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 Progress presents: .... ALL IN (From Melbourne, Australia)

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress presents: .... ALL IN (From Melbourne, Australia) Empty
PostSubject: Progress presents: .... ALL IN (From Melbourne, Australia)   Progress presents: .... ALL IN (From Melbourne, Australia) EmptyMon Jul 06, 2020 2:40 pm

Progress presents: .... ALL IN (From Melbourne, Australia) Progress-696x402

Progress presents: .... ALL IN (From Melbourne, Australia) ALL-IN_0

LOCATION: Melbourne, Australia  
ARENA: Hisense Arena
ANNOUNCERS: Mauro Renallo, Matt Striker & Renee Young

Roulette Match:
Dolph Ziggler (US)
- vs -
Kenny King (US)
- vs -
‘Cowboy’ James Storm (US)
- vs -
‘Bruiserweight’ Pete Dunne (UK)
- vs -
‘All-American Alpha’ Jack Swagger w/ Chad Gable & Jason Jordan (UK)
- vs -
Matt Riddle (UK)

The bell rings and everyone starts going at it .... Swagger starts tossing people out of the ring and then tries to climb, but Ziggler stops him .... Ziggler and Swagger fight but Storm is in and takes them both out with a clothesline .... There is brawling on the floor between the other participants, and Kenny King hits a tope over the top to take them all out .... Riddle starts running wild a bit .... Dunne cuts him off with a KO forearm shot .... Dunne climbs, but Swagger climbs up and they fight and Swagger super-plexes Dunne .... Riddle hits a back senton on both of these guys but Ziggler catches him from behind with the zig zag .... Ziggler turns around right into the Last Call superkick from James Storm and Storm climbs up and pulls down a case ....

CASE #1 - ‘Cowboy’ James Storm

King runs wild for a moment but Dunne cuts him off .... King with the handstand capoeira kick to Dunne and he climbs .... Dunne is up with him and King gets his hands on the case but Dunne grabs his fingers and does the finger break spot!  King is holding his fingers, and Dunne pulls down the case ....

CASE #2 - ‘Bruiserweight’ Pete Dunne

Two cases left .... King is attending to his fingers as Riddle runs wild .... Riddle hits Bro 2 Sleep on Ziggler by Swagger hits a saito suplex on Riddle .... Swagger climbs but Riddle runs up the ropes and hits an avalanche German suplex .... Riddle and Swagger struggle to their feet, but Ziggler comes in with a superkick that misses Riddle and takes out Swagger!  Riddle drills Ziggler with the FINAL FLASH (bicycle knee strike)!  Riddle climbs and pulls down the case ....

CASE #3 - Matt Riddle

Kenny King, Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger are all that remain and there is one case left .... Ziggler climbs but Swagger pulls him down into the ankle lock!  While this happens King tries to climb up but Swagger lets go of Ziggler and grabs an ankle lock on King and pulls him down off the top! .... Swagger cranks away on the ankle lock and King taps but it doesn’t matter .... Swagger finally lets go and starts to climb, but Ziggler runs up the ropes and hits a Zig Zag off the top rope on Swagger!  With Ziggler and Swagger down, King climbs up and grabs the final case! ....

CASE #4 - Kenny King

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *


William Regal begrudgingly asks Marty Scurll to be on Team UK .... Juice Robinson has a broken hand and can’t compete in the match, leaving Team UK down 5-4 .... Regal can’t believe he is asking Scurll because Marty is the one responsible .... but he’s getting pressure to win this match .... Scurll laughs that Regal has finally broken down enough to come to him for help .... Scurll smiles and tells him he will think about it and walks off ....

5 on 5 Women’s Elimination Match:

(Progress United States)
Shayna Baszler, Bianca BelAir, Naomi, Mia Yim & Leva Bates

- vs -

(Progress United Kingdom)
Rhea Ripley, Santana Garrett, Bea Priestley, Tegan Nox, Millie McKenzie

There is some bad blood between the women on BOTH these teams but they try to put that aside here .... Lots of arguing about who is going to start but it’s eventually BelAir and Tegan Nox .... We get some good wrestling here .... Several more tags and Leva Bates and Mia Yim hit some double team moves on Millie McKenzie .... Naomi in but misses the split-legged moonsault .... Priestley tags herself in and hits the Fatality (step-up double stomp) on Naomi for the 3 count ....


