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 Major League Wrestling #67 - ‘Acknowledge the REAL Tribal Chief’

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Major League Wrestling #67 - ‘Acknowledge the REAL Tribal Chief’ Empty
PostSubject: Major League Wrestling #67 - ‘Acknowledge the REAL Tribal Chief’   Major League Wrestling #67 - ‘Acknowledge the REAL Tribal Chief’ EmptyThu May 09, 2024 9:56 pm

Major League Wrestling #67 - ‘Acknowledge the REAL Tribal Chief’ Ddoi68e-fb70b8c3-7ed6-4f3b-86a5-992e9483cd92.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvODhlMzA4MjQtM2M5YS00OTU3LWI2YWItMzk0Y2I3ODNhYTIwXC9kZG9pNjhlLWZiNzBiOGMzLTdlZDYtNGYzYi04NmE1LTk5MmU5NDgzY2Q5Mi5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ
MAJOR LEAGUE WRESTLING is a sports-media holding company that focuses on professional wrestling sporting events & programming, digital contest and ancillary entertainment.  MLW prides itself on ‘Fusion Wrestling’, presenting a variety of wrestling styles from around the world to create a true hybrid of fighting styles from various disciplines across the globe.  MLW’s diverse roster incorporates the following disciplines:

- British Strong Style/ Catch Wrestling/ Hardcore Wrestling/ Lucha Libre/ Mixed Martial Arts/ Shoot Wrestling/ Japanese Strong Style/ Technical Wrestling
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<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">

MLW Champion:


Matchka Kick
The 7th Seal (Accolade)
Swinging Urinage

Reign: 09/14/22
Major League Wrestling #67 - ‘Acknowledge the REAL Tribal Chief’ Df6lu84-39858aa1-0c4a-4b73-8542-57857af759ea.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2Y5M2M3ZGQxLTA1N2YtNDRhMi1iN2Q2LWE1NzE1MjI4OTY3MlwvZGY2bHU4NC0zOTg1OGFhMS0wYzRhLTRiNzMtODU0Mi01Nzg1N2FmNzU5ZWEucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0

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Major League Wrestling #67 - ‘Acknowledge the REAL Tribal Chief’ Will-OspreayOPENWEIGHT CHAMPION:
Will Ospreay

Essex, England


Hidden Blade

Reign: 01/13/23

<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">

Tag Team Champions:

The Briscoes (Mark &amp; Jay)

Sandy Fork, Delaware


Doomsday Device
Redneck Boogie

Major League Wrestling #67 - ‘Acknowledge the REAL Tribal Chief’ Df974jx-d674ee44-c440-4c41-a456-7d1f49c58cd0.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2Y4MTRkY2FkLTM4MGYtNDZkNi04YzAzLWRmZjU4YTk0MWFkY1wvZGY5NzRqeC1kNjc0ZWU0NC1jNDQwLTRjNDEtYTQ1Ni03ZDFmNDljNThjZDAuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0

<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">

Major League Wrestling #67 - ‘Acknowledge the REAL Tribal Chief’ FNXp4QjXsAEH3x5Women's Champion:
Britt Baker

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Curb Stomp

Reign: 11/03/22

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*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

LOCATION: Wilmington, Delaware

ARENA: Chase Fieldhouse

BROADCAST TEAM: Mauro Renallo &amp; Pat McAfee

INTERVIEWS: Kayla Braxton &amp; Quinn McKay

RING ANNOUNCER: Melissa Santos
Major League Wrestling #67 - ‘Acknowledge the REAL Tribal Chief’ DJI_0075

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* * * * * PROLOGUE * * * * *

We get an extensive recap of ENDGAME, including new tag team champions and Openweight champion crowned….

We cut to outside the arena earlier in the day as black SUV’s pull up to the arena …. The doors open up and our step the USOs and Paul Heyman, followed by Roman Reigns ….

Major League Wrestling #67 - ‘Acknowledge the REAL Tribal Chief’ Maxresdefault

* * * * * SHOW OPENING * * * * *

MLW is once again in Newark, New Jersey at the Prudential Center and it’s standing room only tonight for MLW …. The fans are RABID as explodes from the entranceway and from the ring posts as MLW is on the air!

