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 IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament

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IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament  Empty
PostSubject: IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament    IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament  EmptyMon Jun 13, 2022 4:06 pm

IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament  H5a3Xlk


IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament  0u74q6X

Location: Razorback Stadium, Fayetteville AR

IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament  9HjBw0O

The show opens up and and the cameras pick up the live crowd doing the "Hog Call" which is tradition in this stadium.

IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament  CdA49CM

   Excalibur: "The Hogs have been called and it's time for some wrestling action! Hello wrestling fans, I'm your host Excalibur! And we are live from Razorback Stadium in Fayetteville Arkansas! And tonight we have the semi-finals of the #1 contender tournament.  As well as an epic main event..... as the IWA World title is on the line as the champion, Dusty Rhodes, defends against the IWA X Division champion, MJF! It just doesn't get any bigger than that! But right now, I would like to introduce to boss! The owner of AEW...... TONY KHAN!"       

IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament  KlSmjjS

  Tony Khan: "Hello Fayetteville! And thank you for allowing me to come out here for a few minutes of your time! I have a huge an announcement I would like to share with you. Since the day I purchased AEW, I've been asked many times..... when will AEW reboot and be in TV? Well I'm happy to tell you that we will have our first AEW television show show on July 6th! And each and every Wednesday night after that. And I'm holding now the AEW Championship. And I can't think of a better place to crown a Champion than right now in Razorback Stadium! Are you guys ready? It's time......for the Casino Battle Royale!"      

  Match One: Casino Battle Royale to crown the AEW Heavyweight Champion       

This is a special kind of battle royal with five people starting and five more coming in every three minutes. We start things off with our first entrants.......

The Diamonds:

IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament  PBKRa9Q

We start things off with Ospreay stomping on Benoit in the corner as the crowd cheers about that matchup. Tanahashi slips out of a waistlock from Elgin. Dante Martin gets thrown over the top but isn’t all the way out, allowing him to springboard back in to take Ospreay down. There are no eliminations yet and here are the Harts.....

IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament  O8IoAAU

A poke to the eye drops Ospreay and Sabu hits his pose to the sky. Matt Jackson knocks Dante through the ropes (not an elimination) and then knocks Tanahashi out for the first elimination.

Elgin hits a release German suplex on Dante and Moxley throws Dante over the top to get rid of him. Ospreay dumps Sabu. Nick Jackson gets in to take Sabre down and the Spades make their way out......

IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament  0XqdwM6

Suzuki gets knocked off the apron so Darby Allin dives onto him and Elgin. Adam Cole and Moxley slug it out as Benoit is on the floor.

Darby brings in the weapons and hits a bunch of people in the head with the trashcan lid. There’s an Oscutter to Jeff Hardy and a double chokeslam from Elgin to The Young Bucks! The clock counts down and The Joker is here…....

It's Matt Riddle!!

IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament  2Xp48BT

The fans are very pleased as he cleans house, including a fall away slam on Matt Jackson. Benoit is waiting on him and the fight is on. Over the shoulder kneeling piledriver, plants Benoit but there’s no elimination. Riddle  tries to pick Elgin up but hurts his knee. That means it’s the Hardys going after Elgin to no avail. Elgin Pounces Jeff Hardy out onto the Young Bucks for a heck of an elimination. Sabre dropkicks Elgin in the back and gets rid of him on his own for a elimination. Adam Cole comes with the Panama Sunrise to Sabre. Ospreay puts Matt Hardy on top so Matt Jackson can Superkick him out.

A slingshot DDT is blocked though and Ospreay gets rid of Minoru Suzuki. Sabre dumps Moxley but gets eliminated by Ospreay as the ring is starting to empty out. Adam Cole chokeslams Darby through a well placed table for a elimination! 

Nick Jackson and Matt Hardy fight around the ring and get tied up against the ropes as Adam Cole eliminates them both!! Nick looks inside the ring at Coke, shocked that Cole eliminated him!

We are down to the final four...... Adam Cole.....Matt Riddle......Will Ospreay......and Chris Benoit!

