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 IWA World TV Title Tournament Quarter-Finals

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IWA World TV Title Tournament Quarter-Finals Empty
PostSubject: IWA World TV Title Tournament Quarter-Finals   IWA World TV Title Tournament Quarter-Finals EmptyFri Oct 29, 2021 12:50 pm


   Jim Ross: "We are live and coming into your homes from Chicago, Illinois for the second round of the IWA TV Title tournament. We have four second round matchups for you tonight as well as some extra matches sprinkled in from the various territories around the IWA. And we are going to start it off with a barn burner as two of Windy Cities best go at it to see who will advance in the tournament. "  

Match One: Dusty Rhodes vs Kerry Von Erich w/Gary Hart    (Tournament Quarter-Final match)           

Dusty hits an arm drag and threatens Kerry with his elbow, so Von Erich wisely hesitates. Dusty then shoulder tackles him and Von Erich nearly does a flip on the bump. He bails outside for a breather and then climbs back inside. The two men then do a criss-cross and Dusty press slams Von Erich. Rhodes hits a DDT, 1.....2......but he picks Kerry up and elbows him. Then, he hits a flying cross body off the top for a 2 count. Von Erich bails again and starts to head to the back, but he stops when he sees the ref’s count. He gets back in and fights and Gary Hart ends up getting knocked off the apron, so Von Erich checks on him. The two men end up fighting to the outside and Kerry rams Dusty into the guardrail. He then attempts a piledriver, but Dusty back drops him and clotheslines him. They fight back to the apron and Von Erich tries to slingshot Dusty over the ropes, but it’s reversed. Dusty slams him on the floor and goes back inside, but Gary Hart distracts Dusty. Von Erich attacks and locks in an Iron Claw on Dusty’s head. Dusty keeps trying to rally, but can’t. The ref checks his arm, but Dusty keeps it up on the 3rd drop. Dusty attempts more comebacks, but keeps getting cut off. He finally elbows his way out of the hold and they fight up onto the turnbuckles. Kerry goes for a superplex, but Dusty shoves him away. Kerry collides with the ref who falls out of the ring. Von Erich ends up going to the top again, but Dusty slams him and hits an elbow drop. However, there’s no ref to make the count. Dusty gets up looking for the ref, which opens the door for Von Erich to come behind Dusty and hit him with a low blow. Gary Hart helps the ref back into the ring. Vin Erich locks in another Iron Claw and Dusty is out cold, so the ref counts Rhodes’ shoulders to the mat for a 3 count. Kerry Von Erich advances to the Semi- Finals!

IWA World TV Title Tournament Quarter-Finals VJ7zROd

  Jim Ross: "The numbers game was too much for The Dream in this one. But I think the bigger story here is, whether it be by hook, or by crook, Kerry Von Erich continues to win. The odds makers in Vegas have to have this guy high on their list to win this tournament."      

  Match Two: CM Punk vs Austin Idol   (Tournament Quater-Final Match)     

The match starts with an exchange of chops between the two men. Idol backs Punk into the corner and hits a few more chops as Idol starts to target the injuries that Punk sustained during his Street fight at Violence of the Lambs. Idol pulls him into the middle of the ring and connects with a vertical suplex. Punk gets to his feet and kicks Idol repeatedly in the back. Idol gets back up to his feet and sends Punk flying out of the ring. Idol follows with a baseball slide that knocks Punk back into the commentators’ booth. Punk is really selling the ribs as Jim Ross wonders if Punk is anywhere near 100% here tonight. Idol looks for a springboard kick, but Punk counters and  springboards into the ring, but Idol moves out of the way. They exchange covers in a rolling pin fashion. Punk is able to lay out Idol and attempts an elbow from the top rope. Idol manages to move out of the way. Idol hits a legdrop, 1.....2......but Punk kicks out. Punk immediately kicks Idol square in the skull, but Idol somehow kicks out of the cover.

