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 Progress presents: The UWF 10th Anniversary Show

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress presents: The UWF 10th Anniversary Show Empty
PostSubject: Progress presents: The UWF 10th Anniversary Show   Progress presents: The UWF 10th Anniversary Show EmptyMon Jul 06, 2020 3:04 pm

Progress presents: The UWF 10th Anniversary Show Progress_strong_style_pro_wrestling_logo_by_nuruddinayobwwe-dbceh2i
Progress presents: The UWF 10th Anniversary Show Latest?cb=20091005052914

.... PRESENTS ....

Progress presents: The UWF 10th Anniversary Show Blue-10-Year-Logo


LOCATION: Atlanta, Georgia
ARENA: Phillips Arena
ANNOUNCERS: Mauro Renallo, Renee Young & Pat McAfee

The fans are WIRED in the Phillips Arena in Atlanta .... Progress US and U.K. General Managers MVP and Johnny Saint are in the ring and MVP asks ‘Atlanta, did you miss us?’  MVP talks about the evolution of Progress and how it actually started as SSW, one of the founding companies of the UWF, and they are proud to carry on that legacy .... but tonight is not about Progress, it’s about the entire UWF as we celebrate the company’s 10th Anniversary!

‘HERE COMES THE MONAAAAAAAY .... HERE COMES THE MONEY ...’ out comes Shane McMahon!!!!  HUGE pop for Shane as he comes out and takes the mic, and then introduces RWA commissioner Nicholas De Vannes!  The founding fathers of the UWF are in the ring together for the first time in 10 years .... They shake hands and then look over the crowd as a massive "UWF" chant fills the arena .... they both look around and nod their approval and urge the fans to cheer even louder!

Shane - ‘What’s up Atlanta!  Wow, it’s crazy to look out here and see how far this place has come .... because you know that Progress is always gonna be the house that Shane O Mac built!  But 10 years ago, we built a bigger house .... and we built it together .... And all I have been thinking this week has been about that time a bit over 10 years ago. I'm not talking about when the UWF started, I mean the time before that.  All that time I spent on the phone with this man right here talking about the future of this business.  Without getting into all the politics of the situation, the NWA was in the midst of being taken over by a coup from a regime that thought they were above reproach.  They thought they were the ones that made all the rules and held all the cards and when we called them out on it, we were told it was their way or the highway.  Outcomes weren’t determined in the ring, they were determined behind the curtain.  But that’s not how WE do things.’

** hands the mic to Nicholas De Vannes **

De Vannes - ‘Thanks Shane.  People that know this story know that I was at the center of it publicly.  What happened was very personal to me, because it involved one of ‘my’ guys, and that was my friend Maxx Payne.  Maxx Payne never worked for anyone but me, and for the people that had the pleasure of knowing Maxx Payne, they know he was a tough SOB and he worked hard and deserved everything he got.  Well, these ... people ... thought Maxx Payne was ‘unbelievable’ as a world champion.  So I was told in an email that they were ‘taking’ the title from him.  In addition, I was informed the other world champions would also be stripped.  I was told they were doing it ‘because they could’.  After spending days trying to figure out what to do, I called this man Shane McMahon.  And after a lot of late night conversations and a lot of sleepless nights, together we made the decision to leave.  To us, it didn’t matter if it was just our 2 companies or every company, we took the step to start something new.  SSW and RWA started the fire, and that fire spread when others made the decision to leave with us.  And the last thing I did was walk into the NWA board office and tell them we were leaving and threw all the NWA belts on the new board's meeting table.‘

SHANE - ‘We May have been the first, but we weren’t alone. I want to personally thank Paul Heyman, Max Andrews, Vince McMahon, Johnny Rose, Bill Watts, and all the other promoters who joined in to create what has become the most popular wrestling organization on the planet, the Universal Wrestling Federation!  The fire indeed spread.  And with the help and hard work of the most talented promoters and wrestlers in history, the UWF has become the global phenomenon that it is today.’

** A big ‘THANK YOU BOTH!  THANK YOU BOTH!’ chant breaks out along with a ‘U-W-F!  U-W-F!  U-W-F!’ chant and we get dueling chants **

DE VANNES - ‘The last 10 years have been nothing short of amazing. And you can bet the next ten years are gonna kick all kinds of ass. Thank you all for coming and enjoy the show!’

Shane and De Vannes shake hands again as we go ringside to tonight’s announce team of Mauro Renallo & Renee Young.  They take their turn to wish the UWF a ‘Happy Birthday’ and they talk about how Progress was built on the foundation that SSW laid in the first days of the UWF’s inception .... they are proud to be a part of the continuation of that legacy ....

Match 1:
Kushida (SCWE)
- vs -
Prince Puma (CWX)

.... Both men enter the ring to nice ovations. They shake hands and the bell sounds. Puma immediately sends out a roundhouse kick but Kushida easily evades it. They tie up and Kushida takes Puma down with an arm drag. They tie up again and Puma does the same. They nod then go in again. Puma does a standing switch into a waistlock. Kushida gets his arm in and separates the grip. He goes into a hammerlock. Puma reverses it. He tries for a hip toss but Kushida lands on his feet. Kushida goes for a Japanese Arm drag but Puma lands on his feet and and goes into a Tilt-A-Whirl headscissors. Scoop slam by Puma. Jumping Legdrop misses and Kushida lands a Soccer Kick right to the small of the back. He goes for the Buzzsaw Kick but Puma lays flat to avoid it. Kips up to his feet as they stand off and the crowd comes to their feet.

