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 Shooting Stars Wrestling # 64 'Best in the World'

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Shooting Stars Wrestling # 64 'Best in the World' Empty
PostSubject: Shooting Stars Wrestling # 64 'Best in the World'   Shooting Stars Wrestling # 64 'Best in the World' EmptyThu Jun 25, 2020 11:46 am

Live from the Sovereign Center in Reading, Pennsylvania . . . this is . . .  

Shooting Stars Wrestling # 64 'Best in the World' SSWlogo


The opening promo airs with still shots from ‘Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal’ . . . every match is highlighted, but a greater emphasis is put on Nigel McGuiness & Bryan Danielson winning the SSW tag team titles, and the Punk – MVP match with Kurt Angle attacking Punk after they had wrestled to a 30 minute draw.

There is no opening montage this week, and we cut straight to the ring where Shane McMahon is already in the ring.  Shane talks about ‘Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal’ and thanks the fans for making it such a success.  He is out there tonight to address what happened on the show involving Kurt Angle and SSW Genesis champion CM Punk.  He emphasizes that Angle is under contract with SSW, but not a wrestling contract.  Shane pulls out a contract and says that he has made some amendments to Angle’s contract and all he needs is his signature.  As long as he gets it, there will be no backlash for the Olympic Slam he gave him at the end of the show.

Angle comes out and says that everyone wants to know why.  Why did he attack CM Punk?  He talks about how he has been sitting at home for months because Shane McMahon made a decision that was ‘right for the company’.  What about what was right for him?  And Shane wants to bring him in and pay him half of what he was paying him before and expect him not to do something about it?  He wants someone like CM Punk as his champion?  This is not CM Punk’s house . . . THIS IS HIS HOUSE!  If it would have been him in that match instead of Punk, it would have ended 100 falls to 0!

‘I’M COMIN’ by Sillk the Shocka hits and out comes MVP to a mild pop!  MVP has a mic and talks about the match at ‘Spin the Wheel’, and he puts Punk over as being a tough opponent.  That being said, MVP should still be standing here as the Genesis champion because he pinned Punk, but Punk never pinned him in 30 minutes.  The only reason he is not the SSW champion is because of Kurt Angle!  MVP says that Angle thinks he would have been a better job against Punk, then he needs to get in the ring tonight and prove it!  Sign that contract and let’s do this!  Angle takes the contract from Shane and looks at it, then tosses it down.  Angle cuts a smile at MVP and then walks off.

Commercial Break

Back from break, out comes the SSW Television champion Chris Jericho.  Still shots are shown of Jack Swagger accepting Jericho’s challenge and nearly winning the TV title.  Jericho talks about being treated unfairly by management in being put in a match with Swagger tonight.  But the fact remains that he is smarter than anyone in the front office.  Just like always, he will rise above it all because he is just that good.  That is what makes him the greatest champion this company has ever seen.  He is the one that has the absolute will to be the best and do anything to hold onto the title.  That is why the ‘2 time, 2 time’ All-American Jack Swagger will be the ‘2 time, 2 time’ epic failure tonight.

Match 1: for the SSW Television title

(Champion) Chris Jericho
Jack Swagger

Swagger gets a good reaction from the crowd as he comes out intense.  Jericho tries to play keep away in the beginning, but Swagger stops him cold with a big boot.  Swagger works the ribs and back of Jericho, but Jericho withstands the punishment and gets a chop block to the knee of Swagger.  Jericho attacks the knee, working it over, but Swagger still powers out of the Walls of Jericho.  Swagger goes for the Doctor Bomb, but the knee gives out and he drops Jericho.  CODEBREAKER BY JERICHO!  1 . . . 2 . . . NOOOOO!  SWAGGER GETS OUT!  Jericho drags him to the ring post and slams his knee into the post repeatedly, then locks on a figure four around the ring post!!!!  The ref tries to break the hold, but Jericho refuses and the ref has no choice but to DQ Jericho for not breaking the 5 count!

After the match Jericho takes a chair and smashes Swagger in the knee with it one more time.  Jericho holds the TV title up and walks off smiling.

Commercial Break

Match 2: non-title match

(United States Women’s champion) Gail Kim
Michelle McCool

This is a very good back and forth match and McCool takes it to the champion.  Gail withstands the onslaught and scores with a missile dropkick, but cannot get the pin.  Both women go for their finishers, but there is a series of reversals with both women getting out and going for their own finishers.  It ends with Kim turning the ‘Faith Breaker’ into a huricanrana for a close 2.  McCool hits a big boot and whips Kim off the ropes, but Kim catches her with a tilt a whirl headscissors and goes right into the ‘Chirsto’.  Kim has her trapped in the middle of the ring, and McCool taps out!

