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 AWA Great American Bash At The Drive Inn

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Johnny Rose

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AWA Great American Bash At The Drive Inn Empty
PostSubject: AWA Great American Bash At The Drive Inn   AWA Great American Bash At The Drive Inn EmptyThu Jul 27, 2023 3:17 pm

AWA Presents Bash The Drive Inn .

WGN Television

The 49er Drive Inn . Valparaiso, In

Fireworks fill the night air . There are 150 seats that were designed just for this show that are just behind the screen . The ring is set up . On the outskirts of the screen a sea of vehicles occupy every spot . On the roof top of the snack bar sits a camping type area where blankets are laid out . Another 50 fans are up there . On the big screen two logos show . One the tried and true NWA logo . The other the newest AWA logo showing the states of Illinois, Indiana , Wisconsin , Michigan and the Great Lakes . A count down begins and then the logos explode and we see Freddy Miller standing in the middle of the ring .

Freddy : Hello Valpo !!!! It’s time for a new moment in pro wrestling . This is the Great American Bash tour and this is Bash At The Drive Inn !!! You folks are part of the smallest crowd on the whole tour , but tonight is going to be big on action . So let’s hear those horns and engines fill the Indiana night air . Raise a little hell and let the folks at home watching this on WGN know you’re real as we bring out our host and the voice of AWA the Dean of Wrestling , Gordon Solie !!!!

The car engines rev . The horns explode and the 60 something Harley Davidsons in the front row of the drive inn roar to life !!!!

Gordon : WOW !!! A small but ruckus crowd here At Valparaiso! We have a great show . Let’s not waste anymore time . Let’s get into it !!!

Jim Brunzell vs Greg Gagne : Gagne starts off very quickly with a hiptoss and then a side headlock . Jimmy works to his feet and gets Gagne in the ropes and then a knee to the gut . Jimmy with an uppercut forearm knocks Greg out of the ring . He tosses Greg into a steel garbage can . From there he bulldogs on the can . He rolls Greg back in . He scales the top rope and goes for a top rope dropkick , but Gagne moves . Jimmy staggers up ….. Gagne with a Sleeper . Jimmy flails around and hits the ref . Gagne puts him out , but there is no ref . Sheik Adnan Al Kassie comes in hits Greg from behind with the handle of his Soward . He rolls out , just as the ref is coming too . Brunzell puts on the Camel Clutch . Gagne is trapped . The ref calls for the bell giving Brunzell a big submission win .

Gordon : Well Sheik Adan Al Kassie has returned and it appears he has found a new protege . We ‘ll be back .


Tiger Mask vs Mil Mascaras: Before the match , Owen Hart attacks both men with a chair . The match is tossed out . Santo comes to help and he gets a chair shot to the head .

Gordon : Chaos has broken loose here . Santo is being checked on . Let’s go to Freddy Miller who is standing by with The Rock over by the concession stands.

Freddy : Rock is is that you’re eating .

Rock : Freddy Miller The Rock can’t go to a drive inn and not have a pizza . I mean damn look at this thing . Anyway , the Rock is here to make a statement . Now that Eddie Gilbert is done , The Rock has to move on . Tonight HHH and Tully Blanchard wrestle for the AWA Heavyweight Title. Well , the Rock don’t give a damn who walks out with the title tonight , the Rock is taking on the winner at Saturday Night’s Main Event and the Rock will be the new AWA Heavyweight Champion . If ya smelllllllllllll lo lo low !!! What the Rock is cookin .

Freddy Miller : Fans , there you have it .

Rock : Freddy Miller , try this . No , not a center piece , what the hell is wrong with you a corner.

Gordon : Well while Freddy is learning pizza etiquette from the Rock let’s go back to ringside .

Nick Bockwinkle & Ole Anderson vs Mr . Fuji & Mr . Siato : Fuji and Siato ain’t playing around they use every dirty tac Ric in the book . And Bockwinkle takes heat for like 8 minutes , until he gets a drop toe hold on Siato coming in . He works a step over toe hold and wears down the leg . Ole gets the tag and comes in and finishes it off with a Indian Death Lock for the win .

