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 Shooting Stars Wrestling #59 - '4 Corner Survival'

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Shooting Stars Wrestling #59 - '4 Corner Survival' Empty
PostSubject: Shooting Stars Wrestling #59 - '4 Corner Survival'   Shooting Stars Wrestling #59 - '4 Corner Survival' EmptyThu Jun 25, 2020 11:37 am

Live from the Crisler Arena, on the campus of the University of Michigan . . . this is . . .  

Shooting Stars Wrestling #59 - '4 Corner Survival' SSWlogo


IN THE BACK: Shane announces that HHH has been released from his contract with SSW because he no-showed 2 weeks ago.  He told Shane he was injured and could not compete, and yet he turns on the TV and sees him fighting with SOS on XWA TV!  Shane says that HHH blew off a chance to compete for one of the top titles in the UWF for a chance to do his buddies dirty work.  That kind of stuff does not fly with him, even if HHH has a relationship with his sister.  As of today HHH is no longer a part of SSW.

The opening promo airs to ‘FAR BEHIND’ by Lunatic Calm

The screen goes black and we can hear the crowd chanting ‘S-S-W!  S-S-W!  S-S-W!’  The camera comes up as the strobe lights go off through the arena and the camera scans the rowdy crowd, who are yelling and pumping their fists as they chant.  We go ringside to Mike Goldberg and Joe Rogan, who are ready to get this week’s show underway.  We go up to the ring, where Kelly Kelly is set to interview a very special guest.

‘TIME TO ROCK N ROLL’ by Lil Kim hits and out comes the new UWF Women’s World Heavyweight champion TRISH STRATUS!!!!  Stratus gets a humongous pop, and Kelly asks her to sum up her thoughts and Trish says that she did the unthinkable.  Awesome Kong was supposed to be unbeatable, indestructible, but Trish did what no one else could do, and that is pin her shoulders to the mat for the 1 . . . 2 . . . 3.  Now she is the new Women’s champion!!!!  

To everyone’s surprise, out comes AWESOME KONG and RAISHA SAEED!!!!  Saeed calls Trish a fluke champion, and says that she only beat Kong after she had wrestled 2 other women!  If she faced Kong at 100%, Kong would destroy her.  Trish says that she is going to prove that she is a fighting champion, so if Kong wants her rematch then she can name the place.  Saeed says Kong wants her rematch next week at the Stars N Stripes Salute!  But before they go, Kong wants to give her something to think about!  Kong hits Trish with the spinning back-fist out of nowhere . . . AWESOME BOMB ON TRISH!!!!  Saeed lays out the women’s title, and Kong gives her a 2nd Awesome Bomb, right onto the title!!!!  Gail Kim and Mickie James run out to make the save, and Kong  and Saeed bail out.  Trish is hurt.  

As Gail and Mickie help Trish out, ‘BREAK THE WALLS DOWN!!!!!’ hits and out comes the new SSW TV champion Chris Jericho!  Jericho calls the fans hypocrites because they boo him but cheer someone like Trish Stratus.  He says that he did not have to cheat to win his title and he is a champion the people can be proud of.  Whether they like it or not, he is someone that they can look at as their hero.  He is the TV champion, which means he is the best wrestler on TV.  Better than AJ Styles, better than Bryan Danielson, and better than CM Punk!!!!  He is the ‘king of the world’!  

‘TOUCHED’ by Vast hits and out comes AJ Styles.  AJ hits the ring and immediately starts fighting with Jericho!!!!  The two men brawl all over the ringside area before Jericho manages to break free and high-tail it to the back.  AJ stands tall as we go break.

Commercial Break

IN THE BACK: we see Larry Sweeney talking to Alex Shelley.  He hands Shelley a card and they shake before Shelley walks off.  Kelly Kelly approaches Sweeney and asks him about what Samoa Joe did to Brent Albright last week, but Sweeney says he prefers not to dwell on the past.  Instead, he is concentrating on the future.  He turns to look at Alex Shelley, who is walking away.

