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 WWF Great American Bash !!! Yankee Stadium

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Johnny Rose

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Join date : 2020-06-11

WWF Great American Bash !!! Yankee Stadium  Empty
PostSubject: WWF Great American Bash !!! Yankee Stadium    WWF Great American Bash !!! Yankee Stadium  EmptyMon Jul 31, 2023 7:09 am

WWF Great American Bash

Yankee Stadium

67,000 Attendance.

Before the show fans are treated to Nu Breed and Jessie Howard . Songs include Welcome to My House . Breath Under Water and Land of the Lost .

After that Kid Rock joins in the fun with American Bad Ass , Cowboy , She’s Half Your Age and Twice As Hot . Rock N Roll Jesus .

Bob Costas takes the air on Fox .

Costas : Hello fans . Bob Costas flying solo tonight . Bobby Heenan is a bit busy . Welcome to the Great American Bash . Right now let’s go to the ring .

Fred Blassie vs Dean Malenko: It was a long road to get to this match . Malenko has waited months to get his hands on Blassie . He chops the hell out his chest and then hits a snap vertical Suplex. From there , Malenko puts on a double arm chicken wing . Blassie gets to the ropes for the break . Off the break , Blassie knees Malenko in the gut and then rakes the eyes . He bites Malenko’s forehead and then takes at the open wound . Malenko now turns the tables . He pokes Blassie in the eye and then kicks him in the nuts . The ref calls for the bell DQing Malenko .

Costas : I’ve never seen the Iceman this out of character . Blassie is in his head . Right now it’s time for the WWF Cruiserweight Title match .

WWF Cruiserweight Title Chris Benoit vs Johnny Rodz : Benoit starts off very quickly with a series of Suplexes and then a chinlock . Rodz gets to the ropes and goes for a big round house right off the break , but Benoit sees it , blocks it and hits an over the head release Belly to Belly . Benoit now with a spinning neck breaker and then a short arm clothesline . Benoit goes for the Crippler Crossface, but Rodz gets to the ropes and slides out if the ring . He grabs Benoit’s leg and pulls him out and then Rodz whips him into the railing . Rodz now rolls his man back in and puts a knee in the middle of the back of Benoit , a surfboard stretch . Benoit works to his feet , to fight off the pressure and then rolls into ankle lock .

Rodz gets to the ropes for the break , but off the break , Benoit hits a side belly to belly . Then hits 10 German Suplexes, releasing on the last one . This brings the crowd to their feet . Benoit goes up ….. Flying Headbutt !!!! Rodz moves and Benoit hits the mat hard . Rodz with a Kneelift that sends Benoit to the corner and now Rodz pounds away on the forehead . Benoit turns it into an inverted atomic drop and then another over the head release Belly to Belly . Benoit puts to the Crippler Crossface once again . Rodz is caught in the middle of the ring and has no choice but to tap out .

Bob Costas : We have not seen Chris Benoit in that much troubling in a long time fans . Johnny Rodz gave the champion all he wanted. When we come back . Tito Santana who is sporting a bad leg puts his WWF East Coast Champions on the line against the man responsible for hurting that leg , Greg The Hammer Valentine .


WWF East Coast Championship Tito Santana vs Greg Valentine : Tito comes out for a fight . Lefts and rights knock Valentine silly . He hits a back body drop and then a clothesline . However when he tries for a dropkick he misses . Grabs his leg . Valentine kicks and stomps at the leg and quickly goes into the Figure Four . Tito fights like hell , but succumbs to the pain and passes out . The ref calls for the bell . Your winner and new WWF East Coast Champion. Greg The Hammer Valentine .

Costas : We have a new champion . He’s ruthless . Everyone needs to worry about Greg Valentine . When we come back , it’s the Taz defending his WWF Television Title vs Raven .


WWF Television Title Taz vs Raven : These two meet in the aisle and are throwing down . Raven whips Taz into a merch table and then Bodyslams him on it . Raven gets a chair and unloads on the champion . He finally pulls Taz to the ring and the ref calls for the bell to start the match . Taz gets to his feet and gets a clothesline by Raven . Raven covers 1………2………Noooooo !!! Taz kicks out . Raven hurls Taz into the turnbuckles and then puts the boots to him . Taz falls to the outside of the ring . Raven grabs a chair . The ref is warning him not to do it . Raven looks at the ref and smiles and goes to swing , Taz catches him with a Catch Suplex ! Raven hits the ring post back first .

