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 Progress presents .... ENDGAME

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress presents .... ENDGAME Empty
PostSubject: Progress presents .... ENDGAME   Progress presents .... ENDGAME EmptyTue Jul 07, 2020 11:13 am

Progress presents .... ENDGAME Progress_strong_style_pro_wrestling_logo_by_nuruddinayobwwe-dbceh2i

.... PRESENTS ....

Progress presents .... ENDGAME Set-in-aviano-bold-font

Progress presents .... ENDGAME Amwaycenter2_300_031912

LOCATION: Orlando, Florida
ARENA: Amway Center
ANNOUNCERS: Mauro Renallo, Wade Barrett & Renee Young

We get the fireworks opening in the arena .... show is also being shown on ippv through streaming services like FiteTV and Bleacher Report Live .... We go to the ringside table with the announce team of Mauro Renallo & Renee Young, and they welcome to the booth Progress UK’s newest announcer, WADE BARRETT .... Barrett provides the heel foil to Renallo in commentary .... They put over tonight’s show, and we are starting off with a bang as the UWF Junior Heavyweight title will be on the line!

UWF Junior Heavyweight title
(Champion) ‘The Villain’ Marty Scurll (UNITED KINGDOM)
- vs -
Finn Balor(IRELAND)

Balor is the only 2-time Junior champion in UWF history, and Scurll took the title from him in Villainous fashion after a brutal attack on WCW Thunder ....

This is a solid wrestling match that goes back and forth the entire way for the 30 minute time limit .... Balor turns on the heat with a barrage of moves toward the end of the match, but Scurll bails and tries to take a countout to keep the title .... Balor tosses him back in and hits the Coup De Grace, but the bell rings before the pinfall happens .... the 30 minute time limit expires ....

POST MATCH: Balor grabs the mic and wants 5 more minutes and so do the fans .... Scurll laughs it off and takes a walk, refusing to keep fighting .... Scurll says Balor failed, just like he will fail again in the main event .... Balor says Marty won’t be facing him, he will be facing the Demon!!!! ....

‘Switchblade’ Jay White (NEW ZEALAND)
- vs -
Buddy Murphy (AUSTRALIA)

Total carnage as these guys try to KILL each other .... White builds a tower of unfolded chairs in the ring and hits the Kiwi Krusher onto it, but Murphy kicks out!  Murphy hits the Kamigoye, busting open Whites mouth, but he kicks out!  They battle on the apron, with White hitting the Blade Runner off the apron all the way to the floor!!!!  Holy Shit!!!!  It takes White too long to get Murphy back in the ring and Murphy amazingly kicks out at 2!!!!  White goes for the Blade Runner onto a chair, but Murphy counters out and hits the V Trigger!  Murphy hits White’s own finisher, the Blade Runner, on him but White kicks out!! Murphy unfolds a chair in the middle of the ring .... White tells Murphy to bring it on, and Murphy KILLS White with another V Trigger!  Murphy follows that up WITH MURPHY’S LAW THROUGH THE UNFOLDED CHAIR!!!!  Murphy makes the pin to put White away ....

- vs -
Hideo Itami (JAPAN)

Hard-hitting, Strong-style affair here as these two really beat the piss out of each other!  Strikes and submissions galore .... Itami hits the GTS on Riddle, but Riddle fires up momentarily before Itami puts him down with the penalty kick for the 3 count ....

POST MATCH: Austin Theory comes out and disrespects Itami, saying that he is the future and Itami should have picked him .... This leads to a GTS from Itami, followed by the Bro Derek from Riddle and Theory is laid out .... Riddle & Itami bow to each other and show respect as Itami celebrates the win ....

Grizzled Young Veterans - Zack Gibson & James Drake (UNITED KINGDOM)
- vs -
Redragon - Kyle O’Reilley & Bobby Fish (UNITED STATES)

Textbook tag team match, and the fans are unsure who they want to hate more in this battle of 2 heel teams .... The GYV continue their hot streak as they get the win over Redragon following hitting the Ticket to Mayhem on Fish .... Grizzled Young Vets are next in line for a tag title match as a result of the win ....

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We get the big announcement that has been teased for several shows, and that it is that Progress is in contract negotiations with Ronda Rousey .... Rousey is shown on camera, and she is sitting ringside with Progress General Manager JBL ....

Meiko Satomura (JAPAN)
- vs -

Satomura is treated as a big deal here .... Yim being the one she picked to fight in her debut is also put over .... Similar to the Hideo Itami match, Satomura and Yim work a really stiff match that exemplifies the strong-style of Progress .... Yim looks like a beast in surviving a lot of Satomura’s moves, and she hits a vicious package piledriver on the apron!  Satomura survives, coming back and hitting Yim with a stiff Scorpion Kick to finally score the pin .... Both ladies receive a standing ovation from the fans afterward ....

UWF world tag team titles
(Champions) ‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper & ‘Mr. Wonderful’ Paul Orndorff (UNITED STATES)
- vs -
War Machine - Rowe & Hanson (UNITED STATES)

Piper & Orndorff DO NOT want to be here .... War Machine are intense because this is their first title shot since having to surrender the World tag titles due to injury ....

