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 Midsouth Presents : The Great American Bash

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Johnny Rose

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Midsouth Presents : The Great American Bash  Empty
PostSubject: Midsouth Presents : The Great American Bash    Midsouth Presents : The Great American Bash  EmptySat Jul 06, 2024 12:34 am

Midsouth Presents : The Great American Bash

A MAX exclusive

At&T Stadium

Jim Ross : Hello folks we are finally here . Midsouth’s first leg of the tour of the Great American Bash . We start things off with exciting Junior Heavyweight Action . Let’s go to the ring .

Art Barr vs Tiger Mask : Barr comes down with Col . Robert Fuller . Tiger is a bit concerned . He points to the ramp way .

JR : It’s Mr . Fuji !!! Mr . Fuji is in here in Midsouth !!!!

Fuji comes down and stands next to Robert Fuller . The ref calls for the bell and the match is underway . Tiger out of a collar and elbow with a go behind and then goes for a waist lock takedown , but Barr counters back with a go behind and goes for a German Suplex. Tiger lands on his feet , Barr spins around Tiger hits a jumping spinning back kick . Barr flies into the corner . Tiger monkey flips him out and under the orders of Fuji , he puts Barr into a hammerlock !!! JR tells us that Mr . Fuji likes to go after a body part . Barr gets to the ropes for the break . When they go back to the middle of the ring , Barr turns Tiger’s mask sideways and clotheslines him . Fuller is on the outside laughing . Barr stomps away on his man and then chokes him on the bottom rope . Barr with a back breaker and then a lung blower ! He covers 1……..2…….Tiger gets a foot on the ropes . Barr whips Tiger into the ropes and unloads with a series of chops .

Barr now goes up top ….. Flying Elbow drop by Barr !!!! Fuller orders his man to go up again , he hits a flying leg drop this time . Barr goes up again ……. Frog Splash misses his target . Tiger moves . JR tells us that Barr went to the well one too many times . Tiger with a snap Suplex ! Tiger with a flying head scissors . Barr lands on the outside . Fuller is helping him up …..FLYING TIGER SPACE DROP !!!!!! Barr is down . Fuller is down and Mr . Fuji is accidentally down . Tiger worried about Fuji takes his eyes off Barr . Barr hurls Tiger into the steps . Tiger lands back first . Barr rolls his man in the ring . Barr now with a snap vertical of his own . He goes up top …… FROG SPLASH !!!!! 1……..2……3 !!!!

JR : Art Barr wins !!! Folks he will challenge Rey Mystetio Jr for the Midsouth Junior Heavyweight Title on July 20th at LSU . What a way to begin .

Folks up next is six man tag team action for the WWC Trios Championship. Earlier today this happened when Mike Von Erich was involved in a YouTube Podcast . Let’s take you to that now .

Lawrence Holmes : The Lawrence Holmes Bash Cast continues . For those of you who don’t know me , I’m Lawrence Holmes a radio talk show host out of Chicago . I can be heard mid days from 10 to 2 on Chicago Sports Radio 670 The Score with my partner Dan Bernstein . I’m a life long wrestling fan and I have the pleasure of going to every Bash show on the tour to do this podcast . My first guest today , Mike Von Erich . Mike a big match for you and your brother’s Kevin and David tonight.

Mike : Lawerence , that’s right . We are putting up out WWC Trios belts against the fake Freebirds .

Holmes : You mean the Fabulous Freebirds .

Mike : No , I mean fake . Buddy Roberts despite his ego is not the founder or leader of the Freebirds . Michael Hayes is . Now ….

Buddy Roberts , Terry Gordy and Jimmy Garvin walk on the set .

Buddy : Fake Freebirds ? Fake Freebirds ? The only Fake Freebirds was when your brothers were in WWF with Michael .

Gordy : Ain’t none of that matters Buddy . What matters is tonight . We start with the WWC Trios Championship and then we go forward . Von Erich boy , you ain’t gonna make that match in one piece .

Garvin : What’s about to happen is not my fault .

Holmes gets the hell out of dodge and then the Birds attack Mike . Buddy with a Bulldog on the ground . Jimmy picks him up and punches him . Then Gordy powerbombs Mike through a merch table . Tommy Rich and JYD come rushing in with chairs .


