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 NWA Presents : The Bash All Stars World Tour

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Johnny Rose

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NWA Presents : The Bash All Stars World Tour  Empty
PostSubject: NWA Presents : The Bash All Stars World Tour    NWA Presents : The Bash All Stars World Tour  EmptySat Jul 27, 2024 9:20 am

NWA Presents : The International Bash

JR : Hello folks and welcome to the NWA International Bash from Paris . The opening ceremony for the Olympics are tonight , but we are here also . It’s time for NWA Wrestling . My partner is none other than the Dean of wrestling Gordon Solie . Gordon . This is a huge show .

Gordon : Indeed it is Jim . A Tribal Warfare match . Goldust vs The Rock for the WWF Television Championship.

A no DQ contest. Sting vs Jerry Lawler .

Four NWA World Titles on the line

And our main event tonight . A ladder match for a contract to wrestle new NWA World Super Junior Heavyweight Champion Will Osprey in London.

JR : Well folks right now . It’s Tribal Warfare. The WWF Television Championship is on the line .

WWF Television Championship Goldust vs The Rock : Cactus Jack comes out and hits the Rock from behind with a chair . He rolls Rock on the ring . Goldust hits the final curtain and goes for the cover !!!! Keep Rollin by Limpbizcut hits the American Bad Ass the Undertaker appears at ringside . Clothesline to Cactus . Goldust stunned remembers to cover the Rock . 1…….2……Nooooooo !!!!! The Rock kicks out !!! Goldust hits another Final Curtain !!! He goes for the cover . 1………….2…………Noooooo !!! The Rock kicks out again !!! Golddust goes for yet another Final Curtain , but Rock counters . DDT!!! Rock lays on the mat for a second and doesn’t move . Then covers Goldust with one arm . 1………..2………Noooooo !!!! Rock with a clothesline , knocks Goldust over the top rope ! He goes out after him , Rock whips Goldust into the ring post and then hits a Rock Bottom on the steps ! He kicks Goldust off the steps . Covers 1………….2………..3 !!!!

JR : The Rock has finally captured gold in the WWF .

Gordon : However, he becomes the hunted now . Can he make his rise to the NWA rankings ?

JR : Gordon , we go from one match with no rules to another .

Gordon : Indeed . This feud between Sting and Jerry Lawler has gone on for months . Tonight , it all comes to a head .

JR : Folks this ain’t gonna be pretty . Let’s go to the ring .

No DQ Jerry Lawler vs Sting : Lawler comes out with Gilbert. Gilbert grabs a chair and, sits in the corner and puts his hands up , as if to promise Sting no interference. The two men lock up and go right into the ropes . Lawler goes for a big right hand while he has Sting in the ropes but Sting ducks comes up and press slams Lawler who powders out . Lawler and Gilbert go to make a plan . Sting though dives over the ropes and knocks them both down with a crossbody . Sting slingshots Gilbert into the ring post . Gilbert is out cold . Lawler though takes advantage with a low blow . He rolls Sting in the ring and then goes to the second rope . He comes off with a fist drop and then pulls something out of his tights . Gordon tells us that it looks link an old fashioned bottle opener . Lawler starts grinding the object into Sting’s head , busting him open .

Lawler goes up and hits another fist drop . He covers 1……….2………Noooo !!! Sting kicks out !!! Lawler now works a sleeper !!!! The blood really pouring from Sting’s head . The ref checks the arm . It falls once . He checks again , it falls twice . He checks a third time and Sting shows signs of life !!! Sting elbow his way out and then gets off a press slam . He goes up for a flying splash , but gets a bit dizzy up top . Leaps late and Lawler moves !!! Lawler with a spinning neck breaker and then hits a Piledriver!!! Sting no sells it and stands up !!! Lawler with a right hand . Sting shakes his head no . He goes for another and Sting shakes his head no and then flexes !! Sting with a Spear that sends Lawler to the outside ! Lawler crashes through a table !! Sting rolls his man in . Lawler staggers up ……. SCORPION DEATHDROP !!! Sting covers 1………..2………3 !!!

