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 Shooting Stars Wrestling #203 - 'UWF World Tour.... From Rome, Italy'

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Shooting Stars Wrestling #203 - 'UWF World Tour.... From Rome, Italy' Empty
PostSubject: Shooting Stars Wrestling #203 - 'UWF World Tour.... From Rome, Italy'   Shooting Stars Wrestling #203 - 'UWF World Tour.... From Rome, Italy' EmptyTue Jun 30, 2020 3:07 pm


Shooting Stars Wrestling #203 - 'UWF World Tour.... From Rome, Italy' SSWlogo


STARS ....

WRESTLING!!!! ....


Shooting Stars Wrestling #203 - 'UWF World Tour.... From Rome, Italy' TOURLOGO_zpse1029e69


Mike Goldberg and Joe Rogan are in the ring, and they welcome the fans in Rome to Shooting Stars Wrestling ....

The screen goes blank and the fans start chanting S-S-W! S-S-W! On the big screen a video package airs to 'NO CHURCH IN THE WILD' by Jay-Z and Kanye West .... The video is a bunch of footage from movies featuring Rome like Gladiator and Spartacus but it is intercut with highlights of the SSW roster ....

The crowd pops for the video and they are really fired up now and ready for action .... Mike and Joe briefly hype the card, and they announce that we have had a new UWF world Television champion crowned!  They go over Rock's big win, but as you know Kurt Angle challenged Nikita Koloff to a match here tonight.  Obviously that match will no longer be for the UWF TV title, but that match will still happen here tonight!  Plus the brand new SSW Genesis champion Shawn Michaels will put his title on the line against a man that desperately wants to get his hands on him, Samoa Joe.  They finish hyping everything and get ready to send it over to SSW ring announcer Jeremy Borash for our opening match ....

'IF YA SMELLLLLLLL .... What the Rock .... Is cooking' hits and out comes the brand new UWF world television champion much to the surprise of everyone!!!!

Shooting Stars Wrestling #203 - 'UWF World Tour.... From Rome, Italy' 457590

Rock says that he just stepped off the Horsemen's lier jet here in Rome, made his way through the mobs of people waiting to see The Rock, because as you know the Rock needs no introduction anywhere in the civilized world.  The Rock wants to know who is booking this crap?  The Rock is the TV champ and yet someone booked a match with the former TV champ, the man that the Rock embarassed in the middle of the ring, to take on Kurt Angle tonight.  Simply put, the Rock is the man that should be booked here tonight, number 1 because any time the Great One steps foot on your television screen . . . BAM . . . ratings straight through the roof!  The Rock is the most electrifying man in sports and in entertainment, and he was born to be the Televison champion of the entire world.  So Kurt Angle and Nikita Koloff are gonna fight tonight to prove what?  Who will face the Great One?  Well, the Rock says that the only thing that you two jabronis are going to prove to anyone is just what dumb sons a bitches you really are!  So the Rock says this . . . You want to go one on one with the Great One?  Well, tonight, the Rock is making someone's monkey ass famous . . .  IF YOU SMELL . . . WHAT THE ROCK . . .  IS COOKIN!!!!

Match 1: Singles Match
Booker T
- vs -
'Double J' Jeff Jarrett

Jarrett's gimmick is similar to the 'Double J' of the early 90's mixed with the 'slap nuts' character from his WCW run .... He has the short haircut and carries the guitar, and the story is that the guitar is a souvenir signed by one of country music's top recording acts .... Booker comes out and is no-nonsense, he is pissed at Jarrett for the constant interruptions .... Booker electrifies the crowd by hitting some of his signature moves early on, but Jarrett catches him coming off the top with a standing dropkick and takes over .... Booker fights back, hitting Jarrett with a scissors kick .... SPINAROONIE!!!!  Booker nails him with the Harlem side kick, but a fan jumps the rail and puts Jarrett's foot on the ropes!!!!  Booker is distracted by this and instructs the ref to get the fan away from the ring, but Jarrett seizes the opportunity and nails a low blow on Booker from behind!  He grabs him and nails the 'Stroke' and gets the 1 ... 2 ... 3 to win his debut!!!!

