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 AWA Presents: Rumble In Wrigley

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Johnny Rose

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AWA Presents: Rumble In Wrigley  Empty
PostSubject: AWA Presents: Rumble In Wrigley    AWA Presents: Rumble In Wrigley  EmptyMon Jul 18, 2022 6:56 am

AWA Presents Rumble In Wrigley

53, 000 in attendance!

Freddy Miller: Hello Wrigley Field !! Hello Cubs fans and hello AWA and Wrestling fans around the nation !! Welcome to this special Broadcast live on WGN !!! It’s a pleasure to be here . Here is your host for tonight . Gordon Solie !!!!

Gordon : And thank you . Fans as far as the eye can see . Tonight I’m being joined on color commentary by the man who made Milwaukee famous . The one and only The Crusher !!!

Crusher : Gordon , it’s going to be an ass kicking night and I can’t wait for that bum Rick Rude to get beat up by the World Heavyweight Champ Dusty Rhodes .

Gordon : Well sir without further ado . Let’s get things started .

Buddy Rose vs Bron Breaker : Bron is taking it right to Buddy . Bron has him over one shoulder and is about to snake eyes him , Rose gets out the back door and dropkicks Bron into the turnbuckles . From there he hits the Kiss From A Rose ( Famouser ) for the 3 .

Gordon : An upset here . With Buddy Rose .

Crusher : That no good low life , what a cheap win . Let ‘em try that with me .

Gordon : Let’s move onto our next match shall we ?

Trish Stratus and Madusa vs Rhonda Rousey and Shayna Baszler: Rhonda and Baszler really work over Trish’s arm . She does get away however and makes the tag to Madusa who lights them both up with kicks . Late in the match , it’s Trish with a sunset flip off the top rope on Rousey for the 3 count .

The celebration is short lived however post match . Baszler and Rousey put Madusa and Trish respectively in Kamuras . Baszler breaks Medusa’s arm .

Crusher : Look I ain’t a huggable sensitive guy , but when ya try to end a person’s career ya should get your ass beat .

Gordon ; No words could be more true . We’ll be back .


Back from break . Gordon and Crusher tell us that the Giant and Undertaker battled down the aisle before introductions . The two men are now in the stands in center field . Security and Chicago’s finest have to separate them . Heenan is in the announcer’s area talking about this is a travesty of Justice on Paul Wight . Crusher tells Heenan to leave before he rips off his head and pukes down his neck . Heenan figures he wore out his welcome and takes his leave .

AWA Tag Team Titles The Creed Brothers vs Jack Swagger & Big E Langston : This is the last hurrah for the team of Langston and Swagger . Brutus buckle bombs Big E and Julius hits the sliding clothesline off the tag for the win . Post match Swagger and Big E shake hands and say goodbye.


AWA Junior Heavyweight Title The Miz vs ??? : It is announced that Okada is injured . Heenan says that his client should get the night off . Bob Luce comes out and says these fans paid to see a Junior Heavyweight Title Match and that’s just what they are going to get .

Angel Garza makes his way through the crowd . The ref calls for the bell . Several Lucha drags by Garza . Miz staggers up , Garza goes for a Superkick , but Heenan grabs his back leg . Garza turns and Miz kicks him in the back of the head . Garza falls to the outside .

Miz post Garza and he’s busted open . Miz rolls Garza back in . Garza staggers to his feet . Face plant by Miz , followed by an It kick to the chest . Miz pulls Garza up for the Skull Crushing Finale , but Garza turns it into a Fujiwara . Miz is fighting to get to the ropes . He’s real close to tapping .

The bell rings . Garza let’s off the hold thinking he won , he quickly puts two and two together . He sees Heenan standing at the time keepers table with a ring hammer . He quickly spins around as Miz is getting ready to attack . Garza hits the Superkick !!! He covers ….. 1…….2…….. Heenan jumps I’m the ring !!! The ref calls for the bell .

