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 Progress #310 - Glasgow, Scotland

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress #310 - Glasgow, Scotland Empty
PostSubject: Progress #310 - Glasgow, Scotland   Progress #310 - Glasgow, Scotland EmptyMon Jul 06, 2020 1:38 pm

Progress #310 - Glasgow, Scotland Ee4533087dd0ecb4a819d0a2cae6c1fc20529843-hq

LOCATION: Glasgow, Scotland
ARENA: SSE Hydro Arena
ANNOUNCERS: Mauro Renallo & Renee Young

Progress #310 - Glasgow, Scotland Music-fans-entering-the-sse-hydro-music-and-entertainment-arena-glasgow-F60R20

Progress #310 - Glasgow, Scotland Progress-screen-logo-copy





Show starts off with William Regal in the ring and he welcomes out UWF TV champion AJ Styles .... Regal wants AJ’s thoughts on his title defense against Wahoo McDaniel at UWF GLORY .... AJ wants to talk about something else, namely Finn Balor .... AJ calls out Balor for leaving him high and dry last week .... of course, this brings Balor out .... he asks if AJ is blind because it was obvious to everyone here that he was fighting for his life against British Strong Style .... Balor says he doesn’t have time to deal with AJ’s childish accusations because he came out here to fight .... Balor calls out British Strong Style and says no one makes their name at his expense ....

On queue, out comes Pete Dunne, Tyler Bate and Trent Seven, British Strong Style .... Dunne says that Balor doesn’t need to blame them, he needs to blame William Regal .... Regal challenged the locker room to make an impact, and that’s exactly what they did .... Dunne cuts a promo on Balor, saying he thinks just because he was Junior Champion he thinks he can just come crawling back to this company and get served the world on a silver platter .... Dunne says Regal can slap a shiny new tag on this company and call it something new, but it’s the same old tired song and they are tired of being ignored!

Regal books AJ and Balor to team again this week, this time against Mustache Mountain (Tyler Bate & Trent Seven)!

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The Revival come out and talk about how they are the best tag team in the U.K. and they aren’t even from here .... they are the best team on this entire continent, on any continent, and are the best tag team on this planet!  Last week they issued an open challenge and they want to know who is going to attend this clinic in tag team Wrestling ....

Out comes Ray Rowe and Hanson .... WAR MACHINE!

Tag Team Match:
The Revival (Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder) - USA
- vs -
War Machine (Raymond Rowe & Hanson) - USA

The Revival are stunned at the arrival of War Machine, and the fans pop HUGE for them!  Rowe and Hanson hit the ring and attack the Revival as the bell rings .... Rowe and Hanson dominate, and the Revival never really can recover .... they get in a little offense, but Rowe stops all that with a BIG knee strike .... they lay out Dawson with the Fallout, then Rowe hits the Death Rowe on Wilder for the 3 count ....

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Sam Ponder interviews Matt Riddle .... Riddle says ‘Bro ... You want me to knock him out, or tap him out?’  Ponder is confused and Riddle says there is only 2 options for his opponent tonight: knock out or tap out .... he’s fought all over the world, and he’s swam with sharks in the UFC .... he’s a fighter .... calls himself ‘Mr. Deep Waters’ .... there’s nothing he can’t do in that ring .... he says he brings legitimacy to the ring when he steps inside, and he’s going to show the UK and the whole world tonight that this is ‘BRO-gress’

Singles Match:
Matt Riddle (USA)
- vs -
Wolfgang (SCOTLAND)

This is a hard-hitting affair .... Riddle is MEGA over with the crowd, who are chanting ‘This is BRO-gress!’  Wolfgang is not without his fans though, and he has a good showing in this match .... he has Riddle set up for the ‘Howling’ (Swanton Bomb) but Riddle gets the knees up!  Riddle KO’s Wolfgang with a huge roundhouse kick, then locks on the Bro-mission and Wolfgang has to tap out ....

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The Miz comes out for MIZ TV ....

