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 Progress: United Kingdom #315

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress: United Kingdom #315 Empty
PostSubject: Progress: United Kingdom #315   Progress: United Kingdom #315 EmptyMon Jul 06, 2020 1:48 pm

Progress: United Kingdom #315 Ee4533087dd0ecb4a819d0a2cae6c1fc20529843-hq

LOCATION: Blackpool, England
ARENA: Empress Ballroom
ANNOUNCERS: Matt Striker & Rockstar Spud

Progress: United Kingdom #315 Wwe-uk-championship-arena-e1484441845143



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- Nigel McGuiness debuted a new heel persona, attacking Gran Metalik and calling out the injured Finn Balor ....

- Pete Dunne once again interrupted a match between Aleister Black and Marty Scurll, leading to:

- William Regal booked Dunne against BOTH Black and Scurll in ‘High Stakes 2018’ .... Dunne defeated Scurll by pinfall and Black by DQ to earn a place in the U.K. title match .... The match is now a Triple Threat ....

- War Machine and Kings of the North continued their fight, but both teams were attacked by the debuting Sanity (Eric Young & Alexander Wolfe) along with their newest member, the massive Odinson ....

- Sanity wasn’t done there, also attacking British Strong Style after their match later on in the night ....

We are at ringside with Corey Graves and Drake Maverick as we kick off tonight’s show .... they discuss the main event, and how Pete Dunne earned his way into the match by defeating BOTH Aleister Black and Marty Scurll in ‘High Stakes 2018’ .... they send it up to the ring for the first match, BRAM makes his debut for Progress UK ....

Singles Match:
Bram (UK)
- vs -
Mark Andrews (UK)

Andrews high-flying keeps Bram off balance early, but then Bram takes control and uses his power to dominate .... Bram uses a particularly nasty and aggressive style in his offense .... he finishes off Andrews with the ‘Brighter Side of Suffering’ (implant DDT) and gets the 3 count ....


Santana is getting dressed in the locker room alone .... The Iconic Duo enter and back Santana into a corner and ask where her partner is .... Royce asks if Santana can really trust Alexa Bliss .... Kay demands their rematch for the tag titles tonight and says that lightning never strikes twice and their win was a fluke .... Santana grabs the tag title belt and walks past them .... she says she will see them in the ring ....

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‘The Villain’ Marty Scurll is interviewed by Joanna Rose .... Scurll talks about the main event, and stakes his claim to the U.K. title .... he says that this isn’t the movies, and the good guys don’t win .... Long Live The Villain ....

Shimmer Tag Team Title Match:
(Champions) America’s Sweethearts (Alexa Bliss & Santana Garrett) —— USA
- vs -
The Iconic Duo (Billie Kay & Peyton Royce) —— AUSTRALIA

Santana comes out, but there is no Alexa Bliss with her .... Santana has to go it alone and gets worked over .... Santana makes a comeback and there is a point where Santana AND Royce are both down in the middle of the ring when Alexa Bliss’ music hits .... Bliss comes out and gets in Santana’s corner and tags herself in just like last time .... Alexa runs wild on Kay and Royce .... Santana rejoins the fight and hits Sole Food on Kay as Bliss tosses Royce .... Bliss goes up top for Twisted Bliss, but Santana locks Kay in a crippler crossface and gets the tap out win!

The camera zooms in on Bliss’ face and you can tell she’s pissed that Santana stole the win from her .... she stares a hole in Santana while she’s still standing on the top rope, and meanwhile Santana retrieves BOTH tag title belts .... Santana locks eyes with Bliss for a moment, then she lays her tag title belt in the middle of the ring and then leaves .... Bliss looks pissed ....

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Next, we get the arrival of Sanity (Eric Young, Alexander Wolfe and the MASSIVE Odinson) .... Young cuts a promo and says they are here to introduce anarchy and chaos to the U.K. .... they talk about how the Progress tag team title tournament starts next week, and they are going to win the belts ....

