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 Major League Wresting #72 - 'High Stakes'

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Major League Wresting #72 - 'High Stakes' Empty
PostSubject: Major League Wresting #72 - 'High Stakes'   Major League Wresting #72 - 'High Stakes' EmptySat May 11, 2024 2:38 pm

Major League Wresting #72 - 'High Stakes' Ddoi68e-fb70b8c3-7ed6-4f3b-86a5-992e9483cd92.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvODhlMzA4MjQtM2M5YS00OTU3LWI2YWItMzk0Y2I3ODNhYTIwXC9kZG9pNjhlLWZiNzBiOGMzLTdlZDYtNGYzYi04NmE1LTk5MmU5NDgzY2Q5Mi5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ

MAJOR LEAGUE WRESTLING is a sports-media holding company that focuses on professional wrestling sporting events & programming, digital contest and ancillary entertainment.  MLW prides itself on ‘Fusion Wrestling’, presenting a variety of wrestling styles from around the world to create a true hybrid of fighting styles from various disciplines across the globe.  MLW’s diverse roster incorporates the following disciplines:

- British Strong Style/ Catch Wrestling/ Hardcore Wrestling/ Lucha Libre/ Mixed Martial Arts/ Shoot Wrestling/ Japanese Strong Style/ Technical Wrestling

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<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">
MLW Champion:

Tallahassee, Florida

Superman Punch
Guillotine Choke

Reign: 02/27/23
Major League Wresting #72 - 'High Stakes' Deftt2g-373edc6a-77c4-4fb0-82ac-4137079832db.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzBjNzgyZTRjLWZhZTAtNGE4Ny1iN2IxLWE3NTI1OThkOWRmOVwvZGVmdHQyZy0zNzNlZGM2YS03N2M0LTRmYjAtODJhYy00MTM3MDc5ODMyZGIucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0

<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">
Major League Wresting #72 - 'High Stakes' Will-OspreayOPENWEIGHT CHAMPION:
Will Ospreay

Essex, England


Hidden Blade

Reign: 01/13/23

<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">
Tag Team Champions:

The Briscoes (Mark &amp; Jay)

Sandy Fork, Delaware


Doomsday Device
Redneck Boogie

Major League Wresting #72 - 'High Stakes' Thebriscoes

<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">
Major League Wresting #72 - 'High Stakes' FNXp4QjXsAEH3x5Women's Champion:
Britt Baker

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Curb Stomp

Reign: 11/03/22

<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

LOCATION: New Brunswick/ Piscataway, New Jersey

ARENA: Jersey Mike’s Arena

BROADCAST TEAM: Mauro Renallo &amp; Pat McAfee

INTERVIEWS: Charly Caruso &amp; Quinn McKay

RING ANNOUNCER: Melissa Santos
Major League Wresting #72 - 'High Stakes' JM_Mock_OutsideEntrance

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* * * * * PROLOGUE * * * * *

We recap FIGHTLAND …. In the main event, Donald Trump chose KILLER KROSS as Solo Sikoa’s proving ground opponent, which Solo scored the clean win on after his new finisher, The One Problem (choke slam into Samoan Spike) ….

The closing segment of the show revealed the stunning announcement that AJ STYLES has signed with MLW and will face Rex Steiner next week on FIGHTLAND ….

* * * * * END PROLOGUE * * * * *

* * * * * SHOW OPENING * * * * *

We are in New Jersey as MLW has come to the campus of Rutgers University at the JERSEY MIKE’s ARENA and the crowd is standing-room-only ….

MAURO RENALLO and PAT MCAFEE are your announcers, and they welcome the viewing audience and set up the show ….

