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 Progress presents .... UWF GLORY

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress presents .... UWF GLORY Empty
PostSubject: Progress presents .... UWF GLORY   Progress presents .... UWF GLORY EmptyTue Jul 07, 2020 11:07 am

Progress presents .... UWF GLORY Png

Progress presents .... UWF GLORY Stock-vector-modern-professional-sport-logo-badge-for-a-club-or-a-team-708426331

DATE: November 28, 2019
LOCATION: London, England ... The United Kingdom
ARENA: o2 Arena
ANNOUNCERS: Mauro Renallo & Joey Styles

Progress presents .... UWF GLORY The-O2_Hero_Do_More_Landing_950x263-1-eca27a13c9

We are ringside with Mauro & Joey, who are calling their 2nd straight UWF ppv together .... the pyro explodes and the fans are on their feet as we are LIVE on ppv!  UWF GLORY is trending worldwide!  We have already seen a lot tonight on the pre-show, which was broadcast live on FOX .... we saw the Broken Flock retain the UWF 6 man titles over the Blue World Order, but we still have 6 big title matches to go, none bigger than the UWF Women’s World title in our main event!  Let’s waste no time, the UWF Women’s tag team title match is up first!

(Champions) Killer Death Machines (Jessicka Havok & Seleziya Sparx) - AAW
- vs -
Fabulous Killer Baes (Heather Monroe & Laura James) w/ Carmella (LLC)

Carmella still has a wrist injury so OG Team Bae’s are going to be the competitors in the big title match. All four women get face to face talking shit, Carmella keeps her presence known shouting all kinds of shit talk at them and they all begin firing off strikes. Sparx and James fall out of the ring and Monroe and Havok press into a corner.  Havok uses her size to get the advantage over Monroe quickly hitting big chops to the chest, but Monroe grabs the third attempt and runs up the ropes for momentum to hit a arm drag on the bigger woman, she hits a springboard leg drop for a pin attempt that Havok throws her off barely after the one. Havok is standing up angry and shrugging off any strike attempt by Monroe, she pushes her into the ropes and spears her in half.

The ref’s had situated Sparx and James on ringside and Havok tags in Sparx. They hit a long stall double suplex really showing off their joint power, Sparx then hits a running splash for a 2-count. Sparx picks her up and throws her into the corner hitting a big forearm strike and then throwing the woman overhead with a belly to belly.  Sparx is in absolute control of Monroe torqueing out her back in a Boston Crab, Havok tags in and drops a big leg to the head for a 2-count James has to save Monroe from losing, their long awaited title shot. Monroe manages to fight back and create some space with stiff strikes, but when she goes to run for space Havok grabs her by her hair and yanks her down.

Carmella is screaming like a Banshee that Havok needs to stop being a massive cunt, which gets her attention and she pulls her by her hair to the apron and punches her in the face knocking her roughly to the floor. Havok goes after Monroe who dropkicks her in the knee, she runs and makes the leaping tag to Laura James who comes in and hits flying hip attacks on both women.  James hits a step up enziguiri to Havok knocking her through the ropes and to the floor, she goes for a dive but Havok cuts her off with a boot, leading to Monroe running and hitting her with a Neckbreaker down to the floor on top of Havok. Monroe is keeping both women down and James hits a dive onto both women.

Monroe and James are taunting on the apron laying with their heads towards each other, Carmella runs into the ring and slides putting her head in between them and they all yell ‘JUST FABULOUS!’ before Monroe and James jump off the apron with double sledge’s as Carmella leaves the ring. It is not a good idea for the smaller women to take too much time brawling on the outside as Havok and Sparx quickly take over with a big power game. Sparx and Havok pick up both women in powerbombs and smash them together before powerbombing them onto the apron. Sparx is now calling herself the legal woman against Laura James as they leave Heather on the outside as Sparx picks up James in a suplex and walks around for a few seconds before driving her back. Havok tags herself in and climbs to the top rope to hit a vicious splash crushing the far smaller James, who somehow manages to kick out before the 3.

Havok has James in the air above her head and Sparx tags herself in, she puts her knee out and James gets damn near split in half by the backbreaker. Sparx goes for the pin but last second Monroe saves her. Monroe tries to fight back some but the ref makes her get on the apron, as the distraction goes down the Killer Death Machines hit a double back body drop on James throwing her a solid ten feet in the air.  James looks like shes ready to be in a Obituary when she suddenly gets a break in a mistake from Sparx as her and Havok have some fun taunting, Sparx grabs her leg but eats a boot to the mouth enziguiri style. Monroe gets the pin and comes in hot hitting running hurricanranas on both women, she then hits a double dropkick, kips up to her feet and double stomps Sparx and lands in a senton on Havoc.  Monroe climbs to the top rope and hits a flying elbow on Sparx for a 2-count, Monroe calls in James and grabs her in a Neckbreaker, James hits a Superkick and they may have won with this if Havok didn’t kick Monroe in the face after bulling through James like a paper wall. Havok picks up James and throws her out to the floor painfully outside.