JR : Now folks Mike got to the venue early because let’s not forget , he enjoys the production side of wrestling as a hobby . Mike is a bit banged up . Under doctor’s orders he will not wrestle here tonight . Glad Tommy Rich and JYD were there as part of a fan fest before the show . Tommy is a good friend of the Von Erichs and has agreed to step on as a proxy for Mike . Let’s go to the ring .

WWC Trios Champion David , Kevin Von Erich and Tommy “ Wildfire “ Rich vs The Freebirds : All six men storm the ring at the same time and a piersixer breaks out . Rich gets a big boot from Gordy and falls backward out of the ring . The ref finally gets control . David hits Buddy with a forearm and then whips him into the corner . Kevin gets the tag and he suplexes Buddy . Kevin tags back off to David who comes in and Puts Buddy in a Boston Crab . Buddy gets to the ropes and rolls out of the ring . Under Trios rules if a man goes out if the ring a new man may take his place . Garvin comes in from behind and tosses David out . Kevin comes in and Garvin takes the eyes , calls for Terry to put his boot up and Garvin rams Kevin’s head into the boot . Gordy drops a knee across the head of Kevin . He tags off to Buddy who chokes him in the ropes and then tags back off to Garvin . Gavin hits a Brainbuster on Kevin . He covers 1……..2…….Nooooo !!! Kevin somehow kicks out . Garvin is in shock . He tags off to Gordy . Gordy goes to put Kevin away with a Powerbomb , but Kevin turns it into a Rana !!!! Kevin leaps across the ring ! He tags Rich ! Rich comes in DDT on Kevin !!!!

JR : What the hell ????

Rich now hits a running elbow knocking David out off the ring apron and then Rich hits a flying crossbody on David on the outside . Kevin staggers up ….. Bulldog by Roberts !!! He covers 1…….2…….3 !!!

JR : We have new WWC Trios Champions . Rich screwed the Von Erichs .

Buddy takes the mic and.

Buddy : I said it before only one percent of one percent can be a Freebird . Tommy Rich your days under the hood as Badstreet are over . You are no longer a prospect . You are a Freebird !!! Here are your colors . Oh and this belt is yours as much as ours .

The Freebirds take their leave .

JR : We were all hoodwinked from folks . It’s time for the Texas Heavyweight Title Finale .

Texas Heavyweight Championship The Great Kabuki vs Michael Hayes : Hart leads his assassin to the ring . The two meet in the middle of the ring and it’s Hayes scoring first with a hip lock takedown and then a dropkick . Kabuki staggers up and Hayes whips him into the corner and then hits a running knee to the gut . Hayes hits an elbow smash and then picks Kabuki up for a bodyslam , but Hart reaches in trips Hayes . Kabuki lands on top and gets 1…….2…….Hayes kicks out . Now Kabuki works a double claw hold to the side of Michael’s neck . Michael gets to the ropes and Kabuki with a backhand strike that puts Hayes down . Kabuki stomps on the chest of Hayes and then puts on that two handed claw again . Hayes is wearing down . The crowd cheers and Hayes responds . He fights to his feet . He elbows Kabuki in the gut and then hits a belly to back Suplex !!! Hayes now lets his fist go . He backs Kabuki into the corner and chops him across the chest . Hayes hits the Bulldog !!! He covers 1………2……..Hart puts Kabuki’s foot on the ropes . Hayes kicks at Hart , when he spins around , he steps right into a roundhouse back kick by Kabuki !!! Kabuki covers and gets the 3 !!!!

JR : Michael Hayes took his eye off the ball and the deadly Kabuki is the first Texas Heavyweight Champion. Right now we have the Anderson’s putting their Midsouth Tag Team Titles on the line against the Television Tag Team Champions The Samoans . Let’s go back to the ring folks .

Midsouth Tag Team Championship The Andersons vs The Wild Samoans : This match never gets started . All four men go at it on the outside before the match the ref calls for the bell tossing the match out .

JR : Well folks that was a slobber knocker . Bill Watts is here at ringside , Bill what’s going on .

Watts : Jim . These two teams will go at it again on HBO on July 20th at LSU Stadium . There will be no count outs !!!

JR : You heard it folks . No count outs . Folks we are down to our last two matches . Two NWA World Title Matches . Roddy Piper and Magnum TA , have no love lost for one another . Piper has beaten Magnum before , but Magnum has had a change of heart literally and figuratively. Gary Hart became his manager now Magnum has become more aggressive and it one of the most dangerous wrestlers here in Midsouth . Is this going to be a repeat of last time , or is Magnum TA finally going to become the new World Television Champion. Let’s find out right now .

