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 Progress: United Kingdom #334: ‘Eye for an Eye’

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress: United Kingdom #334: ‘Eye for an Eye’ Empty
PostSubject: Progress: United Kingdom #334: ‘Eye for an Eye’   Progress: United Kingdom #334: ‘Eye for an Eye’ EmptyMon Jul 06, 2020 2:53 pm

Progress: United Kingdom #334: ‘Eye for an Eye’ Progress_strong_style_pro_wrestling_logo_by_nuruddinayobwwe-dbceh2i


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1. ‘... A style of wrestling evolved from Japanese Puroresu (プロレス) and traditional British Catch wrestling that incorporates full contact martial arts kicks and strikes with a strong emphasis placed on submission wrestling ...’

Progress: United Kingdom #334: ‘Eye for an Eye’ 18134d978fb46d3e069c804d98d9b187
Progress Atlas Champion: AJ STYLES
Progress: United Kingdom #334: ‘Eye for an Eye’ Tommaso_ciampa_nxt_champion_2018_by_ssjgokufan01-dcft1qf     Progress: United Kingdom #334: ‘Eye for an Eye’ OBA-YcxK_400x400
United Kingdom                            United States
Champion: TOMASSO CIAMPA              Champion: LOW KI

Progress: United Kingdom #334: ‘Eye for an Eye’ Dcx1rrn-48605f53-4d63-484f-b7c3-067aeaab4891
Progress Tag Team Champions: RODERICK STRONG & KYLE O’REILLEY

LOCATION: London, England
ARENA: Royal Albert Hall
ANNOUNCERS: Matt Striker & Pat McAfee

Progress: United Kingdom #334: ‘Eye for an Eye’ IMG_3055

NOTE: *** We get the disclaimer about how in Progress UK, we settles things in the ring .... The emphasis is more on the competition and the combatants fighting spirit than the characters .... ***

**** RECAP ****

The show begins with full coverage of the Progress World Cup and Drew McIntyre winning the Cup to earn a shot at the UWF World title .... highlights are shown of the other matches, with an emphasis on ‘The Villain’ Marty Scurll defeating William Regal inside Hell in a Cell in the main event ....

* * * * OPENING SEGMENT * * * *

The show begins with GM Johnny Saint in the ring and he introduces the winner of the Progress World Cup Drew McIntyre .... Drew comes out with the World Cup trophy and says he beat the best the world had to offer .... Now he is going to face Adam Cole for the World title at the UWF 10th Anniversary show ....

United Kingdom Champion Tomasso Ciampa comes out to interrupt .... Ciampa has no intro music and the intense hatred from the crowd IS his intro music .... he takes time to soak in their hate, which makes him stronger .... Ciampa says Drew didn’t beat the best in the world because he was not a part of the tournament .... McIntyre deserves NOTHING ....

Aleister Black’s music hits!  Black comes out, but Johnny Saint realizes he is quickly losing control of the situation and he calls in the reinforcements .... we get a bunch of agents and officials pouring out the back to get between Black and the ring but Black starts killing all of them with strikes .... Black hits the ring and Ciampa bails, leaving Black and McIntyre nose to nose ....

Now Buddy Murphy comes out!  Murphy says this conversation shouldn’t even be happening because he won the World Cup .... he was the only one that won his semi-final match .... He says Saint doesn’t know how to treat his top stars and that he is being treated unfairly .... he wants his opportunity against Ciampa too .... Saint says all of them deserve the opportunity, so he books a Fatal 4 Way for the main event .... BLACK WITH THE BLACK MASS TO MURPHY OUT OF NOWHERE!!!!  Black gets in the face of Johnny Saint, but McIntyre steps in between them and gets nose to nose with Black ....  McIntyre and Black both turn to stare down Ciampa, who backs up the ramp clutching the title ....

The lights begin to flicker in the arena, and then an image flashes across the screen briefly ....