Monroe is left alone and KDM swarms her and beat her down to the ground, the ref tries to separate them and gets in the middle separating Havok, Monroe trips Sparx who falls head first through the bottom and top rope and doesn’t see Carmella damn near kick her teeth out with a superkick. The crowd is chanting ‘BAES FOR DAYS! BAES FOR DAYS!’ Monroe picks up Sparx and goes for the Goddess of Girlpower Driver but Havok interrupts it.  Havok almost hits a Gorilla Press to Monroe but she counters it into a Poison Rana, James is back in groggy and they push out Havok. Sparx turns around into a Double Superkick, Sparx isn’t down, another double Superkick, Baesting leads to James diving out of the ring on Havok, Heather picks up Sparx Goddess of GIrlpower Driver .... MAMA MIA!!!!  1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!  THE BAES WIN THE WOMEN’S TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS!!

What a hot opener!  New Champs!!!!  The Baes celebrate their huge upset with the tag team titles ....

*** PROMO ***

CHARLY CARUSO is in the back with UWF Junior Heavyweight Champion ‘The Villain’ Marty Scurll as well as UWF President Paul Boesch .... Boesch awards Scurll with the UWF ‘Junior Heavyweight of the Year’ award as voted on by the media and fans .... Scurll says he doesn’t care about the fans because he’s not their hero, he’s the villain .... But he’s the only one who can do what needs to be done, and that is expose people who hide behind masks .... first, Mr. Wrestling II got in his business and he took his mask as a trophy .... Tonight, it will be Liger .... Liger May be ‘Black Thunder’ but Scurll has a black heart and tonight he is walking away not just with the Junior title, but Ligers mask as well .... Long ... live ... the ...

SCURLL IS BLIND-SIDED BY LIGER!!!!  Liger beats down Scurll and puts the boots to him as Boesch calls in security to break it up .... The Villain is down ....

Up next, the UWF tag team titles are on the line!

(Champions) ‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper & Paul Orndorff (PCW)
- vs -
Owen Hart & Davey Boy Smith (APW)

Piper and Davey Boy lock up. Smith picks up Piper for a military press, but Piper rakes his eyes and lifts him up for a back suplex. Block by Smith who counters with a Bulldog and goes for the pin. One...two...and Ondorff kicks Davey on the back of the head to break up the fall. Owen tackles Orndorff and they both roll through the bottom rope and brawl on the floor. Davey Boy picks up Piper for a running power slam, but Roddy escapes and counters with an O'Conner roll for a two count. Orndorff has Owen in a side headlock and goes to post him, but Owen reverses the whip and Orndorff goes shoulder first into the steel post. Piper charges in the ring and is caught wit a power slam from Davey. One...two...and Piper barely rolls his shoulder off the mat before three. Davey Picks up Piper for a fireman's carry and tags in Owen. Samoan Drop followed by a flying head butt off the top rope by Owen. Cover by Hart. One...two...and just before three Orndorff pulls Owen out of the ring. Orndorff goes for a clothesline, but Owen ducks and Orndorff flies over the guard rail and into the first row at ringside. In the ring Davey Boy charges at Piper. Drop Toe Hold by Piper and Smith goes head first into the bottom turnbuckle. The referee count is at nine, but Owen rolls right into the ring just before ten. When he does he gets nailed with a knee lift from the Hot Scot. Quick cover by Piper. One...two...and Owen barely kicks out in time. Piper goes for a slam, but Owen counters with an inside cradle. One...two...and Piper escapes before three. Sunset flip by Owen. One...two...and Piper breaks out by clapping the ears of Owen with his ankles. Jackknife pin by Piper. One...two...bridge by Owen...both men are fighting for the backslide. Owen gets control as Piper's shoulders are down. One...two...and Piper scissors the middle rope to break the pin.

