....

**** 5. Charlotte Flair vs. Shayna Baszler - NO DISQUALIFICATION MATCH ****

This has turned into pure hatred between these 2 ladies .... The camera shows Baszlers friends Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke in the crowd, part of MMA’s ‘4 Horsewomen’ .... This is a brawl at the beginning, which allows Baszler to showcase her MMA background as she beats the hell out of Charlotte with strikes and submissions .... Charlotte hits a moonsaults to the floor to take out Baszler, and she has some words for Duke and Shafir who also talk shit to her .... Baszler hits a penalty kick off the apron to Charlotte, then Duke hands Baszler her chair because it’s no DQ .... Baszler puts the chair on Charlotte’s Head and is going to ram her into the post but Charlotte gets out and smashes Baszler with the chair .... Charlotte Pillman stomps the leg of Baszler in the chair!!!! Figure 8 licked on, but Baszler won’t tap and she even punches herself in the face to keep from tapping!  Duke and Shafir jump the railing and try to cheer on Baszler, but Charlotte takes both of them out with a dive!  Charlotte tries to re-enter the ring, but Baszler throws the chair in her face busting her nose open!!!!  Baszler puts the chair on Charlotte’s Head and tosses her into the buckles!  Charlotte’s neck is injured now, and Baszler takes the chair and smashes her over the head again!  Instead of covering her, Baszler picks Charlotte up and locks on the kirafuda clutch!!!!  Charlotte is unconscious at this point, but she doesn’t tap .... the ref steps in and stops the match and awards it to Baszler ....

**** 6. (C) The Miz w/ Maryse vs. Johnny Gargano w/ Candice LeRae - UNITED STATES TITLE ****

Both Candice and Maryse get involved early on in the match, but the ref sends them to the back .... Gargano has the crowd on his side, but Miz stops him at every turn .... Miz works heavily on the knee and ankle of Gargano, locking on the Figure Four at one point .... Gargano fights back and we get a ref bump, and Gargano has Miz locked in the GargaNO Escape and he’s tapping but there is no ref .... Maryse comes back out from the locker room and blinds Gargano with hairspray,  allowing Miz to hit the skull crushing finale!  Maryse wakes up the ref, but Candice LeRae runs out and puts Johnny’s foot on the ropes just before the 3 count!  Miz grabs Candice by the hair and pulls her on the apron, but Candice nails him with a hard forearm!  Maryse pulls Candice off the apron and she hits her head, but Gargano rolls Miz up from behind and then hits the rolling wheel kick .... Johnny puts Miz on his shoulders for the lawn dart but Maryse low blows Johnny!  Miz goes for the Skull Krushing Finale but Candice is back in .... BALLS PLEX ON MIZ!  Maryse takes Candice out with the French Kiss DDT! .... Miz rips off Johnny’s boot and stomps the knee and ankle, but Gargano hits a desperation Superkick and falls on top!  1 ... 2 ... Maryse breaks it up again!  Candice takes Maryse out with the Unorettier, but Miz puts his hands on Candice and hits her with the skull crushing finale!!!!  Gargano sees this and snaps on Miz, beating the shit out of him .... Miz counters the slingshot spear with a big kick to the face!  Skull Krushing Finale!  1 ... 2 ... NOOOOOO!  Gargano kicks out!  Miz goes for the Figure Four on the injured leg, but Gargano counters with an inside cradle and gets the surprise 3 count!

Progress Wrestling Presents: .... VENDETTA! Candice-LeRae-Johnny-Gargano-642x362

Johnny is in tears as he is handed the US title after an absolute WAR .... Candice is back in and hugs her husband, as he has beaten the Miz here in their final showdown .... lots of ‘JOHNNY WRESTLING!’ chants as Johnny goes into the crowd and celebrates with the fans ....

Progress Wrestling Presents: .... VENDETTA! Wwe-nxt-results-january-24-2018


We get the Announcement of the next Progress supershow, entitled ALL IN .... It will be The United States vs The United Kingdom LIVE from London, England .... the main event will be US vs UK in a 5 on 5 elimination match, plus other inter-promotional matches .... more info coming soon ....

