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 Shooting Stars Wrestling #227 - 'The Survival of the Fittest 2014'

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Shooting Stars Wrestling #227 - 'The Survival of the Fittest 2014' Empty
PostSubject: Shooting Stars Wrestling #227 - 'The Survival of the Fittest 2014'   Shooting Stars Wrestling #227 - 'The Survival of the Fittest 2014' EmptyWed Jul 01, 2020 10:01 am

Shooting Stars Wrestling #227 - 'The Survival of the Fittest 2014' SSWlogo


STARS ....WRESTLING!!!! ....


Shooting Stars Wrestling #227 - 'The Survival of the Fittest 2014' Title3t432x293

LIVE .... ON ....

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The screen goes blank and we hear the crowd chanting 'S-S-W! S-S-W! S-S-W!' .... The SSW intro video package airs to 'JUNGLE' by X Ambassadors & Jamie N Commons .... The music keeps playing as the camera comes up on the live crowd, pumping their fists and chanting along .... Strobe lights go off all through the arena ....

We go ringside with the SSW announce team of Mike Goldberg and Joe Rogan .... They welcome the fans to this live YouTube special and say by the end of the night we will find out who the newest member of the SSW roster will be as we will have the 'Survival of the Fittest' tournament .... Tonight's main event will be a steel cage match between Jack Swagger and Sami Zayne ....

Mike says that Renee Young is no longer with SSW, and she has left to pursue other opportunities and they take a moment to wish her well in that new opportunity .... She will be replaced by new backstage correspondent Veda Scott ....

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They send it to the back to Veda Scott, who is standing by with the participants in tonight's main event:

IN THE BACK - we get words from both Jack Swagger and Sami Zayne .... Zayne talks about how he has respect for this business, but Swagger has no respect .... Swagger has disrespected him at every turn but tonight, inside the cage, he will beat the respect out of Swagger ....

Meanwhile, Swagger says that he is better than this .... Being stuck in this match with Zayne has distracted him from his goal in SSW, and that is championship gold .... it's not fair because he has beaten Zayne time and time again .... He's taken his mask, but now SSW management is making him beat him again before he can get a shot at any title .... He says he is going to break Zaynes ankle tonight ....

Survival of the Fittest Round 1:
Raymond Rowe
- vs -
Titus O'Neal

O'Neal is impressive physically, but he can't match Rowe's intensity .... Rowe catches O'Neal in his impressive finisher, the Death Rowe (full Nelson slam + knee to the back of the head) in order to score the pin to advance ....

Shooting Stars Wrestling #227 - 'The Survival of the Fittest 2014' Rayrowe

Survival of the Fittest Round 1:
'Wildcat' Chris Harris
- vs -
Xavier Woods

The announcers talk about Harris' past as Brayden Walker in HLW, and his success there .... But Harris hasn't been seen since HLW closed, and he is returning to his roots in an attempt to rejuvenate his career .... Harris has an impressive showing against the young Xavier Woods, and he wins the match by hitting the Catatonic (scoop slam spun out into a Urinage) to advance ....

Shooting Stars Wrestling #227 - 'The Survival of the Fittest 2014' 06

Survival of the Fittest Round 1:
- vs -
Solomon Crowe

Hanson has a unique look, with his huge beard and kilt-like wrestling attire, but he shows surprising agility for a man of his size .... Solomon Crowe, meanwhile, is no stranger to SSW fans with his unorthodox style .... The match is fairly stiff from both men .... Hanson is able to pick up the win, hitting an impressive guillotine leg drop from the top rope to score the 3 count ....

Survival of the Fittest Round 1:
'The Ripper' Paul Burchill  
- vs -
Cedric Alexander

Mike and Joe regard Burchill as the large favorite to win this tournament, and say he could be one of the most dangerous men in wrestling .... His performance in the match doesn't disappoint .... But Cedric Alexander also shines in this match, showing off some serious skill with his kicks and high flying moves .... However, Burchill is too much and he is able to avoid a frog splash by Alexander and hit the 'Ripper Breaker' (jumping hangman neckbreaker) for the 3 count ....

Shooting Stars Wrestling #227 - 'The Survival of the Fittest 2014' Wwe-superstar-paul-burchill-6

IN THE BACK - James Storm runs into his former tag team partner Chris Harris in the hallway .... They have a staredown, but Storm offers Harris a handshake and wishes him good luck ....

Next up Beer Money comes out .... Storm has the mic and says the Shield came out and issued an open challenge last week, but they aren't the only ones who can issue a challenge .... Everyone saw what they did to the 'greatest tag team in SSW history', the American Wolves, last week .... That's because Beer Money is the real greatest tag team in SSW history .... They want an opponent, and their challenge is accepted by ReDragon!

