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 AWA Great American Bash 7/1/23. Wrigley Field

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Johnny Rose

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AWA Great American Bash 7/1/23. Wrigley Field  Empty
PostSubject: AWA Great American Bash 7/1/23. Wrigley Field    AWA Great American Bash 7/1/23. Wrigley Field  EmptyFri Jun 30, 2023 10:32 pm

AWA Great American Bash

*Some portions of this show are recorded for AWA TV #26

Fireworks fill the Chicago Night Sky . The Fans go crazy . Freddy Miller takes the stage as Billy Gibbons and Johnny Lang escort him out to Sweet Home Chicago !

Freddy Miller : Hello fans !!! 69, 000 of you . It’s a sea of people ! You got Billy Gibbons over here . Johnny Lang over there . I’m Freddy Miller and this is the Great American Bash !!! Let’s bring out the host of AWA Wrestling Gordon Solie .

Gordon comes out to a rousing ovation .

Gordon : Thank you Wrigley Field . Thank you Freddy Miller and thank you Chicago . We have a great night of action lined up and this opening match is a recorded for television match .

It is one fall with a 15 minute time limit . Being led to the ring by Ray Stevens . He is from the state of California , Pat Patterson !

His opponent being led to the ring by his new manager Gene Anderson . He hails from Calgary, Alberta Canada . Iron Mike Sharpe !!

Sharpe goes right to Patterson’s corner , but Patterson puts a thumb in his eye and then knees him in the nuts ! The ref lets it go . Patterson is choking his man on the mat . Gene is yelling at the ref to at least enforce a count . Stevens comes over to Gene’s side of the ring and Gene introduces him to the ring post . Gene pounds on the ring and the fans start cheering Sharpe who fights his way to his feet . He turns Patterson inside out with a clothesline. Gene yells out , “ attack the head , kid .” Sharpe with a big clubbing forearm to the back of Sharpe’s head . Chokeslam by Sharpe !!! Stevens is back up and has a chair . He slides on the ring and nails Sharpe . Gene grabs a chair of his own and he waffles Stevens !! The ref calls for the bell .

Gordon :The winner by Disqualification. Iron Mike Sharpe .

Sixman Tag Team Action El Santo , Owen Hart and Verne Gagne vs Blue Demon , Wild Bill Irwin and Jim Brunzell: Santo and Demon start things off . Some great Lucha action that brings the crowd to its feet , until Brunzell puts a knee in Santo’s back from the outside . Brunzell gets the tag and punishes Santo with a step over toe hold . Santo despite the pain uses his good leg to push Jimmy off and then monkey flip him . He goes to make the tag to Verne , but Irwin cuts him off with an elbow to the back of the head . Jimmy hits an Atomic Knee Drop and then works a Ankle Lock before tagging in Irwin .

Nothing fancy about Irwin , just romping , stomping fury . A big clothesline sends Santo to the mat . Demon now gets the tag and goes for a flying knee drop , but Santo moves !!!! Demon hits the mat hard . Santo gets the tag to Verne . Dropkick by Verne that sends Demon in the corner . Rather than take the tag from Demon Brunzell jumps down . Verne pissed off at the cowardly act chases him up the aisle . Verne gets counted out . Owen never gets in. He’s aggravated at the fact . He punches Santo and stomps away on him and locks him in the Sharpshooter . Demon despite his hatred for Santo starts beating on Owen . There seems to be a ton of confusion . Irwin the only sane one on this bunch but Santo , just says fuck it and walks off . Santo extends his hand to Demon , post match Beatdown and Demon walks off . Santo is the only man left in the ring .

Next segment recorded for AWA TV # 26

Gordon : Joining me now the AWA Tag Team Champions Evolution along with their manager Babydoll .

Babydoll : Gordon , as promised Dave Batista is here and he is calling out Shawn Michaels .

Batista : Shawn get your ass down here . I promise we won’t hurt you .

