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 Progress World Cup Day 2

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress World Cup Day 2 Empty
PostSubject: Progress World Cup Day 2   Progress World Cup Day 2 EmptyMon Jul 06, 2020 2:52 pm

Progress World Cup Day 2 Hqdefault

.... PRESENTS ....

Progress World Cup Day 2 Latest?cb=20181121191118

LOCATION: Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
ARENA: Empress Ballroom
ANNOUNCERS: Mauro Renallo, Renee Young & Pat McAfee

Progress World Cup Day 2 Wweuk3

*** The ominous Hell in a Cell structure is hanging above the arena as we get started on Day 2 of the World Cup ***

*** THE STORY ***

We get a recap video setting up the women’s title match .... At ALL IN, Toni Storm continued her meteoric rise, defeating Lacey Evans in a battle
Of champions .... Following that victory, Toni surrendered her Shimmer Internet title and cashed it in for a shot at Evans’ Universal title .... Shayna Baszler interrupted the contract signing and interjected herself into the picture by signing the contract instead .... Torn between the worthy contender (Toni) and the signed contract (Baszler), MVP turned the match into a triple threat match much to the dismay of Evans ....

Universal Women’s Title Match:
(Champion) Lacey Evans (UNITED STATES)
~ vs ~
Toni Storm (AUSTRALIA)
~ vs ~
Shayna Baszler (UNITED STATES) w/ Marina Shafir & Jessamyn Duke

Storm and Baszler actually team up to beat down Evans, but eventually turn their attention to each other .... Baszler dominates a large portion of this match and it looks like she has the match in hand when out of the crowd comes ....

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.... CHARLOTTE FLAIR!!!!  Charlotte is back and she attacks Shafir and Duke outside the ring!  Baszler sees this and she and Charlotte have an intense staredown .... Baszler goes out to meet her and we get a hockey fight between Charlotte and Baszler!!!!  Charlotte gets the better, THEN SPEARS BASZLER THROUGH THE BARRICADE!!!!  Baszler has been taken out of the match!!!!  Storm and Evans are left in the ring and it looks like it’s Toni’s time as she hits the Storm Zero but Evans gets her hand on the ropes just before 3 .... Evans comes back with the Woman’s Right but Toni kicks out! .... Toni is out on her feet, but she strikes with a shoot headbutt out of nowhere and BOTH ladies are down!  Toni tries to pull herself up the ropes, but you can tell she’s still suffering the effects of the Woman’s Right and the headbutt .... she takes too long going to the top rope, and Evans is able to grab her and hit the Lady Lace Up!  1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!  Lacey Evans has retained!!!!

Evans celebrates after the HUGE win, but she makes the mistake of jawing with Charlotte, who is still at ringside .... Charlotte enters and lays Evans out with a big spear and then stands tall ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *


1. Buddy Murphy (AUSTRALIA) def. Antonio Cesaro (SWITZERLAND)

Insane back and forth match .... Really a starmaking performance for Murphy here, as he survives some of Cesaros signature moves .... Murphy uses the ref to avoid a move from Cesaro then, as he is using him as a shield, strikes with the bicycle knee and then hits the Murphy’s Law for the upset win!  Murphy is moving on to the semi-finals!

2. Aleister Black (NETHERLANDS) def. Owen Hart (CANADA)

This is the striking of Black against the mat wrestling of the Hart Dungeon .... Owen controls and grounds Black working on the knee .... Black survives the sharpshooter by making the ropes .... Black fires up with strikes but his knee is hurt, and Owen hits a tombstone for a 2 count .... Owen goes for the enziguri but Black ducks it, then hits the Black Mass out of nowhere!  He falls on top of Owen for the 3 count ....

4. Drew McIntyre (SCOTLAND) def. Nigel McGuiness (GREAT BRITAIN)

UK crowd is really behind McGuiness here .... Nigel totally outwrestles McIntyre to start but McIntyre strikes with high impact moves .... McIntyre hits an air raid crash on the apron that hurts Nigel’s shoulder .... Nigel tries to come back with the jawbreaker but McIntyre catches him and traps him in the Iron Maiden!  Nigel battles out of it and posts McIntyre, then locks on the London Dungeon!  Now it’s McIntyre’s turn to battle back .... he lands the Glasgow Kiss, but Nigel rebounds for the jawbreaker again but Mcintyre explodes with the Claymore kick!  He falls on top of McGuiness and gets the 3 count to advance ....