The match continues with both men really impressing with their athleticism. Puma catches Kushida with a Copter Bomb for a two count. Kushida hits a Handspring Back Elbow. Then later Puma tries it as well but Kushida kicks the arm out and Puma is in serious pain. He gets him in the Hoverboard Lock but Puma gets to the ropes. They wind up on the apron and Puma catches Kushida with a Frankensteiner sending him hard to the floor. Puma then hits a Asai Moonsault out on Kushida. Both men are down and we see Puma is still holding that elbow from earlier.

They find their way back to the ring. Both men are laying in chops to the other. Then Kushida dropkicks the leg out from Puma and nails the Cartwheel dropkick. He goes for the Back to the Future (Small package driver). But Puma escapes and hits a Spinning Wheel Kick. He has him.... Vertigo ( Spinning Michinoku Driver II)!!! 1.. 2.. NOOO!!!!! Kushida kicks out as Puma is still favoring the elbow. Puma goes up top for the 630 Senton... He nails it! But Kushida grabs him into another Hoverboard Lock! Puma is center ring and is crying out in pain. He is trying frantically to find the ropes but he can't get there. He taps!!!!! ....

**** VIDEO ****

We get comments from 2 participants in one of tonight’s most anticipated matches, Goldust and the Velveteen Dream ....

I have been around Hollywood long enough to know a star when I see one. But when a star burns so bright so quickly it usually burns out. How many child stars do you see rise to fame and fall so hard that they are all but forgotten years later? Almost all of them. The same principle applies to wrestling. Stars in wrestling who burn so bright, so early, always come crashing back to earth. There is one man I've been watching, one man I've been waiting to have the opportunity to send him crashing back down to earth. That man goes by the name Velveteen Dream. At the UWF anniversary show I will be presenting my grandest oscar winning performance when Shattered Dreams Productions presents 'Dream Shattered'. A story about how a flash in the pan met a living legend. A story about how a future star met THE star. A story about how a star that came crashing back down to earth. There is only one true star in this industry and they all remember his name as psshhhhhhttttt GOLDUST

The Velveteen Dream isn't just any star, he is THE Star.  I'm a super nova.  Goldust is a star in comparison as the twinkle twinkle little star type of star.  In movie terms I'm the lead and you are just a character actor.  Don't get me wrong you get consistent work, but you will never be who the people pay money to see.  At the Anniversary Show I'm supposed to experience shattered dreams? Well Cinderella a dream is a wish your heart makes and I plan on giving you a reality check.  What will happen is that Goldust will be proven to be nothing more than fool's gold, shiny and worthless.


(champions) War Machine (Hanson & Rowe) ~ PROGRESS
- vs -
‘Mr. Wonderful’ Paul Orndorff & ‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper ~ PCW
- vs -
Metal Pollution (Zack Ryder & Heath Slater) ~ PPW

.... Metal Pollution and Orndorff & Piper team up on War Machine as the match starts .... Piper & Orndorff double teams Hanson while Metal Pollution work over Rowe .... The champs are taken out momentarily and Piper & Orndorff attack Ryder & Slater .... Metal Pollution turn the tide with a double dropkick on Orndorff and then a flapjack on Piper .... War Machine returns to the ring and starts wrecking Ryder and Slater, then turn their attention to Piper & Orndorff and start hitting power moves .... Hanson and Rowe pick Piper & Orndorff up and lawn dart them into each other!!!!  Ryder pulls Rowe to the floor and tosses him into the ring steps .... Ryder and Slater put the boots to Rowe, and Piper joins in .... HANSON HITS A DIVE AND WIPES EVERYONE OUT!!!!

Hanson tosses Piper back in and he begs off, but Rowe joins him and they hit Thors Hammer! .... 1 ... 2 ... Orndorff breaks up the pin!  Rowe is tossed and they work double teams on Hanson .... they set for the spike Piledriver, but Ryder breaks it up!  Hanson takes Orndorff out with the Spin Kick of Doom!!!!  Ryder and Slater climb up and hit a double-team superplex on Piper!!!!  Rowe is back in and War Machine hits Thor’s Hammer on Orndorff for the 1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!

