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 Progress TAKEOVER: Atlanta

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress TAKEOVER: Atlanta Empty
PostSubject: Progress TAKEOVER: Atlanta   Progress TAKEOVER: Atlanta EmptyMon Jul 06, 2020 3:03 pm

Progress TAKEOVER: Atlanta Progress-wrestling

Progress TAKEOVER: Atlanta Jztw1v

Progress TAKEOVER: Atlanta 00


Broadcast LIVE on Twitch

LOCATION: Duluth, Georgia
ARENA: Infinite Energy Arena
ANNOUNCERS: Mauro Renallo & Renee Young

NOTE: *** This is a smaller arena show that is a lead-in to the UWF 10th Anniversary show .... the production value is smaller, less like a TV show and more like a house show .... Mauro Renallo and Renee Young provide commentary for the broadcast live on the Progress Twitch channel ***

Match 1: TAG TEAM BATTLE ROYAL (winner gets a Progress tag team title shot)

Mustache Mountain (Tyler Bate & Trent Seven)
- vs -
The USO’s (Jimmy & Jey)
- vs -
The Briscoes (Jay & Mark)
- vs -
Kings of Wrestling (Kassius Ohno & Antonio Cesaro)
- vs -
American Alpha (Chad Gable & Jason Jordan)
- vs -
Ringkampf (Fabian Aichner & Axel Dieter Jr.)

Once one member is eliminated, the whole team is eliminated .... when we are down to 2 teams it becomes a one fall match ....

We find out that the USO’s are out of the match, and they are replaced by a new team that will be introduced .... before that happens the bell rings and we get the standard brawling with all the participants .... Unfamiliar hip hop music hits and out comes THE STREET PROFITS!  They are the replacements for the USO’s!  They hit the ring a house of fire and they start taking it to the other teams .... Everyone just throwing fists .... Fabian Aichner is the first one tossed out by Cesaro, and Ringkampf is eliminated .... Tyler Bate shows off his strength, hitting a giant swing/ airplane spin simultaneously on Montez Ford and Chad Gable .... Jason Jordan tries to eliminate Bate, but Trent Seven grabs him and tosses him instead and American Alpha are eliminated!  Jordan and Gable come back in and attack Mustache Mountain, and they beat them down outside the ring!  They put Bate through a table with the Grand Amplitude!  

With Mustache Mountain taken out, it’s down to the Street Profits, Briscoes and Kings of Wrestling .... Cesaro takes out Dawkins with the Swiss Death, and they hit KRS-ONE on Mark Briscoe .... Ford comes in with a huricanrana but Cesaro turns it into a Powerbomb and tries to toss Ford over the top .... he reverses it into a head scissor at the last second and sends Cesaro outside!  It’s the Briscoes and Street Profits in the ring, but suddenly Tyler Bate and Trent Seven re-enter the ring .... they were never eliminated officially and now rejoin the fray ....

The Briscoes start to take control, but somehow Trent Seven is able to dump Mark and now the Briscoes are eliminated .... it’s down to the Street Profits vs. Mustache Mountain in a 1 fall match with the winners being #1 contender!  The Profits are the fresher team and they run wild, but can’t put MM away .... Dawkins with the spine buster on Bate followed by the 5 star frog splash from Ford, but Seven breaks up the pin .... Seven with the 7 Stars lariat to Dawkins, then Bate and Seven hit the Dragon Suplex, rebound lariat combo on Ford!  1 ... 2 ... Ford kicks out!!!!  They try for the Mustache Ride but Dawkins breaks it up .... Dawkins clotheslines Seven over the top rope and both men spill to the floor .... superkick by Ford to Bate, then a blockbuster gets 2!  Ford up top .... 5 STAR FROGSPLASH MEETS THE KNEES OF BATE!  Tyler Driver 97!!!!  1 ... 2 ... Dawkins breaks it up!!!!  Dawkins with the Sky High on Bate but he reverses it in mid-move into a huricanrana!  TYLER DRIVER ON DAWKINS!!!!  Seven is back in .... MUSTACHE RIDE!!!!  1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!  Mustache Mountain are the new #1 contenders!!!!