Match 5: tag team match
Beer Money (James Storm & Bobby Roode)
- vs -
ReDragon (Kyle O'Reiley & Bobby Fish)

ReDragon are normally the heels, but they play the faces in this one because Beer Money has HUGE heat with the crowd .... O'Reiley and Fish match Beer Money as far as being a cohesive unit, and the match goes back and forth the whole way .... ReDragon take control late in the match, and they have Storm set up for 'chasing the dragon' but Roode comes in and low blows Fish from behind!  Roode rolls up Fish while Storm holds O'Reiley at bay and Roode steals the 3 count!  

After the match Beer Money offer a handshake to ReDragon, but then attack them .... Beer Money grab chairs from ringside and are going to take out ReDragon, but then ...

Sierra ... Hotel ... India ... Echo ... Lima ... Delta ... Shield!

Shooting Stars Wrestling #227 - 'The Survival of the Fittest 2014' The-Shield

Out of the crowd come the Shield!  Of course Beer Money bails out and heads for higher ground as Reigns, Rollins and Ambrose hit the ring .... Ambrose has the mic and he says the Shield are the only tag team champions to be the hunters instead of the hunted .... Since Beer Money won't face them in a tag match he challenges a member of Beer Money to face him one on one next week ....

Survival of the Fittest Semi-Finals:
- vs -
'Wildcat' Chris Harris

These 2 could not be further apart in look, with Harris looking like an underwear model for Abercrombie & Fitch while Hanson looks like a Viking .... They battle it out and go back and forth .... Harris hits a full Nelson slam on Hanson, but he kicks out at 2!  Hanson nails a BIG twisting powerslam that only gets a 2 count as well!  Hanson goes up top and misses the big leg drop!  Harris charges for the spear, but runs right into the 'spin kick of doom' from Hanson that nearly takes his head off!  Hanson covers for 3, and he's in the finals!

Shooting Stars Wrestling #227 - 'The Survival of the Fittest 2014' Hansonbio

Survival of the Fittest Semi-Finals:
Raymond Rowe
- vs -
'The Ripper' Paul Burchill

This is the best match of the tournament up to now, and Rowe and Burchill match each other in intensity .... Rowe dazzles the crowd by hitting some impressive Suplex throws on Burchill, but Burchill is just ferocious .... The cold and calculating Burchill takes over the match, but Rowe fires back with the death kicks to the chest of Burchill .... Burchill goes for the Ripper Breaker, but Rowe holds onto the top rope to block it!  Running double knee strike from Rowe!  He hooks him .... DEATH ROWE!!!!  1 ... 2 ... 3!  Rowe makes it to the finals!  

PROMO - we get a highlight package for the Jessicka Havok - Allysin Kaye feud .... Their last match at the SSW world tour show ended in a no contest, and next week Kaye has earned another shot at Havok for the United States title ....

Back in the arena, SSW president Dixie Carter comes out and addresses the crowd .... She puts over the participants in the tournament, but says only the strong can survive .... It is down to 2 men, and the winner of the final match will receive a shot at the SSW Television champion and Royal Rumble winner Antonio Cesaro ....

This brings out Cesaro to a huge pop .... Cesaro is probably the most over guy in the company right now .... Cesaro says he wants a front row seat to see who will win this match .... He talks about winning the Royal Rumble and being able to challenge for any world title he wants .... There is no secret that he wants to be the UWF world champion, and that means that Eddie Guerrero has to constantly wonder when Cesaro will cash in .... He knows that eats Sheamus up inside, but so does the fact that he has made the TV title the most important title in SSW .... And it's the title that these 2 men are fighting for a shot at ....

Rowe and Hanson both make their separate entrances, and Cesaro remains in the ring to shake hands with both men as they enter ....

Survival of the Fittest Finals:
Raymond Rowe
- vs -

Both men shake hands as the match begins, but Hanson with a knee to the ribs and a back club as the bell sounds.  Rowe fires back with a knee to the ribs, avoids a clothesline and hits a Cactus clothesline, sending both he & Hanson over the top and to the outside!  Big forearm and a chop by Rowe, and he charges Hanson but he cuts him off with a forearm .... Rowe is draped across the apron and Hanson with a series of chest clubs .... Back in the ring, Rowe fights back with chops but Hanson with a series of gut shots.

Rowe battles back with the death kicks to the chest of Hanson, but Hanson absorbs the shots and gets a cravate and then a series of knees to the head of Rowe ....  He scoops Rowe up and hits the 'Snake Eyes' in the corner, but Rowe blocks a clothesline with a T Bone Suplex!  Rowe charges for the shotgun knees, but Hanson catches him in a scoop and then his twisting powerslam!  Rowe avoids a Bronco Buster. Rowe with a backdrop driver, but Hanson pops right up! Hanson with a backdrop driver, but ROWE POPS RIGHT UP! Rowe with another backdrop driver and Hanson does not pop right up this time.