Ospreay gets caught in the corner and triple stomped to send him through the ropes for a breather. Cole hots Benoit with "The Boom" and there’s a Panama Sunrise to Riddle. Another "Boom" is blocked and Benoit dropkicks them both and Cole flies through the ropes as Ospreay goes over the top to the floor. The fans are split as Benoit shrugs off Riddless strikes to the face and hits the reverse powerbomb. Riddle low bridges him anyway, eliminating Benoit and the bell rings!! The fans pop as  Riddle celebrates. But after a few seconds out comes ReDragon.....

IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament  1EbsKGj

Redragon argues with Riddle at ringside then on the other side of the ring comes....

IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament  MCM8FDP

Britt enters the ring, unseen by Riddle, and she gives Riddle a low blow! Riddle falls to the mat as Cole, who was never eliminated, gets in the ring and kisses Baker and pulls her in close, saying to the camera, "NOW THATS......UNDISPUTED!" 

Excalibur: "What is this? Has Britt Baker joined The Undisputed Era? This is bad news for all of wrestling if so. And speaking of bad news.....Matt Riddle is in dire straits here!"  

Britt exits the ring and joins Redragon at ringside as the referee slides into the ring and we are down to Cole and Riddle!

Cole appraiches Riddle and Riddle caught Cole with an overhead kick and followed up with an exploder suplex. Riddle performed a senton and a running kick that led to a two count. Riddle caught Cole with a knee and performed a fisherman’s buster suplex, 1.....2......NO!!! Riddle followed with a German suplex into a bridge,, 1.....2.......NO!! The fans are on their feet.

Riddle had Cole on his back and tossed him up, but Cole caught him with a Backstabber on the way down, 1......2......NO!!! Cole stomped on one of Riddle’s bare feet. Riddle came back with a knee to the head. Cole caught him with a superkick. Riddle performed a wicked German suplex. Cole responded with a neckbreaker onto his knee,, 1......2.......NO!!

Riddle went for a moonsault, but Cole put his knees up. Cole followed up by leaping from the middle rope and hitting a Panama Sunrise, 1..... 2........NO!!! The fans chant "HOLY SHIT!  Cole set up for "THE BOOM" but Riddle fell to the mat. Cole went back to the ropes for another Panama Sunrise, but Riddle cut him off and hit a GTS and a powerbomb, then blasted Cole with a knee and hit a moonsault, 1.......2.........3!!!! MATT RIDDLE IS YOUR AEW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!! The fans chant "BRO! BRO! BRO!" While Cole and the Undisputed Eta look on in shock!

IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament  5LMW9Fy 

Excalibur: "With the deck heavily stacked against him, Matt Riddle has found away to overcome the odds and become the AEW Heavyweight champion! And now the question is, how will this effect Adam Cole, who still has a match tonight against Ric Flair in the #1 contender tournament?"         

  Match Two: Bob Backlund & Roddy Piper vs Jake Roberts & Fred Blassie         

With the history between these four combatants,it's no surprise that all hell broke loose before the bell! PIPER went after JAKE but was cut off by BLASSIE who blindsided the enraged PIPER!

So we have a 4 way brawl with BACKLUND/JAKE sqyaring off as BLASSIE/PIPER take their brawl to the floor!

After the ref somehow gets order restored JAKE and BACKLUND start it off! Some actual good chain wrestling takes place for a few minutes until BLASSIE and PIPER get tagged in and then it's a knock down drag out brawl with PIPER ,several times, trying to get at ROBERTS! Only when BLASSIE has PIPER in dire straits does JAKE get in his cheap shots but these two never legally hook up in this match!

Eventually BACKLUND gets tired of the double teaming and the bullshit,shoves the ref outta the way and bangs BLASSIE and ROBERT'S head together ! As BACKLUND is being sent ,forcibly, to his corner by the ref,JAKE sneaks in and plants PIPER with a ddt!! BLASSIE covers and the ref makes the 3 count as JAKE heads off BACKLUND who is trying to make the save!

