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 Major League Wresting #74

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Major League Wresting #74 Empty
PostSubject: Major League Wresting #74   Major League Wresting #74 EmptySat May 11, 2024 2:43 pm

Major League Wresting #74 Ddoi68e-fb70b8c3-7ed6-4f3b-86a5-992e9483cd92.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvODhlMzA4MjQtM2M5YS00OTU3LWI2YWItMzk0Y2I3ODNhYTIwXC9kZG9pNjhlLWZiNzBiOGMzLTdlZDYtNGYzYi04NmE1LTk5MmU5NDgzY2Q5Mi5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ

MAJOR LEAGUE WRESTLING is a sports-media holding company that focuses on professional wrestling sporting events & programming, digital contest and ancillary entertainment.  MLW prides itself on ‘Fusion Wrestling’, presenting a variety of wrestling styles from around the world to create a true hybrid of fighting styles from various disciplines across the globe.  MLW’s diverse roster incorporates the following disciplines:

- British Strong Style/ Catch Wrestling/ Hardcore Wrestling/ Lucha Libre/ Mixed Martial Arts/ Shoot Wrestling/ Japanese Strong Style/ Technical Wrestling

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<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">

MLW Champion:

Tallahassee, Florida

Superman Punch
Guillotine Choke

Reign: 02/27/23
Major League Wresting #74 Roman_reigns_undisputed_wwe_universal_champion_png_by_ambrose2k_dfz5kw6-350t.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NzA3IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZjkzMjQyNjEtZDZmZS00OGY1LTgzN2QtYjczM2Q1MDZjODY2XC9kZno1a3c2LTBlNTllMWZiLThiZTktNDAyZC04N2FjLWQ2MzdhNjk3Y2MwYS5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19

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Major League Wresting #74 IMG-7382OPENWEIGHT CHAMPION:
Will Ospreay

Essex, England


Hidden Blade

Reign: 01/13/23

<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">

Tag Team Champions:

The Briscoes (Mark &amp; Jay)

Sandy Fork, Delaware


Doomsday Device
Redneck Boogie

Major League Wresting #74 Thebriscoes

<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">

Major League Wresting #74 FNXp4QjXsAEH3x5Women's Champion:
Britt Baker

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Curb Stomp

Reign: 11/03/22

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*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

LOCATION: New Brunswick/ Piscataway, New Jersey

ARENA: Jersey Mike’s Arena

BROADCAST TEAM: Mauro Renallo &amp; Pat McAfee

INTERVIEWS: Charly Caruso &amp; Quinn McKay

RING ANNOUNCER: Samantha Irvine
Major League Wresting #74 JM_Mock_OutsideEntrance

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* * * * * PROLOGUE * * * * *

USOs miss a double superkick and we get a ref bump!  Loa takes out Jimmy, but Jey hits a Samoan drop on Tama …. Jey to the top and hits the USO splash!  No ref!  


Major League Wresting #74 The-briscoes-roh-1

The Briscoes are here!!!!

The USOs are distracted by this, allowing Tama Tonga to score with the Gun Stun on Jey!  Tama immediately with a dive to the floor takes out Jimmy!  The Briscoes attack Tama on the floor as Tonga Loa picks Jey up and hits Ape shit (Fire Thunder Driver)!

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1 … 2 … 3!!!!  The Guerrillas have beaten the USOs here!

The Briscoes hit the ring and attack EVERYONE!  It is a 3 way brawl between all 6 men!  Reigns leaves his chair and hits the ring …. RIGHT HAND OF GOD MODE (Superman punch) takes out Mark Briscoe!  Reigns turns and sees Tama Tonga and Jay Briscoe fighting, then he lines up a spear …. Reigns charges … BUT MISSES TAMA TONGA AND SPEARS JAY BRISCOE INSTEAD!  Was Reigns aiming for Tama Tonga or Jay Briscoe????  Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa slide out and escape into the crowd as Reigns stares them down with the Briscoes laid out ….

* * * * * END PROLOGUE * * * * *

* * * * * SHOW OPENING * * * * *

We are in New Jersey as MLW has come to the campus of Rutgers University at the JERSEY MIKE’s ARENA and the crowd is standing-room-only ….

MAURO RENALLO and PAT MCAFEE are your announcers, and they welcome the viewing audience and set up the show ….