War Machine takes control early, and Piper & Orndorff are constantly on the defensive .... They managed to isolate Hanson and work his knee over to take the big man off his feet .... Hanson fights back and Rowe gets the hot tag to run wild .... War Machine take control and we get double teams for near falls where it looks like we are going to get new champions, only for the champions to survive .... Hanson with the cartwheel evasion and takes the champs out with a double clothesline, then they set up for the Fallout, but out of the back come the Grizzled Young Vets and Gibson shoves Hanson off the top for the DQ finish!

POST MATCH: Piper & Orndorff watch as the Vets handcuff Rowe to the top rope .... with Rowe taken out, the champs and the Veterans attack Hanson 4 on 1 and Gibson & Drake Pillman-ize the arm of Hanson! ....  Gibson locks on Shankly Gates on Hanson! .... Rowe is pulling on the handcuff so hard his wrist is bleeding, and he breaks the handcuff and pulls free!  Hanson is hurt and it’s still 4 on 1 .... Ticket to Mayhem on Rowe!  Piper is outside and pulls back the protective mat exposing the concrete floor!  SPIKE PILEDRIVER TO ROWE ON THE FLOOR!!!!  It’s carnage as 4 men have laid waste to the Progress tag team champions!!!!

(Champion) Johnny Gargano (UNITED STATES)
- vs -
‘The Machine’ Brian Cage (UNITED STATES)

.... Johnny is a wild man here, fueled by his anger over what Cage did to Candice and he attacks him with a kendo stick before the match even starts!  Cage no-sells and tries to powder to the outside but Johnny hits a dive to take him out .... Johnny sticks and moves and stays away from Cage as he maintains the advantage, but all it takes is one clothesline from Cage to stop all that .... Cage grabs part of the barricade and makes a bridge between the apron and the barrier, then is going to powerbomb Gargano on it but Johnny hits a low blow!  SLINGSHOT DDT FROM THE INSIDE OUT DRIVES CAGE THROUGH THE BRIDGED GUARDRAIL!!!!  Cage doesn’t stop coming, and he fires up and powerbombs Gargano onto the apron!!!!  Johnny is down and out come the trainers to check on him, but Gargano is playing possum and uses them as a shield and scores with a superkick that staggers Cage!  GARGANO LOCKS ON GARGANO ESCAPE USING THE KENDO STICK!!!!  Cage powers out of the hold and hits a buckle bomb! Cage picks up the kendo stick and looks at it, but is like ‘fuck it I don’t need this shit’ and he breaks it over his knee!  Gargano reverses a powerbomb with a hurricanrana that sends Cage into the exposed buckle.  Gargano goes under the ring and retrieves a black bag, but Cage turns Johnny inside out with a discus Lariat!  Cage has the bag now, and he pours out the contents and there are thumb tacks all over the mat!!!!  LOW BLOW BY GARGANO!!!!  He goes to the apron, SLINGSHOT DDT INTO THE TACKS!!!!  HOLY SHIT!!!!  Both guys have tacks sticking out of their bodies, and Johnny lays an arm across Cage ... 1 ... 2 ... Nooooooo!!!!  Now Gargano is about to lose it, and Cage pulls himself up to his knees .... JOHNNY JUST STARTS SUPER-KICKING THE SHIT OUT OF CAGE!  Johnny reels off like 10 straight super kicks and Cage takes every one of them without going down .... Cage even fires up and stands to his feet!  Gargano off the ropes but runs right into the pop-up powerbomb into the tacks!!!!  Cage picks him up and hit the Weapon X!  1 ... 2 ... Gargano kicks out!!!!  Cage is pissed now, and he picks Johnny up and drills him with another powerbomb!  Cage holds on ... ANOTHER POWERBOMB!  Cage puts one foot on Gargano’s chest as the ref counts 1 ... 2 ... Johnny barely rolls his shoulder off the mat at 2.99999!  Cage picks him up .... A 3RD POWERBOMB!  A 4TH!!!!  The ref finally steps in to check on Gargano, and he calls the trainers out .... Cage shoves then all away, and he picks Gargano up for a 5th powerbomb!!!!  But this time the ref grabs Gargano and pulls him away, waving off the match and calling for the bell!  Cage is the winner via stoppage!!!!  In an unbelievable scene, Cage is awarded the title amidst the chaos ....

Progress presents .... ENDGAME BrokenSoreBuck-size_restricted

Edge comes out to a good reaction .... He is disappointed he doesn’t have a match tonight, but he declares his intentions of wanting the Atlas title .... he says he’s going to be watching the main event closely ....