All 4 men shake hands after the match and Mustache Mountain get a great reaction .... the music of THE ONE% hits and Strong & O’Reilley come out on the stage and hold up the Progress tag team titles

Match 2: Singles Match
’The Villain’ Marty Scurll
- vs -
Juice Robinson

Juice has his hand wrapped up tonight from their previous match in Ireland and he attacks Scurll at the bell .... Juice is fired up to start and he pretty much beats the hell out of Scurll, but Scurll dumps him to the floor .... Scurll follows and hits a snap suplex into the barricade and then takes over working the hand/shoulder of Juice .... Juice battles back with rights, but Scurll with the graduation for a 2 count .... Scurll with a crossface and he stomps on the injured hand at the same time!  Juice fights to his feet and hits a spinebuster using the good arm .... They battle on the apron and Juice hits a swinging neck breaker from the apron to the floor below!  The count is on, but both guys manage to get up and beat the count in at 9 .... The crowd again tries to rally Juice, and he hits the cannonball for a 2 count .... Juice takes Scurll up top and lays in head butts .... BIG SUPER-PLEX!  1 ... 2 ... Nooooo!  Juice fires up, looks for Pulp Friction, but Scurll counters into the crossface chickenwing!  Juice counters by kicking off the ropes and rolling into a pin on Marty!  This is how he beat Marty in Ireland!  1 ... 2 ... Marty releases the hold to avoid being pinned!  They both get back to their feet and Marty hits the ‘Just Kidding’ superkick .... BIRD OF PREY (cradle piledriver dropped into a DDT)!  1 ... Juice kicks out at 1!!!!  Scurll goes right into the chickenwing, but JUICE BITES THE FINGER OF SCURLL!!!!  LEFT HAND OF GOD!!!!  Juice falls on top ... 1 ... 2 ... 2.99999!!!!  The ref is pulled out of the ring!  The camera focuses on the person outside that did it, and IT’S ....

Progress TAKEOVER: Atlanta Images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcTaw28m8heFQq41tudhaB_qR7QUiAWpP7vpRZ2kqQpS9-5TcThB


Juice turns around, AND SCURLL KICKS HIM RIGHT BETWEEN THE LEGS!  The ref didn’t see it!  Marty with the crossface chickenwing again and this time Juice is trapped in the middle of the ring!  Scurll with the body scissors and kicks away at Juice while locking the hands .... Juice is trapped and has to tap out ....

Scurll locks eyes with Neville afterwards, and Neville just smiles wickedly at him .... there is a backstory there dating back to the days of Revpro .... Neville turns and walks to the back, leaving Scurll in the ring ....

Before the next match, Mauro and Renee welcome the debuting Paige Van Zant to ringside .... They discuss Van Zants MMA career and she is going to join the broadcast booth to give insight on the next match .... Shayna Baszlers music hits and interrupts Van Zant mid-sentence and she comes out flanked by Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke .... Baszler stomps down to the ring, and she walks around the side of the ring where Van Zant and the announcers are .... Van Zant is in her way and Baszler gets nose to nose with Van Zant and demands her to move so she can get to the ring .... Van Zant stands there for a long moment, then steps aside and lets Baszler enter ....

Match 3: Women’s Division Match
Charlotte Flair
- vs -
Shayna Baszler w/ Marina Shafir & Jessamyn Duke

Charlotte comes out and drops the robe in the isle and charges the ring .... Baszler catches her coming in and nails her with strikes, but Charlotte battles back with chops .... Baszler takes Charlotte down and goes for an armbar on the shoulder that has kept her out of action for months, but Charlotte blocks it and powers Baszler up into a power Bomb!  Charlotte traps Baszler in the corner and hits a ton of chops .... Baszler to the floor and Charlotte follows but Shafir and Duke block Charlotte from getting to Baszler .... this allows Baszler to get a cheap shot in on Charlotte, then she goes to the apron and drills Charlotte with a penalty kick!  Baszler punishes Charlotte with strikes, then sets Charlotte up for her arm stomp spot but Charlotte rolls away .... Baszler continues the attack but Charlotte hits a spear out of nowhere!!!!  Both ladies are down .... Charlotte fires up, but Baszler hits a gutwrench suplex to stop all that .... Baszler locks on the kirafuda clutch, but Charlotte kicks off and rolls backward into a pin (Bret Hart style)!  1 ... 2 ... Baszler has to let go to avoid being pinned!  Charlotte knocks Baszler outside with the big boot, but Shafir and Duke again get in the way .... Charlotte all the way to the top and wipes them out with a sky-twister press!!!!  Baszler takes advantage and shoves Charlotte from behind into the ring post!  She grabs Charlotte and TOSSES HER OVER THE TABLE ONTO VAN ZANT!!!!  Van Zant stands up and she’s PISSED!  Baszler tosses Charlotte back in but Van Zant goes after her only to be restrained by the ref!  Baszler is distracted and Charlotte rolls her up from behind!  1 ... 2 ... 3!!!! ....

