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 Shooting Stars Wrestling #223 - '2014 UWF World Tour (Dublin)

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Shooting Stars Wrestling #223 - '2014 UWF World Tour (Dublin) Empty
PostSubject: Shooting Stars Wrestling #223 - '2014 UWF World Tour (Dublin)   Shooting Stars Wrestling #223 - '2014 UWF World Tour (Dublin) EmptyWed Jul 01, 2020 9:55 am

Shooting Stars Wrestling #223 - '2014 UWF World Tour (Dublin) SSWlogo


Shooting Stars Wrestling #223 - '2014 UWF World Tour (Dublin) Dublin_ireland


STARS ....

WRESTLING!!!! ....  


Shooting Stars Wrestling #223 - '2014 UWF World Tour (Dublin) 40533_world_tour_logo_generic


Dixie Carter is out to kick the show off and she puts over Dublin, which gets a big pop .... She brings out Prince Devitt, who is making his SSW debut tonight and is a native of Bray, County Wicklow Ireland .... Devitt gets a huge pop .... He cuts a promo about being able to make his SSW debut in front of his home country tonight .... However, he is quickly interrupted by none other than Bad News Barrett!  

Barrett asks for some decorum and of course the crowd hates him .... He says that it's nice that Dixie Carter pulled strings and allowed Devitt to make his SSW debut tonight in front of his countrymen, but he's afraid he's got some 'Bad News'!  Barrett makes a few disparaging remarks about Ireland, and then talks about how he's going to dissolve the notion that Devitt is pound for pound the best wrestler to come out of Europe .... That match is first!  

Match 1: singles match
Bad News Barrett
- vs -
Prince Devitt

The pop Devitt gets is monstrous .... This is a hot opener, and showcasing the Irish star making his debut gets them even more into the match .... Devitt shows why he is believed by some to be the best European talent out there, and he dazzles the crowd with a combination of technical skill and high-flying .... Barrett is no slouch though, and he stops Devitt's barrage with the 'winds of change' (black hole slam) .... Barrett works Devitt over, but not for long as Devitt fights back .... They trade finishers, but Devitt reverses the 'wasteland' attempt by Barrett into a small package for the surprise 3 count!!!!  

Devitt celebrates his debut win, while Barrett is furious at the result ....

Shooting Stars Wrestling #223 - '2014 UWF World Tour (Dublin) E08f05e8

We get a promo for the SSW tag team title match later on between the Shield and Beer Money .... Roman Reigns talks about James Storm busting a beer bottle over his head, and says tonight Beer Money gets what's coming to them .... Believe that .... Beer Money cuts a promo and James Storm tells the Shield to bring it on because they are the outlaws of SSW .... Sorry about your damn luck ....

Match 2: United States women's title match
(Champion) Jessicka Havok
- vs -
Allysin Kaye

This match has been building for well over a year, ever since Allysin Kaye betrayed Havok to help form Valkyrie .... The bell rings and they meet in the middle of the ring .... They immediately start slugging it out!  They each no-sell the bombs the other is throwing!  Havok eventually gets the better of the exchange and clotheslines Kaye over the top .... Havok follows her out but Kaye grabs a drink from a fan and tosses it in Havok's face, then grabs a chair and nails Havok in the gut with it!!!!  The ref is really letting this one go .... Kaye beats Havok around the ring, but Havok turns the tide with a Samoan drop onto the ring apron!!!!  Havok takes the chair now and puts Kaye's head in it .... LEG DROP ONTO THE CHAIR!!!!   Havok wedges the chair in between the ropes, but Kaye hits a drop toehold on Havok and sends her face-first into the chair!  Kaye lays the chair out and hits a vertical Suplex on Havok onto the chair .... She unfolds the chair and sits it on Havok's back, then uses the chair to lock on a modified camel clutch!!!!  Havok manages to fight out of it, hitting a side Suplex .... Havok scoops Kaye up and nails the Air Raid Crash but both women are down .... Havok is up first and she tries to pick Kaye up but Kaye traps her in the triangle choke!!!!  Havok starts to fade, but she powers Kaye up into a power bomb and power bombs her into the turnbuckle!!!!  Havok sits Kaye on the top .... TOP ROPE BACK SUPLEX!!!!  Both ladies hit the back of their heads hard on the mat, knocking themselves out!  The ref checks on both ladies, then starts his count .... He reaches 10, with neither one responding, and he has to call the match .... Official result is a no contest ....  

