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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Age : 48

PostSubject: EVOLVE WOMEN'S WRESTLING #10   EVOLVE WOMEN'S WRESTLING #10 EmptyTue May 04, 2021 2:33 pm


LOCATION: Los Angeles, California

ARENA: Globe Theater

ANNOUNCER: Matt Striker & Quinn McKay

TV: YouTube
EVOLVE WOMEN'S WRESTLING #10 20180916_184642


* * * This is a much smaller venue, and has a studio wrestling setup similar to NWA Powerrr * * *

Matt Striker and Quinn McKay are ringside …. They address the obvious changes to the product, and RISE has been re-branded as EVOLVE Women's Wrestling .... Different name, still bringing you the Evolution of Women's wrestling ....

They recap SUPERCLASH, where ASUKA successfully defended the IWA World title against BRITT BAKER …. They then recap the final RISE show, RISE #9, which saw SHAYNA BASZLER debut and accept MIA YIM’s challenge that was intended for RONDA ROUSEY.  CHARLOTTE FLAIR made her presence known by laying BASZLER out with Natural Selection.

They put over tonight’s show, which will be HUGE …. We will have the in-ring debut of CHARLOTTE FLAIR as she takes on SHAYNA BASZLER in one on one competition.  Also, we have a big tag team main event as the KABUKI WARRIORS reunite to face FIRE & DESIRE …. Phoenix Champion TONI STORM will also be in action against DAKOTA KAI in non-title action.  


Up first, QUINN MCKAY brings out TESSA BLANCHARD to the podium for an interview …. TESSA is triggered because of what happened at RISE #9, where she was attacked by ASUKA after BRITT BAKER threw a drink in her face …. TESSA says ASUKA is out of control …. She attacked her without provocation, and then she kicked out one of BRITT BAKER’s teeth at SUPERCLASH …. Is that who you really want as your world champion?  TESSA has the pedigree and the god given talent to represent every woman in the IWA …. It’s not ASUKA, it’s not TONI STORM, it’s not BRITT BAKER, it’s HER!  She calls out ASUKA and reminds her that she is the one that put 15 staples in her head when she threw a chair in her face, and she is coming for her title ….

ASUKA's MUSIC HITS! ASUKA comes out to the podium and stares TESSA down .... ASUKA takes the mic and says "Any time ... any ... WHERE! You are NOT ready for ASUKA!!!!"

KYLIE RAE vs. XIA LI ….Very good and entertaining match …. The fans are behind KYLIE most of the way, and she gets the win after making XIA LI tap out to the Crippler Crossface …. As KYLIE traps XIA in the submission, we see BOA in the corner of XIA LI and he locks eyes with her …. She meets his gaze and seems to use the intimidation to keep from tapping out, but eventually KYLIE cranks back on the hold and XIA has no choice but to tap ….

POST MATCH: BOA turns and walks off, leaving a dejected XIA LI in the ring with her shame ….


KYLIE RAE goes to the podium and is interviewed by QUINN MCKAY …. KYLIE gushes about winning her first 2 matches in RISE and puts over how special it was to have her first match against her tag team partner RACHEL EVERS.  KYLIE is interrupted as BAYLEY & SASHA BANKS come out …. BAYLEY says KYLIE disgusts her because she is everything BAYLEY used to be …. She calls her a ripoff and says it’s like someone ordered the old BAYLEY blueprint off of Wish and when it came in the mail, KYLIE RAE is what we got …. SASHA and BAYLEY go full ‘mean girls’ on KYLIE and she looks like she is almost in tears ….

PIPER NIVEN vs. MARYSE w/ The A-List Entourage vs. CANDICE MICHELLE vs. NIKKI BELLA ….This is a filler match, but ends up being pretty entertaining …. NIVEN is the powerhouse of the match, throwing the other smaller women around for the most part …. MARYSE tries to stay out of the action as much as possible, and at one point even leaves the match to do commentary …. The problem with that is she does her commentary in French …. NIVEN starts to dominate the match late, dispatching CANDICE MICHELLE only to be rocked with a forearm from NIKKI BELLA …. BELLA goes for the Rack Attack, but NIVEN is too big and she cant get her up …. This allows NIVEN to hit the Michinoku Driver, but MARYSE re-enters the match and hits the French Kiss DDT on NIVEN to score the win ….


Matt Striker and Quinn McKay are at the podium again and they talk about the EVOLVE tag team titles …. It will be the first women’s tag titles of any kind in the IWA …. We have several teams already confirmed for the tournament from all over the world.  They release the names of the first 4 teams ….

Sasha Banks & Bayley
Team Kick (Tegan Nox & Dakota Kai)
Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville
The A-LIST (Maryse & Taya Valkyrie)

Non-title match: TONI STORM vs. DAKOTA KAI ….Both of these women are well-liked by the fans …. KAI pushes TONI to the limit, nearly finishing her off after the KAI-O-PRACTOR …. TONI fires back and eventually wins a hard-fought battle after hitting Storm Zero ….


We get post-match comments from TONI, but she is interrupted as JESSICKA HAVOK’s music hits …. HAVOK comes out and menacingly stares down TONI before she heads into the ring …. TONI looks intimidated ….

