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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

PostSubject: EVOLVE WOMEN'S WRESTLING #11   EVOLVE WOMEN'S WRESTLING #11 EmptyFri May 14, 2021 1:27 pm


LOCATION: Los Angeles, California

ARENA: Globe Theater

ANNOUNCER: Matt Striker & Quinn McKay

TV: YouTube
EVOLVE WOMEN'S WRESTLING #11 20180916_184642

* * * This is a much smaller venue, and has a studio wrestling setup similar to NWA Powerrr * * *


Show opens with IWA World Champion ASUKA coming out to the podium to talk to QUINN MCKAY …. QUINN talks about the challenge that #1 contender BRITT BAKER laid out for an ‘I Quit’ match at the IWA 1 year anniversary show …. “(rambles in Japanese) … ASUKA accepts!  No one makes ASUKA quit, ASUKA makes YOU quit!  You quit or ASUKA breaks your arm! …. YOU … ARE … NOT … READY … FOR … ASUKA!!!!”

EVOLVE WOMEN'S WRESTLING #11 Asuka-Raw-645x370

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  

TEGAN NOX vs. KYLIE RAE….This is a great match between 2 babyfaces here …. KYLIE pulls off the surprise win after countering a super-plex attempt by TEGAN into a small package for the 3 count ….

POST MATCH: Both women shake hands in a show of respect after the match …. However, SASHA BANKS & BAYLEY hit the ring and attack both TEGAN and KYLIE!  They both get the beat down, and then BAYLEY takes out a tube of lipstick and paints a Joker smile on RAE’s lips …. She keeps yelling ‘Smiley Kylie!  Smiley Kylie!’ as she mocks KYLIE RAE …. DAKOTA KAI runs out, but SASHA and BAYLEY take her out too!  Finally, RACHEL EVERS is in street clothes in the crowd and she jumps the railing to make the save and chase off the heels ….

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  

AT THE PODIUM: RISE champion TONI STORM comes out to the podium and is interviewed about the title picture in EVOLVE …. She talks about all the people that have emerged as challengers, and QUINN asks her about JESSICKA HAVOK …. TONI seems nervous when talking about HAVOK …. On queue, HAVOK’s music hits and she comes out to the podium, and TONI shows a crack in her armor and looks intimidated by HAVOK …. HAVOK challenges her to put the RISE title on the line against her …. TONI regains her composure and says she isn’t going to back down and she accepts the challenge ….

ROSEMARY vs. XIA LI….ROSEMARY uses her unorthodoxed offense and keeps XIA LI off balance …. ROSEMARY sprays the mist in XI LI’s eyes at one point, but this causes XIA to snap and beat the shit out of ROSEMARY with strikes …. The ref tries to pull XIA off and she attacks the ref instead!!!!  The match is thrown out ….

POST MATCH: XIA continues the brutal assault …. More refs come out and XIA KO’s them with strikes …. She’s beating everyone ass and then collapses in the ring in exhaustion …. No one can enter the ring but BOA and XIA is on her knees amidst a pile of bodies of people she has taken out …. BOA holds out his hand and XIA takes it, but he uses black ink to draw a Chinese mark on her wrist … XIA quickly becomes afraid …. BOA leads her from the ring and she looks very reluctant as she follows BOA through the curtain ….


*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  

AT THE PODIUM: SOCAL VAL brings out MANDY ROSE & SONYA DEVILLE for a promo about the upcoming EVOLVE tag team tournament …. However, SOCAL VAL is more interested in putting RONDA ROUSEY over and acting like ROUSEY is her newest client …. MANDY and SONYA get fed up with it and fire VAL right on the spot!  They are going to be the first EVOLVE tag team champions and make history, but they don’t need VAL to do it!  They walk off, and VAL tells them it’s fine because she has the biggest prize fighter in womens wrestling as her client and she doesn’t need them!  


CHARLOTTE is interviewed …. her arm is in a sling from the attack from RONDA ROUSEY at Evolve #10 …. CHARLOTTE cuts a promo on RONDA ROUSEY, but she is interrupted by TESSA BLANCHARD …. TESSA talks about their history together, and how they broke into this business and carry on their families legacies …. Their paths have been intertwined since the beginning and always will be …. TESSA puts over VALKYRIE and says CHARLOTTE belongs with them and she holds up the 4 fingers …. She suggests CHARLOTTE forget about ROUSEY and instead team with her and together they will win the EVOLVE tag team titles …. FLAIR and BLANCHARD …. They are the heirs to the women’s wrestling empire …. She tells her to join with her and together they can make history by becoming the first womens tag team champions in IWA history ….

PIPER NIVEN & KAY LEE RAY vs. THE HOTTIES (Candice Michelle & LOVE) ….Both of these teams are going to be in the upcoming EVOLVE tag team title tournament …. Good action back and forth, but the Scottish ladies win the match after NIVEN pins LOVE with the Michinoku Driver ….

