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 Evolve Womens Wrestling #12

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Evolve Womens Wrestling #12 Empty
PostSubject: Evolve Womens Wrestling #12   Evolve Womens Wrestling #12 EmptyWed May 19, 2021 11:35 am

Evolve Womens Wrestling #12 Evolve

LOCATION: Los Angeles, California

ARENA: Globe Theater

ANNOUNCER: Matt Striker & Quinn McKay

TV: YouTube
Evolve Womens Wrestling #12 20180916_184642
Evolve Womens Wrestling #12 4S5A0930Evolve Womens Wrestling #12 Matt-Striker-266x300

* * * This is a much smaller venue, and has a studio wrestling setup similar to NWA Powerrr * * *


MATT STRIKER and QUINN MCKAY are at the podium and they hype up tonight’s show, where we will crown the first Evolve tag team champions …. They run down some of the teams, and QUINN gets some comments from the fans in attendance who they think will win …. There is still one mystery team left to be revealed in the tournament ….

TESSA BLANCHARD’s music hits and she comes out …. QUINN and STRIKER seem to be surprised that TESSA is out here, and TESSA is smiling from ear to ear …. CHARLOTTE FLAIR’s music hits!!!!  

Evolve Womens Wrestling #12 Charlotte-Flair-WrestleMania-Backlash-645x370

OH MY GOD!  CHARLOTTE comes out, swiveling her arm in circles to show the whole world that her arm is fine after the attack from RONDA ROUSEY at Evolve #10 …. CHARLOTTE stands face to face with TESSA, and the two have a long staredown before CHARLOTTE lets out a big ‘Wooooo!’ …. TESSA smiles …. CHARLOTTE & TESSA are the final entry in the Evolve tag team title tournament …. But who will they face???

The music of the KABUKI WARRIORS hits!  HOLY SHIT!

Evolve Tag Team Title Tournament: CHARLOTTE FLAIR & TESSA BLANCHARD vs. THE KABUKI WARRIORS (Asuka & Kairi Sane) ….
The crowd is chanting ‘THIS IS AWESOME!’ before this match even starts …. These teams tear into each other for a solid 10 minutes with neither able to get a clear advantage …. As we head down the stretch, BRITT BAKER shows up out of nowhere and ruins a great match by attacking KAIRI SANE!!!!  She locks on Lockjaw on the floor!  SANE is taken out and ASUKA is all alone against both TESSA and CHARLOTTE!  ASUKA fires up and takes them both out, but TESSA hits the Magnum followed by a Natural Selection from CHARLOTTE!  TESSA hits the Buzzsaw DDT and pins the world champion!!!! …. CHARLOTTE and TESSA advance!

POST MATCH: ASUKA checks on SANE, who is bleeding from the mouth from being locked in the Lockjaw by BRITT BAKER …. BAKER meanwhile, is resisting as she is taken away by security ….

TESSA & CHARLOTTE make their exit, but their music is cut off as the music of SASHA BANKS & BAYLEY hits and they come out for the next match.  They stop and clap for CHARLOTTE & TESSA like ‘Ok it’s on now!’  SASHA flashes the 4 fingers at them, and TESSA flashes the symbol back at them, but CHARLOTTE is a little more hesitant and just walks past ….

Evolve Tag Team Title Tournament: VALKYRIE (Sasha Banks & Bayley) vs. PIPER NIVEN & KAY LEE RAY ….
The Scottswomen have proven to be a solid team, teaming together several times at Evolve shows …. They are more than a match for SASHA & BAYLEY …. SASHA & BAYLEY have to pull out the stops, barely escaping the pin after KLR hits the Gory Bomb on SASHA …. SASHA grabs PIPER’s foot from the floor, allowing BAYLEY to score with a bulldog …. BAYLEY takes out KLR as SASHA hits a frog splash on NIVEN for the 3 count ….

Evolve Tag Team Title Tournament: TEAM KICK (Tegan Nox & Dakota Kai) vs. A-LIST (Taya Valkyrie & Maryse) ….
TEAM KICK advances after hitting the assisted Go To Kick on MARYSE, followed by the Shiniest Wizard from NOX as KAI keeps TAYA at bay …. TEAM KICK advances ….

Evolve Tag Team Title Tournament: STRONG SMILES (Rachel Evers & Kylie Rae) vs. FIRE & DESIRE (Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville) ….
STRONG SMILES has gained a large following in such a short time, due to KYLIE being a sympathetic babyface in her issues with VALKYRIE …. ROSE & DEVILLE are trying to find their footing after dropping SOCAL VAL and breaking out on their own …. Lots of good action in this one …. STRONG SMILES pull out the win to advance after KYLIE forces MANDY to tap out to the Crossface ….

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  


QUINN and STRIKER recap the 1st round … None bigger than what we saw happen in our opening match with BRITT BAKER M.D. once again making an appearance at the Globe Theater …. At Evolve #11, ASUKA accepted her challenge for an ‘I Quit’ match at the 1st Anniversary show but BAKER went too far tonight, attacking ASUKA’s tag team partner KAIRI SANE ….