Sexy Boy hits and Shawn comes dancing to the ring , but he’s not alone . Kevin Nash is with him . Shawn gets in the ring and stares down Batista .

Batista : There is no reason for him to be here .

Shawn : Well Hollywood , I look over to your right and I see Randy Orton , behind you is the super skank . And Big Daddy Cool , well he just seems to want to hang out . So who am I to tell the big man no ? Now either you have a challenge for me or you don’t . What do you want .

Batista : I want it all . I want these titles and I want your title . So , I just wanted to let you know , I’ll be taking it real soon .

HBK : Well Hollywood, you’re welcome to try , me and Big Daddy Cool , we kinda like your belts . Let’s do this . Winner take all at AWA Bash At The Drive In .

Batista : You guys won’t make it that far .

The Youngbucks and Adam Cole hit the ring . It’s a 5 on 2 beat down . Until …..

Gordon : Wait a minute Jimmy and Jey Uso have hit the ring ! They have chairs ! Jey grabs the house mic .

Jey : Hey !! You boys are real tough when it’s 5 on 2 . Now if it had been just Orton and Batista throwing down with Shawn and Kev , we ain’t got no problem with that . But Naw , we ain’t putting up with no invasions . This is our territory now Uce . I tell you what . Cole , Bucks you want some . How about we all do this . Wargames at Gold Rush . You 5 against our 5 , Uce .

Orton grabs a mic on the outside of the ring . Orton . You idiots can’t count . There are only 4 of you .

Jey : Well we gotta cousin , dog !!!

Roman Reigns come walking down the aisle .

The heels retreat through the crowd .

Another segment recorded for AWA TV #26

Gordon : Welcome back and joining me now . Ole Anderson and his tag team partner Nick Bockwinkle. Gentlemen a big opportunity for you coming up in 3 days .

Nick Bockwinkle: Gordon , I have to say I find the Fabulous Freebirds lack of intelligence hilarious. You left an open contract on the table for your World Tag Team Titles on July 4th . You two idiots made a big mistake because now you have to deal with Ole Anderson and myself .

Ole : That’s right Nick . You two hillbillies like to drink and carry on . You like to play nasty . Well nobody gets as nasty as this man to my left . He’s called Tricky Nick for a reason . Me , I’m going to grab a leg or an arm and I’m going to stomp it . I’m going to kick it and then I’m going to tag off to this man and he’s going to pick up where I left off . We are going to hurt you guys .

Nick : When it’s all said and done , on July 4th , Mr . Anderson and I are going to leave you laying and we are walking out World Tag Team Champions . See you Tuesday, gentlemen.

Gordon : Thank you Nick Bockwinkle and Ole Anderson. We’ll be back .

Before the next match , Wally Karbo takes to the ring and says that the Rock N Roll Express have left the area . Also they are injured , so there will be no AWA Tag Team Match tonight .

Claw Submission Match David Von Erich vs Baron Von Rashke : Before the match Freddy Miller explains to the crowd that whoever has the most wins after 20 minutes via the Claw is the winner . BVR takes David over in a side headlock take down and right from there puts the claw hold on David . David is not only trapped on the mat , but under the weight of the bigger man . He has no choice but to verbally submit . Both men back to their feet . BVR with a big boot and signals for the claw again , with the crowd clearly on his side . He puts it on David as he gets to his feet . David gets to the ropes , but BVR keeps the hold on . They topple over the ropes the outside . David submits quickly down 2 to 0 . As they get up , David dropkicks BVR into the steps . BVR is busted open . David puts the claw on . BVR fights like hell . His pride gets in the way and he passes out . BVR is bloody mess . David has his blood all over him . The ref calls for the bell .

Freddy Miller : Fans due to blood loss , Baron Von Rashke can no longer continue. The winner . David Von Erich .

David grabs the house mic .

David : That’s the Claw Master David Von Erich . Take a good look . Tonight I start upping the ante . Nobody is safe . No title is safe !