Major League Wresting #74 MauroMajor League Wresting #74 Pat_McAfee_bio--1f9a51b1dedfe6960816ba1fe80d918a

Mauro and Pat recap the happenings in MLW, starting with the Geurrillas of Destiny’s win over the USOs on FIGHTLAND …. Lots of combustible elements in the building tonight ….

*** IN THE BACK ***

We once again start the show off with the Bloodline …. Jey is PISSED and pacing back and forth as Roman talks to them!  Jey says the Briscoes getting involved didn’t do shit to the Tongans, it cost the USOs!  Jimmy says they want their payback tonight and they want the MLW tag titles …. Reigns tells them they slipped up …. He’s going out to the ring and tells them to stay back here and calm down and he will handle it ….

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Opera Cup: Round 2

These two have each other scouted until, leading to some great back and forth action to start …. Orange Cassidy continues to be an anomaly and is the more over, but that changes as the match goes on and Hayes impresses with his smooth in-ring style …. Hayes earns the upper hand with an enziguri to the back of the head and the ‘Fade Away’ springboard leg drop as Cassidy is in the ropes …. Cassidy comes back with Stun Dog Millionaire off a suplex attempt by Hayes to swing the momentum back in his favor as they go back-and-forth …. Cassidy gets a near all off the Beach Break but Hayes wisely rolls out of the ring to avoid a pin …. Cassidy goes out after Carmelo, but Carmelo avoids the Orange Punch by catching him in mid-move with the ‘First 48’ (double knee Codebreaker) …. Hayes makes the climb and hits the ‘Hardaway’ (top rope elbow with ‘between the legs’ theatrics)!  1 … 2 … 3!  Hayes secures his spot in the finals …. </p></center>

Major League Wresting #74 Carmelo-hayes

POST MATCH: Orange Cassidy gets a nice ovation for his performance, BUT HE’S DECAPITATED BY A CLOTHESLINE FROM POWERHOUSE HOBBS!!!!  Hobbs has a mic and says that this is the bum they got to replace him?  He was supposed to be in this tournament, but he’s not and he blames Johnny Gargano …. He says Johnny that dropping the charges will be the worst mistake he’s ever made …. Hobbs picks Cassidy up and drills him with the Book of Hobbs …. Then he picks him up and nails a 2nd one!!!!  Officials are out and they escort Hobbs from the ring, but Hobbs goes back to the ring to deliver TWO MORE Book of Hobbs spinebusters on Cassidy before leaving him a broken mess ….

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*** IN THE BACK ***

AJ Styles promo in the back …. He has declared for Battle Riot and he plans on winning the whole thing …. A lot of people don’t like the fact that AJ is here, because when you are phenomenal then you make everyone else look mediocre …. Charly says AJ has made it known he is interested in the MLW title, and she asks if he is the challenger Trump picked for tonight …. Rex Steiner comes in and interrupts AJ …. Steiner asks for a rematch with AJ and AJ accepts for next week ….

Back in the arena, Roman Reigns’ music hits and out comes the UWF World Heavyweight Champion …. ‘1’s’ start going up all over the arena ….

REIGNS: “How many times do I have to tell you people.  This is the Island of Relevancy …. Why is it the Island of Relevancy?  Because everything I associate with becomes more relevant because of ME!  The Guerrillas of Destiny being associated with the High Chief has made them more relevant than their signature on a WWF contract EVER did.  But you two just don’t understand.  You got a win over my cousins, yeah.  But that wasn’t the deal.  If you want a spot on the Island of Relevancy, before you do anything else, just like New Jersey, the first thing you have to do is …. ACKNOWLEDGE ME!!!!”

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Reigns stops while the crowd acknowledges their High Chief …

REIGNS: “You had your fun.  You had your moment.  But now the more time it takes you to acknowledge me as your High Chief now, as the Head of the Table, well then the more it just looks like disrespect.  And when you disrespect me, you disrespect my entire Bloodline.  And you ARE NOT going to disrespect my family!”


