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 Major League Wrestling #58

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Major League Wrestling #58 Empty
PostSubject: Major League Wrestling #58   Major League Wrestling #58 EmptyThu May 09, 2024 9:25 pm

Major League Wrestling #58 Ddoi68e-fb70b8c3-7ed6-4f3b-86a5-992e9483cd92.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvODhlMzA4MjQtM2M5YS00OTU3LWI2YWItMzk0Y2I3ODNhYTIwXC9kZG9pNjhlLWZiNzBiOGMzLTdlZDYtNGYzYi04NmE1LTk5MmU5NDgzY2Q5Mi5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ
MAJOR LEAGUE WRESTLING is a sports-media holding company that focuses on professional wrestling sporting events & programming, digital contest and ancillary entertainment.  MLW prides itself on ‘Fusion Wrestling’, presenting a variety of wrestling styles from around the world to create a true hybrid of fighting styles from various disciplines across the globe.  MLW’s diverse roster incorporates the following disciplines:

- British Strong Style
- Catch Wrestling
- Hardcore Wrestling
- Lucha Libre
- Mixed Martial Arts
- Shoot Wrestling
- Japanese Strong Style
- Technical Wrestling
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MLW Champion:

Essex, England

Hidden Blade
Os-cutter (springboard cutter)
Essex Destroyer (Running front flip DDT)

Reign: 02/25/2022
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Cameron Grimes

Hometown: Cameron, North Carolina


Cave In (mushroom stomp)
Small Package Driver

Reign: 07/15/22

Tag Team Champions:
A Boy & His Dinosaur (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus)
Los Angeles, California
The Jurassic Era

Jurassic Express (Back Suplex tossed into a spinebuster)

Extinction Level Event (Doomsday Canadian Destroyer)

Reign: 05/05/2022
Major League Wrestling #58 C3403e356cdfb09c1074df304c22297f6255ffe7

Major League Wrestling #58 EqvSSCPW4AAMM8IWomen's Champion:
Deonna Purazzo

Hometown: Hackettstown, New Jersey

Venus De Milo
Cosa Nostra (cradle piledriver)
Queens Gambit (Styles Clash)

Reign: 07/21/22
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LOCATION: Atlantic City, New Jersey

ARENA: Trump Plaza  

BROADCAST TEAM: Mauro Renallo & Pat McAfee

INTERVIEWS: Charly Caruso

RING ANNOUNCER: Melissa Santos
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* * * * * PROLOGUE * * * * *


- Ilja Dragunov was announced as the newest entry into the Opera Cup tournament

- Britt Baker revealed why she turned on Adam Cole and the Undisputed Era, promising to take over the womens division ….

- Ricky Starks turned in a star-making performance but came up short against Intercontinental champion Samoa Joe

- Cameron Grimes, Rex Steiner & Jay White closed the show to set up their 3 way title match for next weeks FIGHTLAND ….

* * * * * SHOW OPENING * * * * *

We are back in MLW ground zero in Atlantic City, at the Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino …. It is standing room only tonight and the fans are RABID …. Pyro explodes from the entranceway and from the ring posts as MLW is on the air!

We are greeted by the voices MAURO RENALLO and PAT MCAFEE welcoming the viewing audience, and billboarding tonight’s show to set up what we will see tonight ….

*** IN THE BACK ***

We immediately jump start the show as the cameras catch a wild brawl between Miro and Will Ospreay that has begun backstage!!!!  The brawl lasts for a few minutes, and Miro slams Ospreay’s injured shoulder into the wall and then tries to lock on the 7th Seal!  Officials come in and break it up, separating the two men ….

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As we try to restore order backstage, we go up to the ring for our first match …. Out comes DAN LAMBERT ….

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LAMBERT cuts a promo and puts himself over, talking about how American Top Team only produces champions …. He has found an elite athlete to represent ATT in MLW and he brings out ….

…. WARDLOW!!!!  

Lambert puts Wardlow over as a future star, and says he has his chance to shine now that he is away from the Dynasty …. With Lamberts tutelage, he will take Wardlow to the top of MLW ….

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WARDLOW w/ Dan Lambert

The bell rings and Wardlow explodes with a clothesline that takes D’Angelo by surprise …. Wardlow immediately picks him up and plants him with a powerbomb!  Lambert says ‘That’s 1!!!!’ and orders Wardlow to do it again …. Wardlow hits a 5 powerbomb symphony on D’Angelo and then pins him ….</p></center>

Major League Wrestling #58 Wardlow-1

*** IN THE BACK ***

Roman Reigns is sitting backstage giving off the mafia boss vibes again as the USOs are standing behind them ….

REIGNS - “Wise man ….”