The next match is recorded for AWA TV # 26

Gordon : This next match is set for one fall with a one hour time limit . This is a Money in the Bank cash in , it is for the AWA Heavyweight Title.

First the challenger . From San Antonio, Texas . He weighs 225 pounds . He is The Enterprise. Tully Blanchard!

His opponent , being seconded by his manager Babydoll . He is the leader of the Dynasty . He weighs 260 pounds . From Greenwich, Connecticut. He os the AWA Heavyweight Champion . The Game Triple H !!!

The two men lock up collar and elbow . They tussle into the ropes and Hunter goes for a cheap right hand off the break , but Tully blocks it and lands one of his own . Tully now with a snap vertical Suplex , and now while Hunter is on the mat locks in a step over toe hold into a Figure Four . Gordon points out that Tully is right in the center of the ring and Hunter has a long way to the ropes . The ref asking Hunter if he wants to quit . Hunter is violently shaking his head yelling , “ no . “ Hunter rolls it over . Now Tully is fighting the painful submission. Tully rolls it back and they end up in the ropes . Hunter rolls to the outside . He lays on the ground , while Babydoll rubs his legs . Tully goes out after him . Babydoll steps in front of him . Tully kissses her . When he finally lets her go , Hunter blast him with a clothesline and then whips him shoulder first into the ring post . Hunter rolls his man back in the ring and stomps on the shoulder and then does a flying arm wringer . From there he works a step over arm bar . Tully gets to the ropes for the break .

Off the break , Hunter goes for a clothesline , Tully ducks under it and gets off a reales German. Hunter gets to his feet , dropkick by Tully ends his man in the corner . Tully does the old ten punches go the head and then a side belly to belly . Tully covers 1………2…….Hunter kicks out . Hunter reaches up and thumbs Tully in the eye and then whips him in the corner . Hunter with a knee lift flips Tully right over the top rope down to the floor . He goes to Suplex his man back in , Tully shifts his body weight and falls right on top of Hunter 1……..2…… Babydoll puts Tully’s foot on the bottom rope and quickly points it out to the ref . Tully turns to yell at her, Hunter with a double axe handle to the back of the head dazes Tully . Hunter with a Pedigree! 1……2…..3 !!!

Gordon : Your winner at 34 minutes and 12 seconds and still AWA Heavyweight Champion HHH . Thank you for joining us this evening . For Freddy Miller , I’m Gordon Solie saying so long from the Windy City of Chicago .

All matches from here on out , are not shown on television .

NWA World Super Junior Heavyweight Title Chris Jericho vs Bret Hart : Bret takes Chris over in a Firemen’s carry and into a top wrist lock . Chris works his way to his feet , uses the ropes to flip and reverse the hold on Bret . Bret shoulder rolls and then reverses the hood back to Chris . Chris gets to the ropes and then hits a hard right hand off the break . From there he hits a face crusher and then goes for the Lion Tamer . Bret is able to reach up and gets off a makeshift triangle . Chris gets to the ropes and then rakes the eyes . Chris hits a springboard dropkick and goes for the Lionsault …… Bret gets his knees up . Bret quickly scrambles and covers 1……..2…….. Nooooo ! Chris kicks out .

Bret now with a hard forearm , then a over the head belly to belly !!! Bret with a dropkick and then a leg drop . He covers 1…..2…..Noooooo !!! Bret back up , another forearm shot and then an Atomic Drop . From there he hits another leg drop to the back of the head . Forearm smash from the second rope , into a Sharpshooter !!! Freddy Miller tells us that there is less than a minute remaining . Jericho finds the safety of the ropes with 20 seconds remaining…….JUDAS EFFECT OF THE BREAK !!! Both feet are on the ropes for good measure ….. 1……2……3 !!!

After the match Bret offers his hand . Chris is a surprising move , shakes his hand , one can only guess respect for both men coming out of the Hart Dungeon.