Crusher : That no good dirty weasel .

Gordon : Hector Garza has won by DQ . One thinks he has secured a future title shot . Right now it’s time for the WGN Television Title match .

Crusher : Excuse me Gordon , I got somethin to do .

As Heenan comes out to escort Hennig to the ring , Crusher comes out and goes after Heenan . To the fans delight . Gordon tells us , he’s guessing Crusher won’t be joining the broadcast tonight any further .

WGN Television Title Cody Rhodes vs Curt Hennig : The two put together some great chain wrestling. Hennig soon tires off it and when they get into the ropes , he knees Cody in the gut and then hits a side saltue . He covers , Cody kicks out at two . Cody scores a spinning head scissors take down . Both men back up . They lock up , Hennig with a headlock takedown . Cody gets to his feet and gets off a Suplex . Cody now sets for Cross Roads and gets it . 1……2……. Hennig with a foot on the ropes . Off the break , Hennig school boys Cody and uses the ropes for leverage . The ref doesn’t see and Hennig gets the 3 count !

Gordon: And there you have it . Mr . Perfect Curt Hennig is the new WGN Television Champion . We’ll be back .


AWA Heavyweight Title: Ted Dibasie vs Kerry Von Erich: A great back and forth match . Kerry hits a press slam and closes in for the Claw . Ted grabs him by the front of the trunks and hurls him out to the floor . Kerry lands in his head and is shaken up . He gets in the ring , just after the count of ten .

Gordon : It looked like the champion was in trouble , but he as usual found a way to win . Right now Bobby Lashley gets his second World TV Title shot . Let’s go to the ring .

Freddy Miller: Fans this match is one fall with a 20 minute time limit . It is for the IWA World Television Title. Introducing first …

From Colorado Springs , Colorado Bobby Lashley !!!

Introducing from El Paso , Texas . He is the IWA World Television Champion , Manny Fernandez !!!!

Lashley goes right at him . Big time power on display . He hits Suplexes from every angle and then goes for a Dominator , but Manny turns it into a Rana !! Manny with a couple big time side kicks drives Lashley to the corner . Superplex by Fernandez. He floats over 1…. 2….. Nooo !!! Lashley kicks out . Fernandez sets for the flying headbutt , Lashley turns it into a Spinebuster !! He covers 1…….2…….. Noooo !! Fernandez kicks out . The match goes deep . At the 18:57 mark Lashley goes for German , Fernandez gets out the back door and gets an O’ Connor Roll for 1…….2……3 !!!

Post match the two men shake hands .

Gordon : For 19 minutes Bobby Lashley had Manny Fernandez wondering is this it ? But a very crafty and skilled champion literally pulled off a last minute maneuver to retain .
We are about to take out last commercial break. When we come back . Rick Ride who has had Dusty Rhodes’ number , will take on the World Heavyweight Champion in a Bull Rope Match !!! We’ll be back .


IWA World Heavyweight Title Bull Rope Match Dusty Rhodes vs Rick Rude (w/ Jimmy Hart ) : Surprisingly, Rude has no issue of the rope going around his wrist . As soon as it’s connected to him , Hart distracts Dusty and Rude wraps the rope around Dusty’s neck and starts choking him . Dusty goes down to one knee , then two . However his hand finds the cowbell and he hits Rude upside the head. Rude is staggered . Dusty hits the Bionic Elbow and now attaches the Bull Rope to his wrist .

He struts toward Rude . Rude is begging him off . When Dusty takes the cow bell in his hand to open up on Rude , Rude hits a low blow on Dusty and then drops an elbow across the back of the head . Rude now grabs up the bell and starts raking it across Dusty’s head . Rude now takes the bell and starts running it over Dusty’s back . “ Dusty is beginning to look like a Jigsaw puzzle “, as Gordon tells us .

