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 Major League Wrestling #87

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Major League Wrestling #87 Empty
PostSubject: Major League Wrestling #87   Major League Wrestling #87 EmptySat May 11, 2024 3:43 pm

Major League Wrestling #87 Logo-MLW-High-Res

MAJOR LEAGUE WRESTLING is a sports-media holding company that focuses on professional wrestling sporting events & programming, digital contest and ancillary entertainment.  MLW prides itself on ‘Fusion Wrestling’, presenting a variety of wrestling styles from around the world to create a true hybrid of fighting styles from various disciplines across the globe.  MLW’s diverse roster incorporates the following disciplines:

- British Strong Style/ Catch Wrestling/ Hardcore Wrestling/ Lucha Libre/ Mixed Martial Arts/ Shoot Wrestling/ Japanese Strong Style/ Technical Wrestling

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MLW Champion:

Tallahassee, Florida

Right Hand of God Mode (Superman Punch)
Guillotine Choke

Reign: 02/27/23
Major League Wrestling #87 Roman_reigns_undisputed_wwe_universal_champion_png_by_ambrose2k_dfz5kw6-350t.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NzA3IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZjkzMjQyNjEtZDZmZS00OGY1LTgzN2QtYjczM2Q1MDZjODY2XC9kZno1a3c2LTBlNTllMWZiLThiZTktNDAyZC04N2FjLWQ2MzdhNjk3Y2MwYS5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19

Major League Wrestling #87 IMG-8937OPENWEIGHT CHAMPION:
Will Ospreay

Essex, England


Hidden Blade

Reign: 01/13/23

Tag Team Champions:

‘One of One’ (Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams)


Boston, Massachusetts & Columbia, South Carolina


Nothing but Net (Hayes)
Trick Kick (Williams)

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AJ Lee

Union City, New Jersey

Black Widow
Go To Sleep

Reign: 11/25/2023
*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

LOCATION: New Brunswick/ Piscataway, New Jersey

ARENA: MLW Arena (Jersey Mike’s Arena)

BROADCAST TEAM: Mauro Ranallo & Pat McAfee

INTERVIEWS: Charly Caruso & Quinn McKay

RING ANNOUNCER: Samantha Irvine
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* * * * * PROLOGUE * * * * *


Raven is in the ring and he talks about how he left Roman Reigns not only a broken man physically, but mentally as well.  He showed the world what kind of ‘High Chief’ Roman Reigns really is.

ROMAN REIGNS IS HERE!!!!  Reigns comes out to the ring and he is seething …. He steps right into the lions den, but Kanyon and Moxley quickly step to block him from Raven …. Raven tells them to stand down!  Raven sits in the corner and tosses his mic into the middle of the ring and gestures, inviting Reigns to come in and say what’s on his mind ….

Reigns says he didn’t come here to talk to Raven, he came here to take his brother home ….

REIGNS: “Give him to me!”

RAVEN: “Do you think he’s a prisoner here?  Matt Anoa’i, as is every member of the Conspiracy, is his own man.  In fact, he’s one of the only men who can call himself truly free.”

Raven tries to twist this into a monologue about him being a better leader than Reigns, but Roman cuts him off …. Roman says he’s taking his brother home ….

RAVEN: “Well, go on then.”

Roman leaves the ring, but Matt just looks at Raven like he is confused.  Raven says the choice is his.  Matt looks conflicted, BUT HE LEAVES THE RING WITH ROMAN TO A BIG POP!  Reigns stops and looks back at Raven, and they stare down for a long moment WHEN SUDDENLY MATT ATTACKS REIGNS FROM BEHIND!!!!  Moxley and Kanyon leave the ring and join Matt in putting the boots to Reigns and Reigns is all alone!  Moxley drags a table out from under the ring and tells Matt that Reigns did the same thing to Moxley as he’s doing to Matt and it’s time for him to get some payback!  

Kanyon and Moxley lay Reigns on the table as Matt goes to the top rope … he looks at Raven, as if looking for approval, then he strikes the Raven pose!  THEN HE LEAPS, DRIVING REIGNS THROUGH THE TABLE WITH A HUGE SPLASH!!!!  Reigns has to be taken out of the arena on a stretcher ….

* * * * * END PROLOGUE * * * * *

* * * * * SHOW OPENING * * * * *

We are in New Jersey as MLW has come to the campus of Rutgers University at the JERSEY MIKE’s ARENA and the crowd is standing-room-only ….

MAURO RANALLO and PAT MCAFEE are your announcers, and they welcome the viewing audience and set up the show ….