NWA World Heavyweight Title Undertaker vs Eddie Guerrero: Babydoll come down to ringside . Taker pays no attention to her , his focus is right on Eddie . A hard uppercut sends Eddie to the mat and then another . Taker hurls Eddie in the corner . Vader Splash ! Taker with a chokeslam and then a cover . 1……2….Babydoll for the second time tonight puts a wrestler’s foot on the ropes . Taker though stays focused . He pulls Eddie up for a running Powerslam , but Eddie gets out the back door and clips the back of the knee . Now Eddie rakes his boot across Taker’s face . Eddie from there goes into Half Crab , working that leg , that One Man Gang got ahold of the week before .

Taker gets to the ropes , but off the break Eddie stomps away on it . From there Eddie bangs the leg on the ring apron and then just pounds on the knee on the outside . Eddie takes a page out of Bret Hart’s book and puts on a figure four around the ringpost !! Eddie breaks on the ref’s count . Eddie now frog splashes the leg . Then another . Eddie goes for a third, but Taker gets a leg up and gets Eddie right under the chin . From there Taker gets off a Chokeslam!! He covers 1…….2……Eddie just kicks out . Eddie stomps the leg and into a Figure Four !!! Taker reaches up and grabs Eddie by the throat and pulls him up . CHOKESLAM !!!! Taker now with the Last Ride !!! 1………2……….3 !!!!!!

Taker quickly rolls out of the ring before the Dynasty can storm the ring . Tommy Rich comes out of the crowd with a chair and Tully has now joined his friend . The Dynasty thinks better of attacking .

Hell In A Cell I Quit Match Eddie Gilbert vs The Rock : Gilbert is already in the cell , when Rock goes to open the cage door . Gilbert slams the door into Rock’s face ! From there Gilbert whips Rock into the ring apron . Rock hits his ribs . Gilbert grabs a chair and rams in into the Rock’s ribs . He then grabs zip ties out of a tackle box and ties Rock’s hands to the cage . Gilbert takes the house mic .

Gilbert : Comeon Rock !!! All you have to do is quit and it’ll be over .

Gilbert sticks the mic in Rock’s face .

Rock : Eddie Gilbert , let’s see what your monkey ass has for the Rock !!!

Gilbert now digs a right hand into the Rock’s ribs . Gilbert is yelling at Rock the whole time as he unloads lefts and rights . Gilbert even starts Rocky chants , just digging at the Rock a little bit more .

Gilbert : Come on Rock , you’ll be coughing up blood soon .

Rock : Just bring it you stupid son of a bitch !!!

Gilbert again starts whaling on the Rock . Just like clock work blood protrudes from the Rock’s mouth !!! Gilbert is laughing . However , the whole time he is beating in the Rock , Rocky has been see sawing the zip ties back and forth through the cage . Rock gets his hands free !! He grabs Gilbert by the back of the head and rams his face into the cage . Now Rock just keeps raking Gilbert’s face . Gilbert wears the crimson mask . Rock whips Gilbert into the steps .

Rock stomps on Gilbert , but then grabs his ribs and falls over . Gilbert staggers up to Rock and drops him with a right hand rolls him on the ring . Gilbert uses a body scissors. The ref is imploring the Rock to quit , but he’s not giving up . Rock manages to get to his feet and he hits a makeshift Powerbomb! Both men lay on the mat not moving . Gilbert is up first . Side belly to belly by Gilbert , followed by 3 more . Gilbert is yelling at the Rock to give up . He goes for another , but Rock blocks it . Spinbuster by Rock !!! Again , Rock falls , holding his ribs !! Gilbert tosses him from the ring .

Gilbert goes to the outside . He grabs the discarded chair . He waits on Rock . Rock staggers to his feet , dropkick by Rock followed by a DDT on the chair . Rock locks in a sharpshooter on the outside !!! Gilbert is screaming in pain . Blood is pouring from Rock’s mouth as he’s shouting at Gilbert . Blood is pouring out of Gilbert’s head . Rock grabs for his ribs again and falls flat on his face . Gilbert now grabs the tool box . He finds a screw driver . He takes the house mic in one hand .