JR : Sting finally got the monkey of Jerry Lawler off his back .

Gordon : It appears both members of the Kings of Memphis are hurt . EMT’s are coming now .

JR : Gordon , the past few months NWA National Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle and Harley Race have waged a war .

Gordon : From Texas , to Vegas to New York and now here in France . There has been blood spilled and appendages hurt . However there has also come respect . Tonight , win lose or draw . This is the final between these two .

JR : It’s the National Heavyweight Championship folks and it’s right now . Let’s go to the ring .


NWA National Heavyweight Championship Kurt Angle vs Harley Race : Angle rushes Harley as the bell rings and attacks him in a corner. Race fights out but Angle counters him into a belly-to-belly suplex. Race fights out of a German suplex and lands an overhead belly-to-belly of his own. Angle escapes to ringside to avoid a nasty kick and when he returns he gets into a long chain-grappling sequence that ends with Race shoulder blocking Angle to the mat. Angle avoids a kick but eats a drop toehold. Race goes for a crossface but Angle gets to the ropes. They trade holds again until Race hits some leg kicks. Angle reverses an Irish whip. Race ducks a clothesline and Angle ducks an enzuigiri. Angle hits another belly-to-belly for a one-count. Harley counters an Irish whip and hits a back elbow and then applies a chinlock. He sends Angle into the ropes again but Angle counters with a double-leg takedown. Angle chases him and attacks his leg at ringside, and then applies a leglock back inside the ring. Angle applies a heel hook but Race kicks his way to freedom. Angle responds with a Figure-4 leglock but Race pulls one foot back to present the hold from being applied fully. Harley nearly reverses the hold onto Angle but Angle rolls back and locks it in fully. Race tries reversing and escaping but eventually toughs it out by pulling himself to the ropes for a ropebreak

Angle goes back to that leg but Race kicks with his free leg. Race twists around only to find Angle hitting his rolling German suplexes. Race avoids an Angle Slam and lands an Exploder suplex for a close two-count. Race hits a vertical suplex followed by a Brainbuster. He goes for a third suplex but Angle blocks and applies the ankle lock but Race rolls into another crossface. Angle fights through and gets the ankle lock applied. Race reverses back into the crossface. Angle’s right arm goes limp. The ref checks on him but he starts fighting back. Angle reverses back into the ankle lock but Harley kicks him off. Angle charges but gets caught in yet another crosssface. Angle rolls over and lands an Angle Slam. 1.......2...... Race kicks out.

Angle goes to the top rope. Diving moonsault...... misses. Harley gets up and hits a corner Knee. That’s followed by an avalanche belly-to-belly. 1......2...... Angle kicks out. Another crossface by Race. Angle tries slipping out but Race reapplies it. Angle lifts his hand to tap. Race uses that to deliver a piledriver. He rolls into a pin. 1......2...... Angle kicks out. Race goes for a Backdrop suplex. Angle counters into an ankle lock but Race kicks him back. Both wrestlers go down. Release Backdrop suplex by Race. Angle kicks out. Race winds up for a diving headbutt but Angle moves and Angle catches his leg. Ankle lock! Angle sits down and then grapevines Race’s leg. After a few moments..... Race taps!! Angle retains his title .

JR : What a slobber knocker Gordon .

Gordon : Indeed Jim . This next match is not for the faint of heart . The Mega Powers have destroyed every team that has gotten on their path .

JR : They have , but the British Bulldogs . The NWA World Tag Team Champions have had their number . Tonight though they settle their differences in a Steel Cage . The that walks out first under their own power are the winners . Buckle up folks . Here we go !!!

