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 USWA Presents the Great American Bash

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USWA Presents the Great American Bash Empty
PostSubject: USWA Presents the Great American Bash   USWA Presents the Great American Bash EmptyThu Jul 18, 2024 11:36 pm

From a sold out Neyland Stadium in Knoxville ,Tennessee

The day long festivities started with a special meet and greet from some of the USWA stars and various vendor booths!

It was followed by a Brad Paisley concert!

A huge fireworks diplay signals the start of tonight's exciting night of wrestling !

The Tennessee Air National Guard presented our nation's colors!

The National Anthem was then performed by 4 time grammy nominee- Ingrid Andress

Halfway thru her singing of the anthem the stunned crowd was horrified at how bad she was butchering the anthem !  But they popped like crazy when the sound of breaking glass hit and STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN made his way down to the ring where he hit a stunner on Ingrid to put an end to her horrendous rendition !  As sge was carted from the ring, the crowd was treated to the sound of the greatest performance of the anthem ever as Whitney Houston's rendition blared out!

LANCE RUSSELL:"Fans, only in the USWA will you get a crazy beginning to the Bash !  And we have one heck of a crad as we have three world title matches here tonight along with both the USWA Tag and Tv titles on the line!  We have so much action going on tonight so let's send it to the ring and get the action started!"

1st Match:National Tag Team Championship


This one starts fast and furious as a donnybrook is going on!  The odd thing is that the crowd is cheering the OUTLAWS in this one!

Eventually the rugged NICKOLAI VOLKOFF uses his size and strength to slow down the action as he has his way with TERRY FUNK!  The Russians spend several minutes keeping FUNK in their side of the ring and use lots if tags and double teaming to keep FUNK in dire straights! HANSEN tries several times to help his partner but the ref forces him outta the ring which allows the Russians to put an even worse beating on FUNK!
Finally HANSEN has had enough and this time shoves the ref outta the way and starts cleaning house!  BORIS is tossed from the ring and HANSEN posts him! FUNK breaks free from VOLKOFF and makes the tag to HANSEN who exchanges forearm smashes to the side of the head with VOLKOFF!
Surprisingly VOLKOFF wins this battle and wears down STAN with a bear hug that last a few minutes! HANSEN then rakes VOLKOFFS eyes to break the hold! Both men are down but VOLKOFF tags in BORIS first who stomps and kicks HANSEN! BORIS body slams the big man from borger and climbs to the top turnbuckle and then comes off with a flying head but!  HANSEN moves, BORIS hits the mat hard allowing HANSEN to make the tag !  FUNK start punching and slapping the stunned BORIS and when VOLKOFF runs in to make the save, HANSEN runs in and hits him with the latiat which knocks him over the top rope to the floor! A frantic JIMMYN HART tries to help VOLKOFF backm into the ring  but as this goes on, FUNK and HANSEN double body slam BORIS and crazy ass FUNK climbs the turnbuckle and hits a moonsault to get the pin!  And the TEXAS OUTLAWS retain their National Tag Team Titles!!

RUSSELL:" What a doozy to kick things off tonight ! Now lets head up to what should be a dog fight!"


These two stare down each other in the middle of the ring before exchanging punches which TAZ gets the better of and SULLY takes to the floor where ALBANO is going ballistic! TAZ doesnt give SULLY  achance to recover and goes out on the floor after him! ALBANO tries to get between the two and TAZ knocks him on his ass!  TAZ throws SULLY into the guard rail and ringside steps before tossing him back in the ring!   He spends the next few minutes hitting SULLY with various suplexes and only ALBANO'S timely interference saves SULLY from losing this! Eventually ALBANO'S distraction allows SULLY to take over and SULLY  stomps and punches his way to an advantage but as this is happening the crowd pops as SULLY's old partner BUZZ SAWYER makes his way to ringside and attacks ALBANO and power slams him on the floor! This gets SULLY'S attention and he goes to leave the ring to help ALBANO but in doing so he gets dragged back in by TAZ who hits SULLY with an over head suplex and gets the pinfall!

SAWYER points at SULLY, laughing maniacally and heads to the back as ALBANO is still out on the floor!

RUSSELL:" Well some old wounds never heal and BUZZ showed everyone that he hasn't forgotten what his old so called buddies did to him ! But i have a feeling this ain't over !  Well up next is one match i am sure many of us have been looking forward to!"

3rd Match:USWA TV Title Championship


These two start off fast and both wow the crowd as they exchange and reverse and counter holds in what turns out to be a scientific battle! At one point BARRY rebounds off the ropes and damn near kills HHH with a flying lariat!  However during the cover, HHH gets his foot on the ropes breaking the count !  This is when HHH turns to roughhouse tactics and eventually hits the pedigree and covers!  1....2...and the bell sounds signaling the end of the 10 minute time limit!