4. WALTER (AUSTRIA) def. Ricochet (USA)

Ricochet keeps the match at a rapid pace to avoid WALTER's chops .... WALTER responds by chopping Ricochet out of mid-air .... WALTER caves in Ricochets chest with a ripcord chop .... Ricochet uses a huricanrana to get out of the Golden Bomb, the gets two incredible near falls off a reverse rana and a 630 splash but WALTER kicks out!  WALTER comes back with a clothesline from hell but Ricochet kicks out at 1!!!!  WALTER with the Gojira Clutch but Ricochet rolls backward into a pin position and forces WALTER to release the hold .... WALTER catches Ricochet coming off the top and hits a Fire Thunder Driver but instead of going for the pin he locks the Gojira Clutch back on and Ricochet fades!  The ref checks the arms and calls for the bell when Ricochets arm drops 3 times ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

*** THE STORY ***

After his tag team partner Bobby Fish was injured during a match against War Machine, Kyle O’Reilley joined Roderick Strong & Austin Aries to form the ONE% .... O’Reilley and Strong would then go on to defeat War Machine to win the Progress tag team titles .... The feud didn’t end when War Machine captured the UWF world tag team titles, as the ONE% have now set their sights on taking another set of belts from War Machine ....

UWF World Tag Team Titles
(Champions) War Machine (Rowe & Hanson)
~ vs ~
(Progress tag team champions) The ONE% (Roderick Strong & Kyle O’Reilley)

War Machine is perfectly healthy this time, and the match is more even .... Power moves early by Rowe and Hanson .... Austin Aries runs down to the ring and grabs one of the Progress tag title belts and KO’s Hanson with it!  O’Reilley & Strong double team Rowe and hit their ‘Down with the Sickness’ finisher (sick kick total elimination)!!!!  1 ... 2 ... Rowe breaks it up!!!!  Aries tries to interfere again, but this time AJ Styles comes out and attacks Aries!  Those two brawl, while in the ring Hanson cartwheels out of trouble and hits the Spin Kick of Doom on Strong!  O’Reilley eats Thor’s Hammer!  Strong is back up but gets hit with The Fallout and the World Champs retain their titles ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *


2. Buddy Murphy (AUSTRALIA) def. WALTER(AUSTRIA) via countout

Murphy looks good in this match, taking a beating from WALTER but also dishing it out .... The action spills outside and Murphy throws a drink in the face of WALTER, momentarily blinding him .... Murphy takes the slimy heel way out here, sliding in and beating the count while WALTER can’t see from the drink thrown in his eyes .... The crowd HATES this ....

2. Aleister Black (NETHERLANDS) vs. Drew McIntyre (SCOTLAND) ends in a no contest when Tomasso Ciampa attacks BOTH men .... )

Ciampa ruins an excellent and hard-hitting match but showing up out of nowhere and attacking BOTH Black and McIntyre .... Johnny Saint brings out an army of referees to escort Ciampa out of the arena, but BOTH McIntyre and Black truly to fight their way through the officials to get to Ciampa ....

They finally are able to get Ciampa out of there and get things calmed down, and out comes Buddy Murphy!  Murphy is celebrating because he says he is the World Cup winner .... Saint stops his premature celebration and says he is not going to let the first World Cup end that way!  He restarts the match, but includes Buddy Murphy in the match and makes it a triple threat match for the World Cup trophy!!!!


Drew McIntyre (SCOTLAND)
~ vs ~
Aleister Black (NETHERLANDS)
~ vs ~
Buddy Murphy (AUSTRALIA)

Murphy is the freshest of the men in the match .... the action goes back and forth and Murphy is constantly trying to steal the win .... Black runs wild on everyone with strikes, and hits Black Mass on McIntyre!  1 ... 2 ... Tomasso Ciampa is back and he pulls the ref out of the ring just before the 3 count!  How did he get back in the arena????  Black goes after Ciampa, allowing him to nail him with the U.K. title!!!!  Murphy takes advantage and hits Murphy’s Law on Black for the 3 count to eliminate him!!!!  It’s down to Mcintyre and Murphy for the cup, and McIntyre strikes with the Claymore out of nowhere but Murphy kicks out!!!!  Iron Maiden is reversed by Murphy into a cradle for a nearfall, then Murphy nails the bicycle knee for a 2.999999!  McIntyre fights out of Murphy’s Law, then drills him with the Glasgow Kiss!  FUTURE SHOCK!!!!  McIntyre hooks the leg and gets the 3 count!