Punk locks on the Anaconda Vice. Idol is able to crawl his way to the bottom rope. Punk lifts Idol up on his shoulders, but  can't get Idol up as he sells the injuries again.. Idol  counters and rolls  into the Boston Crab! Punk is caught and the crowd goes wild. Punk just barely makes his way to the rope for a break. Idol argues with the ref while Punk gets back on his feet. Punk scoops up Idol and wants the GTS.....But he's in too much pain to get Idol up. Punk drops down and grabs the kegs of Idol and rolls him up into a small package to get the win. CM Punk advances to the Semi-Finals. 

IWA World TV Title Tournament Quarter-Finals QUOsnY4 

  Jim Ross: "After going through that brutal street fight last week at Violence of the Lambs and watching Punk here tonight..... it's very clear this man is not at his best and the injuries are nagging him. He has two weeks to get back to 100% or he could find himself out of this tournament."  

  Match Three: The Junkyard Dog vs Booker T        

Booker uses a lot of dirty tactics , but JYD fires back . He goes for the Big Thump , but Booker T rakes the eyes and gets out the back . Axe kick to the back of JYD’s head and then a Bookend ends it . But Booker isn't content with his victory as Post match Booker chokes JYD with his chain until Security pulls him off .

IWA World TV Title Tournament Quarter-Finals QXmzVJ4

  Match Four: Sting vs Shinsuke Nakamura        

These two pick up from where they left off . Nakumura throws some combo strikes and puts a hurting on Sting and then tries to put him away with a Triangle. Sting power Bombs Nakumura and then hits the Stinger Splash . When he goes for the Scorpion Deathlock , Gary Hart distracts the ref . Ultimo Dragon comes down , but Luchasarus cuts him off with a clothesline and then chases off Hart . Sting puts on the Scorpion and Nakumura passes out. 

IWA World TV Title Tournament Quarter-Finals QCWzcVB

  Match Six: Shawn Michaels vs Arn Anderson           

This match stems from the controversial ending to last nights 6 man tag match, where Anderson scored the pin over HBK using the tights …. Both of these guys are heels, so the audience is split on who to cheer for but HBK’s in-ring work gets a lot of pops from the people …. We actually get some wrestling in early spots as both men exchange headlocks but HBK ends up hitting a right hand and then a scoop slam that sends Arn outside to talk to Tully …. Back in, Arn gets a cheap shot on HBK and then rakes the eyes over the top rope, but HBK fights back and sends Arn to the floor again and hits a slingshot plancha …. This is where Tully gets involved, which brings Hall & Nash over to get in Tully’s face …. The ref has had enough and he ejects everyone from ringside!!!! It is now one on one with no schenanigans …. HBK takes control, but when he climbs up to the top rope Anderson stops him and slams him off, with HBK landing hard on the floor! In typical Anderson fashion, Arn works a single body part, this time the knee of HBK …. Arn gets the heat on HBK by wrapping his leg around the ringpost, then grounding him and working the knee more in the ring …. HBK tries to rally, but Anderson stops him every time by going back to work on the knee …. HBK fires up, limping badly but battles back with right hands …. Arn goes for a Vader Bomb but HBK gets the knees up! Michaels finds the strength to stand, but when he goes for the flying forearm Anderson cuts him off with the Spinebuster!!!! THAT GETS 2!!!! Anderson goes for the DDT, but HBK backdrops out of the move! Flying Forearm connects this time! Both men are down but HBK kips up and is limping badly! HERE COMES RIC FLAIR TO RINGSIDE! HBK to the top, but Flair takes off his jacket and is jawing with Michaels! Anderson is able to cut HBK off and goes for a super-plex, but HBK fights him off and knocks him to the mat! Top rope elbow connects! HBK points at Flair as he tunes up the band, but Flair gets on the apron …. HBK knocks him to the floor with a right hand! ROLLUP BY ANDERSON FROM BEHIND! 1 … 2 … Noooooo! This time HBK kicks out! Arn goes for another spinebuster, but HBK counters into a DDT! Tuning up the band … SWEET CHIN MUSIC! 1 … 2 … 3!!!!