Rowe goes for Death Rowe, but Hanson blocks it with back elbows.  Rowe reverses a whip and sends Hanson into the ropes, but he evades Rowe with a cartwheel!!!!  Big clothesline to Rowe!  Hanson goes for the Spin Kick of Doom, but Rowe catches him with a powerbomb, but Hanson kicks out!  Rowe goes for Death Rowe again, but Hanson tosses him off .... SPIN KICK OF DOOM!  1 ... 2 ... Noooo!  Rowe kicks out!  Hanson up top, but Rowe is playing possum and he runs up the ropes and hits a belly to belly Suplex off the top on Hanson!  Rowe picks him up .... DEATH ROWE!!!!  1 .... 2 .... Nooooo!!!!  Hanson kicks out!!!!  The fans are chanting 'THIS IS AWESOME!  Clap clap clap clap clap .... THIS IS AWESOME!'  Hanson to his feet, and he and Rowe are nose to nose .... Slap to the face by Rowe!  Slap to Rowe by Hanson!!!!  Polish hammer by Hanson to Rowe but he no-sells!  Rowe for a T Bone Suplex but Hanson elbows out of it .... Spin kick of doom but Rowe ducks .... Shotgun knees!!!!  Rowe hooks Hanson .... ANOTHER DEATH ROWE!!!!  1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!  Raymond Rowe has won the Survival of the Fittest!  

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After the match Cesaro, Dixie Carter and everyone in attendance give these two men a standing ovation .... Fans chant 'THAT WAS AWESOME!'  Cesaro gets in the ring and raises Rowe's hand, and Dixie awards him the Survival of the Fittest trophy .... Hanson busts up in the middle of everything and shakes Rowe's hand and he gets an ovation as well .... Dixie takes the mic and puts both men over, and says that Raymond Rowe has won a contract with SSW, but she is going to award a contract to Hanson as well because of his performance tonight!  Cesaro takes the mic and puts both men over as well, and says that he will defend the SSW Television title against BOTH men!  

IN THE BACK - as the cage is being constructed for the main event, we get a promo for Austin Aries and Dolph Ziggler .... These 2 will meet in a 2 out of 3 falls match next week on SSW television ....

Main Event: Steel Cage Match
Jack Swagger
- vs -
Sami Zayne

Zayne enters first, and as Swagger enters Zayne hits a suicide dive through the cage door and wipes Swagger out!  Zayne and Swagger brawl outside the ring, and Zayne is in total control .... Zayne punishes Swagger but walks right into a belly to belly Suplex .... Swagger tries to escape, but Zayne follows him up and then hits a huricanrana off the top rope!  Swagger pulls himself up in between the ropes and the cage .... ZAYNE WITH A HELLUVA KICK!  Swaggers head gets kicked into the cage!  Zayne climbs to the top of the cage ... FLYING BODYPRESS!!!!  Swagger kicks out at 2!  Zayne puts Swagger on top and goes for the super 'brainbustaaaah' but Swagger blocks it .... He slams Zaynes ankle into the cage!  Swagger goes on the attacks and punishes Zaynes ankle, locking on the ankle lock!!!!  Zayne fights free, rolling forward and sending Swagger into the cage .... Zayne scoops him up and drills him with the Blue Thunder Bomb!!!!  Zaynes ankle is hurting and he can't make the pin, but when he does Swagger kicks out at 2!!!!  Zayne gets ready for the Helluva kick but his ankle gives out and he collapses .... Swagger charges and nails a vicious lariat on Zayne!  He picks him up for the Doctor Bomb, but Zayne slips out and catches Swagger in a reverse STO!  Zayne locks on a coji clutch!!!!  Swagger looks like he might tap, but he reaches up and grabs the ankle and twists it to force Zayne to let go!!!!  Swagger locks on the ankle lock again!  Zayne grabs the ropes and tries to pull himself free of the hold, but instead he ends up pulling him and Swagger all the way to the top rope!!!!  Zayne turns and kicks Swagger in the face over and over, and Swagger finally lets go .... Zayne grabs him .... SUPER BRAINBUSTAAAAAHHHH!!!!  HOLY SHIT!!!!  Both men are down, but it is Zayne that stirs first and crawls over to lay a hand over Swaggers chest .... 1 .... 2 .... 3!!!!  

EMT's come to the ring and check on Swagger and Zayne .... Swagger has to be stretchered out of the ring while Zayne can't walk on his own and has to be helped out .... The fans are chanting 'THAT WAS AWESOME' again as Zayne stops at the top of the stage and stands on his own, taking a bow to the crowd as the show ends ....

Shooting Stars Wrestling #227 - 'The Survival of the Fittest 2014' WWE-Will-Sami-Zayn-Join-The-Shield
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