Major League Wresting #74 The-briscoes-roh-1

Instead of the g.O.d, we get the Briscoes!!!!  Jay talks shit to Reigns about spearing him last week and Reigns just laughs …. Who are you?  Jay says ‘the man that’s about to whip the High Chiefs ass!’  He says everyone in MLW might be scared of the Bloodline but Dem Boys from Sandy Fork ‘by God’ Delaware ain’t scared of shit …. He says Reigns’ cousins want their tag team titles, but Jay wants Reigns’ title!  He says Trump is looking for a challenger for the MLW title tonight, well, it’s time to man up!

Reigns just laughs …. “You?  You want to challenge me?”  Reigns says he only competes at the highest level in matches that are worthy of being in the ring with the High Chief …. And Jay Briscoe is not on his level …. Reigns just tosses the mic at Jay and turns to walk off, but Jay grabs Reigns and tosses him over the top rope to the floor!  Reigns lands on his feet, but he is FURIOUS …. Reigns takes off his jacket and hits the ring and goes right after Jay, but he is cut off with a double shoulder-block from BOTH Briscoes!  The Briscoes set up the world champion for the Doomsday Device but here come the Geurrillas of Destiny to make the save for Roman!!!!  The Geurrillas start brawling with the Briscoes, allowing Reigns to escape the ring …. BUT HERE COME THE USOS!!!!  The Usos hit the ring and hit a Double Superkick to Tonga Loa!!!!  They are getting ready to do the same to Tama Tonga, but REIGNS CALLS THE USOS OFF!

The Usos are surprised by this, but they back off and head to the back, leaving the Tongans in the ring …. Reigns walks off, but The Briscoes are back up and they jump the Tongans!  Jay Driller to Tama Tonga!!!!  Jay stares down Reigns as The Bloodline watches from the top of the ramp ….

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Opera Cup: Round 2

This match is VERY hard-hitting …. The action goes back and forth with both guys getting near fall after near fall …. Dragunov scores with the Torpedo Moscow, but in the process sends Murphy into the ref and we get a ref bump.  THE LIGHTS GO OUT!!!!  When they come back on, sitting in the ring is ….

Major League Wresting #74 Malakai-Black-vs-Dustin-Rhodes_2021-09-08-AEW-Dynamite-036


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BLACK MASS TO DRAGUNOV!!!!  Murphy looks a little surprised, but then he turns and hits the curb stomp on Dragunov!   1 … 2 … 3!!!!


Major League Wresting #74 Malakai-Black-Buddy-Murphy-Matthews

Murphy somewhat reluctantly sits down in front of Black and the two stare at each other …. We see above the arena the same woman watching them ….

Major League Wresting #74 House-of-black-julia-hart

The lights go out again, and when they come back on both Black and Murphy are gone ….

*** IN THE BACK ***

Reigns is talking to the USOs …. Jey asks Reigns why he called them off of attacking the Tongans …. Reigns says the better question is WHERE WERE THEY?  How was it possible that the Tongans helped get those rednecks off him when the USOs were nowhere to be found …. Maybe he should bring the Tongans to the ring with him next time!!!! …. Jey says he’s the one that told them to stay in the back …. Reigns gets in his face and yells at them not to question their High Chief!  That shuts Jey up and he backs down …. Jimmy says the Tongans didn’t do it to save Reigns they are up to something …. They not family ….

Reigns tells the USOs they have business to take care of later, so they need to go somewhere and cool off …. Jimmy grabs Jey by the arm and tells him ‘let’s go’ and they leave ….

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WAR RAIDERS (Rowe &amp; Hanson)
GALLUS (Mark Coffey &amp; Wolfgang)

This is big lads slapping meat in the ring as it’s 4 big bulls colliding …. War Raiders put Gallus away after taking out Wolfgang with Thors Hammer, then finishing Mark Coffey with the Fallout …. </p></center>

Major League Wresting #74 Donna

Up next, the UWF women’s champion Deonna Purazzo comes out to the ring …. Deonna talks about how Rhea Ripley accuses her of being a coward, but then she shows up at FIGHTLAND looking for her when she already knew she wasn’t there …. The responsibility of being world champion takes her all over the world, but Rhea wouldn’t know anything about that …. She says Ripley acts out of emotion, but Purazzo is the champion because she is strategic and calculating …. Deonna is elegant, and looks like a champion, not a goth rock groupie …. She holds this title with class and brings prestige to the championship …. Shine #2 will be the same result as Mania ….