HEYMAN - “Yes my Tribal Chief …”

REIGNS - “Did I hear baby Tarzan say they would fight them anyplace, anytime?”

HEYMAN - “Yes my Tribal Chief …”

Reigns stands up and walks around the chair to stand face to face with the USOs ….

REIGNS - “So why doesn’t ‘anytime, any place’ mean tonight?”

The USOs start nodding in agreement ….

REIGNS - “You go find them, and you bring me the MLW tag team titles ….”

Like some pit bulls that have been let off the chain, the USOs get all hyped up and leave the locker room to go find Jungle Boy &amp; Luchasaurus (who aren’t even here this week) …. Reigns smiles and sits back down ….

The USOs go immediately to the ring and Jey says they want their title shot …. Jungle Boy said ‘anytime, any place’ right?  Well they want it now!  The USOs stand there for a moment and nothing happens, because Jungle Boy &amp; Luchasaurus aren’t here tonight ….

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Jimmy takes the mic and says it’s cool if they don’t want to face the USOs, they should at least save themselves the embarrassment and come out and hand them the titles …. Instead we get the arrival of former UWF world tag team champions Ciampa &amp; Gargano to interrupt!!!! ….

Gargano says they’ve been watching them and the USOs are good, but they are standing in the house that THEY built …. And they did it D… I … Y because they don’t have some long family lineage they are trying to live off of …. No one gave them a chance to be MLW tag team champions, much less world champions, but here they are …. Ciampa says what is embarrassing is that when Roman Reigns tells the USOs to jump, they both ask how high …. The USOs feel disrespected and this leads to a tag match tonight ….

*** IN THE BACK ***

Hype video for the Opera Cup airs …. The tournament begins next week on FIGHTLAND ….

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This is a showcase for Dragunov, who was announced as signing with MLW last week on FIGHTLAND …. Dragunov wins in under 5 minutes with Torpedo Moscau ….</p></center>

POST MATCH: With Dragunov still in the ring, the lights drop and a spotlight is shown on the opera cup at the top of the ramp ….

On the big screen we see DONALD TRUMP in his office …. He’s talking to someone off-camera seated across the table from him ….

TRUMP: “I’ve had my eye on you for a while now …”

He stands up and walks over to a liquor cabinet and takes out 2 glasses …. The glasses have ‘LET’S GO BRANDON’ on it …. Trump pours whiskey in both glasses ….

TRUMP: “I’m sure you’ve heard by now that I’m recruiting talent for the Opera Cup … It’s prestigious, maybe the most prestigious tournament in all of the UWF.  If it’s not right now, I’m gonna make it that way.  And I want you to be in it.”  

Trump slides the glass of whiskey across the table and a hand catches it and raises the glass to his lips …. The camera pulls back to reveal ‘Hangman’ Adam Page!!!! ….

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Page looks at the glass and smiles, thinking to himself, then shoots the whiskey …. He slams the glass down on the table and stands up ….

PAGE - “I’m in.” ….

TRUMP (smiling) - “Excellent … Welcome to MLW.”

Up next, The Acclaimed come out to the ring again this week as Max Caster cuts a rap on the Young Bucks ….

CASTER - “Yo … YO!  Listen!  LISTEN!!!!”

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BOWENS: Aaaaaaaaatlantic Citaaaaaaaayyyy!  The Acclaimed … HAVE ARRIVED!!!!”

Bowens says The Acclaimed want a match and they issue an open challenge to anyone BUT the Young Bucks.  The Bucks caught them by surprise because they weren’t ready, but that won’t happen tonight ….  

But when their opponents come out they are shocked when it is the reunited AMERICAN ALPHA!!!!

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<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">
THE ACCLAIMED (Max Castor &amp; Anthony Bowens)
AMERICAN ALPHA (Chad Gable &amp; Jason Jordan)

Very athletic match, with American Alpha looking like they haven’t missed a beat …. The Acclaimed cheat to get the advantage on Gable, but he gets the hot tag to Jason Jordan and he runs wild with suplexes …. All 4 men end up in the ring fighting, but the YOUNG BUCKS music hits!  This provides a distraction, and Jordan hits the corner spear on Caster followed by the Grand Amplitude and American Alpha get the win …. </p></center>

POST MATCH: American Alpha win celebrate, then stare down the Young Bucks who sarcastically clap for them ….

*** IN THE BACK ***

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We are back in the Foundations locker room and we see Roman Reigns seated as the USOs come in ….

REIGNS: “I want you to go out there and care of family business tonight.  I want you to make sure Tomasso Ciampa keeps my name out of his mouth.  And I want you to make sure both Tomasso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano acknowledge their tribal chief.  Acknowledge OUR bloodline.  And when the company mascot and the wrestling dinosaur show up, I want you to smash them.  And bring the MLW tag titles to ME ….”

