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 IWA World TV Title Tournament Semi-Finals

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IWA World TV Title Tournament Semi-Finals Empty
PostSubject: IWA World TV Title Tournament Semi-Finals   IWA World TV Title Tournament Semi-Finals EmptyFri Nov 12, 2021 2:03 pm


Location: FTX ARENA,  Miami, Florida

IWA World TV Title Tournament Semi-Finals 22AYf6s

IWA World TV Title Tournament Semi-Finals Cvy0Do2

  Jim Ross: "We are coming to you live from The FTX Arena in beautiful Miami,  Florida! And we are down to the Final 4 participants of the IWA TV Title tournament! And in less than a few hours we will know which two men will battle it out on Black Friday to determine the champion. Plus your going to see the IWA World tag team champions in action, as well as many of the great stars from around the IWA. But right now..... it's Clobbering Time!"     

CM Punk comes out to a thunderous ovation and we can see he still has his ribs bandaged up from the recent attack from Jon Moxley.  As Punk makes his way to the ring, Jim Ross and Jesse Ventura discuss the obvious disadvantage he will have as he gets ready to face off against this man......

IWA World TV Title Tournament Semi-Finals EI7XnkS

   The One Man Gang!!           

  IWA TV Tournament Semi-Finals: CM Punk vs The One Man Gang             

Gang tries to grab Punk, but he ducks away and tries fo a right hand. He feins a few jabs from Gang, but Gang hits a headbutt. Gang lifts Punk and chops him in the corner. Punk with some rights to the gut, but Gang drops him with an uppercut. He lets out his huge battle yell then steps on the back of CM Punk. Punk is on the apron, so Gang heads out and pulls him across the apron. He chops the chest, sending Punk to the outside. Gang lifts him and even though Punk tries to fight back, but Gang headbutts him again, then lifts him up for a body slam. Punk floats over and sends Gang into the steel post! Punk rolls in the ring, and Gang does as well. Punk with some kicks to the chest, another. One more. Gang stop it with a headbutt. Gang goads Punk up then chops him down. He chokes him up in the corner. He runs into a big boot from Punk, then Punk hits the second rope and hops off with an axe handle, only for Gang to grab him with one arm and slam him down. Gang lifts Punk up and hits a hard right to the ribs. Again. Punk is fighting back, though. He hits some rights, then locks in a sleeper. Gang turns this into a side slam after a while, but he is feeling the effeccts. Gang goes up top and tries for a splash, but Punk moves! Punk hits the ropes and tries for some body splashes to knock Gang down, but it doesn’t work! He tries again, and Gang sends Punk up and over. Gang calls for the 747!! He misses, and Punk hits a high kick to the head!! Another!! One more sends Gang to the corner. High knee!! He hits the corner and looks for another one!! He hits it!! Punk ain’t done, he calls for another! Third knee connects!!! Bulldog is deflected by Gang! He runs for a splash, but Punk moves and Gang is finally down!!! Punk is surprised! he hits the turnbuckle!! Punk flies off with the elbow!! Pin! 1…2…NO!!!

Gang is back to his feet! He gets a chokeslam near the ropes! Pin for 1…2..FOOT ON THE ROPES!! Gang lifts Punk up by his head and sends him into the corner. Gang backs him into the corner and hits some rights to the gut of Punk. The ref tries to stop him, and Gang pushes the ref away. The ref and Gang begin arguing when Jon Moxley slides in the ring. Moxley hits Paradigm Shift to Punk!!! Moxley takes his leave, smiling every step!

IWA World TV Title Tournament Semi-Finals RyffTfT

Gang pushes the ref aside and grabs Punk and delivers a Sidewalk Slam. Gang is up....rebounds off the ropes..... 747 SPLASH TO PUNK! 1.....2......3!!! The One Man Gang advances to the Finals on Black Friday!