This brings out an irate ASUKA who cuts a promo on BAKER in Japanese …. ASUKA promises to make BAKER say ‘I Quit’ at the 1 Year Anniversary Show ….

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  

Evolve Tag Team Title Tournament: SASHA BANKS & BAYLEY vs. STRONG SMILES (Rachel Evers & Kylie Rae)….
STRONG SMILES go on the attack to start, with KYLIE going after BAYLEY because of the issues between the two …. SASHA & BAYLEY get the heat on RACHEL, setting up for KYLIE to get the hot tag and come in and run wild …. Back and forth it goes, and EVERS hits a running powerslam on SASHA but BAYLEY pulls the ref out of the ring right before the 3!  KYLIE with a dive takes out BAYLEY, but BANKS manages to reverse the crossface attempt into a cradle and has her feet on the ropes for extra leverage to steal the 3 count ….

Evolve Tag Team Title Tournament: TEAM KICK (Tegan Nox & Dakota Kai) vs. TESSA BLANCHARD & CHARLOTTE FLAIR ….
TESSA and CHARLOTTE continue to work like they have teamed together for years, and TEAM KICK matches their skill in the best match of the night …. These ladies go a solid 15 minutes …. NOX sets CHARLOTTE up for the Shiniest Wizard, but CHARLOTTE catches her leg coming in and reverses right into the Figure 8!!!!  NOX is trapped in the center of the ring and forced to tap out!!!! ….

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  


The unthinkable will now happen …. The finals will be SASHA & BAYLEY vs. TESSA & CHARLOTTE to see who will be the 1st ever Evolve tag team champions!  Both teams come out to the podium, and TESSA cuts a promo …. She says don’t get it twisted, VALKYRIE is about being the best …. They are the 4 best women’s wrestlers on the planet, and iron sharpens iron …. No matter who wins, the gold is coming to VALKYRIE one way or the other and this is just the beginning because they have their sights set on ALL the gold …. So tonight, ‘May the best women win.’ …. TESSA flashes the 4 fingers, followed by SASHA and BAYLEY …. CHARLOTTE hesitates as everyone looks to her, but finally CHARLOTTE flashes the 4 fingers which gets a pop from the crowd ….  

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  


Up next, JESSICKA HAVOK comes out to the podium and calls out TONI STORM …. She isn’t waiting anymore, and this time TONI can’t take the easy way out and win by countout …. HAVOK says that TONI barely escaped with her title the last time they fought, next time she will be lucky to escape with her life …. TONI comes out and won’t back down, and she gets right in the face of HAVOK …. TONI says that she might go out, but she’s going to go out fighting …. TONI fires off some forearms!  HAVOK fires back!  We have a brawl on the interview set, and HAVOK quickly takes control and tosses TONI into the ring and the match begins!!!!

Evolve ‘Rise’ Championship Match: NO COUNTOUTS

HAVOK is in control as the match begins, and she punishes TONI …. TONI tries to fight back, but HAVOK stops her at every turn …. TONI fires up, hitting a dive to the outside to take HAVOK out …. TONI ties HAVOK’s leg up in the ropes, then hits a guillotine legdrop for a close 2 …. HAVOK stops all that with a choke slam and she is back in control …. TONI rolls to the floor, and HAVOK follows her and is going to choke slam her onto the announce table, but TONI fights her off …. TONI grabs the ring bell and KO’s HAVOK with it!  The ref calls for the bell! ….

HAVOK is rocked, and TONI hits her again with the bell!  HAVOK is laid out on the announce table, and TONI puts her through it with a leg drop off the top rope!!!!  HAVOK is laid out as TONI stands tall, but HAVOK gets the win by DQ ….

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We see a limo driving through the streets of Hong Kong.  It pulls into an underground parking garage, and BOA and XIA LI get out …. XIA LI looks terrified …. They walk up to an ancient-looking door with Chinese writing and a Dragon above it …. Suddenly 2 people come out of nowhere to throw bags over their heads and everything goes dark ….