Gordon : Week after week they climb the rankings . Are the NWA World Tag Team Champion Freebirds looking over their shoulder yet ? One has to wonder , we’ll be back .


Great Lakes Championship Shawn Michaels vs David Von Erich : The cocky Von Erich attacks HBK before the bell . He bounces his head off the turnbuckle and then slingshots him over the top rope . He shoves a fan off a chair and is about to hit HBK with it , when Shawn moves and hits a forearm! Shawn with a rana that hurls Von Erich into the ring post ! Shawn gets in the ring and as David gets to his feet on the outside , Shawn hits a flying springboard Forearm as the horns on the cars , beep in approval and Harley Davidson engines roar to life . He goes to roll Von Erich back in , but David gets off a low blow . He rolls Shawn back on the ring . David with a bodyslam and then puts on the now Infamous David Von Erich Claw . Shawn is busted open . Shawn’s shoulders touch the mat for 2 ! David now uses two hands . Shawn somehow finds the sanctuary of the ropes . He rolls out of the ring .

Von Erich goes out after him . Von Erich post Shawn and then rolls him back in . Von Erich with a stomp as Shawn is getting to his knees . Von Erich covers 1……2……Noooo !!! HBK kicks out ! Von Erich calls for the Claw again , but Shawn fights it off . He kicks Von Erich in the gut and then hits a Tornado DDT! Shawn goes up top …. Flying Elbow !!! He covers 1……2…….Von Erich kicks out !! Shawn goes to the corner . He waits as Von Erich rises to his feet , tuning up the band …. Von Erich bales out !!!! Shawn goes out after him the two brawl up the aisle . The ref calls for the bell and a double count out !!!

Gordon : Shawn Michaels just got tested tonight . This is far from over I can assure of that . When we come back the AWA WGN Television Title is on the line in a Mexican Death Strap Match !


Mexican Death Strap Match WGN Television Title Eddie Guerrero ( C) vs Tommy Rich : During introductions Baby Doll hits Rich with a low blow from behind . Eddie grabs the strap out of the ref’s hands and beats Tommy unmercifully . Rich is already welting on his back , his side and blood is protruding out of his forehead . Eddie ties Rich up in the corner , runs across the ring and knees him in the back . Now Eddie just unloads with several kidney punches . Eddie goes back across the ring and goes for another flying knee , but Tommy has worked himself loose and Eddie crashes into the turnbuckles . Now Tommy balls up the strap and unloads on the forehead of Eddie . Eddie is bleeding profusely.

Tommy tosses Eddie out of the ring and he hits Babydoll on accident . Tommy chokes Eddie with the strap from behind . Eddie is crawling on the ground looking for something , anything to get the match turned around . He finds it . Loose gravel which he tosses in Tommy’s eyes !!! Eddie now picks Tommy up and slams him on a picnic table!! Eddie pounds on Tommy and then hits a vertical Suplex that forces both men through the table . Eddie has an arm covering Tommy . The ref drops and counts 1…….2…….Tommy pushes the arm off and the match continues. Tommy grabs up the strap again and drags Eddie to a fence post . He finds an electrical cord , unplug whatever it’s plugged into and ties Eddie to a fence post . Tommy now just unloads with the strap . He’s whaling on Eddie’s back . Eddie back is bleeding . Gordon tells us that Tommy is yelling at him to give up ! Eddie is refusing . Some of the crowd have even started a let’s go Eddie chant ! Tommy has worn himself out , he falls down from blood loss out of his forehead .