Match 3: Mask vs Hair
'All-American American' Jack Swagger
- vs -
El Generico

Swagger attacks Generico as he enters the ring and takes control .... He tries to rip the mask off of Generico several times, but he keeps preventing him .... Generico knocks Swagger outside and hits the flip dive over the top rope, then hits his trademark dive through the middle turnbuckle into a tornado DDT .... Generico tosses Swagger back in and hits the blue thunder bomb for a close 2!  He goes for the running yakuza kick in the corner but Swagger catches his foot and locks on the 'Patriot Act' ankle lock!  Generico fights, then rolls through and sends Swagger face-first into the turnbuckle .... RUNNING YAKUZA KICK IN THE CORNER!  Generico sits Swagger on the top rope for the 'brainbustaaaaaah' but Swagger fights him off and dumps Generico to the outside .... While the ref is dealing with Swagger, someone comes out of the crowd in a Generico mask and attacks him!  He rams Generico into the ring post!!!!  The masked man tosses Generico back in the ring, and Swagger hits the gutwrench powerbomb!  1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!

Swagger celebrates like he won the world title, and he demands Generico remove his mask .... The fans hate the result, and Generico doesn't want to do it but he is a man of his word and abides by the match decision .... He unmasks ....

Shooting Stars Wrestling #223 - '2014 UWF World Tour (Dublin) Timthumb

IN THE BACK - Renee Young is with Ethan Carter III .... Carter cuts a promo and says that he is the future of SSW .... Not Owen Hart, not D'Angelo Dinero .... This is his Aunt Dixie's company now, and it's only natural that he would be her 'white knight' since he's her favorite nephew .... Tonight he is going to take back this company for the Carter's when he wins the SSW television title ....

Back in the arena, we get the SSW debut of Tyler Breeze ....

Shooting Stars Wrestling #223 - '2014 UWF World Tour (Dublin) Tyler-breeze

The announcers sell the gimmick that Breeze is wildly popular in Europe because of his modeling career .... Breeze cuts and talks about people from Dublin being ugly, but then again when standing next to 'Prince Pretty' everyone is ugly .... He is going to be watching the TV title finals closely ....

Match 4: SSW Television title tournament finals
Antonio Cesaro
- vs -
Ethan Carter III

As soon as Antonio enters the ring EC3 attacks ... Both men are slugging it out, and EC3 throws some big elbows as well ... The action spills to the outside, where EC3 gets sent into the ring steps .... Back in the ring, Cesaro gets EC3 up in the UFO as the fans applaud .... Cesaro is totally dominating, but he goes for his Ricola Bomb but EC3 backdrops out of it .... EC3 with a running corkscrew neckbreaker and he takes control of the match .... Cesaro tries to fight back, but EC3 stops him each time .... EC3 comes off the top on Cesaro, but he cuts him off with a stiff European uppercut .... Cesaro picks him up and drills him with the Riccola Bomb for a close 2 but EC3 kicks out!!!!  Cesaro goes for the 'neutralizer' but EC3 explodes out of nowhere with the '1 percenter' (leaping flatliner)!  1 ... 2 ... Nooooo!  Cesaro kicks out!!!!  EC3 scoops Cesaro up on his shoulders, but Cesaro elbows out of it .... EC3 blocks a European uppercut into a backslide, but Cesaro rolls through into the giant swing!!!!  1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 10 revolutions!!!!  Cesaro goes for another 'Neutralizer' but EC3 shoves him off .... SLAP TO THE FACE!!!!  Cesaro cleans his clock with a tornado European uppercut!!!!  He picks EC3 up .... NEUTRALIZER!!!!  1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!  Cesaro has won the SSW television title!  

The fans in Ireland are happy with the result as Cesaro celebrates with his title ....

Shooting Stars Wrestling #223 - '2014 UWF World Tour (Dublin) Antonio+Cesaro+WWE+US+Champion


During intermission we get some interviews from people in the main event ....

Sheamus comes out to a heroes welcome in his home country .... This show is bizzaro world where the crowd loves Sheamus, who is a heel in the US, and hates AJ, who is the face in the US .... Sheamus cuts a promo and uses some Irish slang terms to get a pop from the crowd, and basically says tonight he is going to get what is rightfully his ....

Sheamus is cut off as Bad News Barrett is out for the 2nd time tonight .... The crowd heckles him because of what happened earlier tonight .... Barrett says he's afraid he's got some 'bad need' for Sheamus .... He tells Sheamus that he is a failure and he will fail all his countrymen when he loses to AJ tonight ....

Match 5: for the UWF world tag team titles
(Champions) Jay & Mark Briscoe
- vs -
ReDragon (Kyle O'Reiley & Bobby Fish) w/ Paul Heyman

Exciting back and forth contest .... ReDragon continues to be an impressive team and appear to be just on the cusp of breaking through to the main event level .... Paul Heyman tries to get involved in the match, but Mark takes him out with some 'Redneck Kung Fu' .... O'Reiley gets sent to the outside, leaving Bobby Fish to fall victim to the Jay Driller and the win for the UWF world tag team champions ....