BelAir back in and beats down Priestley in the corner .... Quick tags as everyone takes turns in the ring at this point .... BelAir drills Santana with the burning hammer followed by a standing moonsault for the pin ....


Baszler in and she kicks the shit out of Millie McKenzie, busting her nose .... the sight of her own blood makes her fire up and McKenzie actually starts tossing Baszler around with German suplexes .... Ripley in and hits a standing dropkick on Baszler .... Yim tags herself in, and then Bates tags in and Ripley cuts her off .... Ripley hits the Riptide powerbomb(pumphandle sitout powerbomb) on Bates and she’s gone ....


Yim comes in and fires up and starts to clean house, but Tegan Nox tags in and cuts that off .... She hits a flying crossbody to Yim, then connects with the Shining Wizard to eliminate Yim ....


The UK now has a 4-2 advantage .... Baszler changes all that by forcing Priestley to tap out to the Kirafuda Clutch ....


Tegan Nox and Shayna Baszler exchange moves and Nox fires up only to get taken out with a knee strike .... Ripley in and actually over-powers Baszler for a few moves, taking her out .... Millie and BelAir battle it out, with BelAir showing her power by deadlifting Millie out of a triangle choke and hitting a buckle bomb!  BelAir knocks Tegan off the apron and then hits the alley oop powerbomb on Millie to eliminate her ....


Tegan is in and quickly rolls up BelAir for a 2 count .... Ripley tags herself in, but her and Tegan argue allowing BelAir to dropkick Ripley into Tegan and knock her outside .... BelAir rolls up Ripley for the 3 count! ....


Ripley is pissed and attacks Tegan .... she beats her down on the floor and rolls her back in, where Baszler drills her with the penalty kick!  Tegan kicks out!  Tegan fires up and nails a flying clothesline, then dropkicks BelAir off the apron .... Baszler goes to tag BelAir, but gets angry when she’s down on the floor and not in the corner .... Baszler fosses BelAir back in the ring, and when BelAir turns to jaw at Baszler she gets nailed with the Shiniest Wizard from Nox for the pin ....


It’s Nox and Baszler as the last 2 .... Tegan attacks, but Baszler stops all that with strikes .... Tegan with a rollup for a close 2 .... Baszler with a knee strike and then she stomps on the ankle of Nox and bends it at an awkward angle .... Tegan is instantly working on one leg .... She battles back with a tornado DDT, but hits a half-assed Shiniest Wizard that only gets 2 because of the injury .... Baszler catches Nox with a GTS, then locks on the Kirafuda Clutch!  Nox is trapped but refuses to tap out .... she starts fading fast, and the ref checks her arms and she stops responding .... the ref calls for the bell ....


Baszler celebrates with fellow Horsewomen Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke being the sole survivor of the match ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Progress Tag Team titles:
(Champions) War Machine (Raymond Rowe & Hanson)
- vs -
Austin Aries & Roderick Strong

Aries comes out with his arm in a sling saying he can’t compete .... it looks like Strong will have to take on War Machine by himself but as War Machine is distracted by Aries’ explanation, Kyle O’Reilley comes from behind with a chair and attacks War Machine!!!!  O’Reilley uses the chair to smash the knee of Hanson before the match even starts!  Rowe is forced to go at it alone as the trainers check on Hanson at ringside, and O’Reilley takes Aries’ spot in the match!  The match is 2 on 1 for a long time as Rowe gets worked over, but Hanson manages to pull himself up .... he pushes the trainers away and gets in the corner and tags himself in!  Hanson is working on one leg as he runs wild with clotheslines, and he cartwheels away but can’t hold weight on his leg and collapses .... Rowe comes back in and they try for Thor’s Hammer but Hanson can’t do the move .... Strong clips the knee of Hanson, then O’Reilley ans Strong take out Rowe with the Ax & Smash + Jumping knee strike .... Hanson somehow pulls himself to his feet, and Strong and O’Reilley hit the Sick Kick + Total Elimination on Hanson for the 3 count!  We have new champions!!!!

The new champs celebrate, while the trainers check on Hanson’s knee ....

Progress presents: .... ALL IN (From Melbourne, Australia) NXT-Takeover-Chicago-Undisputed-Era

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *


William Regal and MVP are in the ring and they introduce the ‘Progress Roulette’ case winners from earlier tonight .... out comes ‘Cowboy’ James Storm, Kenny King, ‘Bruiserweight’ Pete Dunne and Matt Riddle ....

