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 Major League Wrestling #49

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Major League Wrestling #49 Empty
PostSubject: Major League Wrestling #49   Major League Wrestling #49 EmptyThu May 09, 2024 8:54 pm

Major League Wrestling #49 Ddoi68e-fb70b8c3-7ed6-4f3b-86a5-992e9483cd92.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvODhlMzA4MjQtM2M5YS00OTU3LWI2YWItMzk0Y2I3ODNhYTIwXC9kZG9pNjhlLWZiNzBiOGMzLTdlZDYtNGYzYi04NmE1LTk5MmU5NDgzY2Q5Mi5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ
MAJOR LEAGUE WRESTLING is a sports-media holding company that focuses on professional wrestling sporting events & programming, digital contest and ancillary entertainment.  MLW prides itself on ‘Fusion Wrestling’, presenting a variety of wrestling styles from around the world to create a true hybrid of fighting styles from various disciplines across the globe.  MLW’s diverse roster incorporates the following disciplines:

- British Strong Style
- Catch Wrestling
- Hardcore Wrestling
- Lucha Libre
- Mixed Martial Arts
- Shoot Wrestling
- Japanese Strong Style
- Technical Wrestling
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MLW Champion:

Essex, England

StormBreaker (Double Underhook Canadian Backbreaker Rack transitioned into a modified Corkscrew Neckbreaker)
Hidden Blade (High Impact Swinging Back Elbow to the back of a kneeling opponent's head)
Os-cutter (springboard cutter)
Essex Destroyer (Running front flip DDT)

Reign: 02/25/2022
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Samoa Joe

Huntington Beach, California

Muscle Buster
Coquina Clutch
Island Driver

Reign: 07/23/21

Tag Team Champions:
The North (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander)

Ontario, Canada

Northern Exposure
Splitting Headache
Monster Mash

Reign: 04/09/2022
Major League Wrestling #49 The-North

Major League Wrestling #49 Dek24aq-96627c53-c887-48e4-a343-1b95ce674446.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzI0MDk2YmQ2LTU2MTgtNGVmMS05MGRjLTYyNzA1NjU0YTk3M1wvZGVrMjRhcS05NjYyN2M1My1jODg3LTQ4ZTQtYTM0My0xYjk1Y2U2NzQ0NDYucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0INTERIM Women's ‘DIAMOND’ Champion:
Raquel Gonzalez

Rio Grande Valley, Texas

Chingona Bomb (One-armed power bomb)
Stan Hansen Lariat
Tequila Shot (TKO)

Reign: 10/16/21

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

LOCATION: Washington D.C.

ARENA: Capitol One Centre

BROADCAST TEAM: Mauro Renallo & Pat McAfee

INTERVIEWS: Charly Caruso

RING ANNOUNCER: Melissa Santos
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* * * * * PROLOGUE * * * * *

Major League Wrestling #49 Ospreay
We get a final hype package for Openweight Champion Samoa Joe vs. MLW Champion Will Ospreay for the MLW title at ONE NIGHT ONLY: London ….
Major League Wrestling #49 Samoa-joe-wwe-us-champion_1q5j544bwh9xu1t859xd1a25wt

* * * * * SHOW OPENING * * * * *

We are in Landover, Maryland, in the shadow of our nations Capitol for MLW at the Capitol One Centre …. Former president Donald Trump is back in his old stomping grounds of the D.C swamp and it’s standing room only tonight …. the fans are RABID as Pyro erupts from the ringposts and above the entranceway …. We get camera pans over the capacity crowd as the voices MAURO RENALLO and PAT MCAFEE are heard welcoming the viewing audience, and billboarding tonight’s show to set up what we will see tonight …. In the main event we are going to see Redragon, representing the Undisputed Era, clash with one of the UK’s top tag teams, Mustache Mountain ….

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The show begins with the brand new MLW tag team champions, THE NORTH (Josh Alexander and Ethan Page) coming down to the ring …. Last week, The North finally cashed in their title shot briefcase that Alexander won in the HIGH STAKES match and won the titles, taking advantage of Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus after they had just wrestled the UWF World tag team champions Johnny Gargano & Tomasso Ciampa ….