Steel Cage NWA World Tag Team Championships The British Bulldogs vs The Mega Powers : All four men stand on the middle of the ring . There is a stare down . Then some jawing . Hogan and Savage both go for clothesline , but the Bulldogs duck under them and capture both men . Double release Over The Head Belly to Belly !!! Davey Boy with a press slam on Savage !!! Dynamite with a snap vertical on Hogan !!! Dynamite now works a step over toe hold on Hogan , while Smith introduces Savage to the cage !!! Smith now hits a running Powerslam on Savage !!! Now he drops an elbow on Hogan while Dynamite is working the step over . Dynamite into a Figure Four !!! Savage is back up and Smith with a back breaker and then Recliner Stretch on Savage . Gordon and JR talk about their plan is obviously to take incapacitate the Mega Powers with a submissions and then just walk out of the cage . Smith puts Savage on his shoulders ! Electric Chair Drop into the cage !!! The back of Savage’s head is bleeding . Savage lays in the corner . Hogan now takes more double teaming from the Bulldogs !!! The double Suplex him and then go for a version of the Hart Attack !!! They now nod and start to go for the door .

Savage is up and hits Dynamite in the back of the head with a knee . Dynamite falls out of the cage . The ref waves him off . You have to walk out of the cage under your own power. Hogan is up and as Dynamite tries to get back in the cage , Hogan slams the door on his head . Knocking him to the floor !!! Hogan with a Fall Away Slam on Smith !!!! Savage goes up top and Hogan points to the top of the cage !! Hogan hoist Smith up over one shoulder , like an old school back body Vice !!! Savage comes off the top of the cage with the elbow !!!! MEGA BOMB !!!!!! Savage limps to the cage and makes his way out !!! The ref signals that Savage is first legally out of the cage . Savage catapults Dynamite face first into the cage on the outside . Dynamite now a bloody mess , lay at Savage’s feet !

Hogan starts to make his way out of the cage . Smith comes up from behind and grabs Hogan by the back of the trunks and then gets off a Release German ! Hogan staggers up ….. Smith a vicious clothesline !!! Smith now snatches up Hogan !!! STAMPEDE SLAM BY SMITH !!!!! Smith now makes his way to the cage ……SAVAGE HITS HIM FROM THE OUTSIDE WITH A STEEL CHAIR !!!! Smith is out cold !!! Dynamite is back up !!! He kicks Savage in the gut and then hits a DDT !!! Dynamite scales the cage . Hogan is still down !!! Dynamite leaps …… DIVING HEADBUTT !!!!!!! Hogan is busted open !! Dynamite shakes it off and goes over and tries to revive Daveyboy . Smith wakes up . Dynamite helps his partner to the door . Smith staggers but gets down the steps without falling . The ref signals that Daveyboy Smith has cleared the cage . Dynamite now starts to make his way out . He forgets about the discarded chair that Savage threw in the cage . Hogan doesn’t though . He slams it into the back of Dynamite !!! Then spins Dynamite around …….. ACE BOMBER BY HOGAN !!!! Hogan is now up . He opens the cage door and staggers out , but doesn’t fall . The ref comes over and raises the hands of Savage and Hogan !!!

JR : I didn’t like the way that match went down , but Gordon we got new NWA World Tag Team Champions!!!

Gordon : Yessir , Jim . The Mega Powers have been a force since forming and now hold the NWA World Tag Team Championship. One side note , this is a Triple Crown win for Randy Savage . NWA National Heavyweight Championship. NWA World Heavyweight Championship and now NWA World Tag Team Championship.

JR : That’s incredible . And folks we will have more tag team action coming your way . Right now it’s time for the NWA World Television Championship. Gordon , Roddy Piper has been impressive to say the least .

Gordon : If there was a Bash MVP it would be Roddy Piper . He has fought his way through a virtual of who’s who in the television championship division. Probably the best brawler in our sport . Tonight however he faces a double tough individual.

JR : Gordon , Paul Orndorff has every tool you can have as a wrestler , not to mention so much god given talent . Piper better beware of that Piledriver or we could be looking at new World Television Champion here tonight .