Kenny King opens his case, and it is a TAG TEAM TITLE SHOT ....

‘Bruiserweight’ Pete Dunne opens his case, and it is a UNITED KINGDOM TITLE SHOT ....

It’s down to Matt Riddle and ‘Cowboy’ James Storm now .... Riddle goes to open his case, but Storm stops him .... Storm picks up a couple of beers and gives one to Riddle, and they toast .... Riddle opens his case ....

Matt Riddle opens his case and it is a ATLAS TITLE SHOT

Storm knows now that his case is the FIRED case .... Riddle is almost sorry for this .... The crowd pops for Storm as he gives a final toast to the fans before leaving the ring .... Storm no longer works for Progress Wrestling ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Singles Match:
(Women’s Universal Champion) Lacey Evans
- vs -
(Shimmer Internet Champion) Toni Storm

One of the most anticipated matches of the night as the crowd LOVES Toni .... BOTH of these ladies are homegrown talents here .... We get a lot of back and forth early with Toni out-Wrestling Lacey for the most part but Lacey is so athletic .... Evans takes over hitting the Bronco Buster and the slingshot elbow drop .... Toni battles back and hits the air raid crash nexkbreaker but Lacey kicks out!  Toni up top but Lacey catches her on the way down with the Woman’s Right!  Lacey covers, but Toni kicks out at 2!  TONI KICKED OUT OF THE WOMANS RIGHT!  Evans goes for the Lady Lace-up but Toni turns it into a sunset flip for 2 .... Toni avoids another right and nails a shoot headbutt that knocks BOTH women off their feet!  Toni up top and hits the guillotine leg drop but Evans kicks out!  Fans are chanting for both women now .... Toni up top again but Evans meets her there and hits a BIG super-plex!!!!  Evans goes for the Woman’s Right again but Toni catches it in mid-air!  TIGER DRIVER FROM STORM!  1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!  Storm has beaten the Universal Champion!!!!

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

5 on 5 Elimination Match:

(Progress United States)
Johnny Gargano, The Miz, Ricochet, ‘Limitless’ Keith Lee, ‘The Machine’ Brian Cage

- vs -

(Progress United Kingdom)
Tomasso Ciampa, Drew McIntyre, WALTER, Aleister Black, ‘The Villain’ Marty Scurll

* It appears Team US is going to have the 5 on 4 advantage, but then ‘The Villain’ Marty Scurll makes his entrance and accepts Regals invite to join Team Uk .... *

The story all night has been that Scurll has left Regal with no other choice but to ask him to join Team UK .... Meanwhile, Ciampa is a total dick to his teammates, insisting that he’s the captain of the team and he’s their boss .... Ciampa is set to start against the Miz, but Marty Scurll tags himself in at the start .... Scurll and Miz face off, but Scurll just hauls off and kicks Miz right between the legs!!!!  This immediately gets Scurll disqualified! ....


Team UK is pissed, but Marty just flaps his arms like a bird and walks out of the ring .... Tomasso Ciampa blocks Marty’s path and they have a face off, but Scurll kicks Ciampa right between the legs too!  Everyone is just standing around kind of surprised by this, and Scurll heads up the ramp where he is confronted by William Regal .... the announcers remind the fans that Regal is not supposed to touch Scurll per Progress management .... Regal is FURIOUS and is in Marty’s face yelling at him .... SCURLL RESPONDS WITH A HEADBUTT TO THE FACE OF REGAL!!!!  Regal is knocked on his ass, and blood is pouring out of his nose!  Scurll walks off to the back .... Regal pulls himself up and pushes his way past the trainers and disappears after Marty .... Meanwhile, in the ring Miz is just now getting up from being kicked in the nuts .... he gets to his feet and gets drilled by Black Mass from Aleister Black and he’s eliminated!


IN THE BACK - We see Scurll walking down the hallway when he is suddenly attacked from behind by William Regal!!!!  Regal beats the shit out of Scurll until more Progress officials come in to pull Regal off him .... The camera shows Scurlls face abs he’s laughing about it!