Owen goes for an enzugiri, but Piper ducks and goes for a drop kick. Owen catches him by his legs. Owen crosses the legs and now he has Piper wrapped up in the Sharp Shooter! The referee is asking if he wants to give it up. Piper seems to be thinking about it. He reaches out for the bottom rope but Owen pulls him in center ring. Piper is thinking of tapping, but he is biting his own hand to resist the urge to tapping out. When it looks like Piper is about to quit Orndorff hits a clothesline to the back of Owen's head knocking him silly and causing Owen to release the hold. Davey enters the ring and rocks Orndorff with a series of clotheslines. He goes for a third, but Orndorff cuts him off with a kick to the gut and goes for the piledriver. He gets Davey halfway up, but Davey backdrops Orndorff who holds on and rolls up Smith. One...two...Davey counters with a crucifix. Orndorff's shoulders are down. One...two...Orndorff picks up Davey. Drop kick by Owen. Crucifix Bomb by Davey that connects. One...two...This time Piper makes the save by diving on Smith to break up the pin. Owen double legs Piper and then mounts him and is using ground and pound on him. Piper crawls on his belly to get to the ropes and slides under it. Smith charges off the ropes with a running clothesline that takes him and Orndorff over the top rope and tumbling to the floor. The ref gets distracted for a second as he sees Orndorff and Smith hit the floor. As Owen goes after Piper by climbing over the middle rope, Piper snaps the rope and it hits Owen low. The referee sees Owen holding his abdomen. Piper grabs Owen by the neck and rolls him up with a three quarter nelson. The referee counts .... One...two...three !!!  The winners of the match and still UWF World Tag Team Champions...Paul Mr. Wonderful Orndorff and Rowdy Roddy Piper !!!

The camera scans the crowd, and they show Jungle Boy in the crowd again with his new friend Jeff .... Jungle Boy holds up his Year End award and cheeses big ..... We cut to a different part of the arena where we see Jake Hager, Chad Gable & Jason Jordan: American Alpha .... it also shows ‘Bruiserweight’ Pete Dunne, which gets a big pop from the crowd .... our next match from SIW promises to be so violent that it couldn’t be on national TV ....

Eddie Kingston
- vs -
Kevin Thorn

Before the match all 3 members of Empire of Sickness come out and attack Kingston while he’s walking to the Ring EVIL hits a Flatliner on the floor busting him open . Thorn again starts to feed . Tim Storm and Gorgeous George Wagner who are sitting in the front row hop the railing and give chase .

Kingston who has the collars and chains . He starts pounding the chain against the side of the head of Thorn . Now he gets separation. Uranagy on the floor . He fastens one end of the collar to himself and the other to Thorn . Kingston rakes the chain over the face of Thorn . Now Kingston bites Thorn . He’s bleeding .

Kingston pulls him to the ring . Pulls him over the top rope . He’s hanging him . The crowd is yelling to choke him out . Now Michael Shane comes in . He Superkicks Eddie in the back of the head and takes his leave !!!!!

Now Thorn wraps the chain further off Eddie’s neck . He now gets him up in Blood Lust . He shows amazing balance by climbing the turnbuckles . Now he goes to drop him , but Eddie’s feet find the turnbuckle and he pull Thorn backward down to the mat . Kingston hits a fist drop from the top rope . He covers and gets 1....2....Thorn kicks out !!!!!

Eddie waits for his man to get up and now goes for a Spinning Backfist !!!!!! Thorn dodges it . He wraps the chain around Eddie’s neck again and then from there he hits DDT . Now Thorn just take the chain wraps it around his elbow and rain them into the side of Eddie’s head . Knocking him cold . He covers and gets 1....2....3!

He Thorn starts to feast on Eddie!!!!  OH MY GOD!  Tim Storm comes to the ring and suplexes him .... Storm grabs up the dog collar and Thorn takes his leave!!!!
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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress presents .... UWF GLORY Empty
PostSubject: Re: Progress presents .... UWF GLORY   Progress presents .... UWF GLORY EmptyTue Jul 07, 2020 11:07 am

*** PROMO ***

We are in the back with UWF World Heavyweight champion Adam Cole ... Cole is looking at his plaque for UWF Wrestler of the Year ....

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Cole - ‘Who is ready for story time with Adam Cole ‘bay bay’?  Look at this, isn’t this beautiful .... UWF Wrestler of the year .... Well not to toot my own horn, but "Toot toot". OF COURSE I AM WRESTLER OF THE YEAR! I am the best thing this industry has to offer. I lead the greatest force in history. I have the baddest babe in the game. I AM WRESTLING .... I AM ... ADAM ... COLE ... BAY BAY!  I wanted to thank so many for making this possible... but.... I can't. Because the only one who made this possible.... is ME! So thank you to myself. And all of you owe me a thank you .... you all owe me a thank you because later tonight I’m going to save you from a beer guzzling alcoholic becoming World Champion. James Storm, you think you’re smart for pulling that ruse .... I'm sure you had a big laugh with all your fellow swill guzzlers at the local saloon. But you see that move didn't put you one step closer to this. I mean this is what it's about, isn't it? The World Heavyweight Championship. Something I've held for over 16 months. If anything it put you even further away.  Because when this night ends, I will still go on being the best this industry has to offer .... while you will go back to the bar to drown your sorrows because you will never be in the same league as Adam Cole!’

