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 Progress Atlas title tournament Night 2 (London, England)

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Progress Atlas title tournament Night 2 (London, England) Empty
PostSubject: Progress Atlas title tournament Night 2 (London, England)   Progress Atlas title tournament Night 2 (London, England) EmptyMon Jul 06, 2020 2:14 pm

Progress Atlas title tournament Night 2 (London, England) Progress_strong_style_pro_wrestling_logo_by_nuruddinayobwwe-dbceh2i


Progress Atlas title tournament Night 2 (London, England) 0534-800x532

LOCATION: London, England
ARENA: Royal Albert Hall
ANNOUNCERS: Matt Striker & Renee Young
BROADCAST: Streaming live on YouTube TV and the Progress TWITCH channel

* Progress UK’s MATT STRIKER and Renee Young of Progress USA are tonight’s announce team as we start Night 2 of the Progress Atlas title tournament .... They recap the format of the tournament, as well as show highlights of Night 1 of the tournament that took place in Atlanta .... AJ Styles defeated Nigel McGuiness to earn the first spot in the Atlas title Fatal 4 way Finale .... Also tonight we will see a 3 way dance for the Shimmer title and in the main event Sanity defend the Progress tag team titles against War Machine .... *

Progress Atlas title tournament Night 2 (London, England) 5_E227699_65_F9_44_D1_9_E16_B4_DE0_ED9_C730

* * * * BLOCK 2 ROUND ONE * * * *

**** (UK) 1. ‘Bruiserweight’ Pete Dunne def. (UK) 8. Wade Barrett ****  .... Dunne continues to be the breakout star of the U.K. brand .... the former U.K. champion gets the win on Barrett with the Bitter End (pumphandle facebuster) to advance ....

**** (UK) 4. Matt Riddle def. (USA) 5. Low Ki ****  .... This is a stiff contest full of strikes .... Riddle gains an advantage with his Suplex arsenal, and manages to catch Low Ki in a Tidal Krush attempt and drill him with the Bro to Sleep (GTS) for the pin ....

**** (UK) 3. Killian Dain def. (UK) 6. Eric Young ****  .... Brutal contest between former Sanity teammates .... Young uses the interference of Alexander Wolfe to gain the advantage, but Dain is too much .... he fights them both off, eventually hitting the Ulster Plantation for the win on Young ....

**** (USA) 2. ‘The Machine’ Brian Cage def. (UK) 7. Hanson ****  .... This one is like 2 HUGE bulls colliding .... full of power moves .... Cage kicks out of the spin kick of doom from Hanson and he can’t believe it .... Cage would come back and show his power, scooping up Hanson and hitting an F-5 for the 3 count ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

In the next segment, Redragon (Kyle O’Reilley & Bobby Fish) come out and cut a promo on tonight’s main event .... so far, the Progress tag team titles have stayed across the pond because they are afraid to face the ‘baddest team on God’s green’ .... well tonight they are here to call out the winner of the main event for a title shot ....

This brings out The Revival (Dash & Dawson) and they say Redragon aren’t the only ones that made the trip over here .... They have something to see about who is the best tag team on this planet, and they should get that title shot .... Redragon wants to prove it in the ring and we have ourselves a match ....

**** Redragon (Kyle O’Reilley & Bobby Fish) def. The Revival (Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder) ****  .... Classic tag team battle here between old school and strong style .... Cool spot where The Revival set O’Reilley up for the Shatter Machine but he reverses it in mid-air into a hanging guillotine choke .... all 4 men end up in the ring, but Redragon take Dawson out and then hit Chasing the Dragon on Wilder to get the 3 count ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

* * * * BLOCK 2 SEMI-FINALS * * * *

**** (USA) 2. ‘The Machine’ Brian Cage def. (UK) 3. Killian Dain ****  .... This match is an even bigger collision than Cages previous match against Hanson .... these two beat the hell out of each other .... Cage is actually able to scoop up Dain and hit the F-5 but Dain kicks out .... Later on, Dain drives Cage through the ring barrier with ‘The Divide’ .... Dain goes for the Ulster Plantation, but Cage claws him in the eyes and slips out of the move .... Cage with a discus lariat that nearly takes Dains head off, and that’s enough to get the 3 count .... Dain kicks out, but it is a 1/2 second too late and Cage gets the win over the U.K. champion ....