   Jim Ross: "Fans, we have our first contestant to reach the finals of the tournament. And with a little help from Jon Moxley, the One Man Gang is one win away from becoming the IWA World TV champion. Gang, we will see Kerry Von Erich facing Jungle Boy a little later on. Do you have a preference in who you face in the Finals?"        

.   One Man Gang: "First of all Jim Ross.... I never needed anything from Jon Moxley. I handle business my way and I could beat that but CM Punk any day of the week. As far as Jungle Boy or Von Erich is concerned.... it just don't matter..... their both just a statistic standing in my way. Your looking at the first ever IWA World TV   champion! HEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!"          

Before the next match , the lights go out and when they come back up , Josef Samael is standing in the ring with the Kentucky Heavyweight Champion Andre The Giant and the HBO Champion Jacob Fatu. 

IWA World TV Title Tournament Semi-Finals DU8r3Po IWA World TV Title Tournament Semi-Finals 3JuUw1Y

Sameal : Tonight is the night , the IWA has been dreading .  The night all of America has been dreading .  Contra Unit has left the battle grounds of Kentucky and are are now here to take over the world.  Ric Flair , come down on here and face the Inevitable.  The great and Mighty Andre The Giant or the Weapon of Mass Destruction The Samoan Killing Machine Jacob Fatu. Pick your poison … Hail Contra!!! HAIL CONTRA! HAIL ……

IWA World TV Title Tournament Semi-Finals VzGz5Nm

Dr . Death Steve Williams: Ok , that’s enough of that BS .  Well look what we have here . You know I was going to go watch my Sooners play this weekend , then my buddy Jim Ross calls and says , “ hey Doc ! We got a spot on the TV Title Tourney show that needs filled . Grab your gear and I’ll get you on .”

So I was excited , thinking some inter promotional action . I mean a chance to face a guy I never wrestled before , like a Magnum TA or a Kenny Omega , maybe a Daniel Bryan , but then you guys show up .  And I got this contract still saying I can wrestle for the Kentucky Heavyweight Title any time I want except Christmas Eve . Well hell . Now is as good time as any !!!  Oh and I brought a friend .

Fatu hits  Tiger Space drop on Doc , then he and Sameal put the boots to him .

IWA World TV Title Tournament Semi-Finals GUVkj0a

Taker comes out of the crowd with a chair and hits Samael , who retreats to the back . Now Taker and Fatu brawl to the back .

Kentucky Heavyweight Title Andre The Giant (C) vs Dr . Death Steve Williams: Doc gets in the ring , only to have Andre hit him with a big boot . Andre drops an elbow … 1….2….. Doc gets a shoulder off the mat .  Andre now grabs Doc up and hits a two handed Chokeslam !!!  He goes for a splash from the second rope and Doc rolls out of the way . Doc now fires lefts and rights and then works a chin lock !!!

Andre powers to his feet and falls backward into the turnbuckles !! Andre now Press Slams Doc and then chokes him in the mat . He releases just before 5 .  Andre now works a Bearhug . Doc fights his way out , Belly to Belly by Doc !!!  He covers 1…..2……Nooooo !!! Andre kicks out . Andre tosses Doc into a set of turnbuckles and then goes for the big boot , Doc moves and Andre gets tangled up in the ropes !! Doc just pounds on his knee .

The ref gets Andre free and Doc works a step over toe hold . Andre pushed Doc off with his good leg , but when Andre tries to stand , he can’t . Doc grabs Andre up , showing super human strength and gets off a running Stampede Slam !!! Doc with the cover 1……2…….3 !!!!!

IWA World TV Title Tournament Semi-Finals LAc303g

Winner and new Kentucky Heavyweight Champion…. Dr Death Steve Williams!!!!

   Jim Ross: "THE GOOD DOCTOR HAS DONE IT! HE HAS PINNED THE SHOULDERS OF ANDRE THE GIANT! Not too many men can say that! Business has just picked up for Bluegrass Wrestling!"      