Progress: United Kingdom #334: ‘Eye for an Eye’ VFQT5dDd

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Ringkampf (Axel Dieter Jr & Fabian Aichner)
- vs -
Flash Morgan Webster & Mark Andrews

.... Aichner has an impressive performance in the World Cup, and he debuts here as the newest member of Ringkampf .... Webster and Andrews are an exciting tag team, but Aichner and Dieter Jr get the win with their doomsday spiral powerbomb/ European uppercut finisher ....


The UWF 10th Anniversary show is announced with Progress as the host promotion .... we see clips from the press conference with comments from both MVP and Johnny Saint, and the announcement that Progress World Cup winner Drew McIntyre will challenge Adam Cole for the UWF world title at the show ....  

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Nigel McGuiness
- vs -
Zema Ion

.... McGuiness dominates with may work, negating Ion’s high-flying offense .... Nigel gets the submission win with the London Dungeon ....

POST MATCH: Nigel cuts a promo and puts everyone in Progress on notice .... He says since he was born right here in London, England he was raised to be the worlds greatest fighter .... it’s in his genes, it’s in his blood, it’s what he does!  He’s back in Progress to dominate the sport he was designed for, and to prove that he is what he says he is and that’s the best technical wrestler alive today ....


Drew McIntyre cuts a promo about facing Adam Cole at the 10th Anniversary show .... Everyone wants to rule the World, and the Iron King of Scotland will rule the UWF .... tonight, he is going to destroy Tomasso Ciampa just for fun, and anyone else that gets in his way ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *


We see ‘The Villain’ Marty Scurll seated on a bench wearing a suit and his bird mask with an umbrella in his hand .... Scurll cuts a promo, quoting lines from ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ about the golden ticket .... the promo turns dark as Scurll starts talking about angels and demons and how William Regal had an angel on one shoulder that kept him from being who he truly was .... Scurll says he was the devil on Regals other shoulder .... Regal should have listened to him, then maybe he would still be here .... but he wanted to be a hero to his children .... but what he realized all too late was that there are no heroes in the world anymore .... only villains .... LONG LIVE THE VILLAIN ....

(Champion) Rhea Ripley
- vs -
Santana Garrett

.... excellent back and forth match with Santana getting in a decent amount of offense .... Ripley overwhelms her with sheer brutality and strikes, and eventually finishes the match with the Riptide for the 3 count ....

POST MATCH: Ripley continues her attack on Garrett after the match is over .... Becky Lynch runs out from the back, but Ripley slides out of the ring before Becky can get her hands on her .... Ripley holds up the Internet title and taunts Becky as she backs up the ramp ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

American Alpha (Chad Gable & Jason Jordan) w/ Jack Swagger
- vs -
Mustache Mountain (Tyler Bate & Trent Seven)

....American Alpha attack Trent Sevens knee during the match, and they take the first fall after Gable forces Seven to submit using a knee bar .... Tyler Bate is in the ring for the majority of the 2nd fall and doesn’t tag in Seven as he’s on the outside selling the knee injury .... Seven eventually tags himself in and comes in a house of fire but only on one leg!  American Alpha rallies and hits Grand Amplitude, but Tyler Bate breaks it up .... MM turn the tide and send Jordan out, then hit the Dragon Suplex/ rebound lariat combo on Gable but Jordan breaks it up!  Jordan with an O’Connor roll on Bate, but Seven comes in with the 7 stars lariat to break it up!  Seven takes out Gable, allowing Bate to hit the Tyler Driver 97 for the 3 count and we are tied at 1-1 .... Fall 3 is balls to the wall action .... Swagger gets involved, pulling Seven off the apron and locking on the ankle lock .... Bate wipes him out with a dive .... This allows American Alpha to hit the Grand Amplitude on Bate but he kicks out!  ‘Bruiserweight’ Pete Dunne comes out and brawls with Swagger around the ring, and Gable tries to dive out onto Dunne but he knocks him out of the air with a KO forearm!  Gable is out, and in the ring Bate & Seven hit the Mustache Ride on Jordan for the 3 count to win the match 2 falls to 1! ....