NWA World Television Championship Roddy Piper vs Magnum TA : Gary Hart has been busy tonight . This is his fourth match and he’s two and one . Piper and Magnum lock up . They tussle into the ropes and fall right out of the ring . There is an exchange punches on the outside . They fight back into the ring and they are both choking one another . The ref gets them separated , Piper with a thumb to the eye and then Bodyslams Magnum and puts the boots to him , until he rolls out of the ring . Piper goes out after him . Magnum back drops Piper on the ground now pulls Piper up by the hair and slams his head into the ring apron . Magnum rolls his man back in . He whips Piper into the turnbuckles and then nails him with several chops across the chest . From there he hits a snap vertical Suplex and rakes his boot over the face of Piper . He drops a knee on Piper’s forehead . He covers 1………2……..Noooooo !!! Piper kicks out !!!

Magnum whips Piper into the turnbuckles again and goes for a running clothesline . Piper moves and Magnum hits his head in the top turnbuckle. Piper nails him with a clothesline and then bites him on the forehead !!! Magnum is bleeding . Piper hits fist drop and then just rubs Magnum’s face in the mat . Piper pulls his man up and gets off a belly to back Suplex . Piper with a pointed elbow drop on Magnum . He covers 1…….2……Hart puts Magnum’s foot on the ropes . Piper doesn’t care . He goes right back to work . He hits a DDT on Magnum and then just slams his head into the mat repeatedly, until the ref makes him quit by exercising his five count . Piper now decides it’s time for Magnum to go to sleep . Magnum somehow finds his way to the ropes . Off the break and then, Piper goes for a big round house right hand , but Magnum ducks under and ……… BELLY TO BELLY !!!!!

Magnum rolls off Piper . He only fighting on instinct with the blood loss . He has no clue where he is at . Hart can be heard yelling , “ what the hell are you doing brotha ? “ Magnum shakes off the cobwebs and does cover . 1………2……….Nooooo !!! Piper gets a shoulder off the mat . Hart pounds on the ring apron , telling Magnum to get his ass up first . Magnum died as follows . He hits Piper with a dropkick and then takes a wild ass round house swing that catches Piper on the jaw . Piper goes flying out of the ring . Hart yells for Magnum to go out after him . Magnum staggers out of the ring and goes to pull Piper up , Piper whips Magnum into the ring post . Now Piper rolls Magnum back in the ref checks on the cut of Magnum. While this is going on , Piper pulls a roll of quarters out of his boot . Piper gets back in the ring . Magnum staggers to his feet and Piper clocks him with loaded fist . Magnum is out . Piper covers 1……..2……….3 !!!!

Gary Hart storms off , not checking on his man .

JR : Roddy Piper with another successful title defense . I’m not sure why Gary Hart is so damn mad . Magnum gave it all he had folks . Right now it’s the main event . This has been building for awhile folks . Last we knew the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Lex Luger said Midsouth wasn’t worth his time and he was not coming here . He had washed his hands of Kerry Von Erich and that was that . Then the incident that took place this last week on the World Tour in Glasgow . Kerry Von Erich accused Luger of hiding behind Medusa , well that was enough to make Luger angry . After fending off the great Nikita Koloff last week , he’s now here in Midsouth . Kerry Von Erich got his match . Can he capitalize ? We are about to find out .

NWA World Heavyweight Championship Lex Luger vs Kerry Von Erich : Luger as usual comes out with Medusa and the G Club . Kerry doesn’t come alone . He escorted by David and Kevin . There is a third person however . JR is in shock . Sherri Martel is at ringside with Kerry . Now out walks Terry Gordy . Michael Hayes soon follows . Bill Watts gets in the ring .

Watts : No hold on a minute . We are not having this . I just talked to David Crockett in back and made the statement that this is for the World Heavyweight Championship. Gang warfare won’t be tolerated . So the G Club , Gordy , David , Kevin and Mr . Hayes all to the back . Medusa , you have a managers license so you can stay . Sherri Martel , I was told you obtained a manager’s license here in the state of Texas on Friday . You can stay as well . Ok gentlemen , let’s Hook Em Up !!!