We are greeted by the voices MAURO RENALLO and PAT MCAFEE welcoming the viewing audience, and billboarding tonight’s show to set up what we will see tonight ….

The show opens up with the entrance of the Foundation led by Roman Reigns ….

Major League Wrestling #67 - ‘Acknowledge the REAL Tribal Chief’ Roman-reigns-the-ones

REIGNS: “Newark, New Jersey …. ACKNOWLEDGE ME!!!!”

Reigns soaks in the mixed reactions from the crowd, and there are a lot of ‘1’s being thrown up in the air ….

REIGNS: “How many times do I have to tell you that I’m a man of my word before you believe it?  I told everyone that I was going to humble the Giant at Endgame and that’s exactly what I did …. Out of all the people in the UWF, your Tribal Chief is the one guy, that doesn’t sweat Andre …. But you see, there is just one problem with that …. And that is the fact that I’m not standing here with MY world heavyweight title …. I got my hand raised, but other than that I have nothing to show for it, and I have a MAJOR issue with that …. Your Tribal Chief doesn’t do moral victories.  But in my eyes, and the eyes of the world there is one reason I am standing here without the world title, and that is SOLO SIKOA …”

This surprises the USOs, who can’t hide their shock at Reigns’ statement ….

REIGNS: “But before I get to Solo Sikoa, I have to address one thing and that is certain people in other companies name-dropping the Tribal Chief.  I’m only gonna say this once, because these people have already been put on notice, and when that happened they didn’t want any smoke.  The Anaoa’i may all feast at the same table, but there is only one HEAD OF THE TABLE and that is Roman … Reigns!…. One name …. One Tribal Chief …. And It’s not the red-headed Tongan step children, it’s not ‘Mr. B-list Hollywood’ Dwayne, hell, it’s not even the generations that came before us.  Rikishi  … Afa …. Sika.  And it damn sure isn’t Solo Sikoa …. Solo wanted to call his shot like he’s me?  Why’d he do that?  Because I do that!  The Tribal Chief gets the job done every single night …. Anything less than that isnt in my makeup, it’s not in my DNA …. I call my shot and I always deliver!  Solo, you keep trying to do things like me, so you must want to be me!  You keep wanting to be me and every time you go out there you prove why you’re NOT me!”

“Nah, the only thing you’ve proven is what a distraction you can be.  A distraction to your brothers, a distraction to this family, but more importantly a distraction to your Tribal Chief,.  Do you see what your selfishness has done?  This family is divided, and it’s showing…. And, as the Tribal Chief, I won’t tolerate that.  So it’s simple:  It’s time to fall in line, and it’s time for this family to be whole again …. It’s time for you to ‘know your role’ and stand at my side as the true ENFORCER of this bloodline …. So Solo … you and I are going to have a little chat before tonight is over … Jimmy … Jey … you’ve got the night off.”

Reigns turns and leaves with Heyman, leaving the USOs standing in the ring with a stunned look on their faces ….

*** IN THE BACK ***

Cameras show Bayley has been laid out in the womens locker room …. Banks is checking on her and demanding answers from the other women in the locker room but none of them have seen anything …. What does this do to the womens tag match tonight???? … Trump is there and says that match was supposed to go on first tonight, but he’s going to push it out to the semi-main event and tells Banks to find a partner because Bayley obviously can’t go ….

Instead of the tag team match, up first we have UWF World Champion DEONNA PURAZZO coming out to the ring …. At Endgame, she issued an open challenge to anyone to come to MLW and face her for this title …. And in the week since, it’s been radio silence …. The entire UWF womens division needs to step up …. Who is going to accept her challenge?  

RAQUEL GONZALEZ makes her return to MLW!!!!  Gonzalez and Purazzo have history from their time in Valifornia, where Gonzalez was the interim women’s champion while Purazzo was injured …. Raquel says what better way to come back to MLW than to win the UWF world title?  She accepts the challenge!!!!

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(Champion) ‘The Virtuosa’ DEONNA PURAZZO
- vs -

Deonna looks a little unprepared as Raquel is on offense for about 90% of the match …. Purazzo’s strategy of working on the arm pays off in the end as Gonzalez goes for the Chingona Bomb only to have Purazzo counter into a roll up for the 3 count to retain the title ….