Shooting Stars Wrestling #203 - 'UWF World Tour.... From Rome, Italy' JeffJarrett004

BACKSTAGE SEGMENT - Shawn Michaels and Edge cut a promo about tonight's main event .... HBK talks about wanting all the spotlight to himself, but if there is one person to share it with its Edge .... It was only natural that they would align themselves with each other .... HBK and Edge take turns putting each other over, and HBK says that they are the new dominant force in SSW .... SSW needs them, they DON'T need SSW .... JBL will be wise to remember that .... As far as Samoa Joe goes, tonight he will find out what happens when you cross the main event players in SSW ....tonight Joe will go back on the shelf

Match 2: Tag Team Match
The Uso's (Jimmy & Jey)
- vs -
LAX (Homicide & Hernandez) w/ Konnan

These teams are looking to establish themselves as major challengers for the SSW tag titles, and LAX is looking for revenge on the Uso's for the upset they pulled on the last SSW show .... The fans are totally on the Uso's side and LAX has a conference on the outside while Konnan jaws with the fans .... Homicide back in but gets hit with some high impact double teams from the Uso's .... Konnan on the apron but Jimmy super kicks him off to the floor but runs into a big shoulder tackle from Hernandez .... LAX keeps Jimmy on their side and scores several near falls .... Every time Jimmy is close to the tag, the other member of LAX will distract the ref so he doesn't see the tag made .... Finally Jey has seen enough and he comes to his brothers aid and battles both members of LAX! All four men are going at it at this point, and Jimmy hits the bubba bomb on Homicide .... Double super kick takes out Hernandez and Jey goes up top .... Konnan on the apron and distracts Jey, long enough for Homicide to push Jimmy into the ropes and trip Jey .... Homicide goes for the Cop Killa but Jimmy slips out and drills Homicide with a Samoan drop! Jimmy with a suicide dive that takes out Homicide! Jey recovers on the top rope and goes for the big splash on Homicide but he rolls out of the way!!!! Homicide hits a running cutter on Jey, and Jimmy is out on the floor and can't make the save as Homicide gets the 1 .... 2 .... 3!


PROMO - a promo airs chronicling the feud between the Simpsons and Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko .... Benoit & Malenko turned on the Simpsons and brutally attacked them after their match at SSW 200, and then claimed they were being disrespected by being dropped to #6 in the tag team rankings .... They vow that they are the best tag team in wrestling, and they dare the Simpsons tonight to prove them wrong ....

Back in the arena, Bray Wyatt comes out and gets a surprisingly good pop .... Wyatt sits in his rocking chair on the stage and cuts a promo about how everyone has a monster inside of themselves .... Especially Richie Steamboat .... Wyatt is going to teach him to let the monster out .... Because when he super kicked him last week he let a monster out of a different kind .... He wants to introduce him now, because Steamboat won't be facing Bray Wyatt .... He will be facing his monster .... ABYSS!!!!

Shooting Stars Wrestling #203 - 'UWF World Tour.... From Rome, Italy' Abyss

Match 3: Singles Match
Richie Steamboat
- vs -
Bray Wyatt

Richie is still getting the 'John Cena' reactions (cheered by the women & children but booed by dudes), even overseas in Rome .... Abyss and Wyatt are cheered as we find out the newest member of the Wyatt Family .... Richie attacks early but his assault does no good as Abyss over powers him .... Richie scores with some quick drop kicks that sends Abyss to the apron, then Richie hits a springboard dropkick that knocks him to the floor .... Richie with a flying body press to the floor and it appears he is on a roll, but he gets caught and rammed back-first into the ringpost .... Abyss tosses him back in and hits the Shock Treatment, but Richie keeps kicking out .... Bray Wyatt has a smile on his face as watches, and Richie strikes out of nowhere with an enziguri .... Richie goes up top and hits a double stomp to the back of Abyss, but Abyss stops all that with a goozle! Richie breaks his grip and nails a super kick, but Abyss is still on his feet .... Richie comes off the ropes, but walks right into the Black Hole Slam!!!! Abyss gets the 3 count!