An angry HHH grabs the tv title from the refs hands, looks at it and then throws it down on BARRY and leaves the ring!

RUSSELL:" What a great match but nuthin settled here but rest assured we are going to see more of these two going at it!  Now let's go up for our first NWA title match!"

4th Match: NWA World Tag Team Championship


The HERDERS attack the champs before the bell rings or the participants are even announced ! The HERDERS take the champs to the floor and the battle keeps going on out there! The ref is trying to restore order and eventually the HERDERS toss the champs back in the ring...THEN the ref has a chance to signal for the bell to officially start this match after about 5 minutes of brawling on the floor had already taken place !  Both DYNAMITE and DAVEY are already busted up from that pre match attack and it slows them down as the HERDERS take full advantage and continue their onslaught! DYNAMITE is getting the worse of it but eventually he ducks under a clothesline and rolls over to make the hot tag to DAVEY BOY!  DAVEY is cleaning house and press slams both HERDERS!  He is dominating BUTCH MILLER until LUKE runs in to break things up which brings DYNAMITE in to join the fray!  DYNAMITE and LUKE go over to the top and hit the floor where DYNAMITE snap suplexes LUKE on the stadium floor ! As this goes on DAVEY gets BUTCH up and hits him with a running powerslam and covers for the three count!

RUSSELL:" What a fight and the champs overcame a lot of adversity early on and showed the true mettle of champions and got the victory over those wild and wooly SHEEPHERDERS!  Now we have a very interesting match up!"


GILBERT and LAWLER are really good here at playing the chicken shit heels and it throws KEN and PAUL off their games as the frustration sets in!  After several minutes  ORNDORFF finally gets his hands on LAWLER and goes to work on kickimg the kings ass! SHAMROCK eventually gets tagged into the action and he dominates LAWLER until a low blow allows LAWLER to escape and make the tag !  SHAMROCK eventually catches EDDIE in the ankle lock and just as it looks like EDDIE will submit, LALWER runs in and hits SHAMROCK, breaking the hold! This brings in LALWER and a four way fight breaks out ! The ref is losing control hgere as He's trying to decide what to do!  ORNDORFF attempts to hit the pile driver on LAWLER but the King back drops PAUL over the top rope ! Meanwhile GILBERT has wrapped a chain around his fist and clocks SHAMROCK with it and gets the pin!  By the time the ring announcer is announcing the winners of the match, GILBERT and LAWLER are already half way back to the dressing room as ORNDORFF checks on a groggy SHAMROCK!

LANCE: Well the so called Kings of Memphis showed just how low they will go to pull out a win! The USWA BOG may just need to take a look at how that one ended!  Up next is gonna be an interesting match with all the dynamics involved!"


ROGERS and SNUKA make their way to the ring and the crowd is booing loudly but that soon changes quickly as the sound of breaking glass hits and out comes SCSA and CHRIS ADAMS!  They enter the ring and AUSTIN goes right at SNUKA who is thrown off by the attack!   AUSTIN is going strong but a missed charge in the corner changes things as a stunned AUSTIN is easy pickings for SNUKA and ROGERS for the next several minutes!  ADAMS is getting the crowd going as they cheer AUSTIN and try to get him pumped up to make the tag!  SCSA finally fights his way out of his predicament but when he has a chance to tag ADAMS, he just flips him the double bird and continues fighting ROGERS!  Eventually ROGERS ducks a clothesline and hits AUSTIN with a drop kick that sends him crashing into his own corner! ADAMS takes the opportunity and slaps AUSTIN on the back and basically tags himself in ! ADAMS cleans house as he hits both ROGERS and SNUKA with drop kicks and continues his onslaught as SNUKA gets tagged in!  ADAMS is looking impressive as he has SNUKA in a front face lock ! SUPERFLY drives ADAMS back into his own corner and SCSA slaps ADAMS back and tags himself in !  AUSTIN commences to stomping a mud hole in SNUKA which brings in ROGERS and thus enters ADAMS to cut him off !  AUSTIN then hits SNUKA with the Stone Cold Stunner but when he turns to make the cover he is met with a super kick to the face courtesy of CHRIS ADAMS!  The crowd is shocked as SNUKA rolls over and covers the fallen AUSTIN for the three count!  After the ref signals for the bell, ADAMS stands over AUSTIN...before he starts stomping away on him!  He then picks up the wobbly AUSTIN and again hits him with a super kick! ADAMS then yells to SNUKA who climbs the top turnbuckle and hits the superfly splash!  ADAMS then hugs ROGERS and SNUKA and all three leave the ring together to deafening boos!  AUSTIN has to be stretchered out!