**** 7. (C) Finn Balor vs. AJ Styles - PROGRESS ATLAS TITLE ****

* We get a video package of this feud, which goes back to the Bash where Finn Balor won the Iron Man Match to become the first Atlas Champion .... AJ was announced as the No. 1 contender, which led to tag matches against Austin Aries & Roderick Strong which then led to the ‘Pick Your Poison’ series *  

The crowd is into this big time even before the bell rang .... this is the first singles meeting between these two guys, and the crowd treats it like the special event that it is .... we get a slow and methodical beginning, with each man trying to prove they are the better wrestler .... Balor unloads with strikes, but AJ comes back with the phenomenal dropkick to take Balor to the floor .... Balor blocks the sliding knee strike from AJ off the apron and he pulls AJ down hard to the floor .... Balor charges the length of the ring and hits the shotgun dropkick and drives AJ into the ring barrier .... Balor gets a chair and sits Styles in it, THEN HITS ANOTHER SHOTGUN DROPKICK!  Back in the ring Balor grounds AJ with the Romero special but AJ tries to battle back .... we get a double clothesline spot and both guys are down ....

AJ fires up with strikes as both guys get up, but AJ sends Balor down and then drills him with the sliding forearm strike .... Balor fires back with rapid-fire strikes, but AJ comes back with the phenomenal blitz .... AJ up top, but Balor hits an enziguri, sending AJ to the floor .... Balor flies off the apron with the double stomp to the back of AJ .... Back in the ring Balor hits sling blade and goes for the shotgun dropkick but AJ catches him coming in and scoops him up for the ushigoroshi!  1 ... 2 ... Noooo!  AJ goes for the styles clash but Balor fights him off then runs into the phenomenon (quebrada reverse DDT) anyway .... Balor comes back with strikes and hits the 1916 for a close 2 .... Balor goes for Bloody Sunday but Styles manages to roll him into the Calf Killer!!!!  Balor slams Styles’ head to the mat and manages to escape!  To the outside now and Balor hits the apron PK, then Balor wipes out Styles with a flip dive .... Balor looks like he’s going to win by countout but instead he goes to the outside and tosses Styles back in .... Pele out of nowhere by AJ!!!!  He goes to the apron .... springboard 450 splash!!!!  1 ... 2 ... 2.9999!!!!  AJ looks for the clash again, but this time Balor counters with the pele!!!!  He hooks AJ and nails Bloody Sunday!  Balor can’t cover right away but slowly gets over to lay an arm over AJ .... AJ kicks out at 2!  Balor up top, but AJ rolls out of the way of the double stomp .... Balor rolls to his feet but AJ KILLS him with a huge lariat!  AJ hooks him .... STYLES CLASH!  1 ... 2 ... Balor kicks out!!!!  AJ to the outside, phenomenal forearm but Balor dodges and AJ takes out the ref instead!  LOW BLOW by Balor to AJ!  This gets some boos now as Balor goes up top .... COUP DE GRACE!  

Balor has the pin but there is no ref!  Out of the back comes AUSTIN ARIES & RODERICK STRONG!  They hit the ring and attack Balor!!!!  Balor tries to fight them off, but falls victim to the numbers game .... AJ is back up and joins the fight, helping Balor fight them off .... Strong takes out AJ with the SICK KICK!  Aries and Strong double-team Balor, but he fights them off and sends them to the floor .... FLIP DIVE OVER THE TOP BY BALOR TAKES OUT ARIES & STRONG!   Balor rolls back into the ring, BUT AJ FLIES FROM THE OTHER SIDE WITH THE PHENOMENAL FOREARM!!!!  AJ hooks the leg and gets the 3 count to become the new Champion!!!!

POST MATCH - AJ celebrates with the title, but he notices Aries and Strong at ringside and they are clapping for him!  AJ looks confused but he holds up the title as the fans give the new champion a mixed reaction because of the situation ....

Progress Wrestling Presents: .... VENDETTA! Aj-styles-champion


We get a well-done recap video of the feud between Progress GM William Regal and Marty Scurll .... this is our main event ....