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  

(Evolve ‘RISE’ champion) TONI STORM vs. JESSICKA HAVOK ….TONI throws everything she has at HAVOK from the beginning, but HAVOK just swats her away …. HAVOK uses her power to start to dominate the match …. TONI fires up, but can’t put HAVOK away with a top rope leg drop …. HAVOK no sells a German Suplex, but TONI fights out of a choke slam attempt and hits the Strong Zero piledriver!  HAVOK kicks out!  TONI hits a 2nd Strong Zero!  HAVOK kicks out again!!!!  TONI back to the top, but HAVOK stops her and hits an Air Raid Crash off the 2nd rope!!!!  TONI rolls to the floor, and HAVOK follows her out …. They brawl on the floor, with TONI avoiding a charge from HAVOK and HAVOK accidentally crashes herself into the ring steps!  The ref is counting, and TONI manages to slide back in the ring at the count of 9!  HAVOK can’t make it and is counted out! ….

POST MATCH: HAVOK is furious at the results and she goes after TONI but TONI escapes to the outside …. HAVOK is so pissed that she starts to destroy the ringside area, but MATT STRIKER leaves the announce table to try to calm her down …. HAVOK POWERBOMBS STRIKER THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE FOR HIS TROUBLE!!!!  HAVOK is out of control, and officials come out from the back to escort her back through the curtain ….

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  

SOCAL VAL comes out to the ring and puts over her newest ‘client’, RONDA ROUSEY …. We see highlights of ROUSEY appearing last week and attacking CHARLOTTE FLAIR, locking on an armbar and refusing to let go …. ROUSEY comes storming out to the ring, but GOES RIGHT AFTER SO CAL VAL!  VAL is clueless and she offers her a handshake, but ROUSEY Judo throws VAL and goes right into the arm bar …. SNAP!!!!  

SOCAL VAL is screaming in pain, and trainers and doctors rush down to the ring and pull her to safety …. VAL’s arm is flopping around at a grotesque angle …. ROUSEY shows zero remorse and grabs the mic ….

ROUSEY – “That right there is the consequences of putting RONDA ROUSEY’s name in your mouth!  I’m already the most dangerous woman in wrestling and I don’t need a manager or an agent or any of that shit to prove it.  Number one, it’s bullshit that I even have to come to this shithole arena in the first place, but I wanted to deliver this message personally …. CHARLOTTE FLAIR, you can consider yourself the luckiest bitch in this company, because if there wasn’t an army of Evolve officials to pull me off of you at Evolve #10, I would have broken your arm too!  Last week was a freebie, but this week it’s about business.  I’m talking straight to Evolve management.  You need to open up that checkbook and book an arena like the Staples Center in my hometown, and then you need to put RONDA ROUSEY vs. CHARLOTTE FLAIR on the marquee.  You see CHARLOTTE, I want you in the ring so what I do to you will be legal.  But if I don’t get it, then make no mistake I will find in the streets, in the dressing room, or in a parking lot.  Then Evolve’s ‘golden goose’ will really be cooked ….”

CHARLOTTE’s music hits and she comes out to the ring with her arm still in a sling ….

CHARLOTTE – “You know RONDA.  You may have hurt me, but she didn’t finish the job.  You come out here and talk about how you are the most dangerous woman in wrestling, that you are a real fighter, but I’m the one that has left you laying on more than one occasion.  But we can agree on one thing: the time for the talking is over with.  We both want Evolve to make this match happen.  And when it DOES happen, all those zeroes on that contract you signed will not prevent you from bowing to the Queen just like every other woman before you ….”

ROUSEY slaps the microphone out of CHARLOTTE’s hand!!!!  CHARLOTTE backs away, but then reveals that she is hiding a lead pipe in her arm sling!  She blasts ROUSEY right in the face with it!!!!  ROUSEY IS BUSTED OPEN!!!!  ROUSEY stumbles to her feet, and CHARLOTTE blasts her in the knee with the pipe!  ROUSEY is down!  CHARLOTTE grabs the leg and is going to go for the Figure 8, but SHAYNA BASZLER runs out from the back to make the save for ROUSEY!  FLAIR bails out of the ring with a shit-eating grin on her face ….

CHARLOTTE – “We’ve only just begun!”

BASZLER and Evolve officials check on ROUSEY as CHARLOTTE walks away ….


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Age : 47
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PostSubject: Re: EVOLVE WOMEN'S WRESTLING #11   EVOLVE WOMEN'S WRESTLING #11 EmptyWed May 19, 2021 12:57 pm

good show here.

looking foward when the Charlotte/Rousey Match finally happens.

it's a tough choice for me when it comes to the Upcoming Asuka/Britt Match because they are both favs of mine.

Tessa/Charlotte would make a great team.

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Posts : 1624
Join date : 2020-06-11

PostSubject: Re: EVOLVE WOMEN'S WRESTLING #11   EVOLVE WOMEN'S WRESTLING #11 EmptyWed May 19, 2021 1:42 pm

Quinn McKay is one badass chic

Asuka just signed her deathbed

Interesting turn of events between Strong Smiles, Sasha and Bayley. I would like to see this play out into a nice program

Toni Storm is so underrated

Also glad to see KLR getting work

Damn.....Charlotte going all street thug on Rhonda

Good show

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