Richie put up a good fight, and the fans acknowledge that .... However, Wyatt comes in and grabs Steamboat and kisses him on the forehead before dropping him with the 'Sister Abigail' ....

Match 4: For the UWF tag team titles
(Champions) Steve & Shaun Simpson
- Vs -
Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko

The Simpsons charge the ring and meet Benoit & Malenko face to face .... All 4 men just start wailing on each other!!!! The Simpsons get the better of the exchange and Benoit & Malenko take a powder, but Steve back drops Shaun over the top onto both of them!!!! The brawling continues around the ring, and the ref is quickly losing control .... Malenko tries to use a chair, but Steve drop kicks it back into his face! However, Benoit grabs Steve and hits a back Suplex on the ring apron!!!! From there Benoit and Malenko take over and work over the back and shoulder of Steve .... Shaun waits anxiously for the tag, and he finally gets it and comes in a house of fire! Drop kicks to both Benoit & Malenko and then a tornado DDT to Benoit! He goes up top, but Malenko catches him and hits a top rope gutbuster!!!! 1 ... 2 ... Steve is back in to break it up! Steve is tossed by Benoit, but he catches himself on the apron .... the ref puts Benoit out, and Malenko scoops up Shaun in a slam but Steve hits a springboard dropkick that knocks his brother on top of Malenko!!!! Shaun hooks the leg .... 1 .... 2 .... 3!!!! The Simpsons have retained!!!!

After the match Benoit & Malenko attack the Simpsons again! Benoit pulls out some zip ties and they zip tie Shaun to the top rope and then commence to murder Steve in the ring! Benoit puts Steve's arm in a chair and stomps on it, then locks on the crossface!!!! The Briscoes hit the ring to make the save, and Benoit & Malenko bail out .... The Simpsons are left laid out ....


During the intermission we get video packages of the various SSW stars touring Rome and interacting with the fans on the street ....

Match 5: for the SSW Television title
(Champion) Sheamus
- vs -
Magnus w/ Don Callis

Sheamus has the power advantage and he uses it early on .... Magnus is quicker and he uses that to turn the tide a bit, but then both men end up brawling outside the ring ... Sheamus goes to power slam Magnus on the floor but Magnus slips off his back and shoves Sheamus shoulder-first into the ring post! Magnus works the shoulder, but Sheamus fights back with double axe handle shots and then he scoops him up with his good arm and delivers the power slam .... The move appears to hurt Sheamus though .... Sheamus ties him up in the ropes and uses his left hand to hammer Magnus with the 'Beats of Bohdran' .... He goes for the Irish Curse but his arm is too hurt and that allows Magnus to hit the 'warriors death' (regal cutter) .... Sheamus kicks out!!!! Magnus scoops him up for the 'mag daddy driver' (michinoku driver), but Sheamus escapes .... FIRERY RED HAND!!!! 1 ... 2 ... Cyrus reaches in and puts Magnus' foot on the ropes!!!! Sheamus nails Cyrus, but this allows Magnus to get a Fujiwara armbar! Sheamus is trapped in the move for a good bit, but he won't quit and he makes it to the ropes .... Magnus up top, and Cyrus is back on the apron .... Sheamus grabs Cyrus and tosses him into the ropes, tripping up Magnus! Sheamus scoops him off the turnbuckle and drills him with the White Noise!!!! 1 .... 2 .... 3!!!! Sheamus retains the TV title!!!!

Sheamus celebrates, while in the ring Magnus and Cyrus argue .... Cyrus is trying to apologize and smooth things over, but Magnus isn't having it .... Magnus lays him out with the Mag Daddy Driver!!!! Magnus stares down at Cyrus and says 'From now on .... I fight for me! FOR ME!' Magnus walks off ....

VIDEO PACKAGE - we get a promo for the JBL - Corey Graves feud that has developed over the last month or 2 in SSW ....