(Champion) Jon Moxley (RWA)
- vs -
Shelton Benjamin w/ Chael Sonnen (APW)

Moxley startles Shelton by charging him into the corner as soon as the bell rings. Moxley throws lefts and rights and has Shelton running out of the ring to catch a break. Moxley follows but Shelton grabs Moxley in a front face lock as he enters the ring. Shelton works his mat game keeping Moxley at bay. Moxley fights out with some elbows and throws Shelton off the ropes and hits him with a Thesz press following up with some right hands. Moxley goes for the Paradigm Shift early but Shelton slips out and regroups with Chael on the outside. Moxley follows up with a suicide dive taking out Chael and Shelton!

Moxley throws Shelton in the ring. Shelton pushes Moxley off who goes for a rope rebound lariat but Shelton counters into an exploder T-Bone. Shelton drives a few knees in between the shoulder blade of Moxley and locks in a chin lock. Moxley fights out but Shelton hits him with a huge Yakuza Kick. Shelton gets a two count. Shelton hits Moxley with a hair pull backbreaker and continues to work the upper back of Moxley as Chael yells out encouragement from ringside. Moxley makes a comeback but Shelton once again cuts him off this time with a tilt and whirl backbreaker. Shelton locks in a bow and arrow lock as Moxley screams in pain. The crowd rally behind Moxley who fights out and transitions into a quick two count. Shelton is up quick but Moxley hits him with a powerslam. Shelton hits a Dragon Whip but Moxley stumbles back into the ropes and hits his rebound lariat taking Shelton out! Both men are down as the ref counts to 8 before they get up.

The two start trading blows with Moxley coming out on top. Moxley throws Shelton off the ropes and nails a huge back body drop. Moxley then hits a running crossbody which he follows up with a bunch of fists. Moxley then sends Shelton into the corner and nails a clothesline/bulldog combo. Moxley goes up top and nails a diving elbow to the top of Shelton’s head! Moxley sets up Shelton for the Paradigm Shift but Shelton counters into a northern lights suplex for 2. Shelton sends Moxley into the turnbuckle and goes for a stinger splash but Moxley moves. Moxley comes off the ropes but is met by another T-Bone by Shelton. 1………..2………kickout! Shelton picks up Moxley and goes for a back suplex but Moxley counters into a reverse spike bulldog. 1………..2…………kickout! Moxley then decides to go up top again. Shelton springs up like a cat and leaps to meet Moxley up top. SPANISH FLY OFF THE TOP ROPE BY SHELTON! Both men crash to the mat. The impact sends Shelton off of Moxley to the other side of the ring. Shelton crawls over to Moxley and pins. 1……….2…………KICKOUT! Chael panics at how Moxley was able to kick out and goes over to the timekeepers booth and steals the IC title. Chael gets up on the apron after subtly passing the title to Shelton and distracts the ref. Shelton goes to hit Moxley with the belt but Moxley ducks and pushes Shelton into the ropes knocking Chael off the apron!! Shelton turns around .... PARADIGM SHIFT!!!!  1 ... 2 ... 3!  Moxley retains!

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  

At the top of the stage, Charly Caruso is back out, and she brings out UWF world tag team champions Roddy Piper & Paul Orndorff after their successful title defense earlier tonight .... Charly presents them with their award for ‘Tag Team of the Year’ ....

Roddy Piper: ‘Ya know, this award couldn’t go to a couple of nicer guys than us ... we deserve this ...’

Piper tries to start a chant of "You Deserve It" with the fans.  It doesn’t really catch on ... Instead, Piper and Orndorff grab their awards and give each other a hardy hug.

Paul Orndorff: ‘You go back to a year ago there was a lot of doubt whether we'd be world tag team champions let alone hold these titles for as long as we have.’

Roddy Piper: ‘We have competed with the best of the best in the UWF, but when you're talking about the best you're talking about Mr. Wonderful and the Hot Rod.  The Tag Team of the Year award says so and these titles around our waists says so.’

Paul Orndorff: ‘We've jumped through hurdles and climbed mountains to get where we're at.  We are on to new horizons.  We've got way too many teams to face in the UWF, but come at us boys we 'aint running from no one.’  

Roddy Piper: ‘New teams, old teams, and teams from the past it doesn't matter we will take them on and beat them like we did all others.’

Paul Orndorff: ‘We beat everyone who got in our way, so bring on the tag teams ....’

Piper & Orndorff are cut off as the The Viking war horn sounds!  Orndorff & Piper look like they are about to shit their pants as a procession of Vikings come out on the stage holding shields, swords and torches followed by ....

Progress presents .... UWF GLORY Vikings-war-raiders2

WAR MACHINE!!!!  The former world champions are here!!!!  Rowe & Hanson head to the ring, and Piper & Orndorff want no part of it as they quickly bail out the other side and high-tail it with the tag titles and their tag team of the year awards .... Rowe takes the mic and says they have been walking around with titles War Machine never lost .... War Machine is coming after what is rightfully theirs, so Piper & Orndorff better be ready for WAR!  