Major League Wrestling #87 MauroMajor League Wrestling #87 Pat_McAfee_bio--1f9a51b1dedfe6960816ba1fe80d918a

Mauro talks about tonight, and we are fast approaching ZERO HOUR from London …. In addition to the blockbuster Elite vs. Bomaye 8 man elimination match, we are going to catch everyone up with the recent situation developing with the Bloodline invading DAW …. We saw Roman Reigns invade DAW in an attempt to draw his brother Matt Anoa’i back from Ravens Clutches …. After Matt took out Reigns again, chaos erupted between the Bloodline and the Conspiracy in the most recent DAW show, and we have the exclusive footage from DAW that will be shown later on tonight ….

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‘ANERICAN BADASS’ by Kid Rock hits and out comes MLW owner Donald Trump!  Trump thanks the fans for their support and talks about his responsibilities as a presidential candidate being very demanding of his time … therefore, he is announcing the creation of a championship committee that will determine the contenders for all of MLW’s titles ….

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‘ELEVATED’ by It Lives, It Breathes hits and the show gets started by the arrival of MLW Openweight champion, #1 contender, and UWF World Junior heavyweight champion Will Ospreay!  Ospreay is out to address Trump, and says he’s going to come out here and say it every week if he has to


Ospreay says he can find Reigns on YouTube showing up in DAW, but why isn’t he here?  He’s supposed to be the champion but he’s running from Will Ospreay …. Trump needs to tell the championship committee that he is the #1 contender and he wants his MLW title match in London!

SOLO SIKOA’s music hits!!!!  Solo is headed for the ring but here come a bunch of producers and refs to create a barrier between them ….

Ospreay tells Solo he’s glad that he’s out here because Reigns has disrespected his family most of all!  He has used his family like an army just to solidify his own power and now what has he done?  He’s left them all out to dry!  The bloodline is dead, bruv.  And Ospreay is going to put it out of its misery and Roman Reigns can’t even show up to stop him!

Solo is trying to push past the barricade of people to get to Ospreay, but Trump cuts him off …. It is obvious they have a problem since neither Roman Reigns or Paul Heyman have been seen since Glory …. He’s not going to let ANY title in MLW be held hostage, so at ZERO HOUR we are going to have an MLW title match with or without Roman Reigns!!!!  BUT … he said he isn’t going to let ANY of MLW’s titles be held hostage, so Will Ospreay has a decision to make …. If he wants the match at ZERO HOUR, he will have to surrender the Openweight title!!!!  Trump tells Solo that the Bloodline has a chance to keep the title, but they will have to pick who will fight Ospreay for it …. Trump says both Solo & Ospreay have a decision to make, and he will see them on FIGHTLAND ….

<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">
8 Man Elimination Tag Match:
THE ELITE (Kenny Omega, ‘Hangman’ Adam Page &amp; The Young Bucks)
BOMAYE FIGHT CLUB (Kurt Angle, ‘Walking Weapon’ Josh Alexander &amp; The Creed Brothers) w/ Drew Gulak

This feud has been building for months, with Drew Gulak forming Bomaye Fight Club as a specific counter to the Elite …. Gulak favors more of a traditional approach to combat sports, and despises the Elite’s ‘trampoline backyard antics’ …. This has led to a heated rivalry between the 2 focal athletes of the 2 factions: Kurt Angle and Kenny Omega ….

During the match, Angle and Omega are kept apart until toward the end …. Hangman Page eliminates Brutus Creed with the Deadeye and the Elite have the early advantage, but Josh Alexander eliminates Matt Jackson with the C4 Spike …. Nick Jackson runs wild with superkicks on everyone from Bomaye, but Angle catches a kick and locks him in the Ankle Lock, forcing the tap out …. Omega takes out Alexander with the terminator dive, while Angle &amp; Page fight on the top rope, ending with Page hitting the moonsault fallaway slam on Angle!  Julius capitalizes, drilling Page with the Unnecessary Clothesline for the elimination and now it’s 3 on 1 in favor of Bomaye …. Omega faces off against Julius, Alexander and Angle, fighting from underneath and eliminating Julius with the One Winged Angel …. There is a miscommunication between Angle and Alexander, allowing Omega to roll Alexander up for the elimination and now it’s 1 on 1 …. Omega fires up, hitting a V Trigger but Angle kicks out!  Angle escapes the One Winged Angel and gets the ankle lock, but Omega rolls forward sending him crashing into the corner!  Another V Trigger and Omega goes up top, but Gulak is on the apron to distract, allowing Angle to run up the ropes and hit a massive Olympic Slam off the top rope!!!!  Omega has nothing left in the tank and Angle is able to get the 3 count ….