Before the next match, out comes ‘THE’ Brian Kendrick.  Kendrick gets on the mic and says that he is ‘THE’ hottest prospect in wrestling.  He plans on being a champion, and mentions 'THE’ Junior Heavyweight title.  He talks to Mike and the Miz, and says as soon as he finds ‘THE’ partner, they will be ‘THE’ SSW tag team champions!  Kendrick wants in on the match, making it a 3 way dance.

Match 1: 3 way dance

‘THE’ Brian Kendrick
The Miz
Mike Dibiase Jr.

Miz and Dibiase attack Kendrick when the bell rings, knocking him out of the ring.  With Kendrick out, Mike and the Miz tear into each other.  Miz hits a swinging neckbreaker and then the avalanche clothesline in the corner, but Kendrick is in to break up the pin.  Kendrick hits the ‘Dr. Teeth’ (hangman facebreaker).  Mike charges but gets met with a leg lariat, then Kendrick hits a frog splash on Mike.  He goes for the Sliced Bread on Miz, but Miz shoves him off to the outside.  Miz goes for the Reality Check on Mike as he gets up, but Mike dodges and hits the ‘Million Dollar Driver’ (butterfly brainbuster)!!!!  Mike goes to make the cover, but Kendrick grabs him and tosses him outside.  Kendrick picks the Miz up and hits the Sliced Bread # 2 for the win!

Commercial Break

IN THE BACK: A camera catches Larry Sweeney talking to Brian Kendrick in the hallway.

Match 2: non-title match

Gail Kim (United States Women’s champion)

Before this one gets started, LOVE, Candice Michelle, and Ashley Lane come out to the ring.  LOVE gets on the mic and talks about the women’s roster here in SSW, saying that the addition of the HOTTIES even part time makes it 1000% better.  The HOTTIES are why ths segment of the show is going to get such high ratings.  Meanwhile, the action in the ring has a good pace, and the women put it all on the line.  Victoria gets in a lot of offense, but Gail regains control toward the end of the match.  The HOTTIES distract Gail with their taunts, allowing Victoria to sneak up from behind and hit the Widow’s Peak for the surprise 3 count.

After the match, the HOTTIES hit the ring and attack both women.  LOVE takes out her lipstick and smears it all over both of their faces, and the HOTTIES celebrate before leaving.

PROMO.  We see that this segment is brought to us by Jillian Hall & Associates.  We are on the set of Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen with Lance ‘Danger’ Cade.  During a chase scene, we see actor Shia Labeuf hanging perilously from a car suspended above the city, the director yells ‘CUT!’ and everything stops.  Cade comes in and takes the place of Labeuf, and when the director yells ‘ACTION!’, the car is suddenly dropped 5 stories and sent crashing through a building.  ‘CUT!’  A group of people hurry in and pull Cade from the wreckage, then replace him with the healthy Labeuf as we hear ‘ACTION!’ again and the movie keeps right on rolling.  Cade looks at the camera with a glassy look in his eye and gives the thumbs up, then says ‘Danger gets it done again . . .’ then passes out.  

Back in the ring, we see that Jeff Hardy has come out and is sitting in the ring.  Jeff says that he deserves his rematch against CM Punk, and he is not going to compete at the whim of Shane McMahon until he gets it!  He should not have to compete in a bogus fatal 4-way just to earn something that should be his already.  He refuses to take part in the match tonight.  Shane McMahon comes out and says that if Jeff is refusing to compete tonight, then he has no use for him.  He tells him to take the night off.  Hell, take the month off because he is suspended!!!!  

Commercial Break

IN THE BACK: Kelly Kelly catches up with CM Punk.  Punk says that he is going to be watching the next match closely.  He talks about Jeff Hardy being a crybaby, and that he is throwing a fit because he doesn’t get his way.  If he were Jeff, he would do what he does best and that is compete!  If Jeff gets his act together, Punk will be ready for him anytime, just like he will be ready for the winner of the Fatal Fourway tonight!  Because, simply put, CM Punk is just . . . better . . . than . . . you!