Luger sucker punches Kerry as Watts is getting out of the ring . He outs the boots to Kerry and kicks Kerry out of the ring . While the ref is is admonishing Luger , Medusa hits a round house kick to the head of a kneeling Kerry . Sherri spears Medusa and then drags her up the aisle . The ref gets to 8 . Kerry goes to roll under the ropes and Luger is right there to stomp away on him again . Knocking Kerry out of the ring . Luger goes out , grabs Kerry up and is about to hit snake eyes on the ring apron , but Kerry gets out the back door and spins Luger around and drops him with a discuss punch !!!!! Kerry knows he can’t win the match on the outside . He rolls Luger back in the ring . Luger staggers up …..Discuss Punch by Kerry again . He covers , but Luger is in the ropes . Off the break and then, Luger grabs Kerry by the front of the trucks and hurls him out to the floor !!!! Luger pulls Kerry up and slams his back into the ring post !!! Luger gets back in the ring . The ref begins to count . Kerry gets on the ring apron and Luger suplexes Kerry back in . Luger with a back breaker and then works a muffler stretch on Kerry . Kerry manages to squirm to the ropes for the break . Luger chokes Kerry on the bottom rope and then kicks him out of the ring again . The crowd boos as the World Heavyweight Champion goes out and Bodyslams Kerry on the railing this time . Now Luger slams Kerry’s head into the ring post . Kerry is busted open . Luger rolls Kerry back in . Luger goes for the Torture Rack, but Kerry has it scouted and gets out the back and hits Luger with a Bulldog !!!

A hurt Kerry crawls to the champion . He covers 1………2………Noooooo !!!! Luger kicks out !!!! Kerry pulls Luger up and gets off a Discuss Line !!!! Kerry now goes for the cover again , but Luger already has a foot in the ropes . Kerry now shows a bit of aggression . He stomps away on Luger in the ropes and then hits a baseball slide dropkick , knocking the champion out of the ring . Kerry rolls back in , grabs the top rope . CON HELO OUT ON THE FLOOR BY KERRY !!!! JR tells us , he’s never seen that move from the challenger . Kerry slams Luger’s head into the ring apron and rolls him in . Kerry now waits as Luger staggers up , kick on the gut … pedigree by Kerry !!! He rolls Luger over and makes the cover …..1……….2………Noooooo !!! Luger kicks out !!! Kerry goes to pull the champion up , he goes for a press slam , but drops Luger and grabs at his back !!!

Luger now back on the offense . He hits Jerry with a running Powerslam !!! He covers and gets 1…….2……..Nooooo!!!! Kerry kicks out !!! Luger now grabs Kerry up and locks in a Full Nelson !!!! The blood is pumping from Kerry’s head . He goes down to one knee and then two !!! The ref is checking Kerry’s right hand . It falls once . He checks again , it falls twice . He checks again and Kerry makes a fist . The crowd starts chanting , “ go Kerry go !!!” Kerry battles to his feet . He’s now completely standing . Kerry fighting the blood and the pain in his back , walks forward and falls into the ropes !!! Luger off the break and then, hits Kerry in the back of the head with a big clubbing forearm !!! Luger puts Kerry on the top rope . He going for a Superplex . Kerry though pulls Lex up now the two of them are exchanging punches . They grab each other and then jump , bulldoging one another into the mat !!! Both men are down . JR tells us , it looks like they both had the same idea . The ref begins his count . 1………2……….3………4……….5………..6…………7…………8……….Luger puts an arm across Kerry’s chest ! Luger has the cover . 1………….2………..Noooooo !!!! Kerry just gets a shoulder off the mat !!!!

The two men fight their way up . Now it’s just an exchange of wild ass round house right hands . This brings to their feet . Luger gets tired of that bullshit and goes for a clothesline , Kerry ducks under . He had the claw !!!! Luger down to one knee and then two !!! Luger is now bleeding from his head !!! It’s his turn to wear the crimson mask ! Luger falls backward down to the mat . Kerry lets off the hold and. He shoots the half and hooks the leg . 1………2……….Nooooo !!! The resilient champion kicks out !!!! JR speculates that if Kerry’s head wasn’t pumping out blood , he might have kept that Claw on the whole time and got the 3 . Luger rakes the eyes of Kerry . He pulls Kerry up and hits a Piledriver !!!! A tired Luger covers Kerry ! 1…………2………Noooooo !!!! Kerry kicks out ! Luger has had enough . He picks Kerry up ……TORTURE RACK !!!! Kerry kicks his feet like a wild man and squirms out of the Rack he pushes Luger into the ropes and gets the O’ Connor Roll ! Kerry with a bridge ! 1…………2………..3 !!!!!!!