Roddy Piper & Paul Orndorff are eliminated

Metal Pollution and War Machine are face to face again, and it’s quickly crazy fists from all 4 guys .... the action spills outside, and Rowe drills Slater with an explorer on the floor!  War Machine hit their double teams on Ryder but he keeps kicking out!!!!  They set Ryder up for Fallout, but Slater is back up and crotches Hanson on the top rope!  Superkick to Rowe, who goes to one knee .... Another superkick to Rowe and Slater hits Millers Crossing!  Slater picks Ryder up and kind of fires him up, and MP hit V1 (chop block + flying leg lariat)!  1 ... 2 ... Hanson is in to make the save!  Now Metal Pollution double-team Hanson, but he fights off the V2876 and cartwheels out of trouble .... DOUBLE LARIAT TAKES THEM BOTH OUT!  Ryder and Slater are in opposite corners and Hanson starts hitting the endless clotheslines!  Slater cuts him off with a superkick .... V2876!!!!  1 ... 2 ... Rowe breaks it up!!!!  Slater goes for a tornado DDT but Rowe power-blocks it and tosses through the air right into Ryder!  Ryder is taken out as Rowe KILLS Slater with the knee strike!  Hanson is back up and stacks Ryder and Slater up in Rowe’s arm for the double powerbomb/ front slam combo!  Ryder eats the Fallout for the 1 ... 2 ... 3 and the champs retain!!!! ....

Progress presents: The UWF 10th Anniversary Show Day1warmachine

Hanson and Rowe celebrate with the belts, but Sunshine comes down the isle fake clapping and draws the champs attention!  What is the manager of the former World tag champs Rock N Roll Empire doing here????  This is nothing more than a distraction as the former champs come out of the crowd behind them and attack!  Double dropkick takes out Hanson, then Sunshine produces a pair of handcuffs and they handcuff Hanson to the top rope!!!!  Morton and Gibson grab the UWF tag team title belts and Morton smashes Rowe in the head with it!  Rowe drops to one knee, then Gibson smashes him with the other UWF tag belt!  Rowe is busted open at this point, but somehow he stands up only to have Morton and Gibson hammer him with both belts simultaneously!  Morton drags Rowe to his feet and they hit a spike Piledriver, but then they hit a 2nd one!!!!  Hanson is powerless to do anything about it and he is cuffed to the ropes!!!!  The UWF tag belts are covered with Rowe’s blood, and Hanson is pulling on the handcuff so hard that his wrist is bleeding!!!!  Hanson breaks the handcuff and gets loose!!!!  He immediately covers his partner, but Morton and Gibson bail out as the damage has been done .... Morton and Gibson hold up the bloody title belts and show them off to Hanson, then they toss them at Hanson .... Morton and Gibson leave with Sunshine while trainers check on Rowe, but Hanson shoves them away .... he is the one that picks Rowe up and helps him to the back, but he’s in bad shape ....

**** PROMO ****

Alicia Atout is backstage with Eddie Kingston and she asks him about tonight’s TLC match for the UWF Junior Heavyweight title ....

KINGSTON: ‘Hayabusa, we go in this weird circle. This.... vicious circle. Where we come to these passings where we have the chance crush history. This rivalry, this battle this.... War.... This war that just won't end. It must... It has to soon or someone is going to get hurt... AND I FUCKING HOPE ITS YOU HAYABUSA! I'M SO FUCKING SICK OF YOU! IM SO FUCKING SICK OF THESE FUCKING RANKINGS! FENIX?! HASN'T BEATEN YOU! PARTY FUCKING MARTY? TOO BUSY FIGHTING OLD MEN! LIGER..... DO NOT FUCKING GET ME STARTED ON LIGER! HAYA FUCKING BUSA! WE ARE YOUR ONLY REAL COMPETITION!  Tonight it’s TLC .... by there ain’t gonna be no TLC for you .... Tonight it’s Tables, it’s Ladders, it’s Chairs!!!!  Hahaha .... And tonight Busa, tonight Super Dragon becomes the 2 time Junior Heavyweight Champion!!!!

(DAW) Cataclysm (Christina Von Eerie & Shotzi Blackheart)
- vs -
(WOW) Hell-o-Ween Sisters (Hollidead & Sage Sin Supreme)

.... Christina Von Eerie and Holidead start off the match for their respective teams. Von Eerie offers up a handshake to Von Eerie. Holidead thinks better of it and refuses the handshake. Von Eerie takes offense to this and spits in the face of Holidead. Holidead begins to give a maniacal laugh before forearming Von Eerie in the face. She unloads another and another until Von Eerie retreats into her team corner and tags in Shotzi Blackheart. Blackheart quickly climbs the turnbuckles and dives off with a double axe handle attack, but Holidead catches her by the throat! Blackheart tries to escape with an elbow. Holidead ducks and sends her into the ropes. Holidead runs to the opposite side of the ropes, but Von Eerie pulls down the top rope and Holidead takes a tumble to the floor. Sage Sin Supreme is mad about this and tries to enter the ring, but the referee is quick to stop her. During this distraction Von Eerie, Blackheart, and Ruby Riot are all outside the ring putting the boots to Holidead before slamming her into the ring steps and then finally rolling her back into the ring.

Shotzi Blackheart with a running senton. Upon impact she crosses her arms, bridges up into a cocky pin and sticks her tongue out at Sage Sin Supreme. 1...2...Holidead kicks out with authority. Thanks to damage done by the 3-on-1 mugging earlier, Cataclysm continue to cut off the ring and wear down Holidead with some dirty tactics and frequent tags. Holidead almost gets a hot tag at one point, but Ruby Riot pulls Sage Sin Supreme off the apron. The referee isn't having it; he ejects Ruby Riot from ringside! Riot is screaming at the referee. Shotzi Blackheart and Christina Von Eerie begin to yell at the referee as well and he threatens them with a disqualification. They finally back off and Ruby Riot begrudgingly leaves ringside.