After the match, ‘MISS INDEPENDENT’ by Ne-Yo hits and LOVE and the HOTTIES come out at the top of the ramp.  They are clapping sarcastically for Kim.  LOVE says congratulates her on beating a nobody.  But what happens when she gets in the ring with someone like LOVE?  She gets pinned!  LOVE challenges Kim to a match next week for the United States Women’s title and Kim accepts.  

IN THE BACK: Kelly Kelly is with the SSW Genesis champion CM Punk.  Punk calls Angle a coward that is trying to grab onto his coattails for one more shot at glory.  Angle might have been the champion before, but CM Punk is the champion now.  He says that if Angle wanted a shot, if he wanted to get back in the game, then he should have been a man and asked him for it.  Instead, he took the easy way out.  He came back and tried to make a name for himself at his expense.  That doesn’t sit too well with him.  And as far as MVP goes, he puts over MVP as being one of the toughest people he has faced, but calling himself the ‘uncrowned’ champion is a little naïve.  The title is right where it belongs, on his shoulder, and if he wants another shot, don’t follow Kurt Angle’s example . . . be a man and ask!    

Match 3: Tag Team Match

The Pretty Boy Pitbulls (Alex Shelley & THE Brian Kendrick)
Yoshi Tatsu & Jimmy Yang

This is an entertaining, high-energy match that really plays to the strengths of all men involved.  The Pitbulls display some dazzling double-team offense, while Tatsu and Yang shine as well.  After some back and forth action, the Pitbulls send Yang outside with a running boot/ enziguri combo in the corner and then isolate Tatsu.  Shelley gets Tatsu up for an Air Raid Crash, while Kendrick comes off the top and spikes the move with a double stomp to get the win!  

As soon as the bell rings, the American Wolves hit the ring followed by Paul E Dangerously.  They attack the Pitbulls and lay them out, and Paul E. says that no one embarrasses him.  He may not own their contracts anymore, but his ‘hired guns’ the American Wolves are going to take them out for good.  

Commercial Break

Nigel McGuiness and Bryan Danielson come out with the SSW tag team titles as well as the IWS tag team titles over their shoulder.  The crowd gives them a great welcome, and a ‘BEST IN THE WORLD’ chant breaks out.  Danielson talks about how they have had quite a week.  First they win the SSW tag titles, then they win the IWS tag titles to go along with them.  Now all they have to do is add the UWF world tag titles to their collection.  Nigel takes the mic and says that they seem to have struck a nerve with the Andersons.  They keep trying to take them out, but they can’t get the job done.  They are scared to death of them, because they are in their head now.  The Andersons know that they got their number, and they know that they make them look like paper champions when they are in the ring with the ‘Best in the World’.  

‘WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE’ by Guns N Roses hits and out come Rick and Scott Steiner.  Rick says that they laid out a challenge to them last week and they don’t like to wait around.  They want their answer.  Scott says that they may have some belts, but that is just because they fight people like Seigfried & Roy . . . I mean, Miz & Morrison.  He wants to know if they have the ‘balls’ to take on the baddest tag team in the world.  Nigel calls him a juiced up ‘clam digger’, and says that they are fighting champions.  John Morrison’s music this and all four men stop shoving, and Morrison says that their little ‘dream match’ is not going to happen because he still has his rematch.  He dumped the Miz because he was tired of carrying him, so tonight he can pick any partner he wants and he is taking back the SSW tag titles.      

IN THE BACK: Shelley and Kendrick are being tended to in the locker room.  Shelley says if the Wolves want to take them out they can try next week.

Back in the arena, ‘PERFECT STRANGERS’ by Deep Purple hits and out comes Ted Dibiase Jr.  He says that he has been surrounded by great men his whole life and one of those men, his brother Mike, is going to be on the shelf for the rest of the year with a shoulder injury.  Another great man was his father, a former World Heavyweight champion.  But out of all of those people, Ted Jr. says that he could quite possibly be the greatest man that ever lived!  He has the look, charisma, and ability to not only be ‘A’ star, but be ‘THE’ star.  You are looking at the ‘Franchise’ here in SSW, so take a good look at your future.  