Flair hits the ring and attacks HBK from behind as the bell rings! Flair with chops, but HBK fires back with right hands! Flying forearm off the ropes connects with Flair!!!! HBK tunes up the band, and the fans are actually clapping along with him …. SWEET CHIN MUSIC TO FLAIR!!!! HBK doesn’t stop there, as he starts tearing the Nature Boy’s custom suit off his body, stripping him down to his underwear!!!! HBK goes under the ring and pulls out a table and puts Flair on it, THEN HE GOES TO THE TOP ROPE ….

IWA World TV Title Tournament Quarter-Finals K6GlteI

HOLY SHIT!!!! HBK FLIES OFF AND DRIVES FLAIR THROUGH THE TABLE WITH A SPLASH ALL THE WAY TO THE FLOOR!!!!! Flair has been taken out by Michaels, who stands tall.

  Match Six: Buzz Sawyer vs Shane Douglas         

The USWA showcases two of it's top stars in this one and they don't disappoint!

SAWYER lives up to his nickname of "MAD DOG"as he uses every damn dirty trick at his disposal!

Throw in some actual damn good wrestling and this guy is double trouble!

But SHANE DOUGLAS is no slouch in the wrestling department and is pretty damned tpough himself!

SHANE gets his fair share of offense in and more than holds his own!

But in the end SAWYER is just that much better ( after all ,he is a former NWA World champ) and gets a pinfall after hitting a powerslam!

Match Eight:  Ole Anderson vs One Man Gang    (Tournament Quarter-Final match)    

As Ole makes his way to the ring,, Gang attacks during the entrance and uses Ole's own t-shirt to strangle him. Ole elbows free and rams him into the turnbuckle. Ole follows with chops and punches. A clothesline takes Gang off his feet. Gang gets to his feet and Anderson keeps kicking and clipping the legs. Muraco keeps going to work on the legs and keeps the Gang grounded.

Ole applies a figure-four. Gang manages to get out of the hold but can’t stand up, so Ole drags him to the corner and whips his leg against the post. Ole keeps working the leg while using the top rope for leverage.

Gang gets some offense going with clubbing blows that ground Ole, but Anderdon uses that to his advantage to throw punches at the injured leg. Gang goes to the eyes and chokes Ole. Bearhug by the Gang. Ole fights it for about a minute and a half before sliding free and fighting the Gang into the corner. Gang bounces back with axehandles and applies the bearhug again. This time, Ole fights back by pushing forward and ramming Gang into the corner. He Irish whips the Gang and they collide into each other and go down. They get back to their feet and Gang elbows Ole over the top and onto the floor. Gang goes out and rams him into the post. Ole tries to go back in but Gang hammers him back down to the floor. Gang props Ole against the post and hits an avalanche on Ole up against the cornerpost. Ole falls to the floor. Gang stomps around ringside then climbs on the ringapron. Gang sizes Ole up......BIG SPLASH TO OLE OFF THE RINGAPRON TO THE FLOOR BY GANG!!! Gang slides back in the ring as the ref counts to 10..... awarding Gang the winner via a countout. Gang advances to the next round of the tournament. 

IWA World TV Title Tournament Quarter-Finals ESJplmq

  Jim Ross: "It may not of been the prettiest of victories but it was damned sure effective! That was 500lbs coming off that ringapron onto Ole Anderson. And dare I say..... there isn't a man in the entire IWA that could have gotten up from that. This One Man Gang is a nasty individual folks."        

  Match Nine: Jungle Boy vs Owen Hart (Tournament Quarter-Final match)         

Jungle Boy and Owen lockup but stalemate and break clean. Owen catches Jungle Boy in a side headlock but he counters with an armdrag. They break out some nice chain wrestling between the two for a few minutes. Owen takes Jungle Boy down with a series of shoulder blocks. Jungle Boy comes back with a dropkick and then goes for the Snare Trap but Owen quickly gets to the ropes.