Eddie gets loose from his bindings . He limps over and grabs up the strap and now ties it around Tommy’s feet . He drags Wildfire back over the gravel and the grass . He gets back in the ring and pulls Tommy up , so he’s hanging upside down over the top rope . He goes up to the top turnbuckle and delivers a falling headbutt!!! The strap breaks in half from the impact . Both men lay on the ground just totally spent . Eddie is up first and lands a series of fist to the head . He rolls Tommy back in . Three Amigos by Eddie !!! He goes up top and goes for a Frog Splash ….. Tommy moves !!! Eddie staggers up ….. DDT by Tommy !!! Tommy covers 1…….2………Noooooo !!!! Eddie kicks out !! Tommy now with a sleeper on Eddie !!! Eddie falls to one knee then two ! His body goes limp . The ref checks the arm . It falls once , he checks again , it falls twice . He checks a third time ……. It falls again !!! The ref calls for the bell !!!

Freddy Miller : Fans , here is the time 33 minutes and 28 seconds. Your winner and NEEEEEEWWWWWWWW WGN TELEVISION CHAMPION WILDFIRE TOMMY RICH !!!!!!!

Post match , Tully Blanchard comes down to celebrate with his friend . The two walk up the aisle . Babydoll is just now getting to her feet . A bloody and battered Eddie is looking down on her from up in the ring . She looks at him and shakes her head . She walks up the aisle .

Someone hops out if the crowd and clotheslines Eddie from behind !!!

Gordon : Wait a minute !! That’s , yes , yes indeed ! It’s Brock Lesnar !!! And Ooooo . He just Powerbombed Eddie Guerrero out of the ring !!! We’ll be back ! We have to get order restored .


While adds are running for Saturday Night’s Main Event end of the Bash tour Aug . 5 th . Then AWA ‘s Labor Day Weekends End of Summer Spectacular, Great Blues artist Johnny Lang preforms a mini concert for the live crowd at the Drive inn .

He sings his number one hit from his early career when he was just 16 back in ‘98 , Rack Em Up .

He sings another hit Wander This World

And as the tv show comes back on the air , he finishes with Sweet Home Chicago !

Gordon : Welcome back and while you were away , we were treated to a nice little concert by the amazing Johnny Lang . This is why you need to see these Bash shows live folks . Remember that next year . You don’t see everything on television and some of the shows are not even televised . Well it seems the Harley Davidsons in the back row have started something here . Let’s go to the ring for more action .

AWA Tag Team Titles Evolution w/ Babydoll vs The Usos : Jimmy and Jey bring out their answer to Babydoll . Their cousin Roman Reigns ! He pretty much keeps Babydoll on her side of the ring . Jimmy and Jey work like a well oiled machine . They hit a double Superkick on Batista knocking him from the ring . From there they go up for the Double Uce on Orton , but Roman shoves Jimmy off the top rope . Jey yells out what the hell ??? Batista pushes Jey off the top and lands in the hood of a car . Jimmy staggers to his feet . RKO by Orton !! 1……2……3 !!!

Gordon : I’m not sure what’s going on here . I’m really confused right now . What did Roman Reigns do ? That’s his family ! We’ll be back


AWA Light Heavyweight Title El Santo vs Owen Hart : Santo comes to the ring a bit staggered from the chair shot earlier . Wally Karbo is begging him not to take this match with Owen , but Santo is fighting champion . He goes right at Owen actually backing him up with fist . He clotheslines Owen over the top rope and nails a Suicida!! He rolls Owen back in . He goes up top setting for a flying body press , but Owen falls against the ropes and Santo crashes to the mat head first . A sit out Piledriver by Owen puts Santo away . Owen covers and gets 1…….2……3 !!!

Freddy Miller : The time of the fall . 7 minutes and 47 seconds. Your winner and NNNNNNNEEEEEEWWWWW AWA Light Heavyweight Champion . The Black Heart 🖤 Owen Hart !!!!!

Gordon : An unpopular moment here with this crowd . Right now the Undertaker is getting ready to defend his NWA World Heavyweight Title. Let’s go to the ring .