NWA WORLD TELEVISION CHAMPIONSHIP ROWDY RODDY PIPER vs PAUL " MR. WONDERFUL" ORNDORFF : PIPER is his usual arrogant self as he enters the ring but you can see the effect of the recent wars he has had in defense of his world tv title!
ORNDORFF has had his problems with LAWLE and GILBERT as of late but he seems primed and ready for his TV title shot!
ORNDORFF starts out strong with power moves, arm drags and takes control of the first part of this match! But PIPER shows just why he has had a stranglehold on this title and fights back to get control with the help of his usual dirty tactics!
PIPER takes the fight to the outside but ORNDORFF reverses a whip into the guardrail and wisely returns to the ring as we all know that PIPER does some of his best work on the outside! The ROWDY ONE returns to the ring and these two go at it hard! PIPER reverses a turnbuckle whip and goes for a back body drop as ORNDORFF rebounds outta the corner! But PAUL stops his momentum and picks up PIPER for a pile driver as the crowd pops! But PIPER is slick, stops it by grabbing the second rope and then twists ORNDORFF into a small package and with the help of grabbing onto the ropes again, PIPER gets a very dubious pin and retains the world Television Championship.

Gordon : And that’s all she wrote . Jim Roddy Piper just finds a way to win .

JR : You may not like it folks , but you can’t argue his success . Now business is about to pick up Gordon .

Gordon : Well , for every accolade you can say about Piper , you can say about our NWA National Tag Team Champions, the Texas Outlaws . They have held these titles since its inception.

JR : Turning back challenge after challenge . They can brawl with the best of them . Funk , the crazy one and Hansen while not a full load of bricks either , has that Larait , that can end a match in a moments notice.

Gordon : Their opponents a dominant tag team themselves . The former SECW Tag Team Champions who held those titles for over a year . They destroy everything in their path . Big , strong and two nasty attitudes . Jim this will be a Piersixer .

JR : You bet it will and we got it for you right now !!!

NWA National Tag Team Championship: The Texas Outlaws vs Demolition: This match up is a fight from the startas DEMOLITION is trying to rebound after losing their SECW tag team titles recently to the NATURAL DISASTERS! FUNK and HANSEN have been facing a who's who of tag teams thru out the NWA since winning the National tag titles ! AX and HANSEN start things off and both are exchanging punches, kicks, you name it! HANSEN rakes the eyes to get a slight advantage but AX retaliates with one of his own and has HANSEN in dire straights! For the next several minutes DEMOLITION keep HANSEN near or in their corner and work him over pretty damn well! FUNK is stopped any time he tries to make the save! Eventually SMASH misses a charge into the corner which gives STAN a chance to crawl over and make the tag ! FUNK clobbers SMASH and gives a few shots to AX when he runs into the battle!

Eventually all four men are fighting and as the ref sends FUNK back to his corner, AX is holding HANSEN and SMASH hits the ropes and goes to hit HANSEN with a clothesline but HANSEN ducks and SMASH'S clothesline hits AX who goes over the top rope! SMASH turns around and HANSEN hits him with the lariat and gets the pin as the OUTLAWS retain their belts!

Post match, a groggy AX has climbed back into the ring and SMASH goes over to help him up and apologize for the accident! AX hugs SMASH as the fans pop but as they start to leave the ring, AX clobbers him from behind and starts pounding away on SMASH with several double ax handle blows! This leaves SMASH vunerable to not one but two swinging neck breakers which leave him pretty much out of it! AX looks down on his partner, spits on him and leaves the ring to the boos of the stunned crowd.

Gordon : Well the Outlaws continue to roll , but wow !!! What happened ?????

JR : Gordon , Ax lost his damn mind is what happened !!! I’m in shock .

Gordon : We all are , Jim . Maybe cooler heads will prevail later .

JR : In speaking of shock , back on July 6th , Kerry Von Erich shocked the world when he pinned the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Lex Luger .