Taz rolls him in the ring . Raven gets to his feet , Side Belly to Belly by Taz ! He covers 1…….2……..Noooooo !!! Raven kicks out . Taz picks his man up , exploder Suplex by Taz !!! Raven staggers up , clothesline by Taz . Taz now goes and gets off a belly to back Suplex !!! He covers 1…….2……Nooooo ! Raven kicks out !!! Taz sneaks behind Raven and goes for the Tazmission , but Raven has it scouted and gets off a makeshift cutter !!! Raven chokes Taz on the bottom rope . The ref gets to four and Raven breaks . Taz goes for a back elbow and Raven turns it into a DDT !!! He covers 1………2…….. Taz gets a foot on the ropes !!! Raven pulls his man up and goes for another DDT , Taz spins out ……. Tazmission in the middle of the ring !!! Raven has no choice but to tap out .

Costas : What a match . Can anybody stop Taz ?

Up next it’s loser leaves town . The WWF Tag Team Champions Ken Patera and Jerry Blackwell the honorary Freebirds taking on the former champions The Road Warriors when we come back !!!

WWF Tag Titles Patera and Blackwell vs The Road Warriors : Costas before the match reminds us of the loser leaves town implications. Both teams stand in the middle of the ring . There seems to be a lot of trash talking . Now all four men start throwing punches. The crowd roars to life . Hawk has enough of the bullshit and Bodyslams Blackwell ! Animal turns Patera inside out with a clothesline . Animal puts Patera on his shoulders and Hawk goes up for the Doomsday Device, but Blackwell shoves Hawk off the top rope all the way down to the ground of Yankee Stadium. Now Blackwell nails Animal with. Dropkick and he falls backward into the corner. Patera stays in and Blackwell goes out on the ring apron . Patera with running Powerslam on Animal and then tags off to Blackwell who hits a side belly to belly . He tags Patera back in and Patera hits a back breaker .

Patera tags Blackwell in and Blackwell plows Animal backward into the turnbuckles. Blackwell tags Patera back in and gets off a double Underhook bodyslam . Patera goes and puts on his Full Nelson ! The crowd gets behind Animal and he breaks it !!!! He clotheslines Patera and the gets the tag to Hawk ! Hawk with a dropkick on Patera . Blackwell comes and Hawk nails him with a leaping lariat!!! Hawk tags Animal back in and Animal with a press slam on Patera and then a back breaker !!! Animal power slams Blackwell and tosses him over the top rope . Animal puts Patera on his shoulders …. Hawk gets off the Doomsday Device!!! He covers , but someone has come up on the ring apron !! It’s Dirty White Boy Tony Anthony !! Hawk and Animal double big boot him off the ring apron !! Hawk covers Patera , but Blackwell breaks it up . Now Blackwell and Animal are mixing it up on the outside . Someone sneaks in the other way and blast Hawk in the back of the head with a cowboy boot !!! It’s Buddy Roberts . Patera covers . As Roberts takes his boot and runs up the aisle . The ref counts 1……2…….3 !!’ Blackwell has Animal on a Bearhug on the outside !!

Jimmy Lennon : The winner of the match and still WWF Tag Team Champions . Ken Patera and Jerry Blackwell .

Costas ; That match was out of control. The Road Warriors are now gone from the WWF !! When we come back , it’s time for Hulk Hogan taking on Andre The Giant .


The following matches are results only due to personal issues at home ……..

Hulk Hogan vs Andre The Giant : The two meet in the middle of the ring . They do a strength test which is about even until Heenan reaches in and grabs Hogan’s foot . The distraction is all Andre needs to take over the match . Andre chokes Hogan in the corner . He double hand chokeslams Hogan and then hits a big splash for 2 !!! Hogan gets a foot on the ropes . Andre with a running Powerslam . Doesn’t think it’s enough and tries for a splash , but Hogan moves . Hogan backs the big man up with punches and then a big elbow smash staggers Andre . Hogan with a bodyslam . Andre pulls him self up using the ropes . Hogan with the Ace Bomber , knocks Andre to the ground . He staggers backward runs into Heenan and then knocks his head on the railing . A dazed Andre doesn’t get up and is counted out . Winner Hulk Hogan !!!