Match 6: Singles Match (if Corey Graves wins John Lauranitis is re-instated as SSW General Manager)
SSW General Manager JBL
- vs -
'Savior of Misbehavior' Corey Graves w/ John Lauranitis

First off, JBL has John Lauranitis sent to the back! Graves jumps JBL from behind and the fight is on .... JBL quickly brawls his way back into control of the match .... Fall away slam by JBL and Graves rolls outside, but as JBL tries to pull him back in and Graves grabs his leg and pulls him under the ropes and rams his leg into the ring post! JBL is hobbled, and Graves hits a missile dropkick! Graves works the leg, but JBL fires back with a big boot .... JBL goes for the power bomb but Graves reverses it into a huricanrana for 2 .... Graves goes for the 13th step, but JBL kicks him away .... JBL comes back with a neckbreaker then goes for the clothesline from hell but Graves cuts him off with a dropkick to the knee! 13th step locked in!!!! JBL won't tap, and he gets to the ropes! Graves moves in again, but this time JBL hits a flying shoulder block .... However, Graves is sent flying into the ref!!!! On queue, out of the back runs John Lauranitis and he tries to get involved but JBL lays him out with a clothesline from hell!!!! Meanwhile, Graves has grabbed a chair and he tries to hit JBL with it, but JBL kicks it back into his face!!!! JBL grabs the chair .... KO'S GRAVES!!!! Graves is split open!!!! JBL picks him up and plants him with the power bomb, but there is no ref!!!! JBL pulls a table into the ring and picks up John Lauranitis .... He's gonna power bomb him through the table!!!! However, someone hits the ring ....

Shooting Stars Wrestling #203 - 'UWF World Tour.... From Rome, Italy' MichaelElgin

It's Michael Elgin!!!! Elgin is back in SSW after starting his career here .... JBL sees Elgin and they immediately wail on each other! Elgin gets the better of the exchange and rocks JBL with a spinning back fist!!!! Elgin picks him up .... POWERBOMB THROUGH THE TABLE!!!! Graves lays on top of JBL as Lauranitis revives the ref .... Cover .... 1 .... 2 .... 3!!!!

Graves has beaten JBL for the 3rd straight time, and now John Lauranitis is once again the GM of SSW!!!! Lauranitis takes the mic and graciously accepts his position as GM back, and he wishes JBL the best in his 'future endeavors'!!!! A bloody Graves, Lauranitis and Elgin all leave together ....

Shooting Stars Wrestling #203 - 'UWF World Tour.... From Rome, Italy' SterlingJamesKeenan

PROMO - a video package airs to set up the Nikita Koloff - Kurt Angle match which is now being billed as a special challenge match ....

Match 7: Special Challenge Match
Kurt Angle
- vs -
Nikita Koloff

Lots of pomp and circumstance in this one, as Nikita comes out with the Russian flag draped over him and Angle comes out with the American flag over his shoulders . . . The introductons are made and these two meet nose to nose in the middle of the ring.  Nikita shoves Angle, who doesn't back down and shoves him right back . . .

'IF YA SMELL . . . WHAT THE ROCK . . . IS COOKIN!' and out comes the TV champ in the middle of the match!!!!  Rock comes down and interrupts everything just to have a seat at ringside and do guest commentary for this match . . .