It’s 4 on 4 and things settle down somewhat after the opening chaos .... During the flow of the match the former tag team partners Tomasso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano never end up in the ring together .... WALTER comes in and we get a hoss battle between him and Keith Lee as well as ‘The Machine’ Brian Cage .... Cage shows his power by hitting the F’N-5 on WALTER .... Aleister Black gets the hot tag and starts taking everyone out with strikes .... He goes for Black Mass on Keith Lee, but Lee catches it, then drills him with the pop-up Spirit Bomb!  Lee has the pin, but Ciampa comes in and drills him from behind with the psycho knee strike to the head!  Brian Cage with the discus Lariat takes out Ciampa, but McIntyre dumps Cage .... Claymore Kick finishes Keith Lee ....


Ricochet flies in and takes out Mcintyre, then goes one on one with Ciampa .... Ricochet dumps Ciampa and then Mcintyre, then it’s time to show what he can do .... SPRINGBOARD SHOOTING STAR PRESS ONTO THE WHOLE GROUP!!!!  Gargano is in and goes up top for a dive of his own, but Aleister Black stops him .... HE SUPER-PLEXES GARGANO ONTO EVERYONE OUTSIDE!!!!  Bodies are all over the ringside area .... Ricochet and WALTER end up in the ring and WALTER caves in the chest of Ricochet with some hard chops .... WALTER with a German suplex but Ricochet backflips out it to lands on his feet and then hits a roundhouse to the head of WALTER .... Gargano with the slingshot DDT, then Ricochet up top and hits the 630!!!!  Brian Cage picks WALTER up and drills him with Weapon X and gets the pin! ....


We get Brian Cage and Drew McIntyre in a hoss battle in the middle of the ring .... McIntyre sits Cage on top and goes for the Avalanche air raid crash, but Cage slips out and then Buckle Bombs Mcintyre in the opposite corner!  Gargano flies in with a slingshot spear to Mcintyre!  GargaNO Escape locked in!  Aleister Black breaks it up and tosses Gargano, but Cage takes him out with a discus Lariat .... Ricochet misses a dive on Black and dives on Cage instead but Cage catches him in mid-air .... while Cage is holding Ricochet, Black drills him with the Black Mass!  Ciampa grabs Black and tosses him out of the ring and then pins Cage .... Cage kicks out at 2!  Ciampa hits the running knee strike, but Cage just takes it and fires up!  Ciampa with another knee strike, then ANOTHER .... Fairytale Ending by Ciampa finally eliminates Cage....


Black is back in the ring and shoves Ciampa .... more drama between Team UK because of Ciampa .... Ciampa decks Black when a right hand, but Black fires back with a flurry of strikes .... Black goes for the Black Mass on Ciampa but Gargano makes the save for Ciampa by superkicking Black!  We get a reunion of former tag partners Ciampa and Gargano in the middle of this match! Ciampa and Gargano are in opposite corners .... THEY HIT ‘MEET IN THE MIDDLE’ ON BLACK!!!!  The crowd goes nuts for this!  Gargano covers Black and eliminates him! ....


Mcintyre is pissed and gets in Ciampas face .... before they can fight Ricochet takes them both out with a springboard dropkick .... Ricochet and Ciampa fight on the floor, but Gargano hits a suicide dive that wipes out BOTH Ricochet and Ciampa at the same time!!!!  McIntyre grabs Ricochet and hits the Future Shock DDT on the floor!  He rolls him back in the ring and covers for the 3 count! ....


McIntyre turns around, right into the slingshot DDT from Gargano!  1 ... 2 ... McIntyre kicks out!  It’s down to Ciampa and McIntyre vs. Johnny Gargano .... Meanwhile, Ciampa has retrieved a chair and slides back in .... Ciampa raises the chair, but Johnny turns around and catches him in the act and Ciampa stops in his tracks .... Ciampa lowers the chair, but Gargano dodges a Claymore from Mcintyre and he kicks the chair out of Ciampa’s hand!  A superkick from Gargano takes out McIntyre, and then Johnny picks up the chair!  Johnny turns and sees Ciampa, and he hesitates hitting his partner with the chair .... he drops the chair, but Ciampa low blows him!!!!  Gargano drops to his knees and Ciampa picks up the chair .... Johnny looks up with the ‘Why?’ look on his face .... CIAMPA KILLS HIM WITH THE CHAIRSHOT!!!!  Ciampa just stands there with a crazy look on his face and he tosses the chair away ..... the boos are DEAFENING!  Ciampa backs away looking like he’s horrified by his own actions, then he slowly pulls down his knee pad .... Johnny tries to pull himself up, but Ciampa KO’s him with the running knee strike!  Ciampa pins Gargano for the 3 count and it’s all over ....


