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 WCW Power Hour

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WCW Power Hour Empty
PostSubject: WCW Power Hour   WCW Power Hour EmptyWed May 25, 2022 1:40 pm

WCW Power Hour GBKzmL7

WCW Power Hour UPdTl4R

   Jim Ross: "Hello folks..... good ole JR here with a very special episode of WCW Power Hour! We are going to be talking with participants of our upcoming Summer Sizzler shows and we also have a very special feature attraction as "Stone Cold" Steve Austin will face Rob Van Dam and the winner of that will get the final spot in the Elimination Chamber on June 6th to crown the new WCW Heavyweight champion!

But before we get there I want to bring in the former IWA World champion..... The Nature Boy..... Ric Flair! Ric, it's been a tough couple of weeks for you. First losing the world title to Dusty Rhodes, then the brutal attack from The Pinnacle, led by MJF!"    

WCW Power Hour C0fwqyL

  Ric Flair: "Jim Ross, you and I have known each other a long time! Both in and outside of this business. You have seen me down before. But each and every time some dirt sheet writer or some fan sitting at home in his parents basement, wants to write me off..... I come back stronger than ever! And while Dusty Rhodes is currently living his best life as the IWA World champion, let's not forget that yours truly is in that #1 contender tournament to see who faces him on June 25th! And im gonna do what I do best...... I'm gonna walk that isle and regain what's rightfully mine. And that's the IWA World title!"     

  Jim Ross: "One individual who has written you as well as the entire Four Horsemen off, so to speak, is the IWA X Division champion...... MJF!"          

  Ric Flair: "When the day comes that Ric Flair cares what some snot-nosed punk like MJF thinks about me and the Horsemen, will be the day I hang up the boots! This punk has done nothing in this business!"              

   Jim Ross: "In all fairness, he has held the IWA X Division title for well over a year!"           

    Ric Flair: "And who has he beat? Guys like Brian Cage......Rey Mysterio...... Brian Pillman? The bottom feeders of the IWA! He's made a career beating middle card guys. That's why that X Division title is perfect for him! All the while why yours truly was beating the Hogans.....the Hansen's........ the Magnum TA's.....wins that mean something! And then he wants to make up a little faction of guys like Wardlow and Doc and Gordy and jump on the Horsemen?? HA-HA..... brother that's career suicide! So here's how it's gonna go down. MJF...... you and me..... one on one at the Summer Sizzler on June 6th! And im gonna kick your ass! But I'm gonna save just a little bit of your sorry ass for the rest of the Horsemen. Because on June 20th.....the Horsemen challenge The Pinnacle in one of the most dangerous matches going....
. The WARGAMES! And after the smoke clears.....and The Horsemen reign victorious......I'm coming for ya Dusty Rhodes! Because to be the man..... you gotta be the man! WOOOOOOO!!!!!"   

   Jim Ross: "MY GAWD! There you have it fans.....the challenge has been made! Can you imagine The Horsemen against The Pinnacle inside War Games? What a damn Slobberknocker! Fans let's take a special look at who's coming soon to WCW!"     

WCW Power Hour WMqPSLK 

   Hardcore Country vs The IInspiration               

Kay started with Rebel with a takedown and Royce tagged in with a chinlock followed by a hair whip takedown. Kay tagged in for some double team kicks. Rebel shoved Kay away and kicked her. As the match progresses, we see Mandy Rose watching on......

WCW Power Hour JdIoeQL

Mickie tagged in against Royce with forearms and jumping head takedown. Mickie to the middle ropes followed by a missile dropkick for a two count with Kay tagging for her team. Mickie did a ROLLUP OF DEATH on Kay for the pinfall win in under two minutes. 

WCW Power Hour Me96eN3

   Jim Ross: "Impressive victory for the team of Hardcore Country. I know that Mickie and Rebel are hoping to face the GFW Womens tag champions, Tall and Sexy again for those title. I personally wouldn't mind seeing that either. Buy what I do wonder is what interest Mandy Rose has here? We hope to have more of that situation down the road, but joining me now is a man who has a huge bullseye on his chest. He's the IWA X Division champion....... MJF!          

WCW Power Hour Mh16tSN

  MJF: "You call that an introduction Jim Ross? How are you even employed here after that? But it is what it is and I'm a busy man..... so let's get this over with. What kind of questions do you have for me? Do you want to talk about how I plan on defending my X Division World title successfully throughout the Summer Sizzler tour? Or perhaps you want to discuss how I have assembled the most dominant group ever in professional wrestling..... The Pinnacle? I mean come on your job! Ask me something!"     

   Jim Ross: "Well since you mentioned it.... lets talk about the Summer Sizzler! It all kicks off on June 1st where you will defend your title against Bret Hart!"          

