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 Progress Atlas title tournament Night 4 (Glasgow, Scotland)

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress Atlas title tournament Night 4 (Glasgow, Scotland) Empty
PostSubject: Progress Atlas title tournament Night 4 (Glasgow, Scotland)   Progress Atlas title tournament Night 4 (Glasgow, Scotland) EmptyMon Jul 06, 2020 2:15 pm

Progress Atlas title tournament Night 4 (Glasgow, Scotland) Progress_strong_style_pro_wrestling_logo_by_nuruddinayobwwe-dbceh2i


Progress Atlas title tournament Night 4 (Glasgow, Scotland) 0534-800x532

LOCATION: Glasgow, Scotland
ARENA: Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome
ANNOUNCERS: Matt Striker & Renee Young
BROADCAST: Streaming live on YouTube TV and the Progress TWITCH channel

Progress Atlas title tournament Night 4 (Glasgow, Scotland) 8_CB6_CF8_C_532_C_4589_978_C_D930_C354_E4_FE

* It’s Matt Striker &
Renee Young together for this final night of the Atlas title tournament .... So far, AJ Styles, ‘The Machine’ Brian Cage, and Finn Balor have punched their ticket into the Atlas title 4 way and tonight the final spot will be filled .... Also, tonight Ember Moon will defend the women’s Universal title against Charlotte in a one on one match, and the main event will be a rematch for the Shimmer title with new Champion Paige defending against Taya Valkyrie and Toni Storm ....*

* * * * ROUND ONE * * * *

**** (UK) 1. ‘The Villain’ Marty Scurll def. (USA) 8. ‘Best Kept Secret’ Buddy Murphy ****  .... Murphy has a very impressive performance here .... The victory is in doubt, but Scurll turns the tide with his finger break spot and then gets the submission victory with the crossface chickenwing ....

**** (UK) 4. Drew McIntyre def. (USA) 5. Kenny King ****  .... King matches McIntyre’s power with his superior athleticism .... but McIntyre catches him late in the match with a straight headbutt that rocks him, then he drills him with the Claymore kick for the win ....

**** (USA) 2. Austin Aries def. (UK) 7. Trent Seven ****  .... Aries gets the submission victory with the Last Chancery to advance ....

**** (UK) 3. Aleister Black def. (UK) 6. Shane Strickland ****  .... This is where things take a strange turn .... Strickland and Black have a great match, with Strickland working the arm of Black .... Strickland hits a double stomp to the arm and locks on the ‘Key to Swerve City’ armlock .... Black makes the ropes and Strickland lets go, but Darby Allin comes out at the top of the ramp and immediately has Strickland’s attention .... Allin reaches in his trench coat and pulls out something and holds it up .... IT’S KILLSHOTS MASK!  THE LIGHT’S GO OFF!!!!  When they come on, Strickland has the skills hit mask on!  He violently attacks Black and locks the arm lock on again!  He refuses to let go of the hold, and will not break it even when the ref starts his 5 count .... the ref has no choice but to call for the bell and the disqualification ....

POST MATCH - Killshot does his sick stump-puller/ stomp armbreak spot and breaks Blacks arm!!!!  Black is rolling around in pain, and trainers come out and try to stabilize the arm before helping him to the back ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

During the next segment, we get the arrival of the ‘House of Couture’ led to the ring by Jinny Couture .... Couture runs down Scotland as being an ugly country that knows nothing about fashion .... she talks about kilts and all that, playing up the bitchy fashionista gimmick .... DJ Zema Ion spins the best every time she makes a comment .... Couture wants an opponent for her ‘top model’ Tyler Breeze, and she says they better be ‘pretty’ ....

Instead, ‘Long Necks and Rednecks’ hits and out comes ‘The Cowboy’ James Storm!!!!  What???  What is Storm doing in Progress???