Orndorff & Piper come back to the ring and act like they are going to get back in, but then laugh and walk off .... War Machine stares them down as the fans chant ‘WAR!  WAR!  WAR!’

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

(Champion) ‘The Villain’ Marty Scurll (PROGRESS)
- vs -
Jushin ‘Black Thunder’ Liger (CWX)

Scurll parades around the ring with the stolen mask of Mr. Wrestling II, and Liger has had enough and he attacks .... Liger fosses Scurll and we get some brawling around the ring with Liger bearing Scurlls ass from pillar to post .... Scurll kicks the steps into Ligers knee to gain the advantage, then hits a brainbuster on the floor!  Scurll rolls in the ring and is content to win the match via countout, but Liger gets to his feet and barely makes it inside at 9!  Scurll goes to work on the shoulder now, softening Liger up for the Chickenwing .... Stephen Amell tries to get involved early, helping Liger with a distraction that lets him take Scurll out with a rolling Koppu kick .... Scurll to the floor and Liger wipes him out with a dive .... Marty comes back with a tornado DDT on the floor to Liger!  Scurll works Liger and begins tearing at the mask, trying to fulfill his promise of taking Ligers mask .... Scurll manages to rip the eyehole of the mask out, but Liger battles back with strikes and hits a Liger Bomb for a 2 count! .... Liger up top and hits a missile dropkick!  Liger sits Scurll on top, but Scurll pokes Liger in the eye!  Blockbuster by Scurll gets a 2!  He goes for the Chickenwing, but Liger hits the mule kick and low blows Scurll!  Liger up top .... SHOOTING STAR PRESS MISSES!!!!  Marty is up ... superkick, THEN ANOTHER!  CROSS RHODES!  Instead of going for the pin, Scurll goes after the mask again and succeeds in pulling it free!!!!  Liger covers his face as Scurll holds up the mask in victory ....

Progress presents .... UWF GLORY Tumblr_inline_p88sd6FQqf1r5344l_500

KISHIN LIGER!!!!  MIST TO THE EYES!!!!  Liger goes on a rampage from there, ripping the top of his suit off to show his whole body painted, then just obliterates Scurll, who has been blinded by the mist .... Liger tosses him to the floor, then tosses him into the steps!  Liger hits a SICK piledriver on the floor!  Liger tosses him back in ... 1 ... 2 ... Noooooo!  Marty kicks out!!!!  Liger goes for the Shotei, but Scurll pulls the ref in the way and Liger takes him out!  Ref bump!  Marty goes for a low blow but Liger blocks it .... ANOTHER LOW BLOW BY LIGER .... FIRING SQUAD!  Scurll is down, and Liger reaches into his tights and pulls out an object, THEN USES IT TO STAB SCURLL IN THE HEAD!!!!  Scurll is a bloody mess!!!!  Liger brings a table into the ring and sets it up, then puts Scurll on the top rope .... SHOTEI!!!!  Liger climbs up and goes for the Firing Squad off the top, but Scurll comes alive and fights him off .... Shoot headbutts rock Liger!  BOTH MEN FALL OFF THE TOP AND CRASH THROUGH THE TABLE!!!!  Marty lands on Liger, and he takes the weight of both men .... The ref stirs, and he puts the count on .... both guys stir at 8, and Scurll grabs Liger for the Chickenwing!  Liger kicks off the buckles and rolls on top of Scurll in a pinning predicament!  1 ... 2 ... Scurll lets go to avoid being pinned!  Double clothesline and both men down!!!!  They stir at 7 and Scurll goes after the umbrella .... Liger tries for the red mist this time but Scurll blocks it by unfolding the umbrella!!!!  ‘Just Kidding’ superkick!  Scurll goes to hit Liger with the umbrella but the ref stops him and takes away the umbrella!  While the ref is putting it away, Scurll gets his Junior of the Year plaque and KO’s Liger with it!!!!  The ref didn’t see it!  Cover .... 1 ... LIGER KICKS OUT AT 1!!!!  Marty off the ropes and a SICK lariat turns Liger in a literal flip!  He picks him up .... BLACK PLAGUE!!!!  Scurll covers again and that’s enough to put Liger down for the 3 count!

*** PROMO ***

While the chaos at ringside is cleared up, the cameras pan backstage where we see a closed door and hear all kinds of commotion, screaming, and stuff being banged around inside when Charly Caruso approaches....

Charly Caruso: "I'm standing outside the dressing room of The Killer Death Machines. I was suppose to present them with the Womens Tag Team of the year trophy at this time. But as you just seen, in controversial matters, the Death Machines just lost the UWF Womens World tag titles to the Fabulous Killer Baes!

The dressing room door swings open and out come the Death Machines....