Miz raises his hand and says when his hand goes up their mouths go shut .... He wants Aleister Black to come out and says they got off on the wrong foot .... Black comes out and Miz is apologetic .... he didn’t mean to embarrass him last week .... Miz talks about himself some more and how he’s an A-List movie star .... no one brings star power to this company, to this country, like he does!  Miz demands that Black bow down to him because he is such a big star and Black is fake .... he’s just a fake hipster with a bunch of tattoos .... Black takes the mic and all he says is ‘I’m the realist guy you will ever meet ...’  Miz tries a cheap shot but Black is ready for him .... BLACK MASS!!!!  Miz is out cold in the ring, and Black sits down Indian style next to him with a stoic look on his face ....

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Singles Match:
Killian Dane (IRELAND)
- vs -
No Way Jose (USA)

Total squash match .... Dain punishes Jose for a little bit and then finishes him with the Ulster Plantation (one-winged angel) ....

After the match, Drew McIntyre’s music hits and he comes sprinting to the ring!  We have a big brawl and Dain gets the upper hand and grabs a chair and blasts McIntyre with it .... Sheamus runs out and takes the chair from Dain, but McIntyre turns around and sees Sheamus with the chair!  Sheamus tries to tell him it’s not what it looks like, but McIntyre is pissed and he lays out Sheamus with the Future Shock DDT!!!!  Dain back in and takes McIntyre out with a flying tackle, then drills him with the Ulster Plantation and stands tall ....  

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It is announced that, because of what we just witnessed, on the next episode of Progress it’s going to be Sheamus vs Drew McIntyre vs Killian Dain in a 3 way dance!  Also next week it will be Aleister Black and the Miz one on one!

Singles Match:
‘Bruiserweight’ Pete Dunne (UK)
- vs -
Nigel McGuiness (UK)

Match of the night by far .... Match of the night by far .... Dunne tries to target the arm of McGuiness early, but Nigel totally out-wrestles him and goes to work on Dunnes arm instead!  After a couple of minutes we get a “THIS IS WRESTLING!” chant from the crowd .... every time Dunne tries to get an advantage, Nigel goes back to work on the arm .... he kicks the shoulder, then ties it up in the ropes and hammers it with forearms .... a short time into the match Dunnes arm is pretty much useless .... Dunne rolls outside and Nigel follows him, but Dunne with a straight forearm shot and then hits the X-plex onto the apron!  Dunne now attacks the arm of McGuiness and punishes it in much the same way Nigel was working his arm earlier .... Nigel fires back up and catches Dunne with an XPLODER .... Running uppercut from
Nigel with his good arm, but Dunne cuts that off with the ‘Go 2 Europe’ (pop up European uppercut)!  Dunne with a triangle and lays in strikes and elbow shots to the top of the head but Nigel powers up and powerbombs Dunne!  THIS IS AWESOME!!!!  THIS IS AWESOME!!!!  Nigel shakes out the arm and sits Dunne on top for the Tower of London, but Dunne counters with a hanging armbar!  Nigel let’s go and Dunne leaps off the top but Nigel catches him on the way down with a forearm smash!  JAWBREAKER LARIAT!  1 ... 2 ... NOOOOOO!  Dunne kicks out!!!!  Both men are down .... Nigel makes it back to his feet and goes for the London Dungeon to the injured arm of Dunne .... Dunne counters with a cutter out of nowhere!  Sitout powerbomb connects for a great near fall and the crowd is going bat shit!!!!  THIS IS PROGRESS!  Dunne goes for the bitter end, but Nigel reverses into the London Dungeon!!!!  Dunne looks like he’s going to tap, but he makes the ropes instead .... Dunne battles back, and now both guys are standing in the middle of the ring throwing bombs with their good arms!  Dunne with an enziguri but Nigel comes back with the rebound lariat and nearly decapitates Dunne!  Nigel slowly covers .... 1 ... 2 ... 2.99999!!!!  Nigel goes for the Tower of London again, but Dunne fights him off .... Nigel climbs up and tries to turn it into  super-plex, but Dunne fires off rapid fire headbutts .... PEDIGREE FROM THE 2ND ROPE!!!!  Dunne immediately picks Nigel up and drills him with the Bitter End!  1 ... 2 ... 3!

