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 Major League Wrestling #55

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Major League Wrestling #55 Empty
PostSubject: Major League Wrestling #55   Major League Wrestling #55 EmptyThu May 09, 2024 9:17 pm

Major League Wrestling #55 Ddoi68e-fb70b8c3-7ed6-4f3b-86a5-992e9483cd92.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvODhlMzA4MjQtM2M5YS00OTU3LWI2YWItMzk0Y2I3ODNhYTIwXC9kZG9pNjhlLWZiNzBiOGMzLTdlZDYtNGYzYi04NmE1LTk5MmU5NDgzY2Q5Mi5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ
MAJOR LEAGUE WRESTLING is a sports-media holding company that focuses on professional wrestling sporting events & programming, digital contest and ancillary entertainment.  MLW prides itself on ‘Fusion Wrestling’, presenting a variety of wrestling styles from around the world to create a true hybrid of fighting styles from various disciplines across the globe.  MLW’s diverse roster incorporates the following disciplines:

- British Strong Style
- Catch Wrestling
- Hardcore Wrestling
- Lucha Libre
- Mixed Martial Arts
- Shoot Wrestling
- Japanese Strong Style
- Technical Wrestling
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MLW Champion:

Essex, England

Hidden Blade
Os-cutter (springboard cutter)
Essex Destroyer (Running front flip DDT)

Reign: 02/25/2022
Major League Wrestling #55 2-A686536-5-C2-C-422-B-B040-21804120-FDC4

Major League Wrestling #55 VacantSTRONG OPENWEIGHT CHAMPION:




Tag Team Champions:
A Boy & His Dinosaur (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus)
Los Angeles, California
The Jurassic Era

Jurassic Express (Back Suplex tossed into a spinebuster)

Extinction Level Event (Doomsday Canadian Destroyer)

Reign: 05/05/2022
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Major League Wrestling #55 Wwe_becky_lynch_render__january_2022__by_creepsyoutube_deystx3-fullview.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NzUxIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNzNlNTU4YTEtZDhlNS00MjE1LTg3MTgtNzA0ODJiOTY2YWZlXC9kZXlzdHgzLWY5NGU4MGNiLWEwZTctNDk5NS1hOTRkLTQzYWY5YmVjMDFjMC5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9NzUyIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0Women's Featherweight Champion:
Becky Lynch

Hometown: Dublin, Ireland

Manhandle Slam (pumphandle urinage)

Disarm-HER (seated Fujiwara armbar)

Reign: 07/01/22
*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

LOCATION: Washington D.C.

ARENA: Capitol One Centre

BROADCAST TEAM: Mauro Renallo & Pat McAfee

INTERVIEWS: Charly Caruso

RING ANNOUNCER: Melissa Santos
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* * * * * PROLOGUE * * * * *

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* * * * * SHOW OPENING * * * * *

MLW is back in Landover, Maryland, in the shadow of our nations Capitol at the Capitol One Centre …. Former president Donald Trump is back in his old stomping grounds of the D.C swamp and it’s standing room only tonight …. the fans are RABID as Pyro erupts from the ringposts and above the entranceway …. We get camera pans over the capacity crowd as the voices MAURO RENALLO and PAT MCAFEE are heard welcoming the viewing audience, and billboarding tonight’s show to set up what we will see tonight ….

Show starts out with MLW tag team champions Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus coming out to the ring …. Jungle Boy cuts a promo on their title match against the American Wolves and The North coming up at the Great American Bash, but tonight Jungle Boy has a chance to be a double champion ….

Out come the USOs to interrupt …. Jey cuts a promo on Jungle Boy and says that they are the champs but they aren’t even the best tag team in MLW, they aren’t even in the top 2 …. For weeks they’ve been going back and forth with Redragon, creating instant classics …. So when they beat them tonight, they want a title shot!

Redragon comes out and says the USOs got lucky but aren’t in their league …. And THAT is undisputed …. So when Redragon win tonight they want a title shot because they never got their rematch against Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus anyway …. There is some pushing and shoving, which leads to a fight breaking out between Redragon and the USOs, who meet tonight …. USOs go for a double superkick on O’Reilly, but he avoids it and they take out Jungle Boy instead!  This leads to Luchasaurus taking out everyone, finishing with a dual chokeslam to both Jey Uso and Kyle O’Reilly!!!!  Luchasaurus helps up Jungle Boy and the champions stand tall to end the segment ….


