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 Progress #309 - London, England

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress #309 - London, England Empty
PostSubject: Progress #309 - London, England   Progress #309 - London, England EmptyMon Jul 06, 2020 1:36 pm

Progress #309 - London, England Ee4533087dd0ecb4a819d0a2cae6c1fc20529843-hq

LOCATION: London, England
ARENA: Wembley Arena
ANNOUNCERS: Mauro Renallo & Renee Young

Progress #309 - London, England EW519067_942long

Progress #309 - London, England Progress-screen-logo-copy





William Regal comes out first and hyped tonight’s show .... He hypes the inter-promotional tag team main event as well as other matches, including Sheamus vs Drew McIntyre .... tonight is the first show of a 3-show tour of the U.K. .... next they will be in Glasgow, Scotland and will finish out the tour in Dublin, Ireland where we will crown the first U.K. Champion!  Regal challenges the entire Progress locker room to make an impact tonight ....

Regal holds up the U.K. title and shows it off to the crowd but he is interrupted as Miz makes his entrance ....

Miz talks down to Regal and says this isn’t just a U.K. promotion.  He accuses Regal of already favoring the U.K. talent, but he is a world-wide A-List superstar .... he says Regal needs him on this show to bring in some ratings because these U.K. wrestlers have no appeal to a world-wide audience ....

Out comes Aleister Black to a HUGE pop!  Miz appears insulted .... Black gets in the ring and Miz asks him who he thinks he is .... Black says nothing .... Miz asks if Black wants to say something, but Black just stares a hole through him .... Miz says that it’s typical for a mute like Black to get mic time but the biggest star in this company gets left off the card????  Miz holds out the mic and dares Black to respond .... BLACK KICKS THE MIC OUT OF MIZ’S HAND WITH THE BLACK MASS!!!!  Miz quickly escapes, while Black just sits Indian Style in the middle of the ring ....  

As Miz leaves, Regal stops him .... Miz is in the U.K. and he’s under his jurisdiction.... he says if Miz wants to be on the show so bad, he now has an opponent!

Opening Match
The Miz (USA)
- vs -
Aleister Black (NETHERLANDS)

Miz hesitates to get in the ring, but when he does he gets punished by strikes from Black .... Miz counters by kicking the knee out from under Black and then hitting the kneeling ddt .... Miz controls, but Black fires back with a bicycle knee strike that KO’s Miz .... 2 count!!!!  Black goes back on the offensive, and he has the Miz set up for Black Mass but Miz rolls out of the ring and escapes .... Miz refuses to come back to the ring and he gets counted out on purpose ....

Black sits Indian style in the middle of ring and watches Miz back away, never taking his eyes off of him ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Drew McIntyre promo .... he and Sheamus are no strangers .... he’s been all over the world .... he likes to fight and he knows Sheamus likes to fight so tonight they are going to fight ....

Tag Team Match
Kings of Wrestling (Antonio Cesaro & Kassius Ohno) - - - SWITZERLAND & USA
- vs -
The Project (Tomasso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano) - - - USA

During the match Ciampa connects with a vicious knee strike that knocks out a couple of Cesaros teeth!!!!  Cesaro is bleeding all over the place, and Ohno has to go it alone for a while Cesaro is attended to at ringside .... Ohno manages to survive Gargano & Ciampas best attempts to put him away .... Cesaro pushes away the doctors and re-enters the ring to save Ohno from being pinned .... he hits Swiss Death on Ciampa, then they hit the giant swing/ dropkick combo .... Gargano makes the save, even taking Cesaro out with the slingshot spear but then gets KO’d by a rolling elbow from Ohno!  Cesaro & Ohno hit the KRS-1 for the win ....

Afterwards Cesaro is still getting checked on and the fans give him a standing ovation ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

We get hype for the UK title tournament, which was announced earlier in the show .... the bracket for the tournament will be released next week .... the tournament will be live from Dublin, Ireland on the final stop of the U.K. tour ....

They also announce the following matches for next weeks show:

- Matt Riddle in action
- The Samoan Power Trip makes an appearance
- Nigel McGuiness makes his debut as he takes on the ‘Bruiserweight’ Pete Dunne

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

AJ Styles and Finn Balor are interviewed .... you can tell there is tension between the two .... Balor is asked a question, but AJ interrupts before he can answer it and tells Balor to follow his lead .... Balor says we are in London and this is Balor Club!  He’s going to go out and do his thing tonight and AJ just needs to stay out of the way ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Singles Match
‘The Villain’ Marty Scurll (UK)
- vs -
Desmond Xavier (USA)

Scurll wears the RPW Fighting Spirit title to the ring .... Xavier is an exciting young prospect, and he gives Scurll a run for his money here .... Scurll is his usual villainous self, but he has more of an edge tonight .... Xavier dazzles a little too much, and Scurll is able to catch him in mid-air and lock on the chicken-wing!  Xavier fights it, but Scurll starts stomping on him for good measure and Xavier taps out ....