Ciampa immediately snatches the trophy and celebrates .... he stands over Johnny and all expression of friendship that was there early in the match is now gone .... Ciampa stands over Johnny and smiles, BUT TURNS AND GETS TAKEN OUT WITH THE CLAYMORE FROM MCINTYRE!!!!  Mcintyre picks up the trophy AND the UK title and looks at both, then holds up the Uk title .... he drops the title on Ciampa, then leaves with the trophy ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

]Progress Atlas Championship:
(Champion) AJ Styles
- vs -
Finn Balor

This one is a little more personal than there original match, with the controversy surrounding Styles and Balors accusation of collusion between him and Aries & Strong .... Balor is definitely the aggressor this time, and the fans love him for it .... Balor is in full DEMON war paint and attire for this match ....

Progress presents: .... ALL IN (From Melbourne, Australia) 57b7754bc59f0.image

The bell rings and Balor explodes out of the corner with a shotgun dropkick to AJ right off the bat!  Balor up top .... COUP DE GRACE!  1 ... 2 .... 2.99999!!!!  Balor is on fire and gets a near fall off his finisher just seconds into the match .... Balor controls, but AJ fires back and we spill outside .... AJ reverses a whip and sends Balor into the steps knees-first, then he drops Balors knee across the railing .... AJ relentlessly goes after the knee, even locking on a Figure Four around the post .... Balor has a hard time standing and AJ takes him out with the phenomenal dropkick .... AJ goes for a Styles Clash on the ring apron, but Balor dumps him and then hits the penalty kick from the apron .... Balor hits a double stomp off the apron to the back of AJ .... AJ tries for the Asai DDT off the apron but Balor grabs him and tosses him into the ringpost shoulder-first .... Balor now takes over on the shoulder of AJ .... AJ fires back with strikes, but runs into the sling blade from Balor for a close 2 count .... Balor goes for the shotgun dropkick but AJ cuts him off with a dropkick to the knee as he comes in .... AJ locks on the Calf Killer!!!!  Balor struggles but doesn’t tap, finally making the ropes after being in the hold for a long while .... AJ goes for the Styles Clash but Balor gets out of it with an arm wringer to the bad shoulder .... BLOODY SUNDAY!  1 ... 2 ... Nooooo!  AJ kicks out!!!!  Balor is limping, but has enough to hit the shotgun dropkick!  He goes up top, but AJ rolls out of the way of the Coup De Grace and Balor comes up limping .... Pele kick!  AJ to the apron .... PHENOMENAL FOREARM!  1 ... 2 ... Balor kicks out!!!!  AJ goes for the Styles Clash, but Balor backdrops him to the apron and then hits the rope-assisted enziguri!  Styles is down on the ring apron, AND BALOR HITS THE COUP DE GRACE TO STYLES ON THE APRON!!!!  Balor hurts himself in the process and he can barely put any weight on the knee .... Balor looks to finish AJ with the Bloody Sunday but the knee gives out, allowing AJ to roll him into the Calf Killer again!!!!  Balor tries to roll out of it, but AJ holds on and rolls Balor back to the center of the ring!  Balor fights ... fights ... but he finally taps!

Progress presents: .... ALL IN (From Melbourne, Australia) 067_SD_02022016ej_0540-756927145.0.0

AJ pulls Balor up and offers his hand to him .... Balor takes it and they shake hands .... Balor leaves the ring to AJ, who has the full support of the fans at this point ....

Progress presents: .... ALL IN (From Melbourne, Australia) Aj_styles_and_finn_balor_by_skgraphics8-dbydepp

AJ holds up the title, but then the music of Matt Riddle hits!  

Progress presents: .... ALL IN (From Melbourne, Australia) NINTCHDBPICT000450335765

Riddle comes out and stares down AJ, teasing cashing in his Atlas title shot right now!  AJ looks tired .... Riddle smiles and then backs off, showing AJ the case and saying he can cash in whenever he wants .... Riddle walks out and leaves the ring to AJ to close the show ....
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