Quinn McKay is with Cameron Grimes …. FIGHTLAND may be the most embarrassing moment of his life …. Not only did he get his ass kicked by Mickie James, she ruined his Southern Fried Homicide merchandise table …. Then this week he gets this:

* he hands Quinn a piece of paper and she reads it and it’s a cease and desist letter from James claiming ownership of the trademark ….*

Grimes says on top of that James Storm isn’t answering his phone …. Grimes comes off as really down on his luck here ….

He gets cut off as ‘Switchblade’ Jay White enters …. He calls Grimes ‘pathetic’ …. He’s the one that has set the internet on fire with news of his MLW debut at FIGHTLAND, then he won the casino battle Royal …. White calls himself the Catalyst because as soon as word leaked of him making his MLW return, this place is more packed than it has ever been …. It is time to ‘breathe with the switchblade’ because a new era is here and it’s Jay White’s era!

Mauro and Pat discuss the Great American Bash which will take place in Boston, Massachusetts at historic Fenway Park ….

Major League Wrestling #55 Fenway-park-05900xx6720-4480-0-0

It isn’t just a wrestling show, it is an all-weekend event …. Several meet & greets are scheduled with members of the MLW roster throughout the Boston area, including ‘Swarm-con’ the day before the event …. Then for the event itself there will be festivities set up outside the stadium including tailgating, food trucks and stages setup with various music acts for the pre-party ….

<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">
Ladder Match for the vacant MLW Openweight title
‘Switchblade’ JAY WHITE

the other 5 entrants come out ready to start the match, then we get the announcement of the ‘Joker’ surprise entrant …. IT’S CAMERON GRIMES!!!!  The fans react positively to this, but the other wrestlers in the match have a little chuckle about it, obviously not taking Grimes seriously ….

A lot of this was what you’d expect from a multi-man ladder match …. Each guy got a chance to showcase their skills and we got plenty of big spots with the ladder being used as a weapon …. Jungle Boy seems to be the crowd favorite, although Grimes starts to win them over mid-way through …. Miro climbs up and almost grabs the belt, but Grimes stops him with a massive sunset bomb off the ladder!!!! …. The guys involved just keep building and building to bigger spots, doing it in a way that doesn’t just feel like spots for the sake of it …. Steiner got Strong in the Steiner Recliner using ladder for extra torque, only for Miro to break it up …. Miro and Steiner brawl on the floor, while Jungle Boy starts climbing …. Here comes Grimes to meet him at the top of the ladder, but Strong comes in and shoves the ladder over!  As both men tumble to the floor, THEY TRANSITION TO DIVES THAT WIPE OUT STEINER &amp; MIRO!!!!  Everyone is down …. White is up and climbs but Strong is there and they trade strikes on the top of the ladder …. Grimes and Jungle Boy set up more ladders and climb, and soon everyone has climbed up and are on top of the ladders trading strikes …. Jungle Boy is at the top of the ladder and he gets his finger tips on the belt, but Miro stops him …. JUNGLE BOY HITS A HURRICANRANA OFF THE LADDER ON MIRO!!!!

Grimes rolls in and goes to climbs, but White pulls him down only to eat a Super kick …. White avoids a charge in the corner and Grimes smacks his head on the ring post, then stumbles out into the Blade Runner!  White climbs now, but Steiner climbs up and German suplexes White off!  Steiner bounces out to the apron and tries to pull himself up, but Grimes hits the Cave in on the apron onto a ladder bridged between the railing and the apron!  Grimes comes up holding his ankle and appears to be injured, and trainers are there to check on him at ringside!  

Miro goes to climb, but Strong breaks it up with strikes and hits the Sick Kick!  Strong climbs the ladder, but Jungle Boy knocks him off!  Jungle Boy is close to the title, but Steiner grabs his leg and pulls him down into the press slam powerslam!  Miro takes Steiner out with the Matchka kick!  Miro gets low blowed by Jay White!  White is all alone in the ring!  BUT GRIMES IS UP!  CAVE IN TAKES OUT WHITE!  Grimes climbs!  He reaches the top of the ladder and there is no one in sight …. GRIMES PULLS DOWN THE TITLE!!!!

Major League Wrestling #55 Grimesnorth


We get comments from ‘Big Time Becks’, Becky Lynch …. She talks about Deonna Purazzo disrespecting her last week …. That is not now you treat your champion …. Becky says if Deonna wants a fight she can have it at the Bash ….