POST MATCH: Angle takes the mic and tells Omega that he accepts his challenge …. At Zero Hour it will be Angle vs. Omega one on one …. Angle drops the mic and then hits another Olympic Slam on Omega for good measure and leaves him laying ….

*** IN THE BACK ***

Trump is in his office …. He’s on the phone with someone when Pretty Deadly (Kit Wilson &amp; Elton Prince) walk in ….

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They want to talk to Trump about Zero Hour and says the show needs more British representation …. We all know Trick &amp; Melo are don’t deserve the titles so wouldn’t MLW rather have the straps on two strapping lads like themselves … these two tasty snacks …. Especially in their home country where they can show their people what beauty is all about ….

Major League Wrestling #87 Dyad

Trump starts to talk but is cut off by Zack Gibson &amp; James Drake, the Grizzled Young Veterans …. They are looking for a spot on the Zero Hour card and would represent England better than these two fruitcakes…. Gibson says he’s ’Liverpool’s #1’ ….

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Trump again tries to answer but in walks ‘Bruiserweight’ Pete Dunne!!!!  Dunne asks what makes them think they deserve a match?  Dunne says he’s a former MLW tag team champion (when it was Paradigm), which is more than he can say for any of them …. The GYV lost their last match in London at MLW 50, and who in the hell are ‘Pretty Deadly’ anyway?  Trump says we will settle it in the ring on FIGHTLAND …. Pretty Deadly laugh at Dunne and say Dunne doesn’t even have a partner …. Dunne says “Are you sure about that?” and walks off ….

<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">
VAL(KYRIE) (Deonna Purazzo &amp; Serena Deeb)

MLW Women’s champion AJ Lee comes out and is on commentary for this match …. Molly Holly &amp; Serena Deeb have begun a rivalry in SHINE, while Britt Baker has been fighting (VAL)Kyrie since its formation …. Britt has been short on allies but tonight her and Molly find a common enemy ….

The theme that Baker is a loner and is struggling to develop trust in her allies continues here as a miscommunication between her and Molly leads to VALKYRIE taking over …. Britt gets the hot tag and runs wild but it ends up breaking down with her and Purazzo brawling outside the ring …. They get over by the announce desk, and Purazzo ends up throwing a drink in the face of AJ!  This leads to AJ attacking Purazzo resulting in the DQ finish

The fireworks continue after the match as the 3 women in the Round Robin Challenge continue to fight …. AJ traps Purazzo in the Black Widow, but Baker breaks it up with a curb stomp on AJ!  Britt then locks on the Lockjaw on Purazzo and she is tapping like crazy!  Baker goes outside and gets the women’s title and holds it up to end the segment ….

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We go to the announce desk to Mauro and McAfee …. It’s time to show the chaotic footage obtained from DAW of the chaotic situation involving the Bloodline, Roman Reigns and the Conspiracy ….

<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">FROM DAW TV: ‘Highway to Hell’

IN THE RING: Owen Hart &amp; The British Bulldogs are celebrating their win as the camera pans up to the ‘Ravens Nest’ above the arena and we can see the UWF World Champion Raven along with the rest of the Conspiracy, including Matt Anoa’i …. The two teams stare each other down, and Dynamite Kid is challenging them to come down and fight!

The Conspiracy appears ready to oblige them, BUT THEN THEY ARE AMBUSHED BY SOLO SIKOA AND THE USOS!!!!  The Bloodline is here and they are looking for revenge for what the Conspiracy did to Roman Reigns on the last DAW!!!!  The Conspiracy and Bloodline brawl through the crowd, with fans running in chaos to avoid being collateral damage!  The brawl moves closer to ringside, and the 6 man champs can’t wait anymore and they leave the ring and join the fight!!!!  Now all 3 teams are brawling around the arena!!!!  

The situation is completely out of control as referees and security rush out to stop it!]

*** IN THE BACK ***

We then cut to the USOs and Solo in the Bloodline locker room …. STILL no Roman Reigns or Paul Heyman …. The Bloodlines problems continue to build ….

JIMMY: “Man I don’t know why Trump is trying to do this to us Uce.  First the Conspiracy, then the House of Black and now he’s doing this to the High Chief?”

JEY: “Ain’t nobody heard from High Chief since Glory, Uce.  The wiseman either ….”

”All that doesn’t matter!”