Charly Caruso: "I ....ummmm...I was....just trying to present you....."

Seleziya Sparx: "You think we need a damn trophy to tell us what we already knew? Who else was going to win it? What you just saw out in that ring was the biggest crock of bullshit I've ever seen! How many of them did it take to get our titles? ALL THREE OF THEM! Which we normally wouldn't have a problem with. This trophy says it all....those world tag team titles backed it up....there's not a team alive today in our league. You tramps got the one over on us tonight....but you thought we was dangerous before? Just wait until you see what we are going to do to get our world titles back! And oh yea, it's going to be fabulous alright....DEATH TO EVERYBODY!"
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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress presents .... UWF GLORY Empty
PostSubject: Re: Progress presents .... UWF GLORY   Progress presents .... UWF GLORY EmptyTue Jul 07, 2020 11:08 am

(Champion) Adam Cole w/ Lauren Brooke
- vs -
‘Cowboy’ James Storm (AAW)

Storm enters the arena first to a loud ovation. He is focused and marches to the ring. Then we hear the familiar Bullet Club theme music and out comes the World Heavyweight Champion. He is led to the ring by his squeeze Lauren. No other Bullet Club members are present. The crowd is booing storm with the exception of a few scattered fans wearing Bullet Club shirts. Cole looks as cocky as ever as he smirks at the boos. He takes his time getting to the ring. Storm is pacing like a jungle cat. He gets a little too close for Adam's comfort and he tells the referee to get him back to his corner. Finally Cole enters the ring and poses to the masses as Lauren removes his robe.
Introductions are made and the referee holds up the title belt to the crowd.

Progress presents .... UWF GLORY WWE-championship-belt-e1531964201231

The bell sounds and they circle one another a bit. They tie up but neither man can get an advantage and they break it off. Cole shoves James in the chest. Storm shoves him back and Cole is on his keester. The cocky smirk is gone now and Cole gets to his feet angrily. They get in each other's face and Cole slaps Storm. James' eyes are full of rage now as Cole realizes that was a bad idea and jumps through the ropes but Storm chases after him. Adam runs but Storm is hot on his tail. Cole slides back in to the ring and when James does the same he is met with a series of stomps to the head. Cole gets James up and sends him into the ropes where he hits a Kitchen Sink. Adam drops an elbow, then lifts him up again. He has him in the corner and lays in a series of chops to the chest. Then Storm grabs him by the ears. Puts him into the corner and unleashes a series of chops of his own.

Storm Irish Whips him to the far corner and delivers a Back Body Drop. Cole is grabbing at his spine after the impact. He tries to stand as Storm drills him in the lumbar region with a hard forearm then gives him a Back Suplex. Storm continues to work the back. Then applies a Sharpshooter. Cole is in a lot of pain but doesn't quit. Lauren's face is showing a lot of concern. Then coming down the aisle is Black Thunder, Jushin Liger with a new mask on. Liger gets to the ring with Lauren and is slapping the mat trying to spur Cole on.

Cole fights his way to the ropes. The referee calls for the break but Storm keeps it on a bit longer. Finally at the count of 4 he releases and Adam rolls to the outside. Liger jumps on the apron complaining to the referee. The referee is telling to get down before awards the match to Storm. Meanwhile Lauren is rubbing the lower back of the Champion. Storm leaves the ring to go after Cole. He comes face to face with Liger. The ref is warning Liger and he puts his hands up as to say he's not doing anything and Storm drops him with a right cross. Now Lauren gets in his way. He grabs her by the arms and lifts her gently and puts her down out of the way. Then he turns back to Magnum and is met with a Superkick. Then Cole slams his head into the ring post. Adam rolls back in the ring and we can see James Storm has been cut. He climbs back to the apron and we see just how bad.

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Storm beats the count but now Adam Cole is all over him. Focusing his attack on the head. He lands a few punches, kicks and elbows. Then he hits Cole-Lateral. He covers for a near fall. He pulls him up for the Florida Key but Storm lands a back elbow then hits Closing Time (Double knee facebreaker)! 1.. 2.. No! He lifts Cole up... Bulldog. He covers for another 2. He looks for The Last Ride but Cole slips out the back... Corona Crash (Reverse DDT) connects. He gets him up.... Florida Key!!! 1.. 2.. NOOO!!!! Adam climbs the ropes for Panama Sunrise. He jumps but Storm catches him on his shoulders! The Last Ride!!!! Storm lays his arm over Cole but Lauren is on the apron. The ref yells at her to get down.  He turns and sees the cover and counts 1 ... 2 ... but Liger puts Adam's foot on the bottom rope!