**** ‘Cowboy’ James Storm def. Tyler Breeze w/ DJ Zema Ion & Jinny Couture ****  .... Breeze and Couture protest this opponent, but Storm just pops the top on a beer and chugs it .... He shakes up a beer and pops the top on it and it sprays all over Jinny!!!!  Jinny starts screaming and says her outfit cost $35,000!  Breeze charges, but Storm spits a mouth full of beer in Breezes face!  Breeze can’t see, and he runs right into the LAST CALL!  Storm pins Breeze in less than a minute!

Progress Atlas title tournament Night 4 (Glasgow, Scotland) FClD2KU

POST MATCH - Zema Ion tries to attack Storm because of what he did to Jinny, but Storm lays him out with the Last Call as well!  Storm pops open several beers and toasts the Scottish crowd, who give him a BIG pop ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

**** Ember Moon def. Charlotte to retain the Women’s Universal title ****  .... Surprisingly Charlotte honors her pledge and ‘woman ups’ in this match, really taking it to Moon in an effort to get the title back .... Moon gives as good as she gets and shows she is not a fluke as Champion .... these ladies tear it down .... Moon escapes the Figure 8, but a lot of work has been done on her leg .... Moon fights back, but Shayna Baszler is out .... Charlotte tells her to stay out of it!  The match continues and Baszler gets involved pulling Moon to the floor!  Charlotte goes out and pulls Baszler off of Moon!  Baszler attacks Charlotte!!!!  Moon then hits a dive to the floor that takes out Baszler, and rolls Charlotte in .... Moon and Charlotte want it to be one on one!  With Baszler out of the equation, the two women go at it in a really solid back and forth match .... Moon would score with a BIG Superkick, then get the pin on Charlotte clean following the Eclipse to retain the title!!!! ....

POST MATCH - Baszler comes back in and tosses Moon, then attacks Charlotte again and locks on the Kirafuda Clutch!!!!  Moon comes back in and pulls her off, but Baszler ends up getting her hands on the women’s universal title and KO’s both Moon and Charlotte with it!  Baszler stands tall ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

* * * * FINALS * * * *

* An announcement is made that Aleister Black is unable to continue in the tournament because he has a broken arm .... Regal is out and he announces that the final 3 competitors will compete in a 3 way dance to determine the winner of Block 4.... *

**** (UK) 4. Drew McIntyre def. (USA) 2. Austin Aries & (UK) 1. ‘The Villain’ Marty Scurll ****  .... This is a great match .... Aries abs Scurll team up on McIntyre early, but it isn’t long before they turn on each other and it’s every man for himself .... at one point Aries gets the Last Chancery on McIntyre while McIntyre has Scurll locked in the Iron Maiden at the same time!  Scurll gets the crossface chickenwing on Aries, but McIntyre breaks it up with the Claymore kick .... Scurll eats the future shock DDT, but Aries catches McIntyre with the IED dropkick .... Aries goes for the Last Chancery again on McIntyre, but he reverses it into the Iron Maiden and he gets Aries to tap out!!!!  ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

**** Toni Storm def. Paige to win the Shimmer title ****  .... This is a rematch from the triple threat match at the London show, but Taya had travel issues so it’s made a one on one match .... The crowd is HOT for Toni Storm, whose journey to this point has been well documented .... Storm and Paige beat the hell out of each other, including Paige putting Storm through the ringside table with the Ram-Paige and then Storm hitting Strong Zero on Paige on the ring apron!!!!  Paige battles back and hits the Ram-Paige, but Storm kicks out at 2.9999!!!! .... Paige goes up top, but Storm manages to recover and goes up to meet her, and they fight it out on the top .... Paige fires away with forearms, but Storm lands a stiff headbutt that rocks Paige!  Storm hooks her .... STRONG ZERO FROM THE TOP!!!!  1 ... 2 ... 3!  We have a new Champion! ....

Progress Atlas title tournament Night 4 (Glasgow, Scotland) VhqCPse

POST MATCH - Paige hands Storm the title and raises her hand .... Toni celebrates her win with a great reaction from the audience ....

Progress Atlas title tournament Night 4 (Glasgow, Scotland) Tumblr_or1k9yTQ3K1sbr34po6_250
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