Match 6: Singles Match
Austin Aries
- vs -
Dolph Ziggler

This match is an absolute classic and both guys are extremely over with the crowd .... The action is evenly paced throughout, and both men trade having the advantage over the other .... Neither gets the clear advantage though .... The crowd is chanting 'THIS IS AWESOME!'  Aries misses the 'heat seeking missile' and smacks the guardrail, allowing Ziggler to nail him with the zig zag!  ARIES KICKS OUT AT 2!!!!  Aries battles back and blocks the fame-asser attempt by Ziggler .... NAILS THE BRAINBUSTER!  1 ... 2 ... Noooo!!!!  Ziggler kicks out!!!!  Aries holds on and floats over into the 'Last Chancery'!  Ziggler doesn't tap and he finally gets to the ropes to get out of it .... Aries goes up top for the 450 splash, but Ziggler is back up and hits a standing dropkick that knocks Aries down .... He climbs up and they fight, but Ziggler nails a super-plex on Aries .... Ziggler tries to float over on top of Aries, but Aries hooks the legs of Ziggler in a small package!  1 ... 2 ... Both men's shoulders down ... 3!!!!

Both men raise their hands, but the ref tells them that both of their shoulders were down .... The fans are chanting '5 MORE MINUTES' .... Aries wants it, Ziggler wants it .... So the match restarts!  

The 2 men meet in the center of the ring and start slugging it out .... Ziggler catches Aries with a leaping DDT for a close 2!  Ziggler goes for the 'name dropper' (fame-asser), but Aries blocks it and hits the shin-breaker followed by a Saito Suplex!  Aries goes for the brainbuster but Ziggler blocks and tries a Suplex of his own .... Aries blocks it and goes for the brainbuster again, but they are too close to the ropes and Aries suplexes Ziggler over the top, taking both men to the outside of the ring!!!!  Both men are down as the ref starts his count .... He reaches 7 and both men start to stir, but it's Aries that is closer to the ring .... Aries tries to slide in, but Ziggler stops him .... The ref reaches 10 and calls for the bell .... The match is officially ruled a double count out ....

Match 7: SSW tag team tournament finals
Beer Money (James Storm & Bobby Roode)
- vs -
The Shield (Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns)

The Shield get the pop of the night when they make their way out .... It's going to be Reigns and Rollins representing the Shield .... Beer Money takes it to the Shield like no one else has up to this point .... Rollins is the face in peril for most of the match as the juggernaut Roman Reigns paces in the corner .... Reigns finally gets the tag in, and you can imagine the destruction that ensues .... Reigns nails his signature spots, including the Samoan drop and the running dropkick on the outside of the ring while landing on the apron .... Reigns sets for the superman punch on Roode, but Storm cuts him off with a super kick!  1 ... REIGNS KICKS OUT AT 1!!!!  Roode nails Reigns from behind with a northern lariat and Beer Money set up for the DWI but Rollins takes out Roode with the springboard high knee!  Storm sets up for the super kick on Rollins, BUT A SUPERMAN PUNCH BY REIGNS TAKES OUT STORM!!!!  SPEAR TO ROODE!!!!  Rollins off the ropes and drives Roode down face-first with the curb stomp!!!!  1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!  We have new tag team champions!!!!

The Shield celebrate with their newly-won SSW tag team belts ....

Shooting Stars Wrestling #223 - '2014 UWF World Tour (Dublin) Shield_crop_650

Main Event: for the SSW Genesis title
(Champion) AJ Styles
- vs -

Sheamus is super-over like an Irish hero, while they hate AJ .... It is bizzaro-world .... They cheer every move Sheamus does, especially when he does damage to AJ ....  Sheamus pulls out all the stops, but the crowd cheers Sheamus' heel tactics .... AJ fights with the heart of a champion, battling back against Sheamus despite the obvious odds stacked against him .... During the course of the match the crowd seems to shift and some of them begin to cheer him .... By the close of the match the crowd is split 50/50 .... The match itself is epic and hard-hitting, and both men show the signs of it .... There is a ref bump at the end and Sheamus connects with the Irish Curse backbreaker and has the pin .... Another ref hits the ring and makes the 1 ... 2 ... Noooo!  AJ kicks out!  Sheamus gets mad and takes out the ref with the Brogue kick!!!!  Sheamus goes for the brogue kick on AJ, but he ducks .... PELE KICK!  AJ sets Sheamus up for the Styles Clash, but out of the back comes Wade Barrett!  What is he doing out here????  AJ goes after Barrett, but he doesn't notice that William Regal has gotten up from his spot at the announce table .... What is Regal doing????  HE HANDS SOMETHING TO SHEAMUS!  It's a pair of brass knuckles!!!!  AJ turns around as gets KO'ed by the brass knuckles from Sheamus!  What the hell????  The fans are pissed, and the ones that cheered Sheamus now revolt at this change of events .... Sheamus covers as Barrett rolls the referee back in the ring .... He counts .... 1 .... 2 .... 3!!!!  We have a new SSW Genesis champion!!!!

The crowd is furious that Sheamus has sided with Regal and Barrett, and they boo the hell out of him .... Sheamus holds the title up and celebrates over the body of AJ as the show ends ....  

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