Ethan Page cuts a promo and says everyone wants to boo them but if any of them were in the same situation they would have done the same thing … Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus were not championship material and everyone knows it!  The North are the best thing Canada has exported since the Stanley Cup!!!!  Donald Trump tried to keep them off TV because they are Canadian, but they had an ace in the hole and they played it last week …. Page demands that the Canadian National Anthem play, but instead ‘TARZAN BOY’ by Baltimora hits and out comes the former tag team champions A BOY & HIS DINOSAUR!!!!

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Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus come out to the ring and they are looking annoyed …. Jungle Boy takes the mic and says they are invoking their rematch at MLW #50 …. Luchasuarus just growls at them and The North act intimidated ….

Major League Wrestling #49 Anthony-bowens-max-caster-the-acclaimed-august-11-a.jpg.optimal

We are interrupted again, this time by The Acclaimed!  What are they doing here????  The Acclaimed are Max Castor & Anthony Bowens, 2 up and coming talents in the UWF that have been seen on MLW television before …. Castor has a rap gimmick where he comes out and roasts his opponents by rapping about them …. This time they come out rapping about Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus, dogging them out …. Castor gets in the ring and talks more shit to Jungle Boy, but Jungle Boy isn’t having any of that shit and he slaps Castor across the face!  Castor and Bowens attack, and we have an impromptu tag team opener on our hands!  

<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">
A BOY &amp; HIS DINOSAUR (Jungle Boy &amp; Luchasaurus)
The Acclaimed (Max Castor &amp; Anthony Bowens)

The Acclaimed look really good here, getting some good heat on Jungle Boy early on …. Jungle Boy battles back, hitting a headscissors and a dropkick that sends Caster to the floor …. Luchasaurus presses Jungle Boy over his head and tosses him to the floor to wipe out both members of the Acclaimed …. Luchasaurus gets Bowens and Caster in opposite corners and charges back and forth hitting avalanche splashes in the corner followed with a double clothesline …. The action spills to the floor, with Luchasaurus trying to fight both guys, BUT HERE COMES JUNGLE BOY WITH A DIVE THAT WIPES OUT BOTH GUYS!  Back in the ring, Luchasaurus with a Chokeslam to Caster and then a standing moonsault!  Bowens breaks up the count!  Jungle Boy is tagged in, but The Acclaimed send Luchasaurus to the floor and Bowens stops Jungle Boy’s offense with a superkick …. Bowens hits the End Complete (Urinage spun into a side slam), followed by the Mic Drop from Caster (top rope elbow)!!!!  1 … 2 … Nooooooo!  Caster grabs his chain from ringside and wraps it around his fist, but Luchasaurus cuts him off with the Tail Whip!  Luchasaurus goozles both men and hits a dual choke slam!  Now he gets Caster on his shoulders as Jungle Boy goes to the top …. EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT (Doomsday Canadian Destroyer)!!!!  Jungle Boy locks eyes with The North, who are still on the ramp as the ref counts 1 … 2 … 3! ….</p></center>

POST MATCH: Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus make the belt motion around their waist saying they are coming for the titles …. Meanwhile there is a small pocket of the crowd that cheers for the Acclaimed, who looked really good in defeat here ….


We get a hype video to announce the signing of Davey Richards to MLW ….

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Rose is making her MLW debut here, really playing up the ‘golden goddess’ gimmick …. Good wrestling match here, as Nox is very underrated in the ring …. Nox hits the Shiniest Wizard on Rose, hitting her right in the face …. Rose immediately rolls to the floor holding her face and screaming …. Rose then runs to the back covering her face with a towel and the ref has no choice but to count Rose out, ending the match abruptly ….</p></center>

Major League Wrestling #49 DZe-kSoWkAAYNEk

We get a video of Adam Cole and Britt Baker sitting by a pool in Florida somewhere …. Cole says he he has the week off but he knows the rest of the Undisputed Era will take care of business tonight and he will be watching the livestream of the show on his phone .... He criticizes Trump because he booked them against talent off the available list when they are the hottest act in this company .... Cole says that people think he should be worried that Bronson Reed didn’t get the job done against Roman Reigns, but Britt insists that it was money well spent because it sent Reigns a message that he isn’t as important as he thinks he is …. No one cares about their bloodline because the Undiputed Era is the top group in MLW and it’s going to stay that way … and THAT, is Undisputed …. Cole says what they should really be talking about is his amazing girlfriend, Britt Baker, who will be making her MLW in-ring debut at MLW #50 .... Cole says the Undisputed Era's dominance of MLW will be complete, and Cole will be there to cheer her on ….