**** (UK) 4. Matt Riddle def. (UK) 1. ‘Bruiserweight’ Pete Dunne ****  .... Perhaps the match of the night right here .... a great mix of mat wrestling, striking and even some high-flying .... Dunne is a heel but he’s so good that some of the crowd still cheers for him .... Riddle hits Bro 2 Sleep, but Dunne is knocked out of the ring and Riddle can’t pin him .... the battle continues outside, and Dunne puts Riddle through the announce table with the Bitter End!  Dunne slides in and the ref starts his 10 count, with Riddle barely making it in at 9 .... Dunne goes for the Bitter End again, but this time Riddle reverses it into the Bro-mission!  Dunne is trapped and is forced to tap out!  Riddle advances in an upset ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

**** War Machine (Raymond Rowe & Hanson) def. Progress tag team champions Sanity (Eric Young & Alexander Wolfe) by DQ ****  .... This is an all out WAR .... Eric Young is competing for the 2nd time tonight, and it shows .... War Machine looks like they have the match won after hitting the Fallout on Wolfe, but Young comes in with one of the Progress tag title belts and smashes Hanson over the back of the head with it .... the ref immediately calls for the bell and gives War Machine the match, but not the titles ....

POST MATCH - Sanity grabs the tag titles and immediately tries to leave .... however, they get to the top of the ramp and blocking their path is ... REDRAGON!!!!  Redragon backs them toward the ring, and Sanity tries to use the tag title belts to attack Redragon .... Redragon attack Sanity, and War Machine leave the ring to join in the attack!  The brawl moves back to the ring, where Redragon take out Wolfe with the Total Elimination and War Machine take out Young with Thor’s Hammer (pop up powerslam) ....

With Sanity taken out, Redragon and War Machine face off, and each side has one of the tag belts .... they argue, then the brawl breaks out between those two teams!  Referees and officials come out of the back and try to separate the 4 men in a huge pull apart .... William Regal comes out and stops the madness by booking a 3 way dance for the tag titles coming up at the Atlas title finals at the Great American Bash!!!!

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

* * * * BLOCK 2 FINALS * * * *

**** (USA) 2. ‘The Machine’ Brian Cage def. (UK) 4. Matt Riddle ****  .... Both of these guys have had tough matches so far, but they tear the house down in this one .... Riddle is VERY over with the crowd, but Cage is beginning to gain momentum with them as well .... Cage tossed Riddle around, but Riddle showed how strong he is by hitting some impressive suplexes on Cage .... Riddle hit Bro 2 Sleep, but it didn’t take Cage off his feet so Riddle grabbed him and hits a half nelson Suplex for a 2 count .... Cage with the discus clothesline, but Riddle kicked out .... They continue to fire back and forth with big bombs on each other .... Both men went down, and the crowd clapped to rally them to fight on .... Riddle went to the top but was caught and held in the air for a delayed superplex but Riddle broke the hold with knee strikes while hanging upside down!  Riddle with the bicycle knee, but it didn’t take Cage off his feet again .... Riddle went for another one, but Cage cut him off with a pop up powerslam!  Discus Lariat by Cage!  Cage immediately followed up with Weapon X and got the pin in an impressive 12 minutes to win Block 2 ....

POST MATCH - Cage poses, but also gives Riddle a nod of respect .... Riddle returns it with a bow .... the fans give BOTH guys a standing ovation after that one ....

**** MAIN EVENT: Paige def. Toni Storm & (c) Taya Valkyrie in a 3 way dance to win the Shimmer title ****  .... This story so far has been about Storm chasing Paige for the title, but Taya stepping in and stealing the title from Paige on her first night in Progress .... Storm continues to look like the breakout star in this match, but she takes the Road to Valhalla (chickenwing facebuster) from Taya off the ring apron through a table .... Toni has to be helped to the back and can’t continue .... this leaves Paige and Taya one on one .... after a long battle, Paige manages to lock on the Scorpion Crosslock and Taya submits!  We have a new Champion! ....

Progress Atlas title tournament Night 2 (London, England) 1c03dad30778e2bd1e8fdd52b33e5aa8
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