As the crowd shows ther disapproval by what just happened,BACKLUND tends to a hurt and dazed PIPER as BLASSIE and JAKE ROBERTS leave to a chorus of boos! 

   #1 Contender Semi-Final Match: Hangman Page vs Jeff Cobb w/Dan Lambert           

Page charged at Cobb and went on the offensive immediately after the opening bell sounded. He quickly went for a running Shooting Star Press off the apron but Cobb caught him and landed an overheard belly-to-belly suplex on the floor. As the match went on it became apparent that Page was able to match strength with Cobb, and Cobb was able to match Page in agility. After Cobb hit a Tombstone Piledriver for a near fall, Page answered with a Buckshot Lariat. Page set up for Rite of Passage, but Cobb rolled through, deadlifted Page and sent him flying across the ring with an F-5. Cobb went for Tour of the Islands, but Page countered with a crucifix for a near fall. Cobb attempted to hit Tour of the Islands again, and this time he was successful but he doesnt cover Hangman! Lambert screams for Cobb to cover Page and end it but Cobb, sensing that Page still had some fight in him, goes for another Tour of the Islands. But Page transitions through into a Crucifix and gets the pinfall! Hangman Page advances to the tournament finals!

IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament  6oikPqW

  Excalibur: "Jeff Cobb overthought the process and took his eye off the ball for a split second and and it cost him the tournament. Ya gotta give it to Hangman Page for such a heads up move to capture one of the three final tournament spots!"         

   #1 Contender Semi-Final Match: Ric Flair vs Adam Cole            

The bell rings and Cole decides to play mind games with Flair and Flair decks him and Cole retreats to the floor. He gets back in and gets in some blows, and puts Flair in a headlock. Flair shoves him off and now he goes to work with fists and chops in the corner. One chop in the middle of the ring drops Cole..... he pulls him up and uppercuts him in the nuts. Flair dumps him to the floor and hammers him on the announce table. Cole fires back but so does Flair and they are just chopping the shit out of each other. Flair gets his head run into the railing and Cole gets back into the ring. Flair is on the apron and Cole helps him the rest of the way in with a suplex. Cole stomps on him and chops him in the corner. Flair returns the favor but is whipped into the corner where he flies upside down and to the floor. Bobby Fish comes to ringside and tries to hit him but finally Flair frees himself with a chop. He gets back into the ring, and fends off Cole, goes up top but is tossed off. Cole goes for him but is nutted and now it is Figure Four time! Cole is too close to the ropes and grabs them. Flair remains focused on the knee and headbutts it from behind. He pokes Cole in the eye and back suplexes him. Cole counters and works over the leg and knee of Flair. He has him in the corner where he chops Flair who returns the favor and Cole drops to a knee and gets rabbit punched in the head. Cole retreats to the apron and gets his throat bounced off. Bobby Fish is on the apron and gets nailed. But Cole rolls him up and uses the ropes with Fish help but Flair keeps getting the shoulder up. Finally the ref sees Fish trying to help Cole and ejects Fish from ringside, as Excalibur claims Fish shouldn't be out there anyway. As the ref is busy with Fish, Flair low blows Cole, who drops to the mat. Flair grabs the leg of Cole, wanting the figure four, but what Flair doesn't see is MJF grabbing a chair at ringside and entering the ring. MJF nails Flair in the back of the head with the chair! Flair falls look a tree to the mat. Cole throws his arm over Flairs chest as MJF exits the ring. The ref turns and sees the cover, 1......2......3!! ADAM COLE GETS SPOT 2 OF THE FINALS!

IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament  5UIltSG

Excalibur: "With all of Undisputed ERA in the building, who would of thought that MJF would be the reason Adam Cole advances to the tournament finals? The dirtiest player in the game got played there by MJF! This rivalry between the Horsemen and The Pinnacle is getting personal."     