Progress presents .... UWF GLORY 16994834

James picks him up Double Underhook Suplex Slam. He covers 1.. 2.. NO!!!! Storm pulls him up once more. Lands a couple of elbows
then from nowhere Adam nails a Jawbreaker. James is stunned... Fireman's carry Neckbreaker! 1.. 2.. NOOOO!!!! A bloody James Storm just refuses to quit. Adam goes for the Last Shot but Storm blocks it and hits a Spinning Suplex Slam. Adam is trying to crawl away towards the corner Storm is up and charges with a Spear but Magnum dives out the way and Storm crashes into the post and stumbles backwards into the ring. The impact plus the loss of blood has him reeling.  Cole connects with a Shining Wizard!  Instead of covering, Cole lifts him up... The Last Shot!  1.. 2.. 3!!!!!  Cole retains!

Progress presents .... UWF GLORY Aa927c8a03810923-600x338

Mauro says Cole is quickly becoming one of the greatest UWF champions in history .... with this win he will surpass Eddie Guerrero for the 2nd all-time longest title reign in UWF history and he is only 4 months behind Tully Blanchard for the longest reign in history .... Joey says regardless of if he reaches that milestone, Cole is still the first man to win world titles in 2 different weight classes and deserves to have his name mentioned up there with the all-time great champions .... Mauro wonders what the main event would have been like if AJ Styles had not been injured ....

Up next is our main event ... for the first time ever, a women’s world title match will main event a major UWF ppv .... this one has been building for these women’s entire lives .... nothing else needs to be said, the time for talking is over, let’s go up to the ring ....

(Champion) Tessa Blanchard (RWA)
- vs -
Charlotte Flair (PROGRESS)

The lights go down for the introductions here .... BIG FIGHT FEEL here and there isn’t a single person sitting down .... the bell rings and the crowd ERUPTS .... this is the one they’ve been waiting for .... Charlotte and Tessa meet center ring and are nose to nose .... there is some shit talking going on, and Charlotte lets out a big ‘Wooooooo!’ .... Tessa fires off with a forearm that Charlotte just no-sells .... She smiles at Tessa, then lights her up with a chop that echoes through the arena!  Woooooooo!  Tessa no-sells it and they get nose to nose again and now we’ve got both ladies standing in the middle of the ring and trading crazy fists!  Tessa gets the advantage and tosses Charlotte to the corner and she flips upside down and lands on the apron .... Charlotte lands on the apron on her feet, but Tessa dropkicks her to the floor!  Tessa follows her out and quickly looks for a piledriver on the floor, but Charlotte backdrops her out of it!  Charlotte whips Tessa into the steps, then suplexes her on the floor!  This is just a fight!

Charlotte tosses Tessa back in and says ‘Now we go to school!’ but Tessa fires back with foreaems and chops .... Tessa charges but Charlotte backdrops her to the apron .... she follows her out but Tessa scores with a DDT on the ring apron!  Tessa slams Charlotte into the barricade, hits a dropkick, and it’s all Tessa now, choking out Charlotte in the ropes .... Tessa lays in chops, but Charlotte battles back and hits the German for 2 .... Charlotte follows with a neck breaker for a 2 count .... Tessa rolls to the apron, and Charlotte sunset flips to the outside and is going to powerbomb Tessa to the floor but she holds onto the ropes!  Tessa with right hands breaks it up, then TESSA TAKES HER OUT WITH A SUICIDE DIVE!!!!  Tessa tosses her back in and goes up top .... she goes for Magnum but Charlotte catches her legs out of mid-air and blocks it!  SHE GOES TO THE FIGURE FOUR!!!!  Charlotte tries to bridge but Tessa stops it and fires up .... she let’s out a big scream, then slaps the shit out of Charlotte!  Charlotte lets out a primal scream of her own and slaps the shit out of Tessa, so both women take turns slapping the shit out of each other while also being locked in the figure four!  Tessa rolls on her stomach to relieve the pressure, but Charlotte rolls back into position .... then Tessa rolls again and then Charlotte rolls again and they end up rolling under the ropes to the floor while their legs are still locked!!!!  They hit the floor and that breaks the hold, and both ladies get up limping .... Charlotte chop blocks the knee from behind and then locks on the figure four around the ring post!!!!  The ref pulls her off, but Tessa is in bad shape .... we get a criss Cross in the ring, ending with Tessa hitting a bodypress that sends both women over the top all the way to the floor!!!!  Both women are down, and the ref reluctantly starts the count ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... both ladies aren’t moving ... 6 ... 7 ... they start to stir and use the ring skirt to try and pull themselves up ... 8 ... 9 ... Charlotte slides in but Tessa’s knee buckled and she collapses to the floor ... 10!

The trainers are out to check on Tessa, who can’t even stand .... Charlotte immediately grabs the mic and says that she refuses to win like this .... She accuses Tessa of getting counted out on purpose and says she is NO champion .... Tessa pushes her way past the trainers and attacks Charlotte!!!!  BUZZSAW DDT!!!!  Tessa takes the mic now, and she demands the match restart with no countouts!!!!  The ref reluctantly agrees!!!!  