Charlotte rolls to the floor as Duke and Shafir hit the ring and go after her!  Charlotte smiles as she backs up the ramp, while Baszler goes after Van Zant at ringside!!!!  Officials are out and they keep the 2 women apart but Baszler is trying to KILL Van Zant!

(Champion) AJ Styles
- vs -
Austin Aries

Styles charges as the bell rings and we get crazy fists between the 2 to start!  Styles gets the better of it and Aries gets sent to the floor to take a powder .... AJ holds the ropes open and invites Aries back in to get some more of this ass whoopin .... Aries gets a mic and says anyone can throw hands but he is the Greatest Man That Ever Lived and he is the best pro wrestler in Progress .... he challenges AJ to see who the best wrestler is ....

From here we get a solid back and forth wrestling match .... eventually it breaks down as Aries uses his dirty tactics to gain the advantage on AJ .... Aries to the top but AJ dropkicks him off to the floor and then hits the phenomenal forearm over the top to the floor!  Styles runs into a back elbow, then Aries comes back with the discus 5-arm to take out AJ .... Aries charges but AJ back drops him to the apron, but Aries hits a hangman neckbreaker using the top rope!  Aries scores with a missile dropkick for a close 2 count .... Aries goes for the shotgun drop kick but AJ counters into the calf killer!  Aries grabs AJ’s head and slams it into the mat to break the hold, then turns it into the Last Chancery out of nowhere!  AJ battles out of the hold and turns it into the Bloody Sunday on Aries!  Cover ... 1 ... 2 ... Nooooo!

AJ goes for the springboard 450 but Aries gets the knees up!  Shotgun corner dropkick from Aries!  BRAINBUSTER!!!!  Aries can’t cover and instead goes to the top .... 450 SPLASH BUT AJ ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY!  AJ to the apron and goes for the Phenomenal Forearm but Aries shoves the ref into the ropes causing AJ to fall on the top rope!  HEAT SEEKING MISSILE TO THE OUTSIDE TAKES OUT AJ!  Aries hits hard too and both guys are down outside the ring .... the ref starts the 10 count, but both guys stir and barely beat the count back in at 9!!!!  Now we get crazy fists again, but AJ takes Aries out with the phenomenal blitz .... Aries rolls to the apron but AJ follows him out and he goes for the Styles Clash on the ring frame!!!!  Aries back bodydrops Styles off the ramp and onto the floor!!!!  AJ is hurt!  Aries slides back in the ring and goes for the heat seeking missile again but this time Styles sidesteps it and Aries crashes into the railing!!!!  Both men recover and roll back into the ring, and we get crazy fists yet again!  Styles hits a flurry of strikes but Aries stops him the discus 5 arm!  Desperation Pele kick by Styles out of nowhere and both men collapse in the ring!!!!  The ref starts his 5 count, and neither man is able to respond and get counted out!!!!

The match is ruled a draw, but that’s not good enough for AJ .... he gets on the mic and wants the match restarted .... Aries doesn’t look like he wants any part of that and throws his hands up to leave .... AJ chases him down and they fight in the isle, but AJ tosses him back in the ring and we keep going!  

AJ with the Phenomenal Blitz but Aries avoids it and gets a school boy right into the soccer kick to the head!  Aries goes for the Brainbuster but AJ gets breaks it with a knee to the head!  AJ takes out Aries legs and catapults him into the turnbuckle and Aries hits hard!  AJ picks him up and nails the Styles Clash!  1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!

AJ celebrates with the Atlas title as the broadcast ends ....
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