This brings out Dolph Ziggler, who comes out and introduces himself to Ted Jr.  He takes the mic out of Ted’s hand and starts to talk, but suddenly the theme from ‘SUPERMAN’ hits and out on the stage comes . . . LANCE CADE!  Cade is dressed in an outfit that looks like Super Dave Osbourne, and he gets a big pop from the fans.  Cade comes down, but Dibiase just laughs at him.  He is the greatest man that ever lived, but Cade is not even a good stunt man!  Ziggler chimes in and says that Cade is a joke.  Cade challenges both men and we have ourselves an impromptu 3 way dance!  

Match 4: 3 way dance

Ted Dibiase Jr.
Lance ‘Danger’ Cade
Dolph Ziggler

Cade and Ziggler go at it, while Dibiase hangs back and picks his spot.  He and Ziggler join forces and double-team Cade, but when Ziggler goes for the pin Dibiase pulls him off and tries to make the cover himself.  Ziggler and Dibiase argue, and Cade comes up and slams both of their heads together.  Cade tunes up the band and knocks Dibiase outside with the super kick, then he hits the Urinage Spinebuster on Ziggler.  He goes up top for the ‘Most Dangerous Elbow in the Business’, but Dibiase is back up and crotches him.  Dibiase hits a super-plex on Cade while Ziggler gets underneath him and hits a power bomb on Dibiase!!!!  He tries covering both men but they both kick out.  Ziggler goes for the ‘Blonde Ambition’ on Cade, who holds on to the ropes and sends Ziggler crashes to the mat, hitting his head hard.  Cade takes Dibiase out of the ring with a clothesline, then hits the ‘Danger Driver’ (backdrop driver) on Ziggler to get the 1 . . . 2 . . . 3!  

Dibiase and Cade stare each other down as the fans chant ‘DANGER!  DANGER!’ for Cade.  

Commercial Break

Back from break, video footage is shown of the kidnapping angle from ‘Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal’ between Jeff & Matt Hardy.  After the highlights air, Matt Hardy comes down to the ring with no music or fanfare. Matt comes out and says that Jeff has finally shown him that he is truly lost.  He knows there is no turning back for his brother now, but he will not be a part of what he is doing.  Jeff comes out and calls Matt a coward, and says that he has a hero-complex.  He always wants to come to the rescue of someone, like his trailer trash girlfriend.  Well, Jeff does not need to be rescued, he does not need to be saved.  Love does not save . . . NOTHING SAVES!  Matt has made the right choice, the smart choice, to just walk away and keep his health.  Matt says that he is speechless by how sick Jeff has become, and how twisted he is . . . but he can be just as twisted!  Now he realizes that his brother is gone.  Matt nails Jeff with a right hand that knocks him on his ass!  Jeff bails out as Matt goes after him, but he escapes.  Matt grabs the mic and says that all this time Jeff has wanted a war, well now he has one.  If Jeff will not give up this crusade, then Matt will be the one to stop him.  

A promo airs for ‘Battle of the Belts’

It is time for the main event, and John Morrison comes out to the ring.  He has selected his new partner, the man that will help him get the SSW tag titles back . . . and it is Chris Jericho!  

Main Event: for the SSW tag team titles

(Champions) Nigel McGuiness & Bryan Danielson
John Morrison & Chris Jericho

Nigel and Danielson control the early goings, making quick tags in and out to work over Jericho.  Morrison gets the tag in, but his agility is negated as Danielson takes him to the mat.  Morrison this a back heel kick out of nowhere, then catches Danielson in the STO backbreaker followed by a Russian Leg Sweep.  Jericho and Morrison take over, but Danielson fights back and manages to make the hot tag in to Nigel.  Nigel cleans house, and all four men end up going at it.  In the melee, Morrison misses the ‘Flying Chuck’ on Danielson and he takes out Jericho instead.  Danielson catches Morrison in the Cattle Mutilation, but Morrison escapes.  Meanwhile, Jericho is up holding his jaw, but throws his hands up and walks out on the match!  Morrison has to go it alone, and he nearly wins the match after hitting the Flying Chuck on Danielson.  He hits the Morrison Starship on Danielson and has the 3, but Nigel breaks it up.  Morrison and Nigel exchange forearms, and Nigel hits the ropes and goes for the jawbreaker.  Morrison blocks it and hits the handstand Capoiera kick, but Nigel rebounds off the ropes and nails him with the Jawbreaker!  Nigel covers for 1 . . . 2 . . . 3!  

Danielson and Nigel hold up the IWS tag titles and the SSW tag titles as the show ends.
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