Rhea Ripley promo .... she’s asked about the next challenger for the Internet title and she says there isn’t anyone on the roster worthy enough to challenge her .... Becky Lynch interrupts and accuses Rhea of ducking her .... Rhea says she has no reason to duck her because she already beat her .... she needs a worthy challenger .... Rhea tells Becky to earn a title match and walks off, leaving Becky standing there fuming ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *


UWF world tag team champions War Machine (Hanson & Rowe) cut a promo and say they issued a challenge to the #3 team in the rankings for a match at the UWF Anniversary .... well, Metal Pollution and Orndorff & Piper tied for #2, so they challenge BOTH teams to fight them!!!! They said they were bringing WAR to the UWF tag team division, and they declare WAR at the UWF Anniversary show ....  

Progress United Kingdom Championship
(Champion) Tomasso Ciampa
~ vs ~
Aleister Black
~ vs ~
Drew McIntyre
~ vs ~
Buddy Murphy

.... Black and Mcintyre toss Murphy and immediately go after Ciampa .... they take turns trying to one-up each other while beating the hell out of Ciampa, then they eventually turn their attention to each other .... Ciampa is taken out and Black and McIntyre start killing each other, but Murphy is back in and tries to sneak a cheap win .... has the match won after hitting Black Mass on Murphy, but Ciampa is back in and takes everyone out .... Project Ciampa to Black, but Mcintyre breaks it up .... Ciampa and Mcintyre brawl on the floor, and Ciampa dumps the announce table over on top of McIntyre!  In the ring, Murphy tries to get the cheap win on Black but he kicks out .... they battle and Murphy dodges the Black Mass and hits Murphy’s Law!  1 ... 2 ... Noooooo!!!!  Murphy up top, but comes off right into the bicycle knee from Black!  He uses his foot to pick him up .... BLACK MASS!!!!  1 ... 2 ... The Bell Rings!!!!  We see Ciampa at ringside and he is ringing the bell!  Black goes after Ciampa, but this allows Ciampa to hit him with the U.K. title belt and lay him out!  Ciampa slides in and covers the unconscious Murphy to win the match!!!! ....

POST MATCH: Ciampa celebrates and goes around ringside, getting in the faces of fans and holding up the U.K. title .... He grabs someone’s sign out of their hands and tears it up, but then the fan removes his hood and IT’S JOHNNY GARGANO!!!!  Ciampa looks like he has seen a ghost!!!!  Gargano attacks Ciampa and beats the holy hell out of him!!!!  Gargano pulls off the protective mask that is protecting his broken face, and he repeatedly hits Ciampa in the face with it .... Ciampa is bloodied, and Gargano tosses him back in the ring and hits the slingshot DDT!  Johnny locks on the Gargano-Escape and refuses to let go!  Progress officials come out and pull Johnny off, but he turns and attacks them!  Johnny gets a chair and attacks them some more, then ties Ciampa up in the ropes .... Ciampa begs for mercy and tells Johnny that he’s sorry, but Gargano says ‘I’M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!’ and then gives Ciampa the Tommy Dreamer/ Raven killshot with the chair!!!!  Holy shit!!!!  

Johnny drops the chair and allows the Progress officials to restrain him, and they escort him away .... the other ones in the ring untie Ciampa from the ropes and he’s a bloody mess .... the bring out the stretcher, but then PETE DUNNE’S MUSIC HITS!!!!  HOLY SHIT!!!!  The ref waves him off and tells him Ciampa is hurt, but Dunne hands over his briefcase to the referee and cashes it in for his U.K. title shot!!!!

Progress United Kingdom Championship
(Champion) Tomasso Ciampa
~ vs ~
‘Bruiserweight’ Pete Dunne

.... Dunne just stands in the ring as the people are chanting in unison ‘BRUISER-WEIGHT!  BRUISER-WEIGHT!’  Dunne shrugs, then drags Ciampa to his feet .... BITTER END!!!!  1 ... 2 ... 3!  New Champion!!!!

POST MATCH: Ciampa is a mess .... he has to be carried out while Dunne celebrates with the U.K. title to close the show ....

Progress: United Kingdom #334: ‘Eye for an Eye’ A8a39f5469bc58a9e3bc3f067f532135
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