JEY - “You got it Uce …”

Charly Caruso comes in and asks Roman about the recent change in the Foundation, but Heyman cuts her off and admonishes her for not knocking ….

HEYMAN - “Don’t you knock?  And you call yourself a journalist.  You’re head for a scoop?  Well, let me make one thing perfectly clear.  My Tribal Chief doesn’t owe anyone an explanation, but he is also a generous Tribal Chief, so I will give you your a scoop …. Everyone is saying the Foundation has changed, but they haven’t changed, people like you are the ones that changed …. When YOUR Tribal Chief is ready to speak, he will speak ….

Heyman shoos Charly out of the locker room and shuts the door in her face ….

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Baker may be the most hated person in the MLW locker room after turning on Adam Cole and her subsequent promo on FIGHTLAND …. Choo puts up a little bit of a fight but Baker eventually gets the submission with the lockjaw ….</p></center>


We see a hype video for the 3 way dance for the Openweight title that will take place on FIGHTLAND as Cameron Grimes defends against both Jay White and Rex Steiner …. Each guy cuts a short promo about why they are going to win ….

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THe USOS (Jey &amp; Jimmy)

It’s main event time and this one is a doozy …. The story of the USOs being whipped into a frenzy and then being let off the chain by Reigns showcases a new aggressiveness for them …. Back and forth the whole way with some excellent tag team work …. Johnny plays the sympathetic baby face fighting from underneath, and Ciampa compliments him with his intense psycho persona …. Ciampa runs wild on both USOs at the end, then is joined by Johnny and they set up for their double team finisher but here is Roman Reigns out of nowhere and he takes out Ciampa with a spear!  The ref calls for the bell and we have a DQ finish …. </p></center>

POST MATCH:  Reigns is pissed at Ciampa’s disrespectful comments earlier and he targets him, locking on the Guillotine choke and putting Ciampa to sleep …. Gargano tries to fight off the USOs with forearms to make the save for his partner, but gets cut off with a double superkick from Jimmy &amp; Jey!  The USOs go up top and hit the double Uce splashes to take out Gargano ….

Reigns stands in the middle of the  chaos as he is showered with a chorus of boos as Heyman retrieves a microphone …. After a moment, Reigns holds out his hand and Heyman hands him the mic ….

REIGNS: “I’m a man of my word.  On day 1 I told everyone we were here to do one thing, and that was return MY bloodline, the Anoa’i, to its rightful place in this business …. It’s not about anything else, or what anyone wants because I don’t give a damn what you people or Donald Trump wants!  From now on, this is about what IIIIIIIII WANT!  And this is what that looks like from now on!

We are here to move the needle because, once upon a time, that’s what THE ANOA’I family did.  We ran things and were the foundation of this business because of people like THE ROCK …. (Crowd pops for The Rocks name being mentioned) ….”

“Oh yeah, you like tHE ROCK?  Yeah, I used to like THE ROCK too.  I used to look up to him …. But THE ROCK is one of the reasons we are here now.  Because THE ROCK failed our bloodline.  Now THE ROCK is a disgrace that had to go beg the 4 Horseman and Vince McMahon to make him relevant again.  He’s not THE ROCK anymore, he’s just DWAYNE now!  And he’s not even the only one in that company that has created this situation because YOKOZUNA turned his back on MY family to!  And for what, to try to convince people he’s ‘Japanese’ because the whims of a billionaire told him to?!?!”

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“For 17 years The UWF has tried to wipe the Anoa’i family from history.  Well, I WON’T LET IT HAPPEN!!!!  No one is going to disrespect our BLOODLINE anymore!  This family has been waiting for a generation for a new tribal chief, and I have been groomed by my father since I was 3 years old to sit at the head of the table for this family and return it to prominence for generation after generation to come.  That comes with a level of pressure and responsibility that YOU people will never know.  But these shoulders are built to bear that weight because that’s greatness on a different level, you understand?  That’s ‘GOD Mode’!!!!  So we are here to smash everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, win titles and make all the money.  You mention my name, you get put on the Island of Relevancy and everyone is gonna get their turn!  The entire UWF is going to acknowledge us, and ACKNOWLEDGE ME AS THE TRIBAL CHIEF!!!!”

Reigns is cut off as ‘TARZAN BOY’ by Baltimore hits and the crowd goes nuts!  Jungle Boy is here!!!!  

Major League Wrestling #58 Jungle

Jungle Boy comes out on stage carrying a chair and Reigns just starts laughing at him …. Jungle Boy doesn’t give a shit and starts walking to the ring with the chair but we are out of time and the show goes off the air!!!!
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