National Heavyweight Title Randy Savage vs Matt Jackson : This is a long awaited rematch . Jackson who beat Savage in a non Title affair is getting his shot . In the early going it’s all Savage , but Savage misses a double axe handle on the outside and Jackson hits him with a Superkick. Jackson being smart rolls Savage back in . Savage staggers up , Code Breaker by Jackson ……1……..2……Nooooo !!! Savage kicks out . Jackson shoulders Savage in the turnbuckles , chops the hell out of him then hits a Superkick . Jackson plays up to the crowd , asking if this is your hero ? The crowd boos . Jackson waits for Randy to stand and goes for another , Superkick …. Savage side steps, punches Jackson on the forehead and rolls him into a small package , Savage grabs the tights for a little extra leverage the ref doesn’t see and gets the 3 count after a 45 minute thrill ride for the fans . Afterward there is some shoving , finger pointing and then the two men shake hands .


NWA World Heavyweight Title Undertaker vs Paul Orndorff : Taker on the early going controls the match . Actually Wrestling Orndorff . Using a side headlock takedown . Orndorff works his way off the mat , backs Taker into the ropes and knees him several times in the gut . Taker falls between the ropes . Orndorff post him and then rolls him back in . Taker is bleeding like crazy . Orndorff works a sleeper , Taker battles out of it and gets to the ropes . Orndorff clubs him in the back of the head and then gets off a bridging German Suplex !!! He gets two as Taker gets his shoulders off the mat . Orndorff with a back breaker , goes for the Piledriver, Taker backdrops out of it and then gets off a Chokeslam !! Taker with a Last Ride gets the 3 !!! Taker is still the NWA World Heavyweight Champion .

Bob Costas tells the fans that SNME has been pushed back to August 12th and will now be held at the Meadowlands, he will be hosting along with Joey Styles . Costas signs off .

End Show
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Posts : 1665
Join date : 2020-06-11

WWF Great American Bash !!! Yankee Stadium  Empty
PostSubject: Re: WWF Great American Bash !!! Yankee Stadium    WWF Great American Bash !!! Yankee Stadium  EmptyMon Jul 31, 2023 11:56 am

The Bash at Yankee Stadium........lets roll

This was a Malenko like we have never seen before

I didnt expect Rodz to get that much in with this match. Glad to see Benoit retain though

And the title changes continue to roll throughout the tour as the Hammer continues the trend

I thought Raven had all the momentum going into this match......was actually surprised to see Taz retain. Whos gonna stop him here

Damn....... it took all kinds of interference for the Warriors to finally lose that match

Hogan is gaining momentum again.

What the flip Macho....... winning by any means necessary including holding the tights

And now Matt shakes hands with him........whats going on here

Taker has took a beating during this tour, and Macho stays redhot....... i think we could see a new champion when these two meet up

Good stuff
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Posts : 903
Join date : 2020-06-22

WWF Great American Bash !!! Yankee Stadium  Empty
PostSubject: Re: WWF Great American Bash !!! Yankee Stadium    WWF Great American Bash !!! Yankee Stadium  EmptyTue Aug 22, 2023 6:09 pm

finally blassie and stinko!

wow! was not expecting dean to let his emotions get the vest of him but they did! Run this back!

damn..rodz,s stock went up very high ,imo, after that match! i actually thought he was pulling this off!

helluva match and valentine wins that tough ass match congrats on the new champ!

raven vs taz lived up to the hype...and then some! Taz is a fukin beast and proved it here to everyone!

that tag title match was indeed outta control !! fukin buddy roberts!!

Damn...wonder where the warriors will end up>

nuthin settled with those two giants

finally the rematch!

That dirty cheater savage will do anything to win! im still not a big fan of handshakes after the match tho lol

orndorff vs taker was a kick ass main event and showed how taker can adapt his style when necessarry


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