Shotzi Blackheart turns her attention back to Holidead, but doesn't realize that Holidead has had time to recover due to their arguing with the referee. Holidead hits a vicious spinebuster on Shotzi Blackheart. Hot tag to Sage Sin Supreme. Supreme forearms Blackheart in the face. Von Eerie enters the ring and runs at Supreme, but gets sent face first into the mat with a drop toe-hold. Supreme sends Blackheart into the corner hard and Blackheart immediately slumps down into a seated position. Supreme hits a brutal running hip attack and covers. 1...2...Blackheart is able to grab the ropes. Supreme tries for the Code Sin (Code Red), but Shotzi rolls under and tags in Von Eerie.

Von Eerie spears Sage Sin Supreme into the turnbuckles and holds her there. Shotzi Blackheart uses this opportunity to step off the back of Von Eerie and knees Supreme in the face. Supreme slumps down in the corner and Blackheart barrels into her with a cannonball. Von Eerie covers 1...2...kickout by Supreme. Von Eerie tags Shotzi back in and Cataclysm hit their finisher the Die, Die My Darling! (Wheelbarrow Facebuster/Pedigree). Shotzi makes the pinfall. 1...2...Holidead makes the save! Von Eerie and Blackheart start attacking Holidead now. Von Eerie drags her onto the ring apron and looks like shes going to hit her with the Graveyard Smash (Pedigree) onto the ring apron, but Holidead counters with a backdrop to the floor! Blackheart throws a punch at Holidead, but Holidead avoids it and gives Blackheart a stungun on the ropes. Sage is crawling towards her partner, she dives and makes the tag to Holidead!

Holidead hits a bicycle kick and Shotzi Blackheart is down. Holidead uses this opportunity to extract some revenge on Blackheart. She hits her with a pumphandle slam. She then lifts her onto the ropes and drills her into the mat with a draping DDT! Holidead grabs a fistful of Blackhearts bright green hair and drags her back to her feet. She has a crazed smile on her face and holds her dazed opponent for a moment before finally hitting her with the Darkness Falls (Angel's Wings) on Blackhearts. Holidead makes the pinfall attempt. Christina Von Eerie tries to break it up, but Sage Sin Supreme hits her with the Code Sin (Code Red). The ref counts. 1...2...3! ....


We get a video package for UWF World Heavyweight Champion Adam Cole .... It shows how Cole made UWF history by winning world titles as a Junior Heavyweight and then a Heavyweight ....

Up next is the UWF Junior Heavyweight Match .... ** We get a highlight package of the feud between Super Dragon & Hayabusa that has been on and off throughout the UWF’s history ** .... Both men when walking down to the ring take their time, paying attention to the placement of the weapons and furniture everywhere that may come into play during this match. Super Dragon stops on his way out staring at Hayabusa and the title high above him. Super Dragon enters the ring and the announcer begins the announcements.

(champion) Hayabusa (RWA)
- vs -
Super Dragon (PPW)

.... Both men show great respect to each other at the beginning of the match, they separate cleanly and circle. They lock up and have a clean display of wrestling to start it off. They switch wrist locks, getting out very athletically using the ropes to do flips and wrist lock throws. Super Dragon takes first advantage when Hayabusa hand stands out of a leg scissors he bumps him down onto his head.  SD picks him up and whips him into the ropes, big overhead belly to belly on the champion. SD picks him up and whips him into the corner and hits a vicious clothesline, he falls down onto his ass and he hits a somersault senton into the corner crushing him. He picks him up and goes for the Bucklebomb but the freakishly athletic Hayabusa lands on the second rope, he jumps over SD, rolls for space and gets blown up by a SD clothesline.

SD picks him up and chops the fuck out of him, Hayabusa responds with one of his own. They have a massive chop off in the middle of the ring, sweat spraying off the chest of Hayabusa after every SD chop. Hayabusa blocks a chop and stuns SD with a roundhouse kick, Springboard Roundhouse kick knocking SD down hard.  Busa picks up SD and whips him into the corner, he hits a spinning back kick and snakes his way through the ropes only a Luchador like Hayabusa could do, springboard missile dropkick to the face of SD has him down. He climbs the top and comes off with a moonsault but Super Dragon rolls, Hayabusa keeps backflipping with him across the ring as SD rolls, they get to the corner and Busa front handsprings away, Super Dragon flips to his feet and they have a face off and the crowd goes fucking batshit.  Both men mid stare down hear Eddie ‘THE BELT IS IN THE FUCKING AIR JACKASSES!’ Busa makes the mistake of looking over his shoulder at him and Super Dragon decks him as he looks back. SD whips him into the corner and crushes him with a dropkick to the face. He slides outside and starts throwing chairs into the ring. He motions to Eddie Kingston who yells to the crowd ‘WELL YOU FUCKS, THROW SOME FUCKING CHAIRS!’ and the crowd is more than happy to oblige!