Gordon : And since winning that title Kerry Von Erich has cut a run like no other , turning back challenges from Gorgeous George Wagner , Chris Benoit and Nikita Koloff . Tonight however to quote the Wizard of Oz. He has to face a horse of a different color .

JR : Horse hell ! He has to face an angry damn mountain !!! Andre The Giant the WWF Heavyweight Champion. He stands 7’4 . Weighs over 400 pounds !!! A 12 oz Budweiser looks like a match box in this man’s hands . He has made no mistake about wanting that World Heavyweight title. Tonight he has home court advantage. Can he bring gold in his home country?

NWA World Heavyweight Championship Kerry Von Erich vs Andre The Giant : The crowd roars to life as their countrymen makes his way to the ring . Gordon and JR talk about Kerry being 6’2 and looking small in stature next to Andre . He is literally looking up at the big man !!! Kerry bounds off the ropes , hoping for a shoulder tackle , but Andre just sticks out a big paw and knocks him on his ass . Kerry realizes now that if he wasn’t afraid of Andre before , he better be now . Andre snatches Kerry off the mat and hits him with a Buckle Bomb ! Andre covers 1……….2……….foot on the ropes . Andre puts Kerry in the corner and then chokes him with his foot against the turnbuckles . Andre breaks on four and half . Kerry is rolling around on the mat holding his throat . Andre goes over and grabs Kerry with a two handed lifting choke!! The tosses him back in the corner !!! Andre goes for a running avalanche, but Kerry moves ! Andre hits the corner hard . Kerry waits for him to turn around …… DISCUSS PUNCH !!!! Andre falls back against the turnbuckles , but is still on his feet . Kerry does the old ten mounted punch in the corner , but all that does is piss the big man off and Kerry gets a chokeslam for his troubles !!!

Andre covers 1……….2………Kerry just gets a shoulder off the mat !!! Andre picks Kerry up and headbutts him !!! Kerry staggers backward and falls out of the ring . Andre is smart though , he knows he can’t win the title with Kerry on the floor . He goes out after him . He puts Kerry over one shoulder and goes to lawn dart him into the ringpost, but Kerry gets out back and is able to shove Andre from behind into the post using his momentum ! Andre is busted open !!! The sight of his own blood pisses off the big guy though . He Powerslams Kerry on the outside !!! Now he presses Kerry and tosses him over the top rope into the ring !! JR and Gordon talk about how Kerry has had little to no offense . Just two evasive maneuvers in this match . Kerry staggers to his feet , big boot by Andre ! Andre now goes for a splash , but Kerry rolls away at the last second ! Kerry with a basement dropkick to the face while Andre is on the mat !!! Kerry with a Discuss Punch while Andre is still kneeling !!! Andre finally falls onto the mat ! Kerry with a cover…..1……….2……….Nooooooo !!!! Andre kicks out !!! Kerry slaps on Sleeper !!! JR talks about how this is a wise decision by the champion !

Andre is in a seated position. Blood pouring from his head . The ref checks the arm . Andre shoves the ref away . He reaches back and kind of snapmares Kerry over his head . Andre staggers to his feet . Kerry with another Discuss Punch . Gordon and JR talk about how this is really about the only effect thing Kerry can do . Andre is staggered . Kerry goes to the second rope and hits jumps and hits a Superman Punch !!! Andre is down !!! Kerry covers . Andre just grabs him by the throat and stands . CHOKESLAM BY ANDRE !!! He covers 1………2……….Noooooo !!!!!! Kerry gets a foot on the ropes ! Andre with a back breaker now picks Kerry up into a back body Vice !!! The ref is asking Kerry if he wants to quit as he looks like a rag doll up there , but the champion is yelling , “ NO! “ Kerry’s feet find a turnbuckle and he pushes off and gets out the back ! Andre spins around , another Discuss Punch by Kerry then another fast one and another . Andre is staggered , he falls to one knee . Kerry clamps down on the Claw !!! Andre on two knees . The blood pumping like crazy out of his head . His body goes limp . The ref is yelling for Andre to do something , but there is no response . The ref waves Andre off . The consults with the ring announcer .