  Match Three: Bronson Reed vs Adam Cole for the Glory Heavyweight title          

They played up the size difference in the first half of the match. Reed demonstrated power moves, and he squished Cole. Countering a superplex, Cole targeted a knee. Cole kicked Reed in the knee to knock Reed off the ropes. Cole worked over Reed's leg. Trash talk by Cole fired up Reed. Cole gets squished in a corner, and Reed followed with a belly bump. Reed gets a near fall. Cole countered Reed to deliver an enzuigiri, but Reed came back with a counter of his own that led to him dropping Cole into a Death Valley Driver. Another near fall for Reed.

Cole with two count on Reed after a running kick. Cole was throwing superkicks when Reed caught Cole's foot. Reed hulked up to chop Cole, but Cole kicked him in the injured leg. Cole with a Panama Sunrise, but Reed managed to kick out at two-and-three quarters!! Cole can't believe it!!  Cole pulled down his knee pad, signalling for the Last Shot. Instead, Cole ate a lariat from Reed, and then Cole took a powerbomb. Reed climbed the ropes setting up for the Tsunami. No water in the pool, and Reed missed the splash. Cole delivered The Last Shot, and Cole covered Reed. One...two...three. Cole wins. Cole takes his "Glory title" and holds it near as he approaches the camera and says..... "Hulk Hogan.....your next!"

IWA World TV Title Tournament Semi-Finals G11S86S

Jim Ross: "Love him or hate him, and I personally think he's a pompous ass, Adam Cole continues to be victorious, defending the Glory title. A title that many, myself included, don't recognize. And can you imagine how it will be during the Thanksgiving holiday when Cole will put that title on the line against the former IWA World champion,  Hulk Hogan!"         

  Match Four: Chris Adams vs Gino Hernandez            

Before the match begins , Adams bounces Hart’s head off the ring post . Kerry Von Erich comes down and takes Hart away to prepare for his match coming up. It’s all Adams and Gino now .  Adams unloads with right hands and then whips Gino into the corner and then gets off a back body drop , Gino staggers up and Adams goes for the Superkick , but Gino side steps and gets off a Dragon Screw that sends Adams out of the ring .

Gino now slams Adams’ leg into the ringpost and then hits an Atomic Knee Drop . Gino rolls Adams and works a Figure Four .  Adams gets to the ropes , Gino stomps on the leg and pulls Adams to the center of the ring and puts the Figure Four back on .  Adams rolls it over and Gino gets to the ropes for the break . Gino now goes for a step over toe hold , but Adams monkey flips him into the turnbuckles.

Adams chokes Gino in the corner . The ref gets to five and Adams refuses to break . The ref tries again and Adams refuses . The ref tries to pull him off and Adams shoves the ref . The ref calls for the bell DQing Adams .  Adams I pounding on Gino , security comes down and pulls Adams off . Gino kicks Adams in the balls and then hits a brain Buster . Security pulls Gino off Adams and takes both men to the back.

   Jim Ross: "Bygawd..... that looked like a Saturday night back home in Tulsa at one if the local watering holes! Just a damned Slobberknocker Body!"        

  Jesse Ventura: "And it hurts me inside Jim Ross! The Dynamic Duo was one if the greatest teams of all time. And I know a thing or two about great tag teams. It's just a shame what the Duo has came down to."           

   Match Five: The Midnight Express vs Harley Race and Nick Bockwinkle for the IWA World tag team titles       

The champs on this night insist on coming to the ring first .  They wait and then instead of seeing Jim Cornette , Paul Ellering comes to the ring to a round a mixed reaction .

Ellerring : Oh what , were you expecting someone else . Well forget it . Instead , you have the sharpest mind in all of wrestling standing before you .  I have done all the research and I have made a discovery this team has the highest winning percentage world wide .  They are wrestling’s best kept secret .  So without further ado , I give to you the team Jim Cornette doesn’t want you to know about . Ravishing Randy Rose , Sweet Stan Lane , The real Midnight Express.