(Champion) Jake Hager w/ Chad Gable & Jason Jordan (UNITED STATES)
- vs -
‘Bruiserweight’ Pete Dunne (UNITED KINGDOM)
- vs -
WALTER w/ Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner (AUSTRIA)

This is a great contrast of styles as WALTER and Hager are the big hosses while Dunne is smaller but goes toe to toe with them .... WALTER takes out Dunne with a powerbomb into the ringpost and we get the hoss battle one on one .... Hager hits the Doctor Bomb and locks the ankle lock on WALTER but Dunne breaks it up .... Dunne does the finger break on both guys, and traps WALTER in the Coji Clutch!  Hager comes in with the ankle lock on Dunne and we have a submission chain .... Dunne breaks the hold and battles Hager, eventually hitting the Bitter End .... WALTER breaks up the pin .... Dunne with the triangle choke on WALTER and he starts snapping the fingers but WALTER powers him up in the air and powerbombs Dunne on top of Hager!!!!  Clutching his hands, WALTER falls on top of Hager for the 3 count to win the match!  New Champion!!!!

Progress presents .... ENDGAME Tenor

POST MATCH: WALTER celebrates with the title, but suddenly bagpipes start playing and a procession of pipers come out down the ramp .... DREW MCINTYRE IS BACK!!!!  

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Drew McIntyre makes his way to the ring and stands face to face with WALTER!!!! .... WALTER backs away and leaves the ring as McIntyre never breaks eye contact ....

Womens Evolution Title:
(Champion) Shayna Baszler w/ Marina Shafir & Jessamyn Duke (UNITED STATES)
- vs -
Charlotte Flair (UNITED STATES)

These two have history going back for months .... Charlotte is coming off a WAR with Tessa Blanchard at Glory, and she has only recently been medically cleared to be in this match .... it’s a brawl to start, as Charlotte is the aggressor .... They brawl at ringside, and Charlotte stops to notice Rousey at ringside with JBL ..... this allows Baszler to turn the tide and attack Charlottes head, and we realize she may have rushed things in coming back too soon .... Charlotte rallies, and nearly has the submission with the figure 8 but Baszler rolls to the outside to break the hold .... Baszler goes for the chair, but Charlotte gets the chair and nails Baszler with it for the DQ ....

POST MATCH: Security comes out to stop Charlotte as she wears out Baszler, Shafir & Duke with a chair .... Rousey stands and looks concerned for her fellow Horsewomen, and Charlotte is in a rage .... She sees Rousey AND GOES AFTER HER TOO!!!!  Rousey is about to take out Charlotte, JBL and security step in and keep the 2 separated and it’s a big scene at ringside ....

Progress presents .... ENDGAME WWE-Raw-Ronda-Rousey-Becky-Lynch-Charlotte-Flair-arrested

Progress Atlas title
(Champion) ‘The Villain’ Marty Scurll (UNITED KINGDOM)
- vs -
Finn Balor (IRELAND)

Balor makes his entrance as the Demon after he and Scurll already battled to a 30 minute draw in the opening match tonight ....

Progress presents .... ENDGAME Tenor

This match plays out totally different that their first match tonight, which was more of a wrestling match .... Balor has brought the demon this time, and he is insanely more aggressive .... He explodes with the shotgun dropkick as the bell rings, then straight to the top .... COUP DE GRACE!!!!  1 ... 2 ... NOOOOO!  Scurll barely kicks out and rolls outside as we are barely underway!  They battle back and forth and brawl onto the stage, where Scurll hits Balor with the umbrella and then hits the Black Plague on the stage!  Balor has hurt his shoulder, and Scurll tosses him off the stage through a table!  Scurll takes the title and tries to leave as trainers are checking on Balor, but Johnny Saint is out and orders Scurll back to the ring .... Balor rises from the ashes and hits a slingblade on the ramp!  Back in the ring, Scurll hits the ‘Just Kidding’ superkick and then goes for the chickenwing, but Balor slips out and tries for the Pele but Scurll dodges and Balor takes out the ref instead!  Scurll goes outside and grabs the title belt and tries to hit Balor but he counters with the slingblade!  Balor takes the title and is going to KO Scurll, but we get a 2nd ref and that ref stops him!  THIS ALLOWS MARTY TO THROW POWER IN BALOR’S EYES WHILE HES DISTRACTED!  ~VILLAIN~!  Marty with a small package!  1 ... 2 ... BALOR KICKS OUT!  Superkick by Scurll connects, and he goes for the Black Plague but Balor counters and hits trouble in paradise!  Balor up top, but Scurll shoves the ref into the ropes and Balor crotches himself .... Scurll screams out ‘LONG ... LIVE ... THE VILLAIN! and goes for the Chickenwing, but Balor kicks off the ropes and rolls backwards to his feet, freeing himself and hitting a standing double stomp on Scurll!  Shotgun dropkick!  Scurll stumbles out, and Balor hooks him .... BLOODY SUNDAY!!!!  Balor with the pin to win the title!!!! ....

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Balor turns to see that Edge has entered the ring and the two come face to face .... Edge smiles at Balor and then claps for him, congratulating him .... Edge says something to Balor, then extends his hand .... Balor isn’t sure, but he takes his hand and they shake, then Edge raises his hand in victory .... Edge leaves, leaving Balor in the ring to celebrate as his music hits again ....
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