Hayabusa tries to stand but a chair decks him in the face, he goes down in a absolute shower of chairs. The ring looks more like a horrible stocking room in a Vegas catering hall than a wrestling ring at this point as the World Champion is covered in chairs. Super Dragon climbs the turnbuckle and looks for the champion covered in chairs and delivers a flying stomp to the pile.  He pulls the champion out of the pile, chairs pouring out to the ring side as the men move making space, Super Dragon kicks his way freeing space to walk to the corners. Super Dragon chops the shit out of Hayabusa and puts him on his knees and lodges a chair in between the ropes, he makes some running room and comes in with a knee but Hayabusa slides out and SD crashes into it painfully knee first.

Even though he doesn’t make a sound you can tell by his movements that he is in great pain clutching his knee. Hayabusa picks up SD and hits a Michinoku Driver on a pile of chairs, he clears an area and goes outside to grab a ladder. He sets it in the ring and pushes it forwards. SD comes at him for a apron spear but Hayabusa jumps and leg drops his head onto the apron. He pushes SD outside the ring and sets up the ladder.  Hayabusa is working his way up the ladder slowly, Eddie Kingston gets on the apron and starts yelling at him when Tojo gets up on the other side. Eddie begins yelling at Tojo ‘YOU GET YOUR STUPID FUCKING HAT WEARING ASS OUTTA HERE OR SO HELP ME GOD ILL FUCKING MURDER YOU!’ Tojo responds ‘You don’t talk to me that way insignificant cur!’ Hayabusa takes too long watching the managers yell at each other and doesn’t see Super Dragon on the other side.  SD gets in and climbs up behind him and hits a Ladder Spider Suplex! He holds on and begins climbing up, this time Tojo is up and begins coming into the ring, Eddie Kingston flips the fuck out and meets him in the ring and starts beating the fuck out of him. Tojo responds by breaking the cane over his head, he rebounds off the ropes but Kingston hits a Mad King’s Tyranny (Uranage).

Progress presents: The UWF 10th Anniversary Show Giphy

SD is a smart ass and is clapping for Kingston driving the other manager to the ground, Hayabusa springboards in and dropkicks SD off the ladder onto Kingston knocking him out of the ring. Busa has SD up and crushes him with a Falcon Arrow onto a chair, he knows this wont be enough and he immediately slides out of the ring and grabs a table. He slides it in and grabs a second table!  Busa begins setting them up Double High like in their Hell In a Cell match. He pulls Super Dragon up to his feet and whips him into the other side corner, he goes for another Spinning Heel Kick in the corner but Super Dragon catches him with a Uranage out of the corner. He jumps up to the second turnbuckle and double stomps Busa’s face into a chair that is laying around.  Super Dragon picks him up and Powerbombs him into the Ladder and then rolls back into the STF just cranking away. Hayabusa taps out after a solid 30 seconds of fighting the pain but it doesn’t matter as you can only win by grabbing the belt. Dragon lets go after Hayabusa is motionless and begins climbing the ladder.

He is moving slowly as it is deep into the match and both men are injured from the insanity. Dragon gets a hold of the belt but Hayabusa grabs his leg, he begins trying to kick him off but Busa is hiding under the ladder holding him in place. Dragon is forced to climb down and fight Hayabusa. He picks him up and whips him into the corner and begins the Violence Party!  

Progress presents: The UWF 10th Anniversary Show Giphy

Super Dragon begins climbing the ropes again but when he begins touching the belt again Hayabusa is up trying to push the ladder over from the bottom. Busa shows off why he is world champion bench pressing it from underneath, displaying power some may be surprised by. (You should never be surprised by anything Hayabusa ever does) This crotches Super Dragon across the top rope.  Hayabusa hits a springboard side kick knocking Super Dragon out of the ring. Busa knows this wont keep Super Dragon down and he hits a Suicide Dive into Tornado DDT on the outside. He begins walking away but Super Dragon grabs onto his ankle and begins trying to pull himself up on him. Hayabusa stares down at his rival and pushes him off and hits a vicious knee lift strike, but that doesn’t even put him down.  Super Dragon is on his knees pulling himself forward by Hayabusa’s pants once again. Busa picks him up and whips him into the guard rail. He sets up a table on the outside and begins pulling Super Dragon up onto the apron. He hits a couple strikes and picks him up for a Falcon Arrow but Super Dragon knees him twice on the top of the head and lands inside the ring, quick rebound, Spear off the Apron through the table!

Kingston is checking on Super Dragon as Tojo has pulled himself together enough to check on his man. Super Dragon stands up first and begins pulling himself to the ring. Hayabusa slowly behind him. Dragon beelines right for the ladder and begins climbing it. Hayabusa behind him. They both climb to the top slowly and begin trading punches.  As they trade shots occasionally one man will teeter back but they pull themselves forward and throw another shot. Hayabusa blocks one and slams SD’s head off the top of the ladder, once, twice, into a third time. He climbs up pulls Super Dragon up higher, Falcon Arrow off the top of the ladder through the two tables!  Eddie Kingston is freaking the fuck out at what happened in the ring as Hayabusa begins pulling himself up the ladder. Kingston is pounding on the apron as Hayabusa climbs up. He is about to grab the title as SD stands… He has his hands on the title…. Springboard Spear out of nowhere by Super Dragon takes him all the way down hard!