JORDYNNE GRACE vs. JESSICKA HAVOK ….These two collide in a big hoss battle …. GRACE’s power is on full display, but HAVOK matches it …. There is a spot where HAVOK hits an air raid crash on GRACE on the ring apron, and after that it is pretty much all HAVOK …. HAVOK hits a massive chokeslam to pin GRACE and put her away ….


Up next, out comes SHAYNA BASZLER to the podium …. She says CHARLOTTE fucked up last week when she attacked her from behind …. She is no ones’ messenger, and she is going to snap CHARLOTTE’s arm so bad that RONDA ROUSEY will hear the noise it makes all the way back at her ranch in Riverside …. CHARLOTTE’s music hits, but BASZLER attacks her as she is coming through the curtain!  CHARLOTTE can’t even get her robe off as BASZLER hammers her with strikes and tosses her on top of the announce table!  She climbs onto the table and locks on an arm bar on top of the announce table!  EVOLVE officials come out and BASZLER eventually lets go, but CHARLOTTE is hurt …. The trainers need to check her out before clearing her for the match, so out comes ERIC BISCHOFF.  BISCHOFF says they will move the match to the main event to give the trainers time to evaluate whether CHARLOTTE can compete or not ….  

FIRE & DESIRE (Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville) vs. KABUKI WARRIORS (Asuka & Kairi Sane) ….This match was originally scheduled to be the main event if not for what happned in the previous segment …. It has been a while since the KABUKI WARRIORS have teamed in EVOLVE, and the announcers act like it is a big deal while also continuing to discuss the attack on CHARLOTTE …. FIRE & DESIRE appear to no longer be part of VALIFORNIA, as they come out without SOCAL VAL for this one …. Lots of good action here as FIRE & DESIRE look really good in getting the heat on SANE …. ASUKA eventually gets the hot tag and runs wild on everyone …. ASUKA hits the buzzsaw kick on MANDY, only to have SONYA break up the pin …. We then get SONYA and ASUKA squared off and they both show their MMA influence with tons of strikes and submission attempts …. SANE and MANDY rejoin the fray, and MANDY takes ASUKA out with the bicycle knee …. They set SANE up for the double knee strikes, but SANE avoids it and MANDY and SONYA hit their knees together …. SANE takes out DEVILLE with a spinning back-fist, and ASUKA follows up with a flying knee to MANDY …. She nails a Buzzsaw kick on SONYA, then SANE goes to the top and scores with the In-SANE elbow drop to SONYA for the win ….

As ASUKA and KAIRI celebrate, TESSA BLANCHARD comes out again and stares down ASUKA ....


SHAYNA BASZLER comes out again and says she took out CHARLOTTE and there isn’t going to be a main event …. CHARLOTTE comes out of nowhere and nails her from behind!!!!  Both women brawl around the podium, and CHARLOTTE is carrying her arm close to her side and selling the injury …. She tosses BASZLER into the ring and demands the ref ring the bell despite the fact that the trainers are telling her not to ….

CHARLOTTE FLAIR vs. SHAYNA BASZLER ….While CHARLOTTE is jawing with the trainers, BASZLER recovers and nails her from behind!  BASZLER keeps trying to go back to the arm, but CHARLOTTE fights her off each time …. CHARLOTTE gets the figure four around the ring post and hurts BASZLER’s knee, and now they are both handicapped in this fight …. It breaks down into a brawl, and CHARLOTTE hits a big boot that sends BASZLER to the floor …. She follows her outside and pulls the protective mat off the floor, exposing the concrete below …. She sets BASZLER for Natural Selection on the concrete, but someone is out of the back …. IT’S ….

EVOLVE WOMEN'S WRESTLING #10 0c258-16179860677245-800


Rousey goes right after the arm, slamming CHARLOTTE into the ring post and then locking on the arm bar!  The trainers pull ROUSEY off, but she turns her fury on them and starts beating the shit out of anyone that gets in her way.  The trainers back off and ROUSEY goes right back into the armbar!!!!  She refuses to let go!  The show goes off the air with CHARLOTTE still trapped in ROUSEY’s armbar ….

EVOLVE WOMEN'S WRESTLING #10 Ronda-rousey-becky-lynch-1161410-1280x0

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PostSubject: Re: EVOLVE WOMEN'S WRESTLING #10   EVOLVE WOMEN'S WRESTLING #10 EmptyFri May 07, 2021 2:51 pm

Now, now Tessa.....the line to Asuka starts behind Britt Baker

Good to see Kylie Rae winning

The A List have there name on everything here. Although I do like seeing Maryse being pushed

Toni needs to be at a higher leverl imo

Not sure that Fire and Desire will ever get above mid card in any fed

Dammitt Rousey!!!! You just know Charlotte isnt gonna take that very well

Cool show
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Johnny Rose

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PostSubject: Re: EVOLVE WOMEN'S WRESTLING #10   EVOLVE WOMEN'S WRESTLING #10 EmptySat May 08, 2021 11:13 am

I left feedback for this show and it go deleted by something I did . I’ll touch on two main points .

I’m hoping you can win me over with Tessa .

Would like to see Sasha and Baylee form a original new faction at some point here .

Interesting . I like our world champ in a tag match . Good use of her .

Fucking Rhonda !

Great show
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