Back in the ring the action gets started as we get a series of lockups.  Nikita is the more powerful, but Angle takes Nikita down to the mat using his amateur skills . . . This match is cleanly wrestled pretty much the entire way through . . . Angle controls the early goings by taking Nikita to the mat and chain wrestling, but Nikita's power shows when he runs through Angle with a shoulder block.  Nikita hits some shoulder blocks to the midsection in the corner, but breaks when the ref instructs him to . . .  it is clear that this match is about proving who is the best and nothing else . . . Meanwhile, Rock is hilarious on commentary, dogging out both guys while constantly putting himself over.  Nikita works Angle with a bearhug, but Angle boxes the ears and frees himself, then sticks Nikita with a belly to belly suplex.  Nikita rolls out, and Angle follows him but Nikita hits a dro toehold into the ring steps on Angle!  Nikita stares down Rock before returning to the ring, and Angle is out.  The ref starts his count, but Nikita breaks it and goes outside to help Angle back into the ring!!!!  Nikita wants to win this thing in the middle!  Nikita tries to take back over, but Angle explodes out of nowhere with an Angle Slam and both men are down!  We have wrestled at least 20 minutes now and these guys are exhausted, but they go at it like the match just started.  Angle ducks too early and Nikita catches him and power bombs him to the mat!  Nikita goes for the Russian Sickle to finish Angle, but Angle ducks it and nails a German Suplex!  Angle holds on and hits another . . . THEN ANOTHER!  A 3RD!!!!  DOWN COME THE STRAPS!!!!  Angle goes for the Ankle lock but Nikita kicks him away.  Nikita charges but Angle avoids him in the corner and Nikita crashes into the turnbuckles . . . Angle up top . . . MOONSAULT MISSES!!!!  Both men are just laying on the mat exhausted!  They slowly get to their knees and are face to face and start trading right hands . . . as they continue to duke it out, they rise to their feet.  Angle goes for the Angle Slam again, but this time Nikita slips off the back . . . RUSSIAN SICKLE TAKES BOTH MEN OVER THE TOP ROPE TO THE FLOOR!!!!  Both men are down as the ref starts his count, and he reaches 6 and neither man is moving . . . somehow, they start to stir and barely make it back in before the 3.  Angle stands up and begs Nikita to hit him!  Nikita does, and as Angle staggers back Nikita does the same thing and invites Angle to take his best shot.  WHAM!  Angle with a right hand as well!  Both men start trading right hands and are still doing so as the bell rings signalling the time limit has expired!!!!  

Both men drop to their knees in exhaustion, but the fans are on their feet giving both men a standing ovation.  At ringside, the Rock is not happy with the outcome, and says that if they can't beat each other then neither one of them deserve to be in the ring with the Great One!  Let the Rock show you just exactly what he is talking about . . .

Rock takes off his headset and slides in the ring . . . He crouches behind Nikita as he gets up . . . AND ROCK BOTTOMS THE RUSSIAN AS HE TURNS AROUND!!!!  Angle is up and attacks the Rock, but Rock turns the tables and beats Angle down as well!  Rock knocks the exhausted Angle to the mat . . .  THEN LAYS HIM OUT WITH A ROCK BOTTOM AS WELL!!!!  Rock climbs the ropes and holds up the TV title as Angle and Nikita are laid out in the ring . . .

Shooting Stars Wrestling #203 - 'UWF World Tour.... From Rome, Italy' Rock051nx8fm1

BACKSTAGE SEGMENT - CM Punk is interviewed .... He is asked about his time in Rome and Punk puts Rome over .... He talks about beating Tully Blanchard at the 200th show, and says he wanted to challenge Tully for the UWF title right here tonight but says he has been nursing a shoulder injury ....

Punk is interrupted as Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko come onto the set .... They are irate .... They interrupt Punk's interview and tell him they are the champs and this is their TV time .... Punk might be a champion too if he could get the job done against Tully .... Punk says speaking of 'not getting the job done', that was a great loss for them earlier tonight .... He says the Simpsons have beaten them more than Tully ever beat Punk ....

Punk walks off, but Benoit attacks him from behind!!!! Benoit and Malenko team up and throw Punk through the interview set!!!! Malenko grabs a chair and nails Punk in the shoulder with it, and Benoit locks him in the crossface!!!! Benoit is cranking back, and SSW officials come in and eventually pull him off but Punk is in bad shape clutching his shoulder ....

Back at ringside, Mike and Joe talk about the awesome match between Angle and Koloff, and also what we just saw backstage! Benoit & Malenko continue their rampage!!!!

But now it is time for the main event .... Mike and Joe discuss the impromptu nature in which HBK baited Randy Orton into putting the title on the line last week, then how Edge made his SSW debut and helped HBK win the title! It was supposed to be Orton vs HBK tonight, but instead JBL inserted Joe into the match, and whether he wants to admit it or not, HBK is worried!