Major League Wresting #72 - 'High Stakes' MauroMajor League Wresting #72 - 'High Stakes' Pat_McAfee_bio--1f9a51b1dedfe6960816ba1fe80d918a

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Dempsey is the son of William Regal, while Dragunov is another of the new members of the MLW roster …. Dempsey is a rugged throw back, and doesn’t wear knee pads …. He relies on stiff strikes and is a great technician even at a young age …. He actually takes the fight to Dragunov, working him over with submissions that he can’t get out of …. It breaks down into a striking contest, and while Dempsey gives as good as he gets, this is more Dragunov’s domain …. Dragunov connects with the Ode to Constantine, followed by the Torpedo Moscow ensure Ilja’s successful debut …. </p></center>

POST MATCH: Dragunov takes the mic and recites the mantra of ‘Die Matte ist heilig’ (the mat is sacred) and cuts a promo about bringing honor back to MLW because there are people here that don’t believe in the mantra he lives by …. It is about showing the entire roster what it is like to uphold the rules and the sportsmanship of wrestling because it is sacred to do so …. Dragunov helps Dempsey up and shakes his hand, showing him respect because of the way he competed in the match …. Dragunov says that wrestling is brutal, but when it is respected in its purest form it is beautiful …. He is going to show that to the entire roster ….

*** IN THE BACK ***

Toxic Attraction mocks Roxanne Perez over her ‘fluke’ win last week …. Mandy Rose says Roxanne thinks she belongs here now, so Mandy is going to have to teach her a lesson ….

Perez interrupts the interview and says she was super excited to win her debut match last week, but Toxic Attraction ruined it because they want to be the mean girls of MLW … Roxanne says if Mandy wants to teach her a lesson, why don’t they have a match at SHINE #1 …. Mandy accepts ….

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Extended squash here as Reed dominates with his power …. Woods gets a flurry of offense but Reed stops that with the ripcord powerslam followed by the Tsunami for the 3 count …. Reed is put over on commentary as being a complete monster ….</p></center>

*** IN THE BACK ***

Quinn McKay is with Powerhour Hobbs …. She asks him about attacking Johnny Gargano after their match last week …. Hobbs asks if he’s supposed to sit there and be ok with losing?  Nah, that ain’t how he’s built …. He dominated Gargano for 99% of that match and Johnny got a lucky roll up …. That ain’t ok with him …. Hobbs just opened ‘The Book of Hobbs’ to the first page, so he’s just getting started …. If Gargano has a problem with what he did then he ain’t hard to find ….

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MLW Openweight title:

Knight comes out to the ring, playing to the crowd …. BUT HERE IS ADAM PAGE!!!!  Page attacks Knight on the way to the ring and just beats the shit out of him while Ospreay watches …. When Page is done he just tosses Knight into the ring!  The bell rings and Ospreay is there to pick the bones clean, finishing him off with Stormbreaker for the 3 count ….</p></center>

POST MATCH: Page &amp; Ospreay start talking shit to each other, and Page hits the ring to brawl with Ospreay!  Page gets the better of the exchange and lays out Ospreay with the Buckshot Lariat BUT KNIGHT IS BACK UP …. Belt shot with the Openweight title lays out Page!!!!  Knight stands tall to end the segment ….

*** IN THE BACK ***

The USOs and Solo Sikoa are with Paul Heyman …. UWF World champion Roman Reigns is not here this week, but Heyman is quick to remind them that the High Chief is watching …. The High Chiefs vision for MLW is for the Bloodline to own all the gold, and that can’t happen if the USOs fail tonight …. And if they fail their High Chief, there will be consequences …. Jey says they won’t fail, and tonight they get rid of Jungle Boy &amp; Luchasaurus once and for all ….

*** IN THE BACK ***

MLW tag team champions The Briscoes walk into Jungle Boy &amp; Luchasaurus locker room as they are getting ready for tonight’s main event …. Jay tells them to go out and handle their business against the USOs tonight …. MAN UP!  And when the smoke clears Dem Boys will be here with the belts to give them another shot …. The Briscoes give them a pep talk and fire them up as Luchasaurus roars ….

<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">
YOUNG BUCKS (Matt &amp; Nick Jackson)
PRETTY DEADLY (Elton Prince &amp; Kit Wilson)

PD get a surprising amount of offense in this one, consistently avoiding the superkicks thrown by Matt &amp; Nick …. Prince &amp; Wilson take over on Nick, getting heat on him but he battles back with a flurry of superkicks that take them both out …. Nick gets the hot tag to Matt, and the crowd explodes for him as he cleans house on both PD guys with superkicks … Nick is back up for some double super kicking but PD rallies and tosses Matt and hits Nick with the Spilt Milk!  Nick isn’t the legal man!  Matt back in and takes out Prince with a superkick and then a double superkick, and the Bucks hit ‘More Bang for your Buck’ to get the 3 count! ….</p></center>

*** IN THE BACK ***

Rex Steiner is interviewed …. He is asked about his match against AJ STYLES on FIGHTLAND, and Quinn McKay calls it the biggest match of his career …. Steiner says that it’s not the biggest match of his career, instead it’s the biggest match of AJ Styles career because AJ’s in the ring with a genetic freak.  AJ likes to say he’s phenomenal, but Steiner is the most phenomenal athlete in this company or any other one …. He is going to break AJ and send him back to where he came from ….