    #1 Contender Semi-Finals: Steve Austin vs "Ravishing" Rick Rude w/Jimmy Hart           

Austin charges into the ring like a man possessed and the brawl begins. Austin takes Rude down with punches and elbows. Austin stomps him in the corner and then bounces out of a corner whip with a clothesline. He continues to dominate with punches until Rude lands a flapjack into the ropes. Rude goes for a Rude Awakening but Austin counters into a falling armbreaker. Rude escapes the ring but Austin gives chase and smashes his arm into the steel steps and the steel ringpost.

Austin tosses Rude back into the ring and Rude tries to land a sudden Rude Awakening but can’t hook Austin’s neck because of the pain in his own arm. Austin works over that arm and goes to whip Rude but Rude reverses the Irish whip, only for Austin to land a Thesz press and another flurry of punches and an elbow drop. The first pin of the match gets Austin a two-count.

Austin whips Rude and lands a spinebuster and goes for a diving move but Rude gets his foot up, hitting Austin right under the chin. Rude lands a swinging neckbreaker but again he can’t follow up because of the damage to his arm. The fans chant wildly for Austin as both men get up slowly. Rude lands another neckbreaker and drops his knees on Austin’s neck several times. He and Austin trade corner strikes until Rude pokes Austin’s eye and clips his knee. Sensing an opportunity, Rude smashes Austin’s knee into the steel ringpost but goes for this one too many times as Austin pulls his legs in and smashes Rude’s face into the post. But Austin’s reprieve is short-lived as Rude clips his knee once again. Rude brutalizes Austin’s knee in various ways, shutting down each of Austin’s attempts at a comeback. Figure-4 leglock. Austin’s in excruciating pain. He writhes around as Rude grabs the ropes for leverage behind the referee’s back. Rude lets go before the ref turns to him, then re-grabs the ropes when the ref turns his back again.

Suddenly Austin gains a surge of energy. He pulls Rude away from the ropes and rolls over. The Figure-4 is reversed. Rude grabs the ropes almost immediately. Rude elbow drops Austin’s weakened knee. Austin fires back with knee shots to Rude’s face. Here comes Austin’s second wind. Multiple punches and turnbuckle smashes. Lou Thesz press. Running elbow drop. He pins but only gets two. Austin goes for a stunner..... Rude  blocks it and Austin counters into a big clothesline., neckbreaker by Rude. Stunner again, no, Rude counters into a roll-up, No, Austin counters into his own roll-up. 1......2.......NO! Austin lands more corner punches. Rude goes low and then grabs Austin...... RUDE AWAKENING!!! 1......2.......3!! RICK RUDE LOCKS IN THE FINAL SPOT OF THE TOURNAMENT FINALS!

IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament  AJJjqfM

Excalibur: "Many would call that win by Rude an upset..... not me! Rude has found new life lately since aligning with Jimmy Hart. And the fact that he just defeated Austin cleanly.....with no questions asked proves that he is ready to claim his spot as the top men in the business! The tournament finals will be Rude against Hangman Page and Adam Cole in a triple threat match that I cannot wait to see!"         

   Match Six: Bob & Brad Armstrong vs Steve Williams & Terry Gordy for the WCW Tag Team Titles       

Dr. Death begins to try and slow-down a quicker Brad Armstrong. Dr. Death tries to slow the pace with power moves but Brad takes him down and then works on the arm.

Brad caught Williams with a fireman’s carry back into an armbar. Brad fighting out of the corner to Gordy and Williams. Bob tagged in and continues to tork the arm of Gordy. Bob takes down Dr. Death with an armbar to the mat once he is tagged in.

The big men take down Brad. Williams and Brad countering each other’s chain holds on the mat. It’s a scientific and a power match.  Irishwhip, couldn’t land a clothesline, Brad goes for a crucifix and Williams backs Brad into the turnbuckle. Dr. Death and Bead share chops in the corner.

Williams with a headbutt, snapmare, and now  BAM BAM Gordy comes in and scoop slams Brad. Gordy and Brad going at it, a front facelock but Brad can’t make it to Bob to tag.