LANCE:" What in the heck just happened?? Has CHRIS ADAMS lost his darn mind? All i know is i wouldnt want to be in CHRIS ADAM'S shoes when AUSTIN recovers!   Up next is a tag team grudge match!"

7th Match: USWA Tag Team Championship


A fast paced match from start to finish here with both teams getting the advantage  but neither getting too big of one !  The tennis racket of JIM CORNETTE came into play around the 15 minute mark as EATON lays out KOKO and gets a very dubious pin as the MX retain their belts!

LANCE:" That dirty CORNETTE once again saves his team and i ,like everyone else, am getting sick and tired of it !  Something has to be done about him! Well up next is one of our last two NWA World title matches as the Rowdy one gets it on with the Mad Dog!"

8th Match: NWA World Tv Championship


Kinda odd as PIPER gets quite a few cheers here!  These two go at it tooth and nail and the fans are loving it ! Inside and outside the ring they beat the ever loving hell outta each other!  At around the 17 minute LOU ALBANO makes his way to ringside which ofc distracts BUZZ but what BUZZ and the ref dont see ( as the ref is focused on ALBANO) is KEVIN SULLIVAN coming in the opposite side of the ring and clobbers BUZZ in the head!  SULLY leaves the ring as ALBANO leaves ringside and PIPER, ever the opportunist, simply covers BUZZ and gets the pin and retains his world tv title!

LANCE:" Well payback isa you know what and SULLY and ALBANO returned the favor from earlier!  Now lets go to the ring for our main event on what has already been an eventful and unpredictable night of USWA action!"



KERRY VON ERICH (c) vs USWA Heavyweight Champion- The Russian Nightmare- NIKITA KOLOFF w/ JIMMY HART and IVAN KOLOFF

KERRY is a bit concerned about the numbers game here but he is on fire here early on and even thwarts a few interference attempts by UNCLE IVAN!NIKITA ofc fights back and uses his power and tries to wear KERRY down with power moves and beat downs! These two are past the 25 minute mark when all hell breaks loose! NIKITA goes for the russian sickle but KERRY ducks and when NIKITA turns around he is hit by not one but TWO discuss punches ans the big Russian goes down! However IVAN jumps on the ring apron and a distracted KERRY goes over and knocks IVAN off! As the ref's attention is on IVAN , JIMMY HART is on the opposite apron and tosses his megaphone towards NIKITA who is just rising up ! However KERRY intercepts it and clobbers NIKITA with it as the crowd goes nuts! KERRY tosses out the megaphone and as the ref turns, he sees KERRY covering NIKITA and gives a three count! JIMMY HART falls on his ass as he trips on the ropes entering the ring and as IVAN grabs the ref to protest, KERRY holds the NWA world title over his head as he heads back down the runway to he dressing room as the crowd gives him a thunderous ovation!

The show fades to black as IVAN and JIMMY are slowly reviving NIKITA!

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Posts : 1665
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USWA Presents the Great American Bash Empty
PostSubject: Re: USWA Presents the Great American Bash   USWA Presents the Great American Bash EmptyFri Jul 19, 2024 9:59 am

Brad Paisley..... im impressed you know him lol

LOL Austin stunning Ingrid during the Anthem...... freaking classic

Man, Hansen and Funk are just too damned good

Cool we get a midget match..... oh wait, thats just Taz and Sullivan Very Happy

Windham got lucky there, time was on his side

The Bulldogs have taken on everyone......what i would give to see them face Hansen and Funk

I hope you keep pushing Lawler and Gilbert..... these guys are heat magnets

Freakin Chris Adams...... i have a feeling he may have just signed his death warrant

The Midnites are another team that have had a great year, they just arent getting the credit they deserve

Not sure if he needed it, but the assist from Sullivan lets Piper hold on to that title for another day

Hmmmm..... wonder if there will be any backlash from that mishap from Hart that cost Nikita that match. I cant see the Russians just allowing that go unanswered

Awesome show
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Johnny Rose

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USWA Presents the Great American Bash Empty
PostSubject: Re: USWA Presents the Great American Bash   USWA Presents the Great American Bash EmptySun Jul 21, 2024 6:37 pm

Poor Ingrid . Lol

Who can stop these Outlaws . Damn they are impressive .

The crazed Sawyer puts a Beatdown on Albano ! This might cost him later . Sullivan doesn’t let things go . Buzz better grow eyes in the back of his head vs Piper tonight:

Time was on Windham’s side there . Wow !!!

Bulldogs keep winning but take a beating in this tour .

Gilbert and Lawler are turning heads . USWA could be on notice !

Typical MXE low life cheating . lol

Told ya Sully would make Buzz pay . MVP Piper continues to roll !!!

Hart cost Nikita the match . Kerry with his 3rd successful title defense in this tour !!!

Killer Bash my man .
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