<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">
High Stakes 2023 (If A Boy &amp; His Dinosaur win, the USOs can’t challenge for the MLW tag team titles, if the USOs win, Jungle Boy &amp; Luchasaurus can’t team together in MLW any more)

A BOY &amp; HIS DINOSAUR (Jungle Boy &amp; Luchasaurus)
THE USOS (Jimmy &amp; Jey)

Samantha Irvine is going over the stipulations as we get the big match intros …. The tensions are running high as all four men are nose to nose in the middle of the ring during the introduction, but as soon as the ref calls for the bell it’s a street fight right from the start!!!!  Fists are flying, but the USOs get the better of the exchange and take out Jungle Boy so they can concentrate their attack on Luchasaurus …. Luchasaurus over powers both men and sends them to the floor, then rocket launches Jungle Boy over the top rope taking out both guys …. Jungle Boy back in but gets cut off with a superkick from Jimmy, followed by a big punch and a Samoan drop from Jey …. Heat on Jungle Boy as he battles from underneath, getting several hope spots only for the USOs to prevent the tag ….

Finally Jungle Boy escapes and makes the tag to Luchasaurus to a big pop …. Luchasaurus takes both USOs out with simultaneous clotheslines, then he chokeslams one Uso on top of the other one!  Jungle Boy is back in and Jimmy Uso gets hit with a tail whip kick by LS into a flatliner by Jungle Boy!  Jey barely breaks up the pin before 3!  The USOs come back with a double superkick to knock LS to the floor, but Jungle Boy catches both Jimmy &amp; Jey with a tornado DDT/ enziguri …. Luchasaurus back in and hits a Powerbomb on Jimmy onto Jey for a 2 count!  They set up for the Jurassic Express, but Jey is back up to break it up …. Jungle Boy avoids the 1-D and hits a poison-rana on Jimmy, but when he goes to dive to the floor on Jey he gets cut off with a superkick …. Here comes the tables as the USOs pull them out from under the ring but Jungle Boy &amp; Luchasaurus cut them off …. Luchasaurus takes multiple tables and stacks them on top of each other, but here come The USOs back to stop him …. Jungle Boy gets hit with the 1-D on the floor!!!!  

The USOs roll back in and demand the ref count Jungle Boy out, and the ref starts counting …. Somehow Jungle Boy is up barely beating the count back in before ten!!!!  Luchasaurus gets back in the corner and gets the hot tag and runs wild …. The USOs try superkicks, but Luchasaurus no sells them!  He goozles both and hits a dual chokeslam!!!!  Jungle Boy to the top, and they hit the Jungle Fever (rocket launcher) followed by a standing moonsault from Luchasaurus and it only gets 2!!!!  Luchasaurus to the top, but the USOs cut him off with a double superkick that sends LS falling off the top through the stacked tables at ringside!!!!  Jungle Boy is left to fight on his own, and he runs wild with a Destroyer on Jimmy for the 1 … 2 … Nooooo!  Jungle Boy locks in the Snare Trap but Jey pulls the ref out of the ring before Jimmy can tap …. Jey shields the ref as Jimmy is tapping!!!!  SOLO SIKOA HITS THE RING!  Spinning rock bottom on Jungle Boy!  Jey lets go of the ref and he slides back in the ring as Jimmy makes the cover for the 1 … 2 … Noooooo!!!!  Jungle Boy fires up on both USOs, but gets cut off with the double superkick …. Off the ropes …. ONE AND DONE!!!!  Hey covers Jungle Boy and that’s finally enough to put down Jungle Boy for the 3 count!!!! ….

POST MATCH: The Usos celebrate as Jungle Boy &amp; Luchasaurus are dejected in the ring …. They get a curtain call from the crowd as the show ends ….
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