*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  

Evolve Tag Team Title Tournament Finals: VALKYRIE (Sasha Banks & Bayley) vs. TESSA BLANCHARD & CHARLOTTE FLAIR ….
This is the one has been building all night long …. The crowd is buzzing and the chants of ‘THIS IS AWESOME!’ start up again …. CHARLOTTE & SASHA start, but TESSA and BAYLEY quickly tag in …. We get a good clean match with both teams genuinely wanting to just prove they are the better women …. The action goes back and forth early, but SASHA & BAYLEY get the heat on CHARLOTTE …. There are a few teases that TESSA may turn on CHARLOTTE and side with BANKS & BAYLEY, but that never happens …. TESSA gets the hot tag and she comes in a house of fire …. Now all 4 women are going at it!  SASHA & BAYLEY to the floor, and CHARLOTTE hits a moonsault off the top to the floor to take them out …. SASHA tossed back in and gets hit with the Magnum!  1 … 2 … SASHA kicks out!  TESSA goes for the Buzzsaw, but SASHA reverses into the Banks Statement!!!!  BAYLEY tries to keep CHARLOTTE at bay, but CHARLOTTE tackles BAYLEY into BANKS to break it up!  BAYLEY gets tosses, and CHARLOTTE hits Natural Selection on SASHA!  1 … 2 … BAYLEY pulls the ref out of the ring!  TESSA with a dive to the floor takes out BAYLEY!  With the ref down, RONDA ROUSEY hits the ring!!!!  ROUSEY goes right for CHARLOTTE and unleashes strikes in the corner as CHARLOTTE covers up!  ROUSEY tosses her to the floor and then stays on top of her with the ground and pound and CHARLOTTE can’t defend herself!  ROUSEY scoops CHARLOTTE up and hits Pipers Pit on top of the ring steps!!!!  ROUSEY tosses CHARLOTTE back into the ring, while TESSA is fighting off both BAYLEY and BANKS …. TESSA hits the Magnum on SASHA, but BAYLEY tackles TESSA onto the apron … they brawl there, and BAYLEY hits Bayley to Belly on the apron!!!!  TESSA and BAYLEY are both down on the outside and SASHA, ,not knowing what happened to CHARLOTTE, crawls over and lays an arm across the chest of CHARLOTTE as the ref counts 1 … 2 … 3!  SASHA & BAYLEY are the Evolve tag team champions! ….

What a classic …. SASHA & BAYLEY celebrate with the belts as a disappointed TESSA checks on CHARLOTTE …. CHARLOTTE slowly recovers, and when reality sets in she is PISSED!  She goes storming off to the back …. Meanwhile, TESSA enters the ring and gives BANKS & BAYLEY the 4 fingers salute and they all hug as SASHA & BAYLEY hold up the belts ….  

Evolve Womens Wrestling #12 Sbwt5


STRIKER and QUINN recap tonight’s action …. We have new tag team champions and once again the feud between CHARLOTTE and RONDA ROUSEY has boiled over!  As they are talking, they are cut off as CHARLOTTE appears again, coming out to the podium and yelling for RONDA ROUSEY …. She snatches the mic out of STRIKER’S hand and slides in the ring ….

CHARLOTTE is doing her best crazy RIC FLAIR impression and yelling for ROUSEY to come back out to the ring …. ROUSEY comes back out, but out come an army of Evolve officials and they get between her and the ring …. More officials come from the other side and try to calm CHARLOTTE down, but CHARLOTTE turns and starts attacking the Evolve officials!  CHARLOTTE lays them all out, THEN ROUSEY STARTS KICKING THE SHIT OUT OF THE OFFICIALS BETWEEN HER AND THE RING!!!!  The entire ringside area is a mess of bodies of the people CHARLOTTE and ROUSEY have taken out, and ROUSEY hits the ring AND THE FIGHT IS ON!!!!  More officials hit the ring and try to pull the two women apart, but they can’t even contain them!  CHARLOTTE and ROUSEY turn and start laying out everyone in their way trying to get to each other in one of the wildest pull-aparts we’ve see!!!! …. They take everyone out and then start fighting again!!!!  

Finally, we hear someone screaming for them to stop, and we see that it is Evolve owner DIXIE CARTER that has come out with a microphone …. This is the first time CARTER has revealed herself on the air …. This freezes the action long enough for Evolve officials to get the 2 women separated, and they put them in opposite corners …. CARTER says that this issue between these two has to stop …. They want a match?  They want it on the big stage????  THEY’VE GOT IT!  It will be RONDA ROUSEY vs. CHARLOTTE FLAIR, and it will be at the IWA 1 Year Anniversary show!!!!!  CHARLOTTE looks across the ring at ROUSEY and smiles, but ROUSEY is staring holes through CHARLOTTE ….

Evolve Womens Wrestling #12 Ronda-Rousey-Raw-42318-645x370Evolve Womens Wrestling #12 Charlotte

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Join date : 2020-06-11

Evolve Womens Wrestling #12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evolve Womens Wrestling #12   Evolve Womens Wrestling #12 EmptyWed May 19, 2021 1:57 pm

I still think the IWA is dropping the ball by not having womens world tag titles. There are some really good teams right now

YES!!!! Britt Baker sending a message to Asuka by taking out Kari

I can see Charlotte and Tessa winning the straps

Hmmm.....maybe not. Some really good teams in this

Glad Strong Smiles advance

Dammit......but they cant get past Sasha and Bayley

The Finals will be interesting for sure

Im a huge fan of Storm

Damn.....I had a feeling Rousey would have a part in the outcome

Didnt take long for Dixie to flex her power

Great show
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Evolve Womens Wrestling #12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evolve Womens Wrestling #12   Evolve Womens Wrestling #12 EmptyMon May 24, 2021 4:11 pm

great show.

i really like how you use a buch of colors when writing your shows.better than anything i do.i'm just too lazy to add a bunch a colors to my shows.

hope this doesn't mean the end of the Tessa/Charlotte Team...

i like Rousey better here than when she was in the WWE.

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