The match is restarted, with Tessa in control now and she hits the draping flatliner .... Tessa is still limping badly, and Charlotte battles back .... she goes up top for a moonsault but Tessa moves and Charlotte lands on her feet .... Tessa hits the backstabber for 2!  Tessa sits Charlotte on the top and tries for a super-plex, but Charlotte fights her off and knocks her to the apron .... CHARLOTTE SPEARS TESSA THROUGH THE ROPES TO THE FLOOR!  It’s no countouts this time, and both ladies drag themselves to their feet and just start throwing hands .... Tessa takes the advantage, and takes Charlotte up on the announce table .... Tessa tries for a piledriver but Charlotte breaks free and grabs the women’s title and drills Tessa in the head with it!  Tessa is busted open!  The ref calls for the bell!!!!

Charlotte is laughing and continues the attack and just beats the hell out of Tessa!  She grabs a chair and puts Tessas head in it .... THEN STOMPS ON IT!!!!  The refs pull her off and are escorting her out of the ring when somehow we hear Tessas voice screaming .... Tessa yells at Charlotte to come back and finish the job!!!!  Security is keeping the 2 women apart, but Paul Boesch comes out and says this is the main event of the ppv, the first ever women’s main event and it isn’t going to end like this .... he asks Tessa if she can continue, and Tessa says yes .... Boesch restarts the match as a no DQ match!!!!

Charlotte is still being held back by security, but she turns and just starts slapping them .... Charlotte with forearms, BUT TESSA DIVES OUT ONTO ALL OF THEM AND TAKES THEM ALL OUT!  Tessa has a steel chair and wraps it around the head of Charlotte with a sick chairshot!  Charlotte is busted open now!  She grabs Charlotte, BUZZSAW DDT ON THE CHAIR!  1 ... 2 ... Nooooooo!  Charlotte somehow kicks out!!!!  Both women are bloody messes here as the crowd is chanting ‘THIS IS AWESOME!’ and ‘FIGHT FOREVER!’  Tessa grabs a chair and puts Charlottes head in the chair and she is going to return the favor and Pillman-ize her but Charlotte is up somehow and throws the chair in Tessas face!  NATURAL SELECTION!  1 ... 2 ... Tessa kicks out!  Charlotte goes for the Figure Four again, but Tessa kicks her off and she crashes face-first into the turnbuckles!  Tessa rolls her up from behind!  1 ... 2 ... Kickout!  Both ladies back to their feet and Charlotte drills Tessa with a big boot that sends her to the floor ..... Charlotte slowly climbs up top AND HITS A SKYTWISTER PRESS TO THE FLOOR!!!!  Charlotte tosses Tessa back in the ring and lets out a ‘Woooo!’ but Tessa pulls herself up to her knees and locks eyes with Charlotte .... Tessa defiantly screams at Charlotte to hit her again!  Charlotte screams at Tessa to just quit!  TESSA SPITS IN CHARLOTTES FACE!  Charlotte is shocked and stands there for a second .... she can’t believe what just happened .... finally, she wipes the spit out of her face and becomes enraged .... she charges ... RIGHT INTO A SUPERKICK!  Tessa falls on top .... 1 ... 2 ... Charlotte kicks out!  Both women are down, and the chair is positioned on the mat in between them .... they slowly begin to stir as the crowd wills them on, and they both start to crawl toward the chair .... they both get their hands on it and start to play tug of war with it, but Charlotte pulls it free and jams it in the gut of Tessa, sending her stumbling backwards!  Charlotte nearly collapses, but uses the chair to prop herself up .... she manages to pull herself to her feet, but has lost sight of Tessa .... she turns .... BUT TESSA DIVES OFF THE TOP OUT OF NOWHERE AND HITS THE MAGNUM USING THE CHAIR!!!!  MAMA MIA .... HOLY SHIT!!!!  Tessa is rolling on the ground clutching at her knees, and Charlotte’s face is crushed!  Tessa slowly crawls over, laying an arm across her chest for the 1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!

The trainers hit the ring and tend to both ladies .... they are unable to move .... they both get ice packs on their necks, and they work to try to stop the bleeding .... by force of sheer will, neither woman will let themselves stay down longer than the other one, and they push past medical help and try to get to their feet .... both women are emotional and nearly in tears .... they stand face to face in the middle of the ring, and the announcers don’t even talk as they let the crowd tell the story .... they give both ladies a standing ovation .... Charlotte backs away falling to the outside and slowly walking away .... in the ring, Tessa is handed the women’s title as fireworks erupt from above the ring ....

Progress presents .... UWF GLORY EBIHHM0W4AE1WpB
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