There is an absolute wreckage in the ring as broken tables lie everywhere, chairs dented and crushed spilling out of the ring, with a lonely ladder standing in he middle. Super Dragon changes this bringing in a second ladder. He sets it up through the first ladder and the ropes, moving the ladder out of title trajectory to cause more pain to his most hated long-time rival.  SD Superkicks the fuck out of Hayabusa and climbs up the apparatus he has created with the ladders, he pulls Busa up by his mask and goes to Powerbomb him not through it but off of it to the ringside! Busa fights him off and hits a cutter onto the construction. This doesn’t break it entirely but now SD is laying across the structure. Busa climbs up the ladder, Phoenix Splash to SD destroying the ladder underneath him!  

Progress presents: The UWF 10th Anniversary Show Giphy

Busa finally stands and begins climbing the ladder. He grabs the title and begins fighting with it, SD throws a chair at him stunning him momentarily. He grabs another chair and just smashes Busa on the back with it. He pull’s him off the ladder into a Psycho Driver position, he takes a few steps to find a chair to drop him on but Busa slips from behind and hits a Edge-O-Matic.

Busa goes into the corner and sets up a chair table using six chairs still lying in the ring. He picks up Super Dragon and goes for a running powerbomb onto the chairs but SD hurricanrana’s him off to the side of it. He picks him up and blasts him with a few knee strikes and then does a running Powerbomb to Hayabusa onto the chair construction!  Super Dragon is now up and he has his hands on the belt, he is fighting with it but Hayabusa begins climbing the ladder somehow. Busa punches him in the stomach until he comes down to his level and smacks his head off the top of the ladder. They are now both at the top reaching, they have their hands on it… THE BELT IS FREE! Both men are fighting over it with one hand on it.  The motion on top shakes the ladder and it falls out from underneath them sending both men outside. The camera loses sight of the title as Camera-men run to check. Both men are curled up in pain from crushing to the floor…… HAYABUSA HAS RETAINED THE WORLD TITLE! ....

What an amazing match!  Trainers and Emergency medical staff rush to the ringside area and tend to both men .... they get a standing ovation .... as they are being tended to we go to another video package ....


We get a promo featuring some of the greatest UWF champions in history, including ....

~~~ AJ Styles, Eddie Guerrero and Adam Cole capturing singles titles in multiple weight classes

~~~ The Rock N Roll Empire being the only 3-time UWF tag team champions

~~~ The Riot Squad and The Shield dominating the UWF 6 man division ....

~~~ Finn Balor being the longest reigning Junior Heavyweight champion of all time

~~~ The dominant heavyweight title run of Tully Blanchard, including an unprecedented 3 straight Wrestlemania main events ....