Bockwinkle and Race are looking at the walk way instead of behind them . Rose and Lane attack the champs from behind . Jim Ross tells us , obvious strategy by Paul Ellering .  They toss Race from the ring and double team Bockwinkle .  Rose hits a Spinebuster and tags off to Stan .

Stan works over Bockwinkle’s ribs with his educated feet and then snapemares him over and tags off to Rose who punts him in the back . Rose gets off a back breaker and tags Stan back in who works a body Vice with his legs .  Bockwinkle gets to the ropes and gets the break . Off the break , Lane knees him in the gut and whips him in the corner .  Rose knees him in the back .  Rose gets the tag from Lane and sets for a Suplex, but Bockwinkle blocks it and gets off one of his own . He tags in Harley .

Race from the second rope gets off a falling headbutt and then a second one from a standing position. Race whips Rose into the corner and unloads on his ribs with those hard right and left punches . Bockwinkle gets the tag and now gets off a firearm smash to Rose in the corner and tags back off to Harley who slingshots Rose into the turnbuckles . Harley tags Bockwinkle back in who locks in his sleeper !!!

Lane breaks it up with a knee to the back of Bockwinkle’s head . Rose gets the tag and Lane goes all Daniel Larusso on Bockwinkle and then tags Rose . Lane and Rose set up for the Double Goozel , but Race breaks it up from behind . Now all four men are in the ring .  Bockwinkle tosses Lane from the ring and Harley hits Rose with a Kneelift . Bockwinkle gets off a Side Russian Leg Sweep and covers 1……2….3 !

Race grabs the house mic.....

IWA World TV Title Tournament Semi-Finals PO2Gzp4

Race : Are you kidding us right now ?  These two guys are tough as nails , but they ain’t on our level .

Bockwinkle : My ribs are going to to hurt for the next week or so , Damn . So where was Loverboy Dennis and and his boy friend Bobby ?  At least Lane and Rose had the guts to get out here and fight unlike the frightened children in the Cornette camp .  Well next up Freebirds , Turkey Day Turmoil. Hell In A Cell . See you then boys!

IWA World TV Tournament Semi-Finals: Jungle Boy vs Kerry Von Erich w/Gary Hart          

Jungle Boy and Kerry lockup but stalemate and break clean bu Jungle Boy then Kerry catches Jungle Boy in a side headlock but he counters with an armdrag. They break out some nice chain wrestling between the two for a few minutes. Von Erich takes Jungle Boy down with a series of shoulder blocks. Jungle Boy comes back with a dropkick and then goes for the Snare Trap but Kerry quickly gets to the ropes as Jungle tells Kerry just how close it was to being over!

Gary Hart calms Kerry down and Von Erich gets back in the ring as Jim Ross discusses the winning streak that both of these men have been on. Jungle Boy wants to lock up again but Kerry just kicks him in the gut and lights him up with chops and uppercuts. Jungle Boy responds with his own chops but Kerry  kicks him in the gut. Von Erich hits a shoulder block and then goes for one in the corner but Jungle Boy moves causing Von Erich to slam into the ring post. Jungle Boy goes after the arm with kicks and punches before putting him in a Fujiwara Armbar.

Kerry fights out and hits a big Uppercut with his other arm. Von Erich puts Jungle Boy in a side headlock but Jungle Boy counters with a Back Suplex. Von Erich goes to the floor and Jungle Boy looks like he’s going to dive but Von Erich hits him in midair and throws him into the barricade.