Michael Buffer : Ladies and gentlemen at this time , referee Pee Wee Anderson , asked Andre The Giant to respond , but he was unable to do so. For his own safety and the amount of blood loss the referee has called this match . Therefore the winner of this match by submission , TKO and still NWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WOOORRRRLLLLLDDDDDD KERRY VON ERICH !!!!!!!!

The crowd boos .

Gordon : A rather unpopular decision here in Andre’s home country , Jim .

JR : Gordon it was the right one though . You have to protect the wrestlers . Andre The Giant was in danger .

Gordon : Indeed . Jim look who is coming to sit beside you .

JR : Folks , it’s the NWA World Super Junior Heavyweight Champion Will Osprey . Hello young man .

Osprey : Hello Jim Ross . Hello Gordon Solie . I’m really impressed with Paris . Earlier today Simone Biles came up to me and asked me for a picture . Can you believe that ? Look at this .

The picture shows on the screen .

JR : So you’re getting the full Olympic tour .

Osprey : Yes I am and now , I’m here to see who will challenge me in my home country in London next month .

Gordon : Well the six best athletes in pro wrestling are gathering in the ring to find out . Mr . Osprey will you join us here on commentary for the match ?

Osprey : Absolutely, commentary with two legends on this sport . Yes .

JR : Folks it’s our main event . A ladder match . Winner climbs the ladder gets the contract and faces this man next month in England . Let’s go to the ring .

Ladder Match Eddie Guerrero vs Jay White vs Ricky Steamboat vs Art Barr vs Kenny Omega vs CM Punk : All 6 participants have entered the ring. They all take notice of NWA Super Juniors champion Will Ospreay! Ospreay wants to have an upclose view of this match to see who he will defend his title against in London in August.

The bell rings and everyone goes after ladders outside. Art Barr keeps everyone at bay with a small ladder, so Jay White brings in a big one and takes him down. Steamboat takes the small ladder and does a moonsault off the top while holding it, taking out about four opponents. Inside, they try to slingshot Omega into the ladder but he just ends up climbing it. He fights with Steamboat until Eddie Guerrero sets up a ladder next to them. He comes off with a sunset flip on Omega who superplexes Steamboat off the top of the ladder!!

Punk ends up hitting him with the GTS before taking the Plunge onto a ladder. Barr takes out Whites’s leg and gets hit with the dragon whip kick from Guerrero. Eddie climbs but has the ladder tilted forward, sending him somersaulting through a ladder set up across the apron and guardrail. The spots keep coming as White puts Steamboat in the Boston Crab across the top of a ladder. While he and Omega fight on two ladders for the briefcase Barr and Punk springboard onto the ladder to join them. All four men end up down, highlighted by Barr hitting a Backstabber on White off of the ladder. Barr knocks White off the ladder by headbutting him. Omega shoves him off and Punk takes him out with a small ladder before taking a Codebreaker into the ladder. White goes up and is in position to win but a desperate Punk tenaciously ascends the ladder. They fight up top and the White hits him with the swinging briefcase. Just when you think it’s over, Punk wisely pulls White’s leg through the rungs, leaving him hanging upside down and allowing Punk to pull down the contract! CM Punk will face Will Ospreay in London!! As Punk sits atop the ladder with his win, Ospreay stands on the stage applauding Punks effort as the stage is set for London next month .

JR : It’s CM Punk .

Gordon : A wild affair , but yes CM Punk prevails .

Osprey : Gentlemen, excuse me . I’m going to congratulate him .

Osprey gets in the ring .

Osprey ask for the house mic .