    MJF: "Yea.... that greaser somehow talked his way into a title shot! I mean is that the best the WWF has to offer kicking off the biggest tour of the year? The #5 contender? I mean it's bad enough I have to Wrestle in a city like Pittsburgh......but have a mediocre opponent to boot? Say what ya will about the WWF.....but they know the only way to put asses in Heinz field is by having MJF on that show."       

    Jim Ross: "You want get much rest because two days later, if you do defeat Bret Hart, you will travel to Notre Dame stadium to face Japanese sensation..... Okada!"            

  MJF: "You almost had me excited there for a second Jim Ross, when you mentioned Notre Dame stadium..... I thought you was going to say I would be facing Rudy! Ya know that little engine that could dude in that movie? Quite the resemblance between him and Okada..... both overrated guys who in all reality sucked at what they do! After I leave Notre Dame with my title still intact, I'm sure you can find Okada working the local seafood grill somewhere!"           

Jim Ross: "What about the huge pay per view on June 25th against Jungle Jack Perry?"             

  MJF: "What about him? He changes his name and somehow the marks over at DBTW think a guy who isn't even ranked deserves a title shot?  Just because you take the "Boy" outta his name doesn't mean he's Trans gender! Nor does it make him a serious contender to my title!"               

Jim Ross: "Well..... I'm not touching that one! I'm sure you heard my guest earlier.....Ric Flair......and the challenge he made?"               

    MJF: "Yes, I heard that old bag of bones!  Trying to ride my coattails to try and be relevant! I thought we sent him and his Horsemen buddies to the glue factory after we kicked their ass. Flair..... what is it that you don't understand? Your old news! Go to Hollywood. Get ya a few commercial gigs......I'm sure viagra is looking for sponsors!  Lord knows they are the only people that could keep Space Mountain running! But today is your lucky day Ric! You caught me in a great mood! If you truly want me to end your career.......FINE! I will do it! And after I leave your old ass laying inside War Games, you can join the list if the other guys I've retired in this sport! And that's the Gospel Ric..... Because I'm Better Than You....... And You Know It!"       

   Jim Ross: "Fans..... it's time for our feature matchup......with a spot to the Elimination Chamber on the line!"             

   Steve Austin vs Rob Van Dam             

Austin's rage was in full effect, attacking RVD before the bell as the arena filled with chants of "RVD!" Stone Cold pounded on RVD, but Van Dam battled back. At one point, Austin shoved RVD off the top rope, all the way to the outside! The fight soon spilled into the crowd, and Van Dam almost beheaded Austin with a roundhouse kick. But Austin fights back as the action goes back into the ring.

Stone Cold nailed a top-rope superplex, but RVD kicked out of the pin. Moments later, the two men battled to the outside again, where Van Dam suplexed Austin onto the floor. Shortly thereafter, Austin crotched RVD onto the barricade. Back in the ring, Austin went for a cover, but RVD again kicked out. Austin locked on a modified sleeperhold as the crowd chanted for Van Dam. RVD battled out of the sleeper, and Austin went for the Stunner, but RVD reversed it into a dropkick. Van Dam then went for a rolling moonsault, but Stone Cold got his knees up.

The Rattlesnake then went outside the ring and grabbed a steel chair, and was about to him Van Dam, but RVD met him with a kick to the chair, right into Austin's face! RVD then went up top, but Austin caught him. On the top rope, RVD knocked Austin down, but missed the Five-Star Frog Splash! Austin then hit the Stunner! 

Suddenly, Kurt Angle's music came on, and Austin got up to look for the Olympic hero -- allowing RVD to sneak up behind him and pin him for a stunning upset!

WCW Power Hour J8nqYyV

  Jim Ross: "Fans.....Rob Van Dam is going on to the Elimination Chamber! But look into the eyes of Steve Austin! You can bet your ass that he's gonna be in a foul mood when he faces Kurt Angle in the first round of the #1 contender tournament next week! Fans we are out of time..... we will see you at the Summer Sizzler!"         

Angle laughed at Austin as the show went off the air!


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Johnny Rose

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WCW Power Hour Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW Power Hour   WCW Power Hour EmptyThu May 26, 2022 9:41 am

Great interviews by Ric Flair and MJF !!!

If MJF thinks Okada and Jack are push overs , he better think twice .

Angle ??? What the hell .

Austin got fucked .

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WCW Power Hour Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW Power Hour   WCW Power Hour EmptyFri May 27, 2022 11:56 pm


this Wargames match will be absolutely epic

liger in Wcw....nice!!

great mjf promo

i think bret is number 2 now so he better worry about that "greaser" lol

rvd...u lucky bastard

oh shit...something else for austin to bitch about lol


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WCW Power Hour Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW Power Hour   WCW Power Hour EmptySat May 28, 2022 1:20 pm

great Flair Promo.

Liger coming to WCW. Cool

glad to see you using Mandy Rose already .I didn't really have anything planned for her when i had her.

great MJF Promo.

Austin will get revenge on Angle i hope.

hope to see more of these kinds of shows.

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