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 Progress on YouTube #4

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress on YouTube #4 Empty
PostSubject: Progress on YouTube #4   Progress on YouTube #4 EmptyTue Jul 07, 2020 11:52 am

Progress on YouTube #4 Progress_strong_style_pro_wrestling_logo_by_nuruddinayobwwe-dbceh2i

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1. ‘... A style of wrestling evolved from Japanese Puroresu (プロレス) and traditional British Catch wrestling that incorporates full contact martial arts kicks and strikes with a strong emphasis placed on submission wrestling ...’

In Progress, the emphasis is more on the competition and the combatants fighting spirit rather than characters, and we settle things in the ring ....
Progress on YouTube #4 New_youtube_logo
LOCATION: Camdentown, London UK
ARENA: The Electric Ballroom
ANNOUNCER: Kevin Kelly
TV: Progress YouTube Channel

** In this smaller venue, the show is presented as a studio wrestling show similar to NWA Powerrrr **

Progress on YouTube #4 220?cb=20130628014946‘Hello fans and welcome to Progress on YouTube!  I'm your host Kevin Kelly and we are coming to you live from the Electric Ballroom in London.  RING OF VICTORY is just days away and we’ve got an action-packed lineup tonight as we set the stage for our biggest show of the year .... The Briscoes will face Imperium in tag team action, land in our main event we will have Internet Champion Bianca BelAir defending against Rhea Ripley! .... but first, we kick off tonight’s show with some Cruiserweight action ....

‘Bruiserweight’ Pete Dunne (GREAT BRITAIN)
- vs -

Fast-paced from the onset as Ricochet flies around early .... Dunne grounds thing with joint manipulation, but Ricochet battles out of it .... Dunne throws the first major strike when he KILLS Ricochet with a huge forearm strike, but Ricochet fires back with strikes and chops .... Suicide dive to the outside by Ricochet .... Dunne takes things back to the ground, and Dunne starts attacking the fingers, and then stomps away at the arm ....
Ricochet cuts him off with a lariat with his good arm!  Ricochet hits a 619, then the springboard uppercut scores for 2 .... Dunne counters and tries to hit the x-plex but Ricochet lands on his feet and hits a running shooting star press for 2!  They trade more strikes, and Ricochet springboards right into a KO forearm from Dunne!  Dunne hits the x-plex and we are getting near fall after near fall here .... Dunne looks for Bitter End, but Ricochet counters out of nowhere with an inside cradle for the 3 count!!!!

POST MATCH: Ricochet and Dunne shake hands, but Dunne makes sure he knows it isn’t over .... these guys wowed the crowd, but left a lot of meat on the bone for their rematch ....  

Progress’ new online correspondent Gia Miller is here with a update ....

Progress on YouTube #4 EWKx5X2XgAAyTnh

Gia talks about the upcoming Cruiserweight Classic tournament and announces the format .... It will be held in Blocks similar to the X-1 Climax with the winners of both blocks facing off for the title ....   She announces that ‘Bruiserweight’ Pete Dunne and Ricochet have nothing been added to the tournament .... announced thus far are:

‘Black Swan’ Cara Noir

Angel Garza
‘Bruiserweight’ Pete Dunne

AT THE PODIUM:  Roderick Strong comes out and joins Kevin Kelly .... He talks about how Kyle O’Reilley wants him out of his life, but Strong isn’t going anywhere and he’s going to make Kyle’s life a living hell .... Now we get O’Reilley out and Kevin warns them to not get physical at the podium .... O’Reilley is pissed because Strong cost him his match with Balor when it was obvious he was out-wrestling the Atlas champion .... O’Reilley accepts Strong challenge for another match, but it’s going to be under HIS terms .... he wants a hybrid fighting match so he has the option to knock Strong out, or submit him .... then when he beats him he wants Strong out of his life ....

Imperium ~ Marcel Barthel (GERMANY) & Fabian Aichner (ITALY)
- vs -
The Briscoes ~ Jay & Mark (SANDY FORK, DE)

Mark and Aichner start, and Aichner shows his power .... Barthel low bridges Mark and Imperium attack on the outside .... Mark takes punishment but gets the hot tag to Jay, who runs wild .... Barthel fires up with uppercuts and kicks but then runs into Redneck Boogie from the Briscoes for a 2 count .... Aichner back in and hits a superkick to Mark and then a buckle bomb to Jay .... Mark with Redneck Kung Fu to Aichner, but Barthel is back in and Imperium hit the suplex toss into a powerslam by Aichner for a 2 .... the action breaks down, leading to Mark taking out Aichner with the Cactus clothesline and then the blockbuster off the apron to the floor!  Jay cuts Barthel off with a superkick, then the Jay Driller!  Mark is back in, and the Briscoes hit the Doomsday Device for the win!

*** PROMO ***

Video package airs to hype the ladder match between War Machine and Owen Hart & Davey Boy Smith for the UWF tag team titles .... we get highlights of the feud intercut with comments from War Machine about how it’s now or never for them and they are coming for their belts ....