Match 3: Fatal 4-way for a shot at the SSW Genesis title:

Eddie Guerrero
Jeff Hardy
Montel Vontavious Porter
Christian Cage

Jeff Hardy is not here due to being suspended earlier, so it looks like we are going to have a triple threat match instead of a Fatal Four-way.  However, just as the bell is about to ring we see the white limo in the back up on the big screen.    

IN THE BACK: the door to the limo in the back opens up . . . AND OUT STEPS JACK SWAGGER!!!!  Swagger smiles and it looks like he is headed to the ring!!!!  

Swagger comes out and says that he has been the man in the limo and he is back in SSW.  He could not be shown on TV because of his contractual obligations to XWA, but now the deal has been finalized!  He says Shane promised him big things if he came back, and he wants to be put in Jeff Hardy’s spot in this match.  Swagger is dressed to compete, and Shane puts him in the match!!!!  

The other 3 men immediately attack Swagger’ knocking him outside.  Cage and Eddie hit a double back drop on MVP, then Eddie tries to sneak in a roll up on Cage that only gets 2.  Cage gets up looking surprised but Eddie just shrugs.  Cage charges, but Eddie sends him over the top.  Swagger is back in and he nails Eddie, hitting a knee lift but then gets hit with a back elbow from MVP.  MVP slams Swagger, then comes off the ropes.  BALLIN!  MVP misses the elbow, then gets hit with the falling reverse DDT from behind by Cage.  Eddie is up top but Christian drop kicks him off to the floor!  As Eddie tries to regain his senses on the outside, he is suddenly blasted from behind by Jeff Hardy!!!!  Eddie and Jeff brawl outside the ring, and they end up fighting through the concourse and out of the arena!!!!  Meanwhile, in the ring, Swagger sets MVP for the Doctor Bomb, but MVP slips off the back and shoves Swagger into Christian.  Christian goes for the ‘Unprettier’, but Swagger shoves him off as well, sending him colliding head-to-head with MVP!  Swagger grabs Christian . . . DOCTOR BOMB ON CHRISTIAN!!!!  Swagger down for the 1 . . . 2 . . . DRIVE BY TO SWAGGER FROM MVP!!!!  MVP knocks Swagger off with the drive by, then covers Christian for the 1 . . . 2 . . . 3!!!!

Swagger and Christian eye each other in the ring as MVP backs up the ramp, giving the ‘305’ sign across his chest.

Commercial Break

‘FUCKIN IN THE BUSHES (London Bridge Intro) by Oasis hits and out comes Nigel McGuiness.  Nigel says that he has himself a partner to face Ole and Gene Anderson next week at the ‘Stars N Stripes Salute’.  However, before he can make the announcement out come the UWF World tag team champions, the Minnesota Wrecking Crew.  Ole says that they would be here, and here they are.  As much as they would love to keep just beating the hell out of Nigel, they’ve got better things to do.  Nigel says that he has a partner, and ‘FINAL COUNTDOWN’ by Europe hits and the fans go nuts as out comes Bryan Danielson!!!!  Danielson comes out and gets in the ring with Nigel, and the Andersons look on in surprise.  Ole is shaking his head ‘no’, while Gene points at Nigel as they back away.  

At the announce booth it is announced that on the next show we are going to see Eddie Guerrero face Jeff Hardy in a ‘3 stages of hell’ match!  The first fall with be a ‘falls count anywhere’ match, the 2nd fall will be a cage match, and the third will be a stretcher match!!!!