Raquel looks very strong even in defeat .… Post match Gonzalez and Purazzo share a fist bump of respect …. .

*** IN THE BACK ***

Solo Sikoa is interviewed in the back and asked about Roman Reigns’ comments earlier tonight  …. Solo blows it off and says he is always down to have a conversation but Roman doesn’t want to hear what he has to say …. He ain’t even worried about that right now because he’s only concerned with the MLW title and unfinished business with Miro …. He says Miro is scared, but Sikoa has the upper hand because he still has the Opera Cup …. That guarantees him a title shot and he’s cashing in tonight!  “Hey Miro … Let’s run it back!”  

Miro walks in clapping and asks if Solo is sure he doesn’t have to get permission from his Tribal Chief before he does this …. Solo says he don’t need ANYONE’s permission to whoop Miro’s ass …. Miro says he respects the fight Solo gave him at Endgame, and he is a man of character …. He acted out of character at Endgame but Solo must know up front that he will do whatever it takes to keep his title and continue to be Gods Favorite Champion …. He accepts Solo’s challenge, and we have our main even!  Solo gives him a fist bump of respect ….

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- vs -

Castle does his flamboyant entrance, but Steiner is pissed off …. He takes that frustration out on Castle as soon as the bell rings by cutting him in half with a spear!  Down come the straps, and Steiner hits the press powerslam to finish Castle off in less than a minute ….</p></center>

POST MATCH: Steiner talks about how he keeps getting screwed …. Kross took away his moment, then Angle stole his chance to fight Kross 1 on 1, then Kross stole the match from him at Endgame …. He tells Kross ‘tick tock, tick tock’ …. He tells Kross to show up at FIGHTLAND ….

*** IN THE BACK ***

We get words with the new MLW tag team champions the Briscoes ….

JAY: “You know what?  Maybe it wasn’t clean.  But the Briscoe boys don’t give a damn because we got the straps baby!”

Jay is interrupted by the return of JOHNNY GARGANO &amp; TOMASSO CIAMPA! …. Johnny says they’ve been gone awhile and a lot has changed, but the one thing that hasn’t changed is that they built this tag team division …. The Briscoes are always talking about ‘Man Up’, so Johnny is here to challenge them man to man for a title match …. Jay says he can respect that, but before he can accept any challenge The Young Bucks show up to interrupt ….

Matt says no one is stepping in front of them for a title shot …. Ciampa says if they have to run through the MLW tag team division to get their title shot then that’s fine, and they will start with the Bucks …. The match is set for FIGHTLAND ….

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- vs -

Jade wins a squash match after hitting Jaded ….</p></center>

POST MATCH: Jade says this isn’t what she wanted …. She didn’t ask for no one on one match, she wants one person and that’s Britt Baker …. “Cut the shit” …. She wants a match on FIGHTLAD …. Here comes Britt and Britt says Jade doesn’t deserve a title shot …. Jade says she doesn’t want a title shot she just wants to beat Britts ass ….

*** IN THE BACK ***

Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman are in the dressing room …

Major League Wrestling #67 - ‘Acknowledge the REAL Tribal Chief’ Wwe-roman-regins-paul-heyman-bt-sport

REIGNS: “So let me get this straight.  Solo isn’t worried about what I have to say?  He’s dealing with bigger problems to deal with right?  NO!  I’m the one that’s supposed to be dealing with more important things!  This has gone on long enough.  If Solo wants to stay on the ‘Island of Relevancy’, this is his last chance.”

HEYMAN: “That is why you are a benevolent Tribal Chief.”

REIGNS: “Im a leader and I lead by example so I’m gonna do this once.  For my cousins, for this family.  I’m not gonna go back and forth with Solo Sikoa.  He can fall in line, swallow his pride and acknowledge me as THE head of this family, or that’s it.  He can take his ass home …”

HEYMAN: “And you are well within your right to do that of course.  But, my Tribal Chief, I have to ask: what will your cousins think about this?  That is their brother …”

REIGNS: “They will fall in line too.  They don’t have a choice.  I’m the Head of the Table and they are gonna respect me!”