JEY: “Yo … What you mean Uce?….”

SOLO: “Where is he????  Where is he Jey?  You heard from him Jimmy?  He ain’t here!  It’s just us!  Just the three of us!!!!  He left us, and now it’s up to US to represent!  Everyone is taking shots at us because they think we are vulnerable right now.”

JEY: “Yeah Uce.  We still the Bloodline … westill ‘The Ones’!  The family that runs this company.  We’re bulletproof!  We got to represent for our High Chief ….”

[color:5df9=#pink]]SOLO: “Nah, you don’t get it.  Now we got to represent for OUR family name.  The Fatus!  It’s got to be one of us.  But which one is it gonna be?”

JIMMY: “Yo Uce, I think the answer is obvious.”

JEY: “YEET ….”

Solo and the USOs all look at each other, with the look on their faces indicating that each one of them thinks it should be them that represents the Bloodline …. But who will it be?

<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">
TOXIC ATTRACTION (Gigi Dolin &amp; Jacy Jayne)

Toxic Attractions cohesion is too much for the makeshift team of Willow &amp; Yim …. Hot tag goes to Willow at the end and she runs wild, leading to Mandy getting on the apron and providing a distraction …. Dolin clips her knee and Jayne takes her out with a superkick …. With Willow taken out, Yim tries to fight off both of them but falls victim to the Toxic Shock for the pin ….</p></center>

After the match, Quinn McKay joins Toxic Attraction in the ring and she says they have been on a roll lately …. Mandy says everyone is there to see THEM because ‘Toxic Attraction IS the Attraction’ …. Quinn interrupts and informs Mandy that there will be a Battle Royal on FIGHTLAND with the winner getting a title shot at the Diamonds title at Zero Hour …. Mandy doesn’t care because she has beaten everyone already …. Everyone in the Battle Royal is competing for 2nd place ….

The lights go out and we see Julia Hart standing above the ring, watching with the rest of the House of Black ….

Major League Wrestling #87 Julia-hart-julia

Mandy looks freaked out, but then the lights drop and a vignette plays on the big screen ….

*** VIGNETTE ***
We see a female walking through the forest, speaking in Gaelic ….

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LYRA: “As a child, I would always watch the sky, watching the birds as they leave Ireland for a new place, a new life.  Now I have left my homeland, channeling the spirit of the Mulligan as my old feathers fall to the ground, new feathers emerge, stronger.  Who you once knew has shifted into  new form and is ready for a new battleground.  I am Lyra … Valkyria.”

<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">
HOUSE OF BLACK (Malakai Black &amp; Brody) w/ Buddy Murphy &amp; Julia Hart
THE USOS (Jimmy &amp; Jey)

The House of Blacks presence in MLW has continued to increase …. They made it known at MLW #82 when they attacked the UWF 6 man champions during Owen Harts match with Jey Uso at DAY ONE, which led to Uso confronting them for getting involved ….

The crowd is solidly behind the USOs, and they work as the faces of this match …. House of Black gets the heat on Jimmy, who fights out for the hot tag to Jey …. Jey runs wild and eventually we have all 4 men going at it …. During the chaos, Buddy Murphy gets involved hitting the curb stomp on Jimmy on the apron!  He rolls him back inside into a lariat from King but Jey breaks up the pin …. Jey hits a superkick on King knocking him off the apron and he crashes through a table!!!!  Black goes for the mist but Jey ducks and Black mists the referee instead!  Spear by Jey!  He goes to the top and hits the USO splash as another ref runs down to the ring!  1 … 2 … the ref is pulled outside by ….

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JON MOXLEY!!!!  Moxley lays the ref out with the Death Rider!!!!  Jey Uso with a dive to the outside wipes out Moxley!  Jimmy fights off King and Black with superkicks …. Here is KANYON!  Kanyon eats a double superkick from the USOs!!!  Black takes out Jimmy with Black Mass!  King &amp; Black hit Dante’s Inferno on Jey!  

The Conspiracy and House of Black face off now!!!!  ‘HOLY SHIT!’ chants from the crowd …. Another ref hits the ring and calls for the bell to end the match ….  

Black Mass takes out the 3rd ref and the House and Conspiracy go back to their staredown!!!!  Here comes security and they restrain Moxley and Kanyon, who don’t resist …. Moxley blows a kiss to Malakai Black as they are handcuffed and led away, BUT THE USOS JUMP OVER THE TOP ROPE ONTO THE CONSPIRACY AND THE COPS!!!!  It’s chaos!!!!
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