Match 4: for the SSW Television title

(champion) Chris Jericho
John Morrison

Morrison works on the arm of Jericho early on, hitting some lighning arm drags, but Jericho catches Morrison with a kitchen sink knee as he comes off the ropes.  Jericho goes to work on the neck of Morrison, but Morrison hits a dropkick and goes up top but Jericho catches him and hits a super-plex.  Both men are down, but Jericho charges as they get to their feet but Morrison catches him in the STO backbreaker.  Morrison follows up with a Russian Leg Sweep, then the running knee strike to the face.  Jericho kicks out, then crotches Morrison when he goes for the ‘Morrison Starship’ (starship pain).  Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho, but Morrison kicks him off and goes for the ‘Moonlight Drive’, but Jericho gets out and hits a bulldog.  He goes for the Lionsault, but Morrison moves and Jericho crashes to the mat.  Morrison goes for the ‘flying chuck’, but Jericho ducks it and then hits the codebreaker out of nowhere for the 3 count!  

John Morrison gets a standing ovation from the fans as Jericho escapes with the title.

Commercial Break

IN THE BACK: Miz and Morrison are arguing.  Morrison tells the Miz to keep his head up, because being the 2nd biggest star in SSW is not a bad thing.  Miz says that he should be getting the title shots because he is fully awesome!  Melina steps in and breaks up the argument.  She says that they are stars on their own, but together they are the greatest tag team of the 21st century!  

Main Event: for the SSW Genesis title

(champion) CM Punk
Tyler Black

These two start the match out clean as Punk gets a side headlock early on.  Black gets out of the headlock with shots to the kidneys, then goes for the power bomb into the corner on Punk!  Punk slips off, the scoops Black up for the GTS, but Black gets out!  Both men end up in a stand-off, and the fans give them a standing ovation.  Punk charges and gets elevated to the apron, but when Black suplexes him into the ring Punk lands behind him and lays in some kicks.  Punk hits the back heel kick off the ropes, but only for a 2.  He goes up and tries a cross-body, but Black drops down and hits a gut buster on Punk!  Black works over the ribs, and Punk misses the roundhouse kick and Black hits the ‘Paroxysm’ (curtain call) for a close 2.  Black goes for a shining wizard but misses and Punk hits the running knee in the corner!  BULLDOG!!!!  Punk gets a 2, then he goes for the springboard clothesline but Black hits a dropkick to the ribs as he comes down!  Punk is in pain.  POWERBOMB INTO THE CORNER ON PUNK!  SUPER KICK BY BLACK!  1 . . . 2 . . . NOOOOO!  Black slams him in the middle of the ring and goes up for the Phoenix Splash, but Punk is back up and crotches him.  Pepsi Plunge by Punk is blocked!  Punk elevates Black to the mat.  SHINING WIZARD BY PUNK!  1 . . . 2 . . . NOOOOO!  Punk goes for the GTS, but Black elbows out of it.  Black goes for the ‘Gods Last Gift’, but Punk reverses it and scoops him onto his shoulders.  GO TO SLEEEEEP!  Cover by Punk for the 1 . . . 2 . . . 3!!!!

The fans pop like crazy for Punk and Black, and give them a standing ovation.  Punk holds up the title and celebrates, but MVP’s music hits and he comes out at the top of the ramp.  Punk holds up the title for MVP, and MVP makes the title sign around his waist and then gives the ‘BALLIN’ sign.

Mike and Joe tell the fans to join us next week as SSW presents the ‘Stars N Stripes Salute’ live from Afghanistan!!!!

PROMO airs for the ‘Stars N Strips Salute’ to ‘MY SACRIFICE’ by Creed.  It shows various clips of news footage of the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.  It is mixed in with some footage from various UWF stars that are confirmed for the event.  

UWF Women’s World title: Trish Stratus defends against Awesome Kong
BTPW TV title: Dusty Rhodes defends against Stan Hansen
The ‘Independence Invitational’ battle royal
UWF World Tag Team titles: The Minnesota Wrecking Crew defend against Nigel McGuiness & Bryan Danielson
Tiger Mask vs. Richard Steamboat
Bob Backlund vs. Iron Sheik
Plus Much MUCH more!  (card subject to change)
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