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 Progress: United States #7

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress: United States #7 Empty
PostSubject: Progress: United States #7   Progress: United States #7 EmptyMon Jul 06, 2020 2:08 pm

Progress: United States #7 Progress-screen-logo-copy

Progress: United States #7 Flag-day

LOCATION: Tampa, Florida
ARENA: Amalie Arena
ANNOUNCERS: Mauro Renallo & Renee Young

Progress: United States #7 1024px-Amalie_Arena_2014


UNITED KINGDOM CHAMPION: ‘Bruiserweight’ Pete Dunne

Progress: United States #7 Pete_dunne_united_kingdom_champion_2017_new_png_by_ambriegnsasylum16-dbxp3yw


Progress: United States #7 The_miz__wwe_world_heavyweight_champion_by_josebryan_28-db7po83

PROGRESS TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: Sanity (Eric Young & Alexander Wolfe)

Progress: United States #7 Sanity_nxt_tag_team_champions_2017_png_by_ambriegnsasylum16-dblr1h3


- We are shown a video package of Johnny Gargano competing 3 times at Progress: UNIFIED and the standing ovation at the end of the show .... we also get behind the scenes footage of Gargano getting his knee checked out after the main event backstage and being very upset about it ....
- Other UNIFIED highlights are shown ....
- Wrestlemania is highlighted including Molly Holly defeating Charlotte to retain her UWF women’s title ....

* * * * OPENING SEGMENT * * * *

United States Champion The Miz comes out and cuts a promo about beating Johnny Gargano at Progress: UNIFIED .... Miz references the video on Gargano that started the show, saying Progress wants to paint Johnny as a hero, but the only thing he is is ‘Johnny Come Lately’ .... he’s moving on from Johnny Gargano and asks if Austin Aries is the new flavor of the month ....

Tomasso Ciampa comes out and says Johnny isn’t here tonight .... he isn’t a tag team champion, and his partner is laid up because of the Miz .... Johnny may not be here but Ciampa says he’s here and he wants to fight the Miz .... Miz refuses and goes to walk off but Ciampa goes nuts and attacks him, ripping off his suit in the process .... we are going to get Miz vs Ciampa tonight


MVP is backstage with Eddie Edwards & Davey Richards .... MVP says they have signed deals with Progress .... The Revival interrupt and talk about how the Wolves aren’t going to leapfrog them .... Richards says they handle their business in the ring and wants a match tonight ....

Match 1: American Wolves (Eddie Edwards & Davey Richards) - def - The Revival (Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder) .... (Force of Nature (powerbomb + backstabber combo)

After the match, Low Ki & Homicide debut and attack the Wolves!  They take out Edwards, then hit a double team Cop Killa/ double stomp combo on Richards!!!!  Richards has to be put in a hard collar and does the stretcher job out of the arena ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Alexa Bliss comes out carrying both of the Shimmer tag titles .... she came back to make Santana relevant again and it worked because now they are Champions .... why didn’t she help Santana last week?  Because Santana is nothing without her and she showed her that .... she is the goddess of Progress and SHE is the one that carries this team ....

This brings out Team EST (Naomi & Bianca BelAir) to confront Bliss .... They make it clear they are coming for the Shimmer tag team titles and then they attack her .... Bliss has no one to watch her back and she gets a beat down .... we get a referee out and we have an impromptu match ....

Match 2: Naomi (w/ Bianca BelAir) - def - Alexa Bliss .... (Split-legged moonsault)

Santana is nowhere to be seen after Bliss left her high and dry to be attacked by the EST on the last show .... Bliss is the victim of a 2 on 1 beat down by BelAir and Naomi and they leave her laying ....


AJ Styles promo .... he says that his loss at UNIFIED wasn’t his first loss, and it won’t be his last .... but he’s still phenomenal and now he’s looking to the future and the Atlas title tournament .... Elias comes walking by and interrupts AJ as he plays his guitar .... AJ isn’t having any of that and he attacks Elias, and they brawl backstage .... they are departed, and this leads to a match tonight

Match 3: AJ Styles - def - Elias Sampson .... (Phenomenal Forearm)

Austin Aries comes out .... he heard Miz call him the new flavor of the month, and if that’s the case then he will be the greatest flavor that ever lived and he’s coming for the title .... Kenny King comes out and says Aries stole his moment .... this leads to King vs Aries tonight ....


Aria Blake is standing outside the dressing room of Charlotte Flair .... she knocks on the door and tries to get comments regarding her loss to Molly Holly at Wrestlemania, but Charlotte comes out in street clothes carrying her bags .... Charlotte is so visibly upset when asked about it that she refuses to comment and leaves the building ....

Match 4: (United States Champion) The Miz - def - Tomasso Ciampa in a non-title match .... (Low blow followed by the Skull Krushing Finale)

Main Event: Kenny King - def - Austin Aries .... (Interference by the Miz leads to King pinning Aries with a roll up)

Aries goes after Miz after the match, but King joins in and helps the Miz beat down Aries .... it’s a 2 on 1 attack ending with Miz laying Aries out with the Skull Krushing Finale and Miz and King standing tall to end the show ....


- Atlas Title Tournament begins ....
- Sanity will defend the Progress tag team titles ....
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