~~~ Awesome Kong being the most dominant Women’s Champion of all time ....

~~~ FLOW becoming the first women’s tag team champions ....

Back to live action the debris and carnage has been cleaned up around the ring.  The crowd is still trying to catch their breath as it’s time for our next match ....

Cutie Pie Club (Kiera Hogan & Raquel) ~ RSW
- vs -
Killer Death Machines (Jessicka Havok & Seleziya Sparxx) ~ AAW

.... The Desth Machines jump the Cutie Pies before the bell rings. Sparx military presses Raquel and throws her across the ring.  She follows with a standing moonsault.  Kiera catches Sparx with a backcracker out of the corner.  Havok hits rolling gutwrench suplexes on Kiera.  The Cutie Pies start double teaming Sparx. Havok intervenes with a german suplex on Kiera. Raquel launches Kiera into both Machines in the corner.  Then apply a double surfboard on Sparx and then trap Havok in a gory special.  The Machines respond with stereo german suplexes.  Everyone battles up top.  The Machines get knocked to the floor as Kiera catapults Raquel onto them.  In the ring, Sparx hits a fisherman buster on Kiera. Raquel connects with a flying double stomp to Sparx and takes out Havok with a dive.  The Cutie Pies hit a package double stomp combination on Sparx for a nearfall.  Havok reenters the ring with a double back suplex.  The Death Machines hit a doomsday knee strike on Raquel but Kiera breaks up the pin attempt. Sparx slams Kiera onto the apron with a death valley driver. Havok climbs up and is perched on the corner .....Sparx hoists Kiera up to Havok.....TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER FROM THE SECOND ROPE!! Cover, 1....2....3!! The Death Machines pick up the win! ....


We see highlights of the recent NOW! Show where Velveteen Dream defeated Eddie Guerrero to become the NEW Intercontinental champion .... Tonight’s match is a non-title match ....

Progress presents: The UWF 10th Anniversary Show WWE-Goldust-Velveteen-Dream.png

(UWF Intercontinental Champion) Velveteen Dream w/ Prince (PCW)
- vs -
Goldust w/ Marlena (APW)

.... The two start by trading right hands back and forth. VD gets the upperhand and whips Goldust into the ropes and hits a back body drop followed by two awesome dropkicks sending Goldust to the outside. VD then hits a diving body press to Goldust on the outside. Dream controls Goldust until he is caught with an inverted atomic drop and clothesline from Goldust. Goldust gives Velveteen a reverse suplex onto the ropes which hangs VD. Goldust then takes contol from there methodically working over the Dream and paying special attention to the neck.

Goldust goes for a suplex but Dream floats over and hits a hangman neck breaker. Dream then hits Goldust with a spin kick and starts to build some momentum from there. Dream hits Goldust with the spinning spike DDT which gets a two count. Dream hits Goldust with a spinebuster and goes up top looking for the Purple Rainmaker. Goldust moves at the last second and Dream crashes to the floor. Goldust sets Dream up in the ropes looking for Shattered Dreams. Prince jumps up on the apron but this does more harm than good as the ref is now distracted trying to get Prince down allowing for the illegal move. Goldust is giddy as he prances around like a school girl in excitement to hit the Shattered Dreams. Goldust nails Shattered Dreams and drags Dream to the middle of the ring and makes the cover. 1......2.....Kickout. Goldust picks up Dream and goes for the Curtain Call but VD floats over and lands on his feet. From here Dream nails the Dream Valley Driver (Rolling Death Valley Driver) and quickly scales back to the top rope. Dream comes off and nails the PURPLE RAINMAKER  1.......2.........3!!!! ....

Progress presents: The UWF 10th Anniversary Show Tenor


A video package shows on the big screen chronicling some of the best feuds in the UWF’s 10 year history ....

(Champion) Ruby Riott (DAW)
- vs -
Trish Stratus (NOW!)

.... Trish gets a nice ovation from the fans and she gives them a warm smile in return. Ruby couldn't care less what anyone in the audience thinks but she is not without fans here in Atlanta. Once she gets in the ring, Ruby goes right up to Trish and holds the Title up in her face. There is a lot of jawing back and forth. It looks like we could have a heated match tonight and the trash talking continues even after the bell rings, as the Champion and former Champion get nose to nose. Ruby pretends to throw a sucker punch but Trish stands her ground. Ruby laughs it off and throws her hands up. You get the sense that Ruby isn't taking this match very seriously as she turns away from Trish to yell something at some ringside fans. She turns back and CHICK KICK! OH MY GOD! RUBY IS DOWN! NEW CHAMPION?!?! NOOOO!!! Ruby gets a shoulder up but that was a DEEEEEEEEP 2 count that brought the fans to their feet. Ruby takes a powder and as she locks eyes with the challenger Trish indicates that she was "that close" to becoming a two-time World Champion.

Trish holds the ropes open but the Champion has the referee back her away before Ruby finally gets back in the ring. Trish looks for a collar and elbow but Ruby punches her right in the face instead. Ruby grabs a side head lock but it's just a conduit for other forms of violence. Trish eats a couple more punches to the face and then Ruby grinds her forearm across Trish's nose. Riot snaps off a German suplex and then transitions into a basement dropkick just as Trish began to rise from the mat. Cover and a 2 count but it seemed like Ruby just wanted to grind her forearm into Trish's face again and the cover was just a formality. In case there was any doubt, Ruby shows she is dominating the match with a long, long delayed suplex. Ruby climbs to the top and hits a cannonball senton for another 2 count.

The Champion starts taunting Trish, calling her 'Barbie' and telling her to get up. Trish hits a punch to the gut, and then another but Ruby cuts off any comeback with a knee to gut and then a step up enzuigiri for a 2 count. Ruby must be getting frustrated because she starts arguing with the referee, telling him to count faster. You can't turn your back on a former World Champion and Trish uses this brief lack of focus to get back in the match, rocking Ruby with hard forearms and chops. She backs Riot into the corner, hits a knife edge chop, and then licks her hand before hitting another one. Trish whips Ruby across to the buckles but Riot pops up and catches Stratus with a head scissors, probably looking for the Deadly Night Shade but Trish has it scouted and she pulls Ruby away from the ropes and she crashes face first into the canvas.