Major League Wresting #74 Britt_Baker_DMD

Queue Britt Baker’s music and here comes the MLW champion to interrupt Deonna, just like she came out and interrupted Ripley on FIGHTLAND …. She says the womens world title isn’t some exclusive club that she can only invite certain people to …. Baker has been the MLW women’s champion since November and has beaten everyone in her path, but Deonna is infatuated with Ripley …. There is only one person that deserves the world title shot, and that’s ‘Britt Baker … D … M … D!’  Baker and Deonna stare each other down to end the segment ….

*** IN THE BACK ***

Major League Wresting #74 Will4

Will Ospreay talks to Charly Caruso …. Ospreay asks what everyone in MLW is talking about right now?  They aren’t talking about the Bloodline or this soap opera between them and the Tongans …. All they are talking about is THE main event of this company …. last week he beat BOTH Hangman Page and LA Knight to retain the Openweight title …. 5 star classic right?  More like 7 stars because when you talk about Will Ospreay you can add as many stars as you like because he makes it look easy …. He says he’s the best thing going today and he’s taking the week off so Roman can have the main event …. So Charly …. Say … my fucking … NAME!

In the background, we hear a commotion and it’s The USOs walking by the interview set on the way to gorilla position …. they start jawing with Ospreay!  They tell him he better keep the High Chiefs name out his mouth …. Ospreay ain’t worried and throws both titles over his shoulder and walks off just as arrogant as ever as the Usos continue on ….

It’s time for the main event as the Bloodline comes out in full force ….

Major League Wresting #74 Bloodline-2

Roman is set to defend the MLW title, but the Briscoes music hits!  Jay Briscoe is going to answer the challenge!  Reigns just shakes his head and says this isn’t how all this works …. The High Chief doesn’t get motivated by an opponent like Jay Briscoe …. Because the High Chief is so far above Jay Briscoe that he doesn’t even register on his radar …. Reigns sees it as disrespect and so should the rest of the locker room that Trump picked Briscoe, so this is how it’s gonna go: Reigns will not be competing tonight …. Instead, his chosen enforcer, Solo Sikoa is going to defend the title in Reigns’ place!!!! ….

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MLW Heavyweight title match:
(Champion) SOLO SIKOA

Solo and Jay are cautious to start, but Solo steamrolls Jay with a shoulder block …. Jay favors his shoulder so Solo works on that arm, then locks on a nerve hold …. Jay comes back with a boots to the face but Solo shakes it off and sends him to the floor …. Solo follows but Briscoe hits a DDT on the apron!  Jay pulls back the padding on the floor, exposing the concrete beneath …. HE’S GONNA GIVE HIM THE JAY DRILLER ON THE EXPOSED CONCRETE!!!!  Solo reverses and back drops Briscoe on the floor instead!  Solo tosses him back in and hits a top rope splash!  1 … 2 … Noooo!  Solo goes for the spike, but Jay kicks his arm to block it and then throws some forearms, rocking Solo with a rolling forearm …. Jay with a hangman neckbreaker to buy some time but then walks into a Samoan drop …. Solo goes for the hip attack but Jay is out of the way and Solo crashes!  

The USOs try to get involved, but Mark Briscoe stops Jey from interfering with some Redneck Kung Fu!  Jimmy superkicks Mark, but Jay hits a Death Valley Driver on the apron on Jimmy!  Jay and Solo trade strikes until they both clothesline one another at the same time!  Both men to their feet, and Solo connects with a superkick to Jay!  He signals for the Samoan spike, but Jay ducks!  Jay with a German suplex followed by a lariat that turns Solo in a flip!  Jay picks him up …. JAY DRILLER!!!!  1 … 2 …. Reigns enters the ring and hits the ‘Right Hand of God Mode’ (Superman punch) on Jay!  The ref calls for the bell!!!!

POST MATCH: Reigns gets a chair but Mark Briscoe cuts him off with Redneck Kung Fu!  The USOs are in with a double superkick to take out Mark and then they hit him with the 1-D!  Reigns is pissed and he orders Solo to hit the Samoan spike on Jay!  Reigns isn’t done there, and he locks Jay in the Guillotine choke and chokes him out!!!!  

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The Bloodline leaves the MLW tag team champions laid out to end the show ….

Major League Wresting #74 Wwe-roman-reigns-wwe-raw
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