Jungle Boy hits a series of elbows and then goes to the top but Von Erich takes his legs out from under him. Von Erich hits a Back Superplex off the top, 1......2......NO! Jungle Boy and Von Erich exchange stiff shots and Von Erich goes for a Powerbomb but Jungle Boy escapes. Jungle Boy and Von Erich block suplexes but Kerry catches him with one only for Jungle Boy to land on his feet and hit a Superkick. Kerry comes back with a huge Lariat then goes for a Powerbomb but Jungle Boy counters into a Hurricanrana for a nearfall. Von Erich hits a disgusting Slingshot Liger Bomb for a close two. Kerry puts Jungle Boy in a Full Nelson but Jungle Boy breaks the hold and hits a Backstabber followed by a series of Rolling German Suplexes! Gary Hart elbows Jungle Boy as he went for a third suplex but Jungle Boy comes right back with a Lariat.

Jungle Boy goes for a Suplex but Von Erich blocks it and then swings like he’s going to punch only to spike Jungle Boy with a DDT after he ducked. Von Erich gets a nearfall and then lifts Jungle Boy up to the top rope and attempts another Superplex, but Jungle Boy shoves him off and hits a Flying Cross Body. Von Erich rolls thorugh for two only for Jungle Boy to roll him over into a nearfall of his own. Jungle Boy bridges out of a Jackknife and goes for a Backslide but Kerry counters into a rollup for two. Jungle Boy rolls Von Erich up for two and transitions right into the Snare Trap (STF)...... VON ERICH TAPS OUT!!!! The crowd goes nuts as Jungle climbs the turnbuckles celebrating his win that puts him in the Finals of the tournament!

IWA World TV Title Tournament Semi-Finals 35vjpnC 

  Jim Ross: "Jungle Boy.... if I may! What a tournament run you have had. You had what many consider the upset of the year when you defeated Randy Savage in the opening round of the tournament.  Then you went on to defeat Owen Hart......and here tonight, the streak continues when you defeat Kerry Von Erich to get to the Finals on Black Friday where you will face the One Man Gang!"        

   Jungle Boy: "If this is a dream.... please don't wake me up! Not until after Black Friday! But in all honesty Jim Ross, I couldn't have done it without all these great fans behind me! But our work isn't done. We have one more match to go! And we all know that the Gang is a very dangerous individual. But Jim, not to pat myself on the back or anything, but I honestly feel that the IWA World TV title is mine to win. And I can promise......"          

This brings out The One Man Gang!!


Gang charges at Jungle, who ducks the Gang. Gang chases Jungle all around the ring trying to get his hands on him until several security members come to the ring to keep them seperated as show fades to black.


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IWA World TV Title Tournament Semi-Finals Empty
PostSubject: Re: IWA World TV Title Tournament Semi-Finals   IWA World TV Title Tournament Semi-Finals EmptySun Nov 14, 2021 2:55 pm

OMG beats CM Punk...... Shocked Twisted Evil Cool

Jungle Boy wins. Shocked Twisted Evil Cool

Doc beats Andre and gets a title...... Shocked Cool This was a surprise......

credit for the tag title match goes to Mr Rose.I gave him a idea and left everything up to him.......

nice touch having OMG/JB have a confrotation at the end of the show.

the Adams/Gino Feud looks to be far from over....

meant to have a NWA Match for the show but stuff came up and i wasn't able to put 1 together for this show......

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Johnny Rose

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IWA World TV Title Tournament Semi-Finals Empty
PostSubject: Re: IWA World TV Title Tournament Semi-Finals   IWA World TV Title Tournament Semi-Finals EmptyMon Nov 15, 2021 7:14 am

Cole is gonna get his ass kicked soon enough .

Jungle vs Gang is gonna be good .

Can’t wait for Black Friday

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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IWA World TV Title Tournament Semi-Finals Empty
PostSubject: Re: IWA World TV Title Tournament Semi-Finals   IWA World TV Title Tournament Semi-Finals EmptyMon Nov 15, 2021 2:41 pm

I am digging the Cole angle with the Glory title

Big win for Doc

congrats to bads for OMG getting to the finals

Damn Jungle Boy cinderella run continues

Great job putting this together as always Chair

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