**** 8. William Regal vs. ‘The Villain’ Marty Scurll - MAIN EVENT ****

Mind games early on as Scurll bails to the floor .... Scurll knows how bad Regal wants to get his hands on him, and he has baited Regal into this match .... Scurll keeps going into the ropes and telling the ref to back Regal up .... with Regal distracted by the ref, Scurll gives him a thumb to the eye!  VILLAIN!  Scurll laughs, but Regal no sells and then just slaps the shit out of him, knocking him off his feet!  Scurll spends the early moments of the match on the defensive as Regal pretty much beats the hell out of him, taking out all his frustrations over the last few months .... Regal with European uppercuts, then an Irish whip and a running forearm to the head .... he locks in a chin lock and adds forearms across the upper chest for extra punishment .... Scurll to his feet and gets out of the move with an arm wringer that sends Regal to the mat face-first!  Scurll bends the elbow to the mat and stomps on it, then Marty with a series of running European uppercuts that send Regal to the outside!  Scurll up and over and hits the Superkick from the apron, followed by 2 consecutive suicide dives to Regal on the floor ....

Regal with a rake of the eyes to Marty, then he gets a hammerlock and hurls Marty into the ring steps .... Regal attacks the arm viciously now .... Scurll fights back, but Regal with a series of forearms and kicks before tying up Scurlls arm in the turnbuckle pad .... REGAL WITH HARD KNEES TO THE TURNBUCKLE PAD THAT IS HOLDING SCURLL’S ARM!!!!  The referee backs Regal off and tries to get Marty’s arm out of the turnbuckle pad .... Regal is out of control .... Marty gets loose, and he’s laughing at Regal!  Marty dares Regal to hit him but as he rares back his fist Marty drills him with a shoot headbutt!  Regal is rocked, and Scurll nails a vicious lariat with his good arm .... Scurll tosses Regal, then rips up the mats outside exposing the concrete .... Regal blocks the cradle piledriver and back drops Scurll on the concrete!  

Back in the ring, Regal tries for the Regal stretch but Scurll gets to the ropes .... Scurll gets a back elbow that staggers Regal, but can’t get the Graduation because of the hurt arm .... Just kidding Superkick to Regal!  Scurll grabs him with the good arm and hits a tornado ddt for a near fall!  Scurll rolls to the outside and tries to shake some feeling back in the arm .... Regal follows but Scurll pulls Regals leg down in between the steps and the ring post and then superkicks the steps into his knee!!!!  Scurll twists the leg but Regal reaches out and grabs his nose and twists it violently to buy himself some time .... Regal is limping now .... back in the ring Scurll hits the Graduation but hurts his own arm doing the move!  Scurll locks Regal in his own Regal stretch!!!!  Regal is trapped, but manages to claw his way to the ropes to break the hold .... Scurll charges in but Regal meets him with an exploder!  Scurll pops back up and wants more, and Regal hits another exploder!  Regal goes for a 3rd but Scurll breaks it by grabbing the fingers of Regal .... shhhhhhh .... FINGER BREAK SPOT!  Scurll goes for the Chickenwing, but Regal backs him into the corner sandwiching the ref in the process!  With the ref down Regal hits Scurll with a blatant kick right between the legs!!!!  Regal Stretch locked in!!!!  Scurll is tapping but there is no ref!!!!  Regal realizes the ref is down and let’s go of the hold .... while he tries to revive the ref, Scurll brings the umbrella into the ring .... Regal goes for the knee trembler, but Scurll smashes him in the knee with the umbrella!!!!  Scurll hits a Superkick .... THEN THE KNEE TREMBLER TO REGAL!!!!  Scurll pulls the ref over and covers Regal .... 1 ... 2 ... NOOOOOO!!!!  Regal kicks out!!!!  Scurll takes the umbrella and is going to hit Regal with it, but Regal catches it!  They struggle over the umbrella .... Marty kicks Regal right between the legs!  Regal drops to his knees as Marty stands over him .... ‘LONG LIVE THE VILLAIN!’ Scurll KILLS Regal with the umbrella!!!!  Scurll tosses the umbrella away and falls on top!  The ref slowly crawls over and counts the 1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!

Regal is tended to as he is bleeding from the ear now .... Scurll looks like he’s been through a war, but he holds up his umbrella in victory as he limps his way to the back .... the crowd gives William Regal a standing ovation as he is helped to his feet ....

Progress Wrestling Presents: .... VENDETTA! 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f2d545378426837344a58636574513d3d2d32302e313531643834303561313736636238383936343938383934343437362e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720

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Progress Wrestling Presents: .... VENDETTA!
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