Jimmy Lennon : Fans here is the time . 47 minutes and 35 seconds. Your winner and NNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEWWWWWW NWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD KERRY VON ERICH !!!!!

Kerry ‘s brothers , his dad , The Armstrongs , the Anderson’s , Tiger Mask , Mr . Wrestling 2 , JYD and Michael Hayes join in the celebration .

JR : KERRY VON ERICH !!! CAN YOU BELEVE IT FOLKS !!! We will return to the Great American Bash on July 20th from LSU’s Tiger Stadium . It will be an HBO Exclusive. It will be shown later on Max that week in tape delay . Here is a run down !!!

Midsouth Junior Heavyweight Title : Rey Mysterio vs Art Barr

Midsouth Tag Team Championship: The Andersons vs The Wild Samoans

HBO Television Championship : Magnum TA vs Nick Bockwinkle

Midsouth Heavyweight Championship: Junk Yard Dog vs Harley Race

NWA World Super Junior Heavyweight Championship: Will Osprey vs Mike Von Erich

NWA World Tag Team Championship: The British Bulldogs vs David and Kevin Von Erich

Steel Cage Boot Camp Match : Sgt . Slaughter vs Iron Sheik ( Loser Leaves Midsouth )

End Show

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Midsouth Presents : The Great American Bash  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Midsouth Presents : The Great American Bash    Midsouth Presents : The Great American Bash  EmptySat Jul 06, 2024 10:14 am

Im not sure if Fuji helped or hurt Tigers chances in this match

Nonetheless, Barrs stock continues to rise

HAHAHAHAHA....... let that be a lesson to that punk Mike Von Erich

One thing about the Von Erichs..... they will trust anybody. And it bites them in the ass here

And if anybody should learn anything here, it should be Michael Hayes......what has he done but be second fiddle to anyone while the Freebirds continue to be dominant..... time for him to wake up

Like i said on BGs show.... its only been a week into the tour and Piper has went through some wars. He has to be the Bash MVP thus far

Now what the hell......why is Sherri Martel here..... she has no business being here

Now that main event went just as it should have...... man to man, and they put on a classic

But ive noticed something..... the last couple of matches Luger has had, there was no G-Club members to be found

Congrats to Kerry...... he has had one hell of a run to get here, and now that he finally wins the title you can bet there will be challengers galore..... lets see how he fares from going from challenger to champion

Good stuff
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Midsouth Presents : The Great American Bash  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Midsouth Presents : The Great American Bash    Midsouth Presents : The Great American Bash  EmptyWed Jul 10, 2024 9:16 pm


fuji being here can not be good ! Mask put on a helluva figfht but barr stepped it up and tool this one! rey better watch out!

dude..i really enjoyed that podcast segment!! ya never know when or where the dirty birds will attack!!

and wildfire steps in!

kevin kicking outta that brain buster was a shock!


neeeewww trios champs!


i thought kabuki was gonna have an easier time with hayes but hayes was hella good here...but hart did his hob and cost hayes the win and texas title!

i wanna see the samoans and andersons hook em up again and soon!

PIPER has had TA'S number in the past but this is a new magnum with a new attitude and manager!

gotta say that magnum was matching the champ punch for punch..hold for hold very impressive war these two had

hart was very impatient with TA and his constant yelling out orders was distracting to TA imo

when will people learn that when u r outside on the arena floor that u r in PIPER's domain!

PIPER pulls out another successful title defense and hart deserts his man?? wtf gary??

this main event is gonna rock!

wtf?? everyone out here to see this

scary sherri in the house

i love it!! watts laying down the law tonight!

i think the best thing that coulda happened to lex was for watts to send away his cronies as i feel this is the best he has looked since he won the title!! This was a great match and told a fukin great story!

i felt lex was pulling out this at the end by kerry was destined for this win and showed everyone thatb he is a big time player here in the NWA! bUT NOW THE HARD WORK REALLY BEGINS!


LOVED IT ALL... except for that fukin rat tommy rich!

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