NWA World Heavyweight Title The Undertaker vs Seth Rollins : Rollins is not a stupid wrestler . He knows his best option to to stick and move like a boxer . So when the go to lock up , Rollins slides down and scores with a drop toe hold . From there he gets the big man’s back and works a seated chinlock . Taker battles to his feet , Rollins switches to a sleeper . Taker falls backward into the turnbuckles squashing Rollins in the corner . He now unloads with a back elbow strike and then a Bulldog ! Taker lifts Rollins off the mat and Rollins rakes the eyes and then hits a leaping European Uppercut ! He drives Taker backward into the turnbuckles and then gives him the old ten punch count to the head . From there Rollins hits a Tornado DDT !! He covers 1……..2…….Noooooo Taker kicks out ! Rollins now with a spinning neck breaker ! He covers again !!! 1……..2……..Nooooo Taker is out at two! Rollins waits for Taker to get to his feet , he goes for a Slingblade, but the World Heavyweight Champion catches him by the throat !!! He chokeslams Rollins !!!

Taker now pulls Rollins up and tosses him in the corner like a rag doll and unloads a series of lefts and rights to his ribs . Taker with a second chokeslam !! He waits for Rollins to stagger up . Rollins gets to his feet and Taker nails him with a big boot that puts Rollins out of the ring !!! Taker whips Rollins into the ring post . He’s busted open !! Taker rolls Rollins back in …… another big boot by Taker !!! Rollins is down Taker goes for another chokeslam , but a towel comes flying in the ring . Taker looks and it’s Bobby Lashley by ringside !!! Taker goes out after him !!! The two brawl . Taker goes up punch Lashley with a big left hook , but Lashley moves and Taker hits the ring post . Lashley now with a release over the head belly to belly right into the ring post and then puts on the Full Nelson !! Security comes out and somehow pulls Lashley off . Taker is out cold and is being worked on by EMT’s . Freddy Miller catches up with a much calmer Bobby Lashley by ringside!

Freddy : Fans Undertaker has one the match because this man Bobby Lashley threw in the towel on behalf of Seth Rollins . I guess my question Bobby is , why ?

Lashley : Freddy . Don’t let Takers American Bad Ass hero gimmick fool you . And that’s all it is , it’s a gimmick . He’s no hero . Hell I doubt he even knows what kind of bike he rides down to the ring he’s on . He’s a fraud . Always has been always will be . The guy can’t decide if he wants to be a cowboy or a biker . He’s two fourths of the village people if you think about it . What next a construction worker and a cop . Maybe an Indian . Look when Taker wrestled me , he used some rather shady tactics unbecoming of a champion .

As much as I hate Seth Rollins , Taker was destroying that man . Trying to end his career . Seth , you gotta love the guy’s spirit, but he’s more heart than brains . He wasn’t going to lay down and take the fall or just give up , because in his confused emo head , he still thinks he was ok . Well Seth wasn’t ok and I wasn’t going to allow it . I don’t want to see a man’s career end because our World Heavyweight Champion has personality disorder to try and prove he’s some kind of super hero . You want heroes there are plenty in this business . Verne Gange US Marine . Sgt . Slaughter , US Marine and of course me , Bobby Lashley a walking talking good old fashioned Army grunt that fought for my coun…..

Rollins hits Lashley with a chair in the back of the head . He then places the chair underneath Lashley he gets ready to get another chair , but Lashley gets to his hands and knees quickly . Rollins hits a curb stomp on the chair instead and the shakes his head in disgust at the man who just helped him . He walks up the aisle .

Gordon : We have to get order restored . We’ll be back .


AWA Heavyweight Title HHH vs Tully Blanchard : These two men are no strangers to one another . They lock up collar end elbow . The bigger , stronger Helmsley pushes Tully against the ropes and goes for a big clubbing forearm , but Tully moves and gets off a release German on Hunter . Hunter staggers up , side belly to belly by Tully . Now Tully works a hammer lock . Hunter gets to the ropes and rolls quickly out of the ring and gets by Babydoll who starts massaging his left arm . Tully protest to the ref and while he’s complaining, Hunter trips him up from the outside and then post Tully’s leg . Hunter now works an upside down figure four with Tully’s leg wrapped around the ringpost . Hunter gets back and is now like a shark to blood . Hunter elbow drops the leg several times and now works a step over toe hold . Hunter slips into an STF !!! Tully claws his way to the ropes for the break . Hunter is relentless though , off the break he chokes Tully on the ropes and then back to the step over toe hold in the middle of the ring .