Progress World Cup Day 2 Skysports-drew-mcintyre-wwe_4416569

MVP and Johnny Saint are out to award the World Cup to Drew McIntyre .... Aleister Black is shown seething outside the ring .... as a result of his victory, McIntyre will now challenge UWF world champion Adam Cole at the UWF 10th Anniversary show ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

*** THE STORY ***

As the ominous Hell in a Cell structure begins to lower for our main event, we get a video package chronicling the feud of the year in 2018 between ‘The Villain’ Marty Scurll and William Regal .... Scurll has driven Regal to the point of resigning his position as Progress Director of Operations, leading to this final match .... Before he resigned, Regal enacted the Golden Ticket to where if Scurll wins he gets a Progress title shot at any time he chooses ....

Hell in a Cell Match:
‘The Villain’ Marty Scurll (UNITED KINGDOM)
~ vs ~
William Regal (UNITED KINGDOM)

Regal looks like he’s totally snapped from the months of mind games from Scurll .... Regal attacks viciously and Scurll just lets him beat the shit out of him!  It’s like Scurll is trying to drive him completely over the edge!  Regal goes under the ring and starts pulling out weapons, and he punishes Scurll with a kendo stick .... Regal grinds Scurlls face into the cell, and he starts bleeding already .... Regal hits Scurll with the ring steps, then throws the steps at him as he lays slumped against the cage!!!!  Scurll barely sucks and the steps punch a hole in the cage!  Scurll escapes through the hole and looks like he’s going to climb the cage, but Regal pulls him off and he crashes through the announce table!  Regal tosses him back into the cage, but Scurll kicks him right between the legs!!!!  

Scurll looks like he might have a dislocated shoulder, but he slams his shoulder into the buckles to pop it back in place!  Holy Shit!  Now Scurll takes over with the weapons on Regal and punishes him .... Scurll hits the graduation for a 2 count .... Scurll ties Regal up in the ropes and nails a chairshot and now Regal is bleeding .... Scurll goes underneath the announce table and pulls out his Umbrella!  He slides back in the ring and has Regal on his knees in front of him just like in their previous match .... ‘LONG LIVE THE VILLAIN!’ Scurll raises the umbrella, but Regal counters with the testicular claw!!!!  Marty is dancing around on his tip toes as Regal squeezes harder .... REGAL CUTTER!  Regal cranks on the Regal Stretch now!!!!  Scurll is trapped in the middle of the ring but refuses to tap out .... he crawls, he claws but can’t reach the ropes .... Scurll grabs one of Regals fingers and bends it back unnaturally far and finally manages to break the hold!  Scurll holds on .... shhhhh .... FINGER SNAP!!!!  Regal no-sells and grabs Scurlls fingers .... FINGER SNAP TO SCURLL!!!!  Both guys are standing there holding their mangled hands, and Scurll hits the ‘just kidding’ superkick!  Marty reaches in his tights and pulls out some powder, BUT REGAL KICKS IT BACK IN MARTY’S FACE!!!!  Marty is blinded .... KNEE TREMBLER!!!!  1 ... 2 ... Scurll kicks out!!!!  Regal reaches in his tights and pulls out the brass knuckles, but Scurll with a low blow then the Bird of Prey (picks him up like a cradle piledriver but drops it into a DDT instead)!!!!  1 ... 2 ... 2 count!!!!  Scurll goes right into the Chickenwing .... BUT REGAL BENDS THE FINGERS AGAIN .... BUT SCURLL WITH A SHOOT HEADBUTT NEARLY KO’S REGAL!  Scurll picks up the brass knuckles and nails Regal with the power of the punch!!!!  1 ... 2 ... NOOOOO!!!!  Regal kicks out!!!!  MARTY GOES RIGHT INTO THE DANIELSON ELBOWS!  CHICKENWING LOCKED ON AGAIN .... REGAL ISN’T RESPONDING!!!!  Scurll with the stomps to Regal while twisting the chickenwing .... The ref checks Regal, THEN CALLS FOR THE BELL!!!!

Both men are bloody messes, and the trainers are out to tend to Regal .... Scurll walks out under his own power, and he now has a golden ticket for a title shot at any time he chooses ....

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