This brings out Sheamus & Killian Dain, the Kings of the North, to a decent pop .... Sheamus says the tag title tournament may start next week, but he and Dain came here looking for a fight TONIGHT!  Young and Alexander are happy to oblige and we have ourselves an impromptu match!

Tag Team Match:
Sanity (Eric Young & Alexander Wolfe) —— USA
- vs -
Kings of the North (Sheamus & Killian Dain) —— IRELAND

This is a big brawl .... the Kings of the North control early but Sanity isolates Sheamus and gets the heat while trapping Dain on the apron .... eventually Dain gets the hot tag and runs wild, taking out everyone!  Dain tries a tackle on Young outside the ring but Young moves and Dain crashes through the ring barrier!  Sheamus hits a Brogue kick on Wolfe, but Odinson enters the ring and hits Sheamus with the Ragnarok (Pounce)!  Odinson scoops up Sheamus and hits the F-10 (airplane spin tossed into an F-5)!  Young recovers and goes to the top rope and hits a top rope elbow to get the 3 count!!!

After the match, War Machine’s music hits and out comes Hanson and Rowe!  They brawl with Sanity, which brings out British Strong Style (Bate & Seven) to join the fight .... All 4 tag teams are going at it and have to be separated, while the announcers talk about how they will face each other next week in the tag title tournament ....


We get a promo for Progress ‘UNIFIED!’ .... the show will take place Wrestlemania week from Harrah’s casino in New Orleans, LA and will feature talent from Progress: USA, Progress: UK and Shimmer ....

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Singles Match:
Matt Riddle (USA)
- vs -
Cezar Bononi (BRAZIL)

Riddle looks good here, using a mix of striking and grappling with an arsenal of suplexes .... he gets the submission win with the ‘Bro-mission’ (twister lock) ....

Once again, Low Ki is out to watch Riddle .... Riddle holds the ropes open and invites Low Ki into the ring but Low Ki turns and walks to the back instead ....


Aleister Black is in a dark room surrounded by candles and smoke .... he cuts a cryptic promo about tonight’s main event and how he will become the 1st UK champion ....

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Singles Match:
Wolfgang (SCOTLAND)
- vs -
Jordan Devlin (IRELAND)

Wolfgang hits all his signature moves and gets the win after the Howling (Swanson bomb) ....


We get a promo from the 3rd man in tonight’s title match, ‘Bruiserweight’ Pete Dunne .... Dunne says a lot of people don’t think he belongs in the title match, but the reality is he is the ONlY one that belongs!  He proved it last week when he beat Scurll and Black in the same night, and he’s taking the title tonight ....

Corey and Drake discuss our next match, and they replay Nigel McGuiness attacking Gran Metalik on the last show .... Nigel then cut a promo calling out Finn Balor ....

Singles Match:
Nigel McGuiness (UK)
- vs -
Gran Metalik (MEXICO)

Metalik gets offense early with his Lucha style .... Nigel is frustrated but eventually calms down and grapples the hell out of Metalik and takes control .... Metalik rallies, hitting a springboard dropkick and then a dive to the outside .... Metalik hits the springboard elbow for a close 2, then goes for the Metalik Driver but Nigel escapes by ripping at the mask of Metalik.  The ref is out of position, allowing Nigel to kick Metalik right between the legs!  Nigel smirks and then comes off the ropes with a jawbreaker lariat that nearly takes off Metalik’s Head .... Nigel covers and gets the 3 count ....

After the match, McGuiness takes the mic and once again calls out Finn Balor .... Metalik comes back in and attacks Nigel, clearing the ring and standing tall ....

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Dunne has interfered in the last 2 UK title matches, demanding that he be inserted into the match because he didn’t tap out to Aleister Black during the U.K. title tournament .... this led to William Regal suspending Dunne, but he continued to show up .... Regal threatened to fire Dunne, but Black and Scurll threatened to walk out if he did because they wanted him in the ring .... this led to ‘High Stakes’, where Dunne had to beat both Black and Scurll in the same night to keep his job .... Dunne won both matches, and this wormed his way into the title match tonight .... Dunne wormed his way into this match by beating Scurll and Black in separate matches in ‘High Stakes’ on the last show .... if Dunne would have lost either of those matches then he would have been forced to leave Progress UK ....