The fans are feeling it as Trish pulls Ruby up and signals for the Stratusfaction. She steps toward the ropes but now it is Ruby's turn to show that scouting pays off and she counters with the Riot Kick! That's gotta be all but NOOOOO!! Trish kicks out at 2! Ruby is shocked! She tells the ref it was 3 but he says no. Ruby pulls Trish to her feet and then hits another Riot Kick! It's definitely academic now and NOOOOO!!! Trish kicks out AGAIN! Ruby's shock quickly turns to rage this time and she is right in the referee's face. Ruby is seething as she sees Trish beginning to stir. She gets to her hands and knees and Ruby comes running in and there are audible gasps from the audience as the Champion hits a sick punt to the side of the head! The referee is clearly taken aback and even Ruby seems to hesitate for a moment before going for the cover. There is a little bit of booing as 1 ... 2 ... 3 is mercifully made.

The ringside physician is in the ring immediately as the referee hands the World Title belt back to Ruby. She looks first at the belt, then back at Trish, and finally lifts the Title into the air ....


The final video package of the night is the biggest one, and it is the top 10 moments in the 10 year history of the UWF ....

10. Finn Bálor breaks Jushin ‘Thunder’ Ligers record for longest reigning Junior Heavyweight champion

9. The NWA, led by Ander Wood, returns to invade RWA

8. Riot Squad become unprecedented 4-time UWF 6 man tag team champions

7. Beth Phoenix/ Awesome Kong feud rages over 4 different promotions over the UWF’s entire 10 year history

6. Adam Cole winning world title in 2 different weight classes

5. The CM Punk/ Tully Blanchard feud that took place in the ring and behind the scenes, including a controversial confrontation between the 2 in Chicago’s O’Hare airport that captured national headlines .... Blanchard would defeat Punk in the main event at Wrestlemania V to retain the world title ....

4. Chris Jericho’s controversial rise to the top of the UWF blurred the lines of storyline and real life .... Jericho and Tully Blanchard went an incredible 90 minutes at Wrestlemania III in a feat that has yet to be duplicated .... Even though Jericho would eventually capture the UWF title from Buzz Sawyer, he would subsequently throw the belt down ala Shane Douglas in a move that nearly bankrupted the UWF’s oldest running promotion ....

3. The UWF presents the very first Wrestlemania show from Lucas Oil Field in Indianapolis, Indiana hosted by BTPW .... featured on the show is Awesome Kong winning a battle royal to become the first Women’s Champion and the Skyscrapers def. The Hardyz to become the first UWF tag team champions ....

2. Maxx Payne defeats Gorgeous George in the main event of Wrestlemania I to be crowned the first UWF world heavyweight champion

1. Owners from RWA and SSW join to form the UWF, beginning the mass exodus of promotions to leave the NWA and create the Universal Wrestling Federation .... and the rest is history ....

(champion) Adam Cole w/ Lauren & Bad Luck Fale (XWA)
- vs -
Drew McIntyre (PROGRESS UK)

.... McIntyre overpowers Cole every way possible to start the match .... Cole draws the ref in and allows Fale to get a cheap shot in .... Cole tries to take advantage but Drew battles back by catching Cole off the ropes with an overhead belly to belly toss .... Cole eats a couple of lariats from Drew, and he sets early for the Claymore but this time Lauren distracts him allowing Cole to score with a chop block .... Cole takes over now, working the leg but stopping briefly to let out an ‘ADAM COLE BAY BAY!’  Drew fights back, but Cole attacks the knee again and then locks on a figure four!!!!  McIntyre fights against the hold, but he’s in it for a while before making the ropes .... He grabs the ropes but Cole won’t release!  Instead, McIntyre pulls them under the bottom rope and they both crash to the floor and that finally breaks it ....

The ref starts the count, and Cole slides back in at 5 and is content to win by count out .... Drew is having a hard time standing but beats the count in at 9!  Cole continues the attack, but McIntyre kicks him off and he goes between the buckles and smacks the ring post .... both men are down!  They both slowly get up and trade right hands, but McIntyre scores with the Glasgow Kiss!  Cole goes down like a ton of bricks and McIntyre drops to one knee, but then McIntyre somehow manages to deadlift Cole off the mat into a sit-out powerbomb!  1 ... 2 ... Cole kicks out!!!!  McIntyre follows it up with a SUPER CELTIC CROSS FROM THE TOP!!!!  1 ... 2 ... Laura reaches in and puts Coles foot on the bottom rope just before the 3 count!!!!  McIntyres attention is diverted allowing Cole to hit a superkick to the knee and then he nails a Shining Wizard!  Cole pulls down the knee pad .... HE HITS THE SILENCER (Brainbuster knee strike)!  1 ... 2 ... McIntyre kicks out!!!!

Cole tunes up the band for a superkick, but McIntyre catches his foot!  FUTURE SHOCK DDT!  1 ... 2 ...  Nooooooo!!!!  McIntyre slowly drags Cole to his feet .... SUPERKICK OUT OF NOWHERE BY COLE BUT HE MISSES AND TAKES OUT THE REF INSTEAD!  Claymore by McIntyre!!!!  McIntyre covers and the fans are counting 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... there is no ref!  Here come another ref from the back and he counts 1 ... 2 ... THE REF IS PULLED OUT BY FALE!!!!  McIntyre hits a dive to the outside to take out Fale!  McIntyre slowly crawls back in, but Cole is still down .... McIntyre crouches and waits .... A 2ND CLAYMORE KO’s COLE!!!!  1 ... 2 ... THE LIGHTS GO OUT!!!!  

The lights are off for what seems like an eternity, and when they come back on, a dark figure is in the ring ....

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.... IT’S JAY WHITE!!!!  White grabs a confused McIntyre .... BLADE RUNNER!!!!  

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What the hell just happened????  White picks up Adam Cole and lays him on top of McIntyre .... he leaves the ring and then tosses the ref back inside .... the ref counts 1 ... 2 ... 3!

Cole is out of it and barely even knows what happened .... Fale helps Cole up, and White is standing in the ring across from them .... Cole smiles at White and gives him the ‘2 Sweet’ hand gesture and White returns the gesture .... Cole, White and Fale stand tall with Cole holding up the UWF world title to end the show ....

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