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Scott has an innovative moveset, and he keeps Strong off balance in the early goings …. Strong focuses on the back, grounding the action …. Strong follows with knee strikes, but Swerve battles back and they trade shots but Roddy cuts him off with a dropkick for 2 …. Strong grounds the action again, but Swerve kicks him away and rocks him with a capoeira kick …. Swerve runs wild with clotheslines, then hits a superkick followed by a draping DDT for a 2 count and Strong is on the ropes here …. Scott hits a flatliner and jumping head kick for 2 …. They trade strikes, but Strong with a knee strike but then runs into the mushroom stomp from Swerve!  Swerve to the top, but Strong catches him on the way down with a dropkick!  Jumping knee connects right under the jaw of Swerve!  Strong then hits the Sick Kick followed by the End of Heartache!  He locks on the Stronghold and gets the tapout win ….</p></center>

POST MATCH: Strong gets his hand raised, but ROMAN REIGNS is here!  STRONG TURNS AROUND AND GETS BLASTED WITH THE SUPERMAN PUNCH FROM REIGNS!!!!  Reigns is calling Adam Cole’s name as he crouches and then cuts Strong in half with a spear!  Reigns isn’t done there, as he goes outside and pulls a table from under the ring …. POWERBOMB TO STRONG THROUGH THE TABLE!!!!  Reigns stands tall, having sent a message to Adam Cole by taking out Strong ….


We are in the trainers room where we see Mandy Rose getting checked out following getting hit in the face by the Shiniest Wizard from Tegan Nox …. Mandy’s face is covered with a towel, but every time the trainer tries to look she won’t let them …. She keeps crying that Tegan Nox damaged her face, and ruined her MLW debut …. Just then, another of MLW’s newest signings, Gigi Dolin, walks in …. She looks sympathetically at Mandy, then places a black rose next to Mandy as she sits on the trainers table ….

Major League Wrestling #49 Diy

Up next, we get a promo from the UWF World Tag Team Champions Tomasso Ciampa &amp; Johnny Gargano …. Johnny says it took them nearly a year to get the world tag titles, and as hard as that was they know it is going to be even harder to keep them …. Ciampa says there are already teams calling them out, and they welcome the challenge …. They don’t want to be champs without facing the best competition …. Ciampa says they have seen The Influence’s cute little Instagram live videos and says they are what is wrong with today’s culture …. He’s going to shove their little cell phone down their throats ….

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Ciampa &amp; Gargano are interrupted as out come former RWA tag team champions Zack Gibson &amp; James Drake, The Grizzled Young Veterans …. Zack Gibson cuts a promo and says The UK is THEIR home and they have been signed for MLW 50 in London …. Gibson says Johnny &amp; Ciampa want challengers, how about putting the title on the line against them …. Gargano accepts the challenge ….


Becky Lynch cuts a promo in the locker room …. Lynch talks about injuring Lacey Evans last week, and says she is no longer in MLW because she didn’t belong here anyway …. She can go sing that all American girl song somewhere else because her 15 minutes of fame is over …. Becky is the only one here that is big time, and it is time she got what she deserves, and she deserves to be the MLW women’s champion …. She calls out Raquel Gonzalez and says her title reign has been underwhelming and it is time MLW had a champion that is ‘Big Time’ ….

Up next, Rex Steiner comes out for a singles match, but he doesn’t know who his opponent is …. Steiner issued an open challenge on social media for anyone to face him because he calls himself the future of MLW …. Steiner is surprised when his opponent comes out and it’s ….