Hunter goes for a Figure Four , but Tully shoots him off with his good leg and Hunter hits shoulder first into the ring post and falls out to the ground . Tully rolls to the outside and tries to get feeling back in his leg . Babydoll comes up and is about to slap Tully . He catches her hand and then kisses her . When he lets go , she’s beside herself and has no clue as to what is going on . Hunter back in the ring . Tully slides in himself . Hunter goes for a flying knee lift , but Tully side steps , he then hits a Slingshot Suplex !!! He covers !!! 1………2…….. Babydoll puts Hunter’s foot in the bottom rope . Tully turns to yell at her , but HHH kicks Tully in the gut ….. PEDIGREE BY HELMSLEY !!!! 1…….2…….Tommy Rich has come down and distracts the ref !!! Hunter turns and yells out , “ get the fuck out of here , you inbred backward hillbilly!!!” When he turns he runs into a clothesline by Tully . Slingshot Suplex !!! 1…….2……. Rich blocks Babydoll from getting there . THREE !!!!

Freddy Miller : Fans here is the time . 27 minutes and 25 seconds. Your winner and NNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW AWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION TULLY BLANCHARD !!!

Gordon : Let the celebration begin . Hunter Hearst Helmsley had held the AWA Heavyweight Title since it’s inception. Now a new era has begun . Is this the end of The Dynasty . Time will tell . Tonight however , Tully Blanchard the new AWA Heavyweight Champion is in the ring celebrating with his friend the new WGN Television Champion Tommy Wildfire Rich . This is the most historic night in the history of the AWA . For Freddy Miller , I’m Gordon Solie , saying soling from the popcorn city of Valparaiso!

Extras for Blu Ray sales

Babydoll sits at a table at Tony’s Pizza . A high end pizza place in Valpo . At the table sits HHH , Evolution and Roman Reigns .

Babydoll: Randy , Hollywood, great job tonight . Hunter what happened to you , I blame the officiating . Wally Karbo and that stupid hillbilly Tommy Rich . Now our waitress I want you to get this iPhone up as close to my face as possible . I want them to see my eyes .

Listen to me and listen close . This is not the end of the Dynasty . Mistakes were made they will be corrected . Rules were broke and they need to be adjusted and an injustice to the real AWA Heavyweight Champion was done and he will get that belt back !!!

Ok pan back out . Roman Reigns ! You came to me telling me you’re tired of being just another member of a tribe . You’re either the Usos or the Rock’s cousin . Well , I’m giving you the opportunity of life time . You have a clear path to the WGN Heavyweight Title. I want Tommy Rich destroyed and I want you to see that the Rock doesn’t get Hunter’s belt at Saturday Night’s Main Event .

Roman : Understood !


Brock Lesnar sits in locker room laughing . Freddy Miller approaches him .

Freddy : Brock Lesnar . I have to ask . Are you a member of the Dynasty?

Lesnar : Hahaha . What a dumb question . No I’m not a member of the Dynasty . I don’t give a damn about them . Eddie Guerrero was just a statement . I am here to make my name and become a NWA Champion . There are four belts available and I want them all . Undertaker . It I want your belt most of all . Actually I want to be the man that ends the American Bad Ass . Undertaker , you feel that breath on the back of your neck . That’s me . Hahahaha !!!!


Tommy Rich and Tully Blanchard are at the Drive Inn signing autographs and shaking hands with the fans .

Rich : Hey y’all in the back somebody say sumpin about Harleys ?? Let’s hear it !!!

The Harley engines roar .

Tully : Tommy , brother . This is the greatest night I’ve had in a long time . Now we gotta keep these belts . We finally hit the Dynasty where it hurts . They are going to be coming for us .

Tommy : Well then let’s finish it . Get rid of em once for all . But tonight , brother we celebrate. Any y’all got a beer ???

Fans come up and pour Budweiser all over the two new champions .


Owen Hart is getting on a bus that says Enough is Enough! Freddy Miller catches up with him .