Johnny Gargano w/ Candice LeRae (UNITED STATES)
- vs -
James Drake w/ Zack Gibson (GREAT BRITAIN)

Gargano fought Gibson on the last Progress TV, but interference by Drake ruined the match .... Now he is fighting Drake, and this time he has brought backup in the form of his wife Candice LeRae at ringside .... Candice isn’t afraid of mixing it up either, hitting a suicide dive into a tornado DDT on Gibson outside the ring after he gets involved in the match .... Drake grabs Candice, but Gargano cuts him off with the slingshot spear .... Gargano Escape locked in and Drake taps!

POST MATCH: The Vets are pissed about Candice’s interference and they beat down Johnny some more .... Candice is back in and stands up to the Vets, firing off a forearm on Gibson .... Drake superkicks Candice!  They pick her up .... TICKET TO MAYHEM ON CANDICE!  The Vets take their titles and leave, and Johnny starts to stir and realizes what has happened .... he rushes to his wife’s side and lets out a wail as he cradles her in his arms ....

*** PROMO ***

We get another pre-taped promo from Ronda Rousey ahead of her in-ring debut against Bayley at RING OF VICTORY ....

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Rousey says she doesn’t respect Bayley, she doesn’t respect anyone in that locker room because they are all beneath her .... she makes 6 figures for just showing up and everyone in that locker room should be on their knees thanking her for bringing them up to her level .... she tells them ‘you’re welcome’ ....  Bayley isn’t a real fighter, she’s an entertainer .... Rousey is a REAL fighter .... and to say Bayley is fighting for the locker room is a joke and an insult to real fighters .... She could sneeze in the direction of any woman in that locker room and break their faces and they know it .... She doesn’t care about the fans and she isn’t going to sacrifice her body to entertain you people because she’s not an entertainer .... she cares about cashing those 6 figure checks and at RING OF VICTORY she’s going to do what she gets paid well to do, and thats kill bitches .... And Bayley is the bitch that’s next on the list!’

Progress on YouTube #4 E37-D18-B5-46-CA-448-F-81-FD-8-CB4-CAEA1-B53Progress on YouTube #4 Vs-png-5Progress on YouTube #4 Ddnt9he-1759da68-0edf-4edd-bdd9-53def2205e0d.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMGM3ODJlNGMtZmFlMC00YTg3LWI3YjEtYTc1MjU5OGQ5ZGY5XC9kZG50OWhlLTE3NTlkYTY4LTBlZGYtNGVkZC1iZGQ5LTUzZGVmMjIwNWUwZC5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ

Internet title match:
(Champion) Bianca BelAir (UNITED STATES)
- vs -
Rhea Ripley (AUSTRALIA)

They build up slow, working counters until Rhea hits a standing dropkick to kick things into a higher gear .... Bianca comes back with a powerslam and then lays the boots to Ripley and talks trash the whole time .... Bianca grounds things and wears Ripley down, but Rhea powers up .... Bianca with a standing moonsault gets 2 .... BelAir up top but Ripley fights her off and goes for a super-plex but both ladies fall to the outside!  The ref puts the count on and both are up at 7 .... Ripley tries to slide in but BelAir stops her, then when BelAir tries to beat the count Rhea grabs her and pulls her back to the floor!  Neither woman can beat the count!  

Both women continue to brawl even after the bell, prompting EC3 to come out .... he says it’s obvious they still want a piece of each other and he orders the match restarted!  Rhea fires up, hits a backdrop, a series of clotheslines and knee strikes .... Rhea hits the Electric Chair facebuster for 2.9999 .... Metal Health (Full Nelson slam) is countered into a victory roll by Belair for 2!  Both women to their feet and Rhea walks right into a spinebuster!  Bianca up top, but the 450 misses!  Ripley hooks her for the Riptide, but BelAir goes up and over and rolls Ripley up from behind!  BelAir wraps her braid in the ropes for extra leverage as the ref counts 3!  

POST MATCH: BelAir celebrates and blows Ripley a kiss, as Kevin Kelly debates how BelAir retained .... Nonetheless BelAir is the defending Queen of the Ring and has a ton of momentum going into Ring of Victory .... can she become the first person to win back 2 back crowns and hold all the women’s gold?

Meanwhile, Ripley is pissed and arguing with the refs .... She ends up laying out BOTH female refs with the Riptide and then standing tall, pointing at BelAir who is on the ramp ....

Progress on YouTube #4 Lauren_brooke_4

Lauren Brooke is with us to close the show with the final rundown of the RING OF VICTORY Card ....


World Cup matches:
‘Heartbreak Kid’ Shawn Michaels (USA) vs. Jinder Mahal (INDIA)
Angel Garza (MEXICO) vs. Petey Williams (CANADA)
Ilja Dragunov (RUSSIA) vs. Travis Banks (NEW ZEALAND)
‘The Villain’ Marty Scurll (BRITAIN vs. Mark Andrews (WALES)
Fabian Aichner (ITALY) vs. Marcel Barthel (GERMANY)
Finn Balor (IRELAND) vs. Hiroki Goto (JAPAN)
Drew McIntyre (SCOTLAND) vs. PCO (FRANCE)

Main Event: 2020 Queen of the Ring Match (winner becomes the NEW Interim women’s champion)


*** JUST ANNOUNCED: Roderick Strong vs. Kyle O’Reilley in a ‘hybrid fighting rules’ match has been added to the card for Night 2! ***

2020 World Cup continues

Ronda Rousey vs. Bayley

UWF world tag title ladder match: (c) Owen Hart & British Bulldog defend against War Machine
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