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Steiner doesn’t back down despite the obvious 8 inch height disadvantage …. Steiner stands chest to chest with Strowman and then fires off some right hands as soon as the bell rings …. Strowman with a big boot and scoops him up for the running powerslam but Steiner slips off the back and hits the ropes, then. Staggers Strowman with a flying shoulder block …. Strowman wobbles but is still on his feet, and Steiner hits the ropes and drills him with another shoulder tackle …. Braun is still on his feet!  …. Steiner hits the ropes again, but Braun tries for a clothesline only for Steiner to duck and then take Braun down finally with a flying Steiner-line of his own!  Steiner crouches in the corner, then charges and de-cleats Strowman with a spear!  Steiner to the top and hits the diving bulldog, but he isn’t done there …. He grabs the 6’8, 385 lb Strowman AND GORILLA PRESSES HIM!!!!  DROPS HIM INTO THE POWERSLAM!  1 … 2 … 3!  Steiner wins impressively in around 2 minutes! ….</p></center>

Major League Wrestling #49 Bron-breakker-finisher

It’s almost time for the main event, but Charly Caruso conducts an in-ring interview with MLW champion Will Ospreay ahead of his showdown with Openweight Champion Samoa Joe at MLW #50 …. Ospreay talks about how he HAS to beat Joe to consider himself a legit champion …. He puts over what Joe has done to make the Openweight title important, and now Ospreay is going to do the same thing to the MLW title …. Ospreay says that everyone looks at Joe and sees this monster, this killer, this machine …. But all he sees when he looks at Joe is a man that can’t match his abilities in that ring …. At MLW 50 he’s gonna be flawless, and he’s not saying that because he thinks it’s going to be easy …. But Ospreay makes it LOOK easy because he’s in a class by himself ….

Major League Wrestling #49 Ospreay

<center><p style="border:3px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FF0000;padding:1em;">
REDRAGON (Kyle O’Reilly &amp; Bobby Fish)
MUSTACHE MOUNTAIN (Tyler Bate &amp; Trent Seven)

Fish &amp; O’Reilly are out here alone because of what happened earlier tonight with Roman Reigns taking out Roderick Strong after his match ….These two teams match up well together and it makes for a banger of a main event …. Fish and O’Reilly isolate Seven and work the heat on him until Seven creates a break with a Seven Stars lariat to Fish and both men are down …. The crowd is really into this match and pops when Bate gets the hot tag into the match …. Bate runs wild, hits a big deadlift XPLODER and running shooting star press for a 2 on Kyle as Fish is in to break it up …. Fish gets sent to the floor, and O’Reilly eats the rebound clothesline + dragon suplex from Bate &amp; Seven …. Fish pulls Seven to the floor and Bate goes for the Tyler Driver 97 but O’Reilly counters into a guillotine choke!  Bate powers out into a deadlift suplex which earns him some ‘Big Strong Boi!’ chants from the crowd …. Fish &amp; O’Reilly come back and hit Chasing the Dragon, but Bate survives with a foot on the ropes!  Seven stops them from hitting No Man’s Land on Bate, and Seven runs wild for a few moments …. He gets Fish up for the Mustache Ride, but O’Reilly shoves Bate off the top all the way to the floor!  O’Reilly obliterates Seven’s knee with a chop block, and when Seven staggers to his feet he gets hit with No Man’s Land for the 3 count! ….</p></center>

Redragon don’t even have time to celebrate BECAUSE HERE ARE THE USOS!!!!  Double superkick to O’Reilly!  One and Done (3D) to Fish!  Just like Roman Reigns did earlier tonight, The Usos go under the ring and pull out a table!!!!  They lay out both Fish &amp; O’Reilly on the table and go to opposite corners …. SUPERFLY SPLASHES FROM BOTH USOS DRIVE O’REILLY &amp; FISH THROUGH THE TABLE!!!!  

Major League Wrestling #49 Double%2BSuperfly%2BSplash

The Foundation has totally decimated the Undisputed Era just a week ahead of MLW 50, and Adam Cole isn’t even here!  Roman Reigns comes out on the ramp along with Paul Heyman, and he throws up the ‘We The Ones’ sign in the air as the Usos do the same thing from the ring …. This ends the show ….

MLW ‘ONE NIGHT ONLY: LONDON’ promo airs as we go off the air, announcing the card for the show as it stands right now ….

MLW Title Match: Will Ospreay defends against Openweight Champion Samoa Joe

MLW Women’s title match: Raquel Gonzalez defends against Xia Li

MLW Tag Team Titles: The North (Page &amp; Alexander) defend against former champions A Boy &amp; His Dinosaur (Jungle Boy &amp; Luchasaurus)

UWF World Tag Team Titles: Tomasso Ciampa &amp; Johnny Gargano face UK’s own Grizzled Young Veterans (Gibson &amp; Drake)

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