Freddy : Owen Hart , congratulations.

Owen : Freddy Miller . I’m not Tully Blanchard or Tommy Rich . I don’t need your congratulations. I know how great I am . Look I destroyed Santo tonight and Tiger Mask and Mil Mascaras are just yesterday’s news . Tonight I take my first step toward greatness . I’ll run the table with this belt and then when I’ve had enough of it , I’ll toss it aside and Chris Jericho will be the next to fall . Now get out of here , before I end you with a Piledriver.


Undertaker sits alone in a locker room .

Taker : Bobby Lashley , tonight you stepped over the line boy . Seth Rollins I ain’t done with you yet . Randy Savage . I’m tired of your mouth son . Ok so here is how it’s going down . Just when you think you know the answer , I’m gonna change the question . If you 3 got the guts you’ll face me at Saturday Night’s Main Event . It will be a match never done before . A stage gauntlet match .

Stage 1 : Two of you will meet in a falls count anywhere match .

Stage 2 : The winner gets me in a TLC match. Tables Ladders and Coffins .

Stage Four : A match where I will make one of you famous . A I Quit Match Let’s see who is the Real American Bad Ass !

End Blu Ray and Show

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Join date : 2020-06-22

AWA Great American Bash At The Drive Inn Empty
PostSubject: Re: AWA Great American Bash At The Drive Inn   AWA Great American Bash At The Drive Inn EmptyThu Jul 27, 2023 9:48 pm


continuation of this great feud to kick things off!

is that ref MIKE SMITH fukin up shit again?

brunzell steal this one with sak's help!

damn owen! why so damn violent here?

yea yea rock..u may THINK u r done with EDDIE GILBERT byt just remember...he did NOT give up in that and still aint happy about that travesty of justice!

thats a huge win for bock and ole imo

damn helluva match with hbk and david ve

ve keeps impressing me every show tbh

that mexican geath strap match was everything i expected and more!

brutal and violent i didnt expect eddie to ;pse here and congrats to tommy rich!! helluva match


evolution is kicking ass big win here

owens earier antics pay off big here as he beats a not 100 percent santo and wins his first title!!

a helluva world title match but wtf was bobby doing? did he even have authority to throw in the towel on seths behalf? just a whole lotta craziness to be sorted out and seeing taker layed out was surreal

lashley is a mad man trying to reason why he sis what he did

i knew hhh and tully was gonna be a wild and wooly one here!

Rich combats the numbers game


baby doll and her boys did NOT have a good night at all!



some damn great promos at the end here and some kick ass awa action is on the horizon i fukin luv it!

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Posts : 1667
Join date : 2020-06-11

AWA Great American Bash At The Drive Inn Empty
PostSubject: Re: AWA Great American Bash At The Drive Inn   AWA Great American Bash At The Drive Inn EmptyThu Jul 27, 2023 9:51 pm

A way different approach with this Bash show.......nice touch actually

Ive been thinking for a while now that its time for El Kassie to step up here, but i have thought he would align with Blackwell and Patera.......but instead its Brunzell. I always enjoy being swerved

Looks like Owen is the new chairman of the AWA....... See what i did there lol

Rock putting the champ on notice

Ole and Bock keeping their word thus far

Man for some reason i thought we was gonna get a major upset and DVE was gonna win this. Give him a rematch and he just may

Goshdangit.......Rich beats Guerrero.......i can see huge ramifications coming outta that

Talk about ramifications.......Brock is here

Did everyone stay awake while Johnny Lang played lol

Looks like Roman still has a hangover from War Games always down for seeing Owen with gold

Lots of shit transpired in that Taker/Seth match

Im surprised Tully has stayed on the straight and narrow this long

Have we seen the end of the Dynasty after tonight

Hmmmm interesting interaction between Doll and Roman. Your telling me hes going from being tribal chief to playing backup for Hunter...... i cant buy it

REally dig the closing moment segments.....another nice touch

One helluva show

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AWA Great American Bash At The Drive Inn Empty
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