Gilbert: Ok , you’re too stupid to quit that way . I’ll open your damn skull! Let’s see what’s in there !!!

Gilbert slowly stalks the Rock . He’s about to stab him in the head with the screw driver and Rock up kicks him ! The screw driver goes flying out of Gilbert’s hand !! Rock kips up ….. ROCK BOTTOM ON THE CHAIR !!!

Rock drops to one knee .

Gilbert staggers toward Rock ……


Rock drops to one knee again .

Gilbert simply in survivor mode gets to his feet …….


Gilbert is not moving . Rock is sitting up in the corner holding ribs. The ref checks on Gilbert . He’s not moving . The ref puts in a ten count and Gilbert still isn’t moving . The ref waves Eddie Gilbert off !!!

Freddy Miller : Fans the winner of the match ! The Rock !!!

The fans are chanting , “ Rocky. “ as EMT’s rush to get both wrestlers out of the cell .

Freddy : Fans we hope you enjoyed the Great American Bash join us for The Great American Bash At The Drive Inn in Valparaiso, In on July 28th . Good night fans , thank you and drive safe !!!

End Show

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Posts : 1667
Join date : 2020-06-11

AWA Great American Bash 7/1/23. Wrigley Field  Empty
PostSubject: Re: AWA Great American Bash 7/1/23. Wrigley Field    AWA Great American Bash 7/1/23. Wrigley Field  EmptyFri Jun 30, 2023 10:52 pm

Iron Mike opening up the bash with a win...... may not be the kind of win he wanted, but a win regardless

There was a lot of egos in that 6 man match......and the outcome showed why.....whats next for these guys

HBK and Nash may be in over their heads

YES...... Cole and the Bucks getting some revenge

And the Usos just signed their death warrent

I think Ole forgot when it comes to nasty......nobody does it better than the Freebirds

So after months and months of Karbo plotting against Cornette and the M idnight Express to get the awa tag belts back, the Rock n Roll leave him high and dry

Brutal win for DVE...... But the right man won this IMO

Im telling ya..... Tully cant win this on his own and be a nice guy too

Jericho breaks the rules naturally to get the win..... then Bret still shakes his hand......weird

Another good win for Taker....... dammit Tully...... there was your chance to crack Taker with taht chair

Man......what a main event....... that was a perfect payoff for the war between Rock and Gilbert

The bar is set...... great job JR
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Posts : 905
Join date : 2020-06-22

AWA Great American Bash 7/1/23. Wrigley Field  Empty
PostSubject: Re: AWA Great American Bash 7/1/23. Wrigley Field    AWA Great American Bash 7/1/23. Wrigley Field  EmptyWed Jul 05, 2023 8:08 pm

what a HUGE crowd here for the bash!

that opening 6 man became a clusyerfuck rather quickly but the crowd ate up all the action and craziness

super skank lol

i luv how hbk keeps calling bautista " hollywood" lol

good segment

those fukin usos and their god damned chairs!! sticking their noses in everyones business

wargames is gonna be awesome

great promo from nick and ole gotta feeling they are gonna give the dirty birds a run for their money

wtf??? rnr are gone????

dve wins a bloodbath here and proves he is the clawmaster

FINALLY trips is gonna pay!!

goddamnit tully...u had this match and u let super skank distract u and cost u the match

wtf was JESSE banned from attending any of JERICHO's title defenses during the bash??

great match and no idea how hart hung with JERICHO and no idea why JERICO would wanna shake thjat greasy ass hand

gotta say eddie g did a helluva job in this match but taker showed his toughness and resolve to retain the world title

now we see rock get showed why EDDIE GILBERT is his master!!

GILBERT starting off hot!!

FUCK!!! EDDIE is a bloody mess from that damn cheatin ass rock

GILBERT'S gameplan seems to be paying off as rock is enduring with the pain in his ribs

i luv the mic work during this match

what a fukin war

congrats to the rock but we will be protesting this decision on fcw tv!


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