<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">
TOXIC ATTRACTION (Gigi Dolin &amp; Jacy Jayne) w/ Mandy Rose
TEAM KICK (Dakota Kai &amp; Tegan Nox)

Mandy Rose gets involved in this one, but her interference nearly backfires and allows Tegan to win off a roll up …. The finish sees a double pin as Jacy Jayne hits a super-plex on Tegan, but as she tries to float over Tegan hooks her in a small package!  Both womens shoulders are down as the ref counts 3 and the match is ruled a draw …. </p></center>


Hook is backstage …. Charly Caruso asks him about the Conspiracy asking him to join them but Hook doesn’t comment …. He just gets up and walks out of the locker room, but when he opens the door he runs into Nigel McGuiness …. They stare each other down and Hook just walks past him …. Nigel feels disrespected and stops Hook, insisting on teaching him some respect on Fightland ….

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RED VELVET w/ Kiera Hogan

Kairi Sane makes her MLW debut here, and it is a successful one as she pins Red Velvet following the In-Sane elbow ….</p></center>


Trump talks with Toxic Attraction and Team Kick …. Nothing was settled between them so he books a 2/3 falls match on FIGHTLAND …. There must be a winner, and that winner will receive a UWF womens tag team title match at the Great American Bash ….

<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">
THE USOS (Jimmy &amp; Jey)
REDRAGON (Kyle O’Reilly &amp; Bobby Fish)

Kyle &amp; Jey start out and work a fun and fast paced opening stretch … Fish distracts Jey allowing Kyle to cut him off and here is where Redragon take over … Jey fights back but has his knee destroyed by a chop block from O’Reilly … Jey with a dragon whip enziguri, but Kyle comes back with the rebound lariat and both men are down!  Jey gets the hot tag and Jimmy comes in and runs wild with the Samoan wrecking ball to Fish and then a Samoan Drop to Kyle …. Jey is back in, and Jimmy Samoan Drops his brother right onto O’Reilly!  Fish breaks up the pin at 2.99999!  

Kyle is sent to the floor and Jimmy heads up top, BUT HERE IS RODERICK STRONG!  Strong pushes Jimmy off the top all the way to the floor!  Strong hits a Urinage onto the ring apron, then tosses Jimmy back inside …. RIGHT INTO NO MAN’s LAND!  1 … 2 … Jey makes the save for his brother!!!!  Jey takes Roderick Strong out with a dive to the outside!  Back in the ring and Jey runs into a rolling elbow from Kyle …. Chasing the Dragon!  1 … 2 … the ref is pulled out of the ring right before the 3 by SOLO SIKOA!!!!    Strong attacks Sikoa, and we are quickly losing control …. ADAM COLE IS OUT!  Superkick to Jey …. Then one to Jimmy!  Cole is gonna hit the BOOM but here is Roman Reigns!  Cole and Reigns go crazy fists on each other and security spills out of the back to try to separate everyone …. Another match between these groups is thrown out!!!!

POST MATCH: it is total chaos as it takes the entire locker room to keep these guys separate …. HERE COMES DONALD TRUMP!  Trump is out and he isn’t happy …. ENOUGH!  He is tired of this chaos and it is clear that MLW isn’t big enough for all of their egos …. There is only one way to settle this ….

Major League Wrestling #55 WCWWarGames

WARGAMES!!!!  2 rings surrounded by a steel cage …. 8 men enter, only 4 walk out …. And the losing team MUST LEAVE MLW!!!!

The Undisputed Era AND the Foundation are both shocked by this announcement as the show ends ….

Major League Wrestling #55 Oxnisv6c4nj81Major League Wrestling #55 Wwe-nxt-undisputed-era-1259336
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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Major League Wrestling #55 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Major League Wrestling #55   Major League Wrestling #55 EmptyThu May 09, 2024 9:19 pm


APW Tag Team Titles: Johnny Gargano & Tomasso Ciampa [c] vs The InFluence (Austin Theory & Sammy Guevara w/Indi Hartwell) Ladder Match

These two teams deliver with some crazy death-defying spots. The most memorable spot is when Sammy Guevara does a shooting star press to Ciampa through a ladder set up between the apron and the barricade! Ciampa hits Theory with a Fairytale Ending on a ladder and begins to climb. Ciampa has one hand on the belts but Indi Hartwell has climbed up and is hanging off Ciampa’s legs! Ciampa grabs Hartwell and drags her to the top of the ladder by her hair. Ciampa signals he is going to throw Indi off the ladder! Theory hits Ciampa with a low blow before Ciampa can do anything sinister. Ciampa falls in a heap as Theory climbs up the ladder to grab the titles.

Winners and NEW APW Tag Team Champions: The InFluence (15:30)
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