Match 8: for the SSW Genesis title
(Champion)'Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels w/ Edge
- vs -
Samoa Joe

HBK plays classic HBK heel in this one, using his quickness to stay away from Joe.  Joe chases HBK around the ring, and eventually Edge gets involved.  But when he does Joe lays him out with the Ole Ole kick outside the ring.  HBK with a baseball slide to Joe while he is distracted and then hits a big body press off the top to the floor!  HBK takes control, grounding Joe with a chin lock but Joe fights out of it.  Joe is SUPER over here . . . Joe fights back, catching HBK in the snap powerslam and then a running back senton.  Joe with a CCS enziguri, but he cllimbs up for a super-plex and HBK shoves him off . . . BIG TOP ROPE ELBOW BY HBK!  HBK tunes up the band, but Joe catches his foot as he goes for 'Sweet Chin Music' and then hits a belly to belly!  HBK thumbs Joe in the eye and shoots him off the ropes, but Joe blocks a dropkick attempt and power bombs HBK to the mat!  HBK kicks out at 2 but Joe turns it right into a Boston Crab!  Edge on the apron, but Joe lets go and nails Edge and knocks him to the floor!  ELBOW SUICIDA TO EDGE!!!!  Joe back to the apron . . . SWEET CHIN MUSIC BY HBK KNOCKS JOE TO THE FLOOR!!!!  Joe is out, and HBK instructs the ref to count . . .  he is content to win this match by countout, but Joe somehow manages to get up and slide in before the 10 count!  HBK back up top for the elbow drop, but Joe is up and stops him . . . MUSCLE BUSTER!!!!  1 . . . 2 . . . Nooooo!  HBK with a foot on the ropes!!!!  Joe locks on the Coquina Clutch, but HBK backs him hard into the corner and sandwiches the referee!!!!  Edge back in the ring and spears Joe!!!!  HBK covers but the ref can't make the count, and Edge grabs 2 chairs and tosses them into the ring . . . THEY ARE GOING TO GIVE JOE THE CON-CHAIR-TO!!!!  However, someone jumps the railing and hits the ring, and we have our 3rd surprise appearance of the night!  The man, in a hoodie, attacks Edge and HBK!!!!  He lays them out and then pulls his hood back to reveal . . .

. . . CHRISTIAN!!!!

Shooting Stars Wrestling #203 - 'UWF World Tour.... From Rome, Italy' 001-1

Christian has come to the aid of Samoa Joe!!!!  Cage grabs one of the chairs and goes to hit Edge with it . . . BUT EDGE DUCKS AND CHRISTIAN NAILS JOE INSTEAD!!!!  Sweet Chin Music by HBK lays out Christian!!!!  HBK falls on top of the unconscious Joe as the ref counts 1 . . . 2 . . . 3!!!!  HBK has retained the title!!!!  

Shooting Stars Wrestling #203 - 'UWF World Tour.... From Rome, Italy' Shawn18

HBK and Edge grab the SSW title and quickly leave, while Christian tries to explain to Joe what happened.  Joe doesn't want to hear it, and he nails Christian with a right hand!  Cage fights back, and now we have a brawl between Christian and Samoa Joe that has to be separated by security!!!!