Up next, Sasha Banks comes out for her tag team match against Toxic Attraction …. Banks says she found a partner and it’s someone she knows she can count on …. And on top of that she was already in the building because she just signed with MLW …. Out comes Naomi!!!!  We have a reunion of the former UWF Womens Tag Team Champions to take on the #1 contenders ….

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- vs -
TOXIC ATTRACTION (Gigi Dolin &amp; Jacy Jayne) w/ Mandy Rose

Banks starts out against Toxic Attracrion, but she gets trapped in the ring for a long time …. She makes her comeback and goes for the hot tag to Naomi, BUT NAOMI REFUSES THE TAG AND DROPS TO THE FLOOR!  Naomi stares down Banks as she takes the Toxic Shock and gets pinned by Gigi Dolin ….</p></center>

*** IN THE BACK ***

Kayla catches up with Naomi backstage and questions her as to why she turned on Banks …. Naomi says Banks made the wrong choice because she’s nobodies #2 choice …. The cameras follow Naomi into the parking deck and she approaches a black SUV …. The door opens up and Jey Uso steps out …. He asks Naomi if she’s ready to get out of here and she gets in and they drive off ….

SPLIT SCREEN: We see Solo Sikoa and Miro heading to the ring via split screen ….

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(Champion) MIRO
- vs -

They start brawling in the aisle and fight all the way to the ring …. Like their match at Endgame, this is a collision of two bulls …. Miro takes the advantage for a long part of the match, but the fans are behind Solo and they rally him to fire up …. Solo takes advantage and it looks like he has Miro right where he wants him, BUT OUT OF NOWHERE HERE COMES ROMAN REIGNS!!!!  Reigns slides in the ring and takes Miro out with a SPEAR!  This forces the ref to disqualify Solo!!!!  Reigns has just robbed Solo of his Opera Cup cash-in AND the MLW title!!!! ….</p></center>

Solo is pissed and gets right in Reigns face!!!!  The camera zooms in on them and you can see Reigns say something ….

REIGNS: “Maybe you didn’t hear me.  I said we were gonna have this conversation by the end of the night.  So since you don’t want to talk, I want you to watch this.  Because this is what I’m doing this for YOU!  Because I want what’s best for YOU!.”.

Reigns holds out his hand to Paul Heyman, and Heyman hands him a chair ….

REIGNS -  “This is how we eat!  This is how we take care of our family!”

Reigns smashes Miro with a chairshot, then another!  Solo is seething … after every chairshot, Reigns is talking to Solo ….

REIGNS: “You see this!  He’s supposed to be the champion.  If I can do this to him, imagine what I can do to YOU!  It’s time to stop this lone wolf nonsense!  Take your rightful place as the Enforcer of THIS Bloodline!  Acknowledge me!”

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Reigns DESTROYS Miro with more chairshots …. officials head down to try and contain the situation and they manage to take the chair from Reigns …. Reigns orders Solo to pick Miro up, but Solo refuses!  Instead, Reigns jumps on Miro and starts hammering him with ground and pound …. Reigns has snapped here!

Solo is just standing there watching, but even HE has had enough and he grabs Reigns and pulls him off!!!! …. Reigns and Solo are nose to nose again, but Reigns just smiles …. He grabs the chair again, but this time he hands it to Solo …. He offers Miro up to Solo instead and tells him to finish him off!  Solo looks conflicted, and Reigns yells at him to hit Miro!  Solo throws the chair down instead! ….

REIGNS:  “Do you want to be me?!?!  Is that what you want?!?!  Do you want to be Head of the Table?!?!  You think you can represent like I do?!?!  Do it then!!!!”

Reigns kicks the chair to Solo and turns his back on him!  He’s giving Solo a free shot!!!!

REIGNS: “Never forget, I’m doing this because I love you!”

Solo hesitates, but reaches down and picks the chair up!  Reigns looks over his shoulder at Solo as Solo is thinking about it …. BUT HE THROWS THE CHAIR DOWN!  Reigns turns and smiles, holding out his arms in a hug gesture …. BUT SOLO LAYS REIGNS OUT WITH A SUPERKICK!!!!  Solo stands over Reigns, then kneels down where he is right in Reigns’ face ….

SOLO: “I love you too ….”

The fans going nuts as Solo just walks!  The USOs are out with a look of shock on his face, but Solo walks right past his brothers as the show ends ….

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