Main Event: Triple Threat for the United Kingdom title:
‘The Villain’ Marty Scurll (UK)
- vs -
Aleister Black (NETHERLANDS)
- vs -
‘Bruiserweight’ Pete Dunne (UK)

Black and Scurll attack Dunne at the start because they are pissed he’s even in the match .... they beat him up and toss him out, then immediately turn and attack each other .... Scurll goes for the ‘just kidding’ Superkick, but Black nails a jumping knee strike .... Scurll knocked outside and Black hits the Asai moonsault to the floor!  Dunne back up and cuts off Black, and they exchange shots .... Dunne tries to bend the fingers of Black but Scurll nails him with a Superkick and tosses Dunne shoulder-first into the ring post .... Scurll works the arm of Dunne while Black recovers .... Scurll really works Dunne over but Dunne connects with a hard forearm with his good arm .... Dunne goes for a forearm on Black but he ducks and then nails Dunne with the Black Death combo .... Black up top, but Scurll is back up and shoves him off all the way to the floor!  Scurll hits the ‘just kidding’ Superkick on Dunne, then goes for a brainbuster but Dunne blocks it and hits the X Plex!  Dunne goes for the Bitter End but his arm is hurt and he can’t lift him .... Scurll goes for a tornado DDT but Dunne tosses him to the apron and then forearms him off the apron to the floor!  Scurll and Black team up to Suplex Dunne through the announce table!!!!

It’s Scurll and Black now, and they exchange hard strikes in the center .... Scurll nails Black with some stiff open hand strikes and Black fires up and flips Scurll the bird .... SCURLL GRABS HIS FINGERS AND DOES THE FINGER BREAK SPOT!!!!  Scurll with a cradle for 2, then they run through a series of reversals with each guy getting a near fall .... Black with a spinning back elbow rocks Scurll, then the bicycle knee nearly KO’s him .... 1 ... 2 ... Scurll kicks out!  Black takes a moment to remove the tape from his wrists and use it to tape up his ‘broken’ fingers, then he demands Scurll get up .... Black goes for the Black Mass but Scurll avoids it and goes for the crossface chickenwing .... Dunne is back in and breaks it up .... Dunne goes for the Bitter End on Scurll, but Scurll reverses it in mid-move into a DDT!  Scurll waits for Dunne to get up .... CHICKENWING ON DUNNE!  Scurll takes Dunne to the mat with a body scissors, but Black comes off the top with a double stomp on both men!!!!  HOLY SHIT!!!!  Black is in control now and he uses his foot to lifts Scurll off the mat .... BLACK MASS!!!!  But Dunne is back up and grabs Black and tosses him to the floor!  Dunne covers Scurll ... 1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!  Pete Dunne is the U.K. Champion![/b]

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Dunne barely has time to celebrate when bagpipes start playing out comes ....

Progress: United Kingdom #315 Drew-mcintyre-nxt-wwe-ftr-081617_1riwm1bdajv7i1b0gh75nu84n3

.... DREW MCINTYRE!  Drew McIntyre is back!!!!  Drew confronts Dunne, asking him for a shot at the U.K. title .... Dunne blows him off and goes to leave, but McIntyre stops him .... SHOOT HEADBUTT TO DUNNE!  Dunne is knocked silly .... DREW LAYS HIM OUT WITH THE FUTURE SHOCK!!!!  McIntyre picks up the U.K. title and looks at it, then drops it on Dunnes chest and claps for him .... McIntyre leaves, and the new Champion is down in the ring ....  


- The Fallout from tonight’s main event

- Finn Balor arrives

- Progress tag title tournament begins ....

- Nigel McGuiness vs Gran Metalik in a no DQ match
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