Jungle Boy wants to lock up again but Owen just kicks him in the gut and lights him up with chops and uppercuts. Jungle Boy responds with his own chops but Owen kicks him in the gut. Owen hits a shoulder block and then goes for one in the corner but Jungle Boy moves causing Owen to slam into the ring post. Jungle Boy goes after the arm with kicks and punches before putting him in a Fujiwara Armbar.

Owen fights out and hits a big Uppercut with his other arm. Owen puts Jungle Boy in a side headlock but Jungle Boy counters with a Back Suplex. Owen goes to the floor and Jungle Boy looks like he’s going to dive but Owen hits him in midair and throws him into the barricade. Owen then caters to the live audience.

Jungle Boy hits a series of elbows and then goes to the top but Owen takes his legs out from under him. Owen hits a Back Superplex off the top for two! Jungle Boy and Owen exchange stiff shots and Owen goes for a Powerbomb but Jungle Boy escapes. Jungle Boy and Owen block suplexes but Owen catches him with one only for Jungle Boy to land on his feet and hit a Superkick. Owen comes back with a huge Lariat. Owen goes for a Powerbomb but Jungle Boy counters into a Hurricanrana for a nearfall. Owen hits a Slingshot Liger Bomb, 1......2......NO!!! Owen puts Jungle Boy in a Full Nelson but Jungle Boy breaks the hold and hits a Backstabber followed by a series of Rolling German Suplexes! Hart elbows Jungle Boy as he went for a third suplex but Jungle Boy comes right back with a Lariat.

Jungle Boy goes for a Suplex but Owen blocks it and then swings like he’s going to punch only to spike Jungle Boy with a DDT after he ducked. Owen gets a nearfall and then lifts Jungle Boy up to the top rope and attempts another Superplex, but Jungle Boy shoves him off and hits a Flying Cross Body. Owen rolls thorugh for two only for Jungle Boy to roll him over into a nearfall of his own.

Jungle Boy bridges out of a Jackknife and goes for a Backslide but Owen counters into a rollup for two. Jungle Boy rolls Owen up for two and transitions right into the Snare Trap (STF)! The crowd is buzzing as Owen drastically tries to make the ropes but Jungle has him locked in. Owen has no choice...... OWEN TAPS OUT!!! The audience pops huge as Jungle Boy is announced the winner and advances to the next round.

IWA World TV Title Tournament Quarter-Finals Qp4Dt33

  Jim Ross: "Bygawd!!!! These two wrestlers have been the number one and two contenders respectively in the X Division for the past few months, but tonight might be the biggest night of Jungle Boys career! He just keeps winning no matter the odds! Are we looking at the first IWA World TV champion? Fans, we are out if time. We will see you in two weeks in Miami!"      


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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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IWA World TV Title Tournament Quarter-Finals Empty
PostSubject: Re: IWA World TV Title Tournament Quarter-Finals   IWA World TV Title Tournament Quarter-Finals EmptyMon Nov 01, 2021 10:32 am

Great job putting these shows together Chair

Jungle Boy continuing to win still surprises me ... looking forward to seeing JR capitalize on this

Punk advances despite taking a beating lately

Interesting semi-final match-ups

Good show

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IWA World TV Title Tournament Quarter-Finals Empty
PostSubject: Re: IWA World TV Title Tournament Quarter-Finals   IWA World TV Title Tournament Quarter-Finals EmptyMon Nov 01, 2021 2:18 pm

another good job here.

Jungle Boy with another win. Cool

OMG wins by countout. Shocked  Cool good job with this match because i was wondering how this match would turn out  without making  2 look bad in the end.

Punk wins.... cheers  cheers  cheers

Kerry wins. Cool  Cool

gonna try and write up a NWA Match for the next show.Meant to for this show but i forgot.

looking foward to the next round......

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