Rude waits for Dusty to stagger up and nails him with a clothesline . Rude flexes for the crowd and then drops an elbow . He makes a cocky cover . 1…..2…… Nooooo !!! Dusty kicks out . Rude goes for a Rude Awakening , but Dusty counters out and turns it into Cross Rhodes !!! Dusty lay on the mat , trying to recover . Rude is up first . He goes to the second rope and comes off with bell in hand …….. NO SIR !!!!!!! Dusty gets a boot up and it fires right into Rude’s face !!!

Jimmy Hart comes in and Dusty drops him with the Flip , Flop and Fly !!! Dusty closes in on Rude . Rude staggers up and Dusty nails him right in the head with the bell !! Dusty covers 1……..2……. Jimmy Snuka comes off the top rope with a flying headbutt to the back of Dusty’s head …. Rude covers 1……2…… Cody slides in and breaks it up !!!!! Now Cody and Snuka are fighting on the outside . Hart is sitting in the ground wondering what the hell happened! Rude us up first , he reaches for Dusty …… BELLY TO BELLY !!!!! Dusty with cover 1…….2……..3 !!!!!!

Freddy Miller : Fans the winner of this contest and still IWA World Heavyweight Champion The American Dream Dusty Rhodes!!!

The celebration begins , Cody , Tommy Rich, Manny Fernandez and Bobby Lashley are all in the ring .

Gordon : What an amazing night , although something tells me , Dusty Rhodes has not heard the last of Rick Rude or the first family for that matter . For Freddy Miller, I’m Gordon Solie saying so long from the Windy City of Chicago!


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AWA Presents: Rumble In Wrigley  Empty
PostSubject: Re: AWA Presents: Rumble In Wrigley    AWA Presents: Rumble In Wrigley  EmptyMon Jul 18, 2022 5:35 pm

Im surprised that the 217 Buddy Rose gets that win. Heres hoping to see a good push from him.

Why is Crushers old ass complaining about the way he won? I think his decrepid ass is jealous

Big win for Trish and Madusa.......wish others would get on board with the womens tag division

Creeds win yet again......looking good heading into The Open

And thats why Heenan is called The Brain!

Codys momentum is stopped......Perfectly, so to speak

I doubt this is the last Dibiase hears out of Kerry

I hope this isnt the last that Lashley and Manny do their thing

Dusty finally gets one over on Rude. This rivalry is just heating up

Great show

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AWA Presents: Rumble In Wrigley  Empty
PostSubject: Re: AWA Presents: Rumble In Wrigley    AWA Presents: Rumble In Wrigley  EmptyWed Jul 20, 2022 3:56 pm

damn great crowd

Rose with a definite upset to start things off!

trish and medusa is a team i can definitely get into Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

wtf??? a broken arm??

taker /giant was crazy and definitely nuthin settled here just crazy

why r big e and swagger thru?

damn i was hoping to see okada

fn heenan lol

crusher should be fined for leaving the announcers table

perfect with a huge but tainted win so glad he is kicking ass here tho

dibiase squeaks out a win here but im sure kerry aint done with him yet

lashley has been a damn tough opponent for MANNY but the world tv champ prevails again!

Now the match the entire IWA is waiting to see!!

dude...that was a helluve world title match!

Dusty showed why he is the king of the bullrope

RUDE dud hella good for not ever having participated in this type of match

About time that Cody was there to offset SNUKA'S inevitable interferencea~


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AWA Presents: Rumble In Wrigley  Empty
PostSubject: Re: AWA Presents: Rumble In Wrigley    AWA Presents: Rumble In Wrigley  EmptyMon Jul 25, 2022 1:14 pm

Buddy Rose wins. Shocked

i like Rousey/Baszler as a team.

smart move by Heenan in helping Garza win by DQ.

Hennig wins a title. cheers

nothing settled with Dibiase/KVE due to countout.

Swagger/Big E are through. Shocked

Manny retains. Cool

Dusty continues to show why he is still the champion.
Looks like this feud is far from over though.

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