Osprey : Well , congratulations are in order . Well earned , Punk . I want you to realize one thing however . You beat the five best junior heavyweights in our division, but none of those men are me . None of them are the NWA World Super Junior Heavyweight Champion. Will Osprey .

CM Punk : I’m tired. I’m worn out . Tonight though I just proved what you and all these people here in Paris France already know .

Osprey : Oh and what is that ?

Punk : While you may be the NWA World Super Junior Heavyweight Champion, I am the BEST IN THE WHOLE DAMM WORLD !!! DON’T FORGET IT !!!!

Osprey hits Punk with a Pele Kick out of nowhere and then Storm Breaker !!!!!

Osprey : You look to me like every other man I face . Flat on his back . Looking at the lights . See you in London ,Punk !!!!

JR : Shots Fired !!!!

Gordon : That is going to be a classic in London . Jim it’s been a pleasure . I’m going to stay around here and enjoy the Olympics the next two weeks .

JR : Thank you Gordon . And folks look for me on WWF Television the next two weeks filling in for Gordon as well as my home in Midsouth . Goodnight everyone from Paris , France !!!

End Show

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Posts : 1665
Join date : 2020-06-11

NWA Presents : The Bash All Stars World Tour  Empty
PostSubject: Re: NWA Presents : The Bash All Stars World Tour    NWA Presents : The Bash All Stars World Tour  EmptySun Jul 28, 2024 4:03 pm

Rock has had a roller coaster of events lately..... he needed that win

I have a feeling Gilbert is gonna be a pain for Sting in this match

YES..... Stinger finally gets his revenge on Lawler

That was one helluva cage match...... congrats on winning the tag titles...... its gonna be interesting to see what the Mega Powers do as champions

Piper squeeks out another defense...... with one week left of the Bash, can he maintain his hold on that title

What the flip.......what is Ax problem

The Outlaws.....damned their good...... they may be my favorite thing in the red right now

I wasnt sure how Kerry would fare against Andre, but he wrestled that match perfectly against the big man

Awesome exchange between Punk and Ospreay...... that match is gonna be a damn banger

Great show
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NWA Presents : The Bash All Stars World Tour  Empty
PostSubject: Re: NWA Presents : The Bash All Stars World Tour    NWA Presents : The Bash All Stars World Tour  EmptyMon Jul 29, 2024 9:09 pm

great tv title match and glad taker came out to even the odds congrats Rock this may just be what rock needs to get outta thatb funk he has been in

luv seeing GILBERT accompany LAWLER

wtf sting attacked GILBERT who was minding his own damn business

YESS a bottle opener!

that piledriver woulda killed a normal man

sting gets a great win here and puts an end to this nice feud

what a fukin war im not sure who impressed me the most.. angle or race

angle wins the war of attrition...this time but damn we gotta see these two go at it again!

that was a fantastic cage match and exceptionallyu brutal the Mega Powers may be a bit arrigant but in this match they definitely not only talked the talk but walked the walk! Great run for the BULLDOGS but i bet its not the last we have seen of these 4 men battling!

i think ORNDORFF had a great game plan but PIPER has learned all the tricks on how to keep that world tv title and once again he leaves the ring with that title thats become synonymous with him!

DEMOLITION gave the OUT;LAWS all they could handle but like in many other sports, one mistake can be the difference between victory and defeat! And that post match attack came outta nowhere and im sure everyone would like to know just wtf is wrong with AX!!

I know its only days into his world title reign but DAMN!!! kerry showed the entire wrestling world and put the NWA on notice on just how damn good he is and how damn hard it will be to take that belt away from him!! Andre has been doing nuthin but kicking ass lately and he took the world champ to the brink of defeat but Kerry showed just what a von erich is made of! HELLUVA MATCH!

FANTASTIC LADDER MACH! i dont know how u guys can write thes matches as i know my ass couldnt do it and this was great! i was actually seeing white pull this out and getting his rematch but fukin punk aint no joke and him and ospreay is gonna be epis!


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