After the brawl is broken up, Jeremy Borash gets on the mic and thanks the fans again.  He tells them to drive home safely, but he is interrupted as Kurt Angle's music hits!!!!  Angle comes out to the ring and says that this show IS NOT OVER!!!!  He knows that the Rock is still in the building and he is calling him out right now!!!!  Angle is still owed a TV title shot, and he wants it right now!!!!  Oh it's true . . . IT'S DAMN TRUE!!!!  However, instead of Rock coming out, out comes Nikita Koloff!!!! Before Angle challenges Rock, he has unfinished business with Nikita!!!!  Nikita stomps to the ring . . . BUT HE IS NAILED FROM BEHIND BY THE ROCK!!!!  Rock takes the TV title and KO's Nikita with it!!!!  Angle leaves the ring and meets Rock face to face in the isle and it's on!!!!  They fight all the way back to the ring, where Rock manages to catch Angle in the spinebuster!!!!  Rock pulls off his custom made shirt and tosses it into the people, then goes for the People's Elbow . . .  However, as he comes off the ropes to deliver the move Angle grabs his leg and trips him up . . .  ANKLE LOCK!!!!  Rock is tapping ouy, but Nikita is back in the ring and knocks Angle off the Rock.  Rock tries to get to his feet limping . . . RUSSIAN SICKLE TO THE ROCK!!!!  Angle is up . . . ANGLE SLAM TO NIKITA!!!!  Awesome ending sequence that sees Angle standing tall over the former and current world TV champs as the show ends with Angle celebrating in the ring!!!!  

Shooting Stars Wrestling #203 - 'UWF World Tour.... From Rome, Italy' Kurt


Last edited by Pike1302 on Wed Sep 02, 2020 10:09 am; edited 1 time in total
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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Shooting Stars Wrestling #203 - 'UWF World Tour.... From Rome, Italy' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shooting Stars Wrestling #203 - 'UWF World Tour.... From Rome, Italy'   Shooting Stars Wrestling #203 - 'UWF World Tour.... From Rome, Italy' EmptyTue Sep 01, 2020 3:54 pm


This match starts out similarly to their first encounter, but the intensity is turned waaaaaay up .... In the beginning they lock up and push each other into the ropes, and neither man want to break .... They wrestle with each other along the ropes and even tumble between the ropes to the outside while STILL holding onto the lockup! They let go of the lockup, then immediately get back in the ring and lockup again. This time Nikita muscles Angle into the ropes and nails a stiff forearm, then shoots him off and nails a back elbow .... Nikita is in control, but Angle hits a hip toss and then knocks Nikita down with a pair of clotheslines .... We are at a stalemate .... For a brief moment, Nikita shows his desperation and he thumbs Angle in the eye to get the advantage .... Nikita hits a flying shoulder block off the ropes that knocks Angle all the way outside to the floor. Nikita follows up outside the ring and drops Angle throat first on the railing, then he scoops him up and rams him back-first into the ring post! It is all Nikita from here on out, and he locks a bearhug on Angle and works the injured ribs and back .... Angle fades and the ref checks his arm and it drops once, twice .... But up on the 3rd!!!! Angle gets a 2nd wind and hammers Nikita with rights .... The big Russians grip finally starts to loosen .... AND ANGLE EXPLODES WITH AN ANGLE SLAM OUT OF NOWHERE!!!! Both men are down!!!! The ref puts on his count, but both men manage to rise around 8 and are face to face again .... Right hand by Nikita .... Right hand by Angle .... Right hand by Nikita is ducked and Angle goes for another Angle Slam but Nikita slips out and then power bombs Angle! 1 ... 2 .... noooo! Angle kicks out!!!! Nikita uncharacteristically goes up top .... But Angle jumps up and runs up the ropes to hit a top rope belly to belly Suplex on Nikita!!!! Holy Shit!!!! Both men are down again, but Angle crawls over and puts an arm across Nikita's chest .... 1 .... 2 .... Nooooo! Nikita kicks out this time!!!!! The fans are on their feet! Angle pulls the straps down and goes for the ankle lock, but Nikita rolls forward and sends Angle hard into the buckle .... Nikita cocks his arm for the Russian sickle, but Angle ducks! German Suplex .... And another .... And another!!!! Angle pulls his straps back up, then back down again!!!! 'IF YA SMEEEELLLL .... WHAT THE ROCK .... IS COOKIN' hits much to everyone's surprise and out on the stage comes the Rock!!!! Angle stops dead in his tracks in the ring and stares at the Rock, who holds up the TV title .... Meanwhile, Nikita is stirring behind Angle .... ROLL UP!!!! 1 .... 2 .... 3!!!! Nikita just pinned Angle!!!!
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