After the match, Scurll takes the old RPW Fighting Spirit title and throws it down .... he says he takes what he wants and he wants the U.K. title and he will have it .... he shoots on William Regal and says Regal used to be a villain but now he’s just a sellout .... He is the puppet and Dana White pulls the strings, so he’s going to make sure his ‘mates’ are in favorable positions .... Regal cut off his balls and gave them to Dana White .... Scurll gets his mic cut ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Singles Match
Drew McIntyre (SCOTLAND)
- vs -
Sheamus (IRELAND)

They lock up with both guys trying to get the advantage .... we get a stalemate and these 2 just start brawling .... Sheamus scoops McIntyre up and drills him with the Samoan crash, but McIntyre comes back with an overhead belly to belly toss .... Sheamus gets the 12 beats of the bodrhan and then the White Noise, but McIntyre kicks out .... McIntyre battles back with chops and a gut wrench suplex, but walks right into the Irish Curse backbreaker!  2 count!  They both end up on the apron, and Sheamus sets for the Brogue kick, but McIntyre scoops him up and hits the Celtic cross (air raid crash) on the ring apron!  Holy Shit!!!!  Back in the ring McIntyre goes for the future shock, but Sheamus powers him back into the turnbuckle .... Sheamus fires up with strikes, McIntyre no sells, and dares him to hit him more!  Sheamus misses the Celtic War Sword .... CLAYMORE KICK!  Both guys are down!  McIntyre sets for another claymore, but notices that KILLIAN DANE has come out on the apron .... McIntyre is distracted, allowing Sheamus to drill him with the Brogue kick for the 3 count!  

Sheamus looks just as surprised that Dane is there as anyone else ....  

Revival promo .... Dawson says he and Dash live down 40 miles of bad road and there ain’t a team that can make it down their block .... they put themselves over as the best tag team in the U.K., the US or anywhere on the damn planet .... Dash says they are the top guys, and they are issuing an open challenge to The USO’s, American Alpha or anyone else that wants to accept for a match next week in Scotland ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

We get promo videos for Matt Riddle and the Samoan Power Trip .... they will be here on the next show from Scotland ....

Main Event
Finn Balor (IRELAND) & (UWF world TV Champion) AJ Styles (USA)
- vs -
Fenix (MEXICO) & El Rey (USA)

Balor and AJ together are a dream team for a lot of fans, but there is obvious tension between them .... they aren’t clear on who is going to start the match, and they argue which allows El Rey to attack Balor .... Balor fights back, but AJ blind tags himself in which doesn’t sit well with Balor .... Rey nails and tags in Fenix .... Fenix and Rey aren’t exactly on the same page either .... AJ and Fenix with some good back and forth, but Balor blind tags himself back in again .... Balor and AJ argue and Fenix wipes them both out with a dive to the outside .... Both teams slowly start working together, but Rey and Fenix have the advantage on Balor at this point .... Balor starts to fire back, but runs into a huricanrana from Rey .... he dials up the 619 but AJ saves Balor!  PELE kick from Balor to Rey and he makes the hot tag to AJ!  AJ runs wild, taking out everyone .... Balor rejoins the fight and all four men are going at it .... Balor and Fenix battle outside and up the ramp, when out of the back comes .... BRITISH STRONG STYLE!  What the hell????  Dunne, Seven and Bate attack Balor!  Balor tries to fight them all off, and the battle moves behind the curtain to the backstage area!  Meanwhile, AJ is left alone to face both Fenix and Rey!  AJ is looking for the tag but no one is there in his corner!  Fenix scores with an enziguri, but then he and Rey argue about who is going to finish AJ .... as they argue it gives AJ time to recover .... PHENOMENAL FOREARM TAKES OUT FENIX!!!!  Rey with a drop toehold sends AJ into the ropes .... 619 but AJ dodges!  PELE!!!!  AJ picks Rey up .... STYLES CLASH!!!!  1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!

AJ celebrates with the world TV title as the show ends ....
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