Dunne leaves the ring and is selling the arm like crazy .... as he is making his way up the ramp, the music of the Samoan Power Trip hits!  Roman Reigns and the USO’s come out, and they pass by Dunne and have a long staredown with him .... Reigns smirks at Dunne and he and the USO’s continue to the ring ....

6 man Tag Team Match:
Samoan Power Trip (Roman Reigns & The USO’s) - USA
- vs -
Catch Point (Drew Gulak, Fred Yeti, Tracy Williams)

This isn’t a total squash match, but it’s basically a spotlight on the Samoans as they get ready to face Riot Squad for the 6 man titles at GLORY .... The match ends with the SPT hitting the Shield triple powerbomb on Gulak for the 3 count ....

After the match, Reigns cuts a promo .... in case the people in the UK didn’t know who they are, they are the guys that run this place .... you can change the name, have a nice trendy logo, and say your style is changing but that’s the thing that remains the same: THEM .... and anyone that disagrees with that, just look around at the destruction they leave in their wake .... Riot Squad, it’s time for you to be put out to pasture, because they are the big dogs and they run ... this ... yard!  And if you aren’t a believer now, you will be!  

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PRE-TAPED PROMO .... we hear from Eli Drake .... LET ME TALK TO YA!  Drake is not there tonight because he’s been in the UK before but he wouldn’t be caught dead in a country full of dummies like Scotland .... he says the Loch Ness monster isn’t real, but Eli Drake is .... YEAH!  So look deep into these baby blue eyes and try not to get lost in em .... he’s got a set of shoulders big enough to strap a rocket ship to, and Eli Drake is going to take this whole company for a ride on the Gravy Train .... and that’s not an insult, THAT is just a fact of life!

Main Event:
AJ Styles (USA) & Finn Balor (IRELAND)
- vs -
Mustache Mountain (Trent Seven & Tyler Bate) w/ Pete Dunne - UK

Still a lot of tension between AJ and Balor .... Balor format wait around to decide on who is gonna start the match and he attacks Seven and Bate .... Balor is a house of fire and Seven and Bate take it to the floor .... Balor with a dive over the top onto BOTH guys .... Balor tosses Bate back in and drills him with chops but AJ rags himself in .... Balor isn’t happy about it but AJ tells him to get out of the Ring .... AJ turns around right into bop and bang!  Seven is tagged in, but AJ nails him with the phenomenal dropkick .... Seven and AJ trade chops and Seven hits the cricket pitch chop .... AJ hits the phenomenal blitz, but Seven hits a dragon suplex!  AJ tries to fire back but Seven hits a couple more chops, then responds to AJ dodging another by hitting a DDT .... Bate and Seven make constant tags in and out, but AJ scores with the Pele!  Hot tag brings in Balor with back elbows and clotheslines!  Bate cuts him off with a straight left hand, and he scoops him up and goes for an airplane spin .... Balor slips out and nails the Slingblade on Bate!  Balor to the apron and he drills Seven with the soccer kick .... he goes for the shotgun dropkick on Bate but Bate scoops him up .... AIRPLANE SPIN!  Bate spins him around probably 20 times, then drops him .... TYLER DRIVER 97!!!!  1 ... 2 ... AJ breaks it up!  Rolling Cabo Kick to AJ, then he sets for the Tyler Driver again but Balor breaks it up with the Shotgun dropkick!  Seven in and hits a spinning backfist on Balor, then goes for the Seven Stars Lariat but Balor avoids it and hits the Pele!  Phenomenal
forearm by AJ takes out Seven!  AJ grabs Bate and hits the Styles Clash, and Balor goes up top and finishes Bate with the Coup De Grace!

After the match is over, AJ rolls out and grabs the TV title and walks out, leaving Balor in the ring to stare him down .... AJ doesn’t even look back at Balor .... As Balor is staring a hole through AJ, he doesn’t notice Pete Dunne in the ring behind him .... he turns around, RIGHT INTO THE BITTER END!  Balor gets beat down 3 on 1 by British Strong Style, and AJ is nowhere to be found .... Seven and Bate lay him out with the Seventh Heaven piledriver and British Strong Style stands tall to end the show ....
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