Williams and Gordy double suplex on Brad. Blind tag so no count. Bob finally tagged in but his offense wouldn’t last long. Gordy with an impact move gets a two and now Dr. Death comes in working on Bob with a leg, head-scissors. A kick to the face by Bob and now Dr. Death tags in Gordy. An STG by Bam Bam Gordy to Bob. In Mid-Ring to boot. Bob  fights a Boston Crab and he is in big trouble as Dr. Death has him where he wants him. Gordy in again. Another STF.

After the hold was broken Dr. Death came in and Bob is power-slammed by Dr. Death. Over the 20 minute mark. Bob took out Dr. Death in the corner and he collpased to the mat and Brad wants in..... and he gets the hot tag!

Brad trying to get momentum chops Williams, Dr. Death suplexed by Brad and then Gordy back in took it to Brad. Brad with a chop to Dr. Death off the top and Gordy sent Brad into Williams who rams him into the turnbuckle. A modified Stampede by Dr. Death to Brad, 1.....2.......3!! Williams and Gordy retain!

IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament  ZyiIewU

  Main Event: Dusty Rhodes vs MJF for the IWA World title         

Rhodes gets the first upperhand, dropping MJF on a shoulder tackle off the ropes. MJF acts as if he’s been hit with a hammer in the back of the head, then takes two steps toward Dusty in anger, before thinking better of it.

Everything Dusty does early has the people rocking AND rolling, and MJF s his usual self, doing what he can by any means necessary to win. Dusty goes after the leg early here, with MJF bailing to the floor for a third time to try and collect himself, as Rhodes has started hot. MJF going to what he knows, an attack on the left arm and shoulder of Rhodes, Also targeting Dusty’s bad knee, wearing the bigger man down relentlessly.  MJF's spinning toe hold further weakens the champs knee, but Dusty manages to get up and hobble into a bionic elbow, but when Dusty goes for a figure four leglock, his own knee gives out and gives MJF the advantage again. MJF of course, goes right back to the knee.

Rhodes gets renewed life when he manages to send MJF through the ropes and crashing to floor of the stadium and Dusty follows out to do more damage. Dusty’s leg gives out again, but he’s battling through it as they get back inside. MJF goes low with a kick to the knee, Rhodes, drops, but Dusty gets up and catches MJF with a lariat as MJF flies off the second rope. That gets two.

The ref gets nailed on an Irish whip attempt, and falls to the floor. MJF grabs a chair from under the ring, and measures Dusty up. Ric Flair comes to ringside, getting MJF's attention. Flair wants in the ring at MJF, but everytime he tries to enter, MJF swings the chair at him. MJF turns his attention back to Dusty. MJF misses a swing to Rhodes’ knee. Dusty gets up and hits the DDT on the chair. Flair rolls the ref back in and counts the three, and everyone goes ape for Dusty winning and retaining the title! Flair smirks at MJF who is on the stadium floor looking on pissed at Flair as Rhodes celebrates his win as show fades to black!

IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament  JzpKE9x


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Johnny Rose

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IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament  Empty
PostSubject: Re: IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament    IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament  EmptySat Jun 18, 2022 3:22 am

The Casino battle Royal was nothing short of awesome . Matt Riddle will make a great champion for you . I’m partial to white meat baby face champs . Lol

BG incredible job with our tag match , great ending .

Page with the biggest upset so far .

MJF , Cole doesn’t need help .

Ugh . Was pulling for Flair .

Rude has been on a tear .

Damn Joh Flair . Stay out of it !!!

Thank you for making my boys look strong .

This pinnacle vs horsemen feud is out of control .

Great show
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IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament  Empty
PostSubject: Re: IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament    IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament  EmptySat Jun 18, 2022 1:20 pm

Matt Riddle is the New AEW Champ. Evil or Very Mad Rolling Eyes
Nice way to have the champ determined though.

Cobb loses. Shocked Shocked

Cole beats Flair,but with MJF's Help. Shocked Twisted Evil

Armstrongs were no match for Doc/Gordy.
I can see Doc/Gordy as future World Tag Champs.

Dusty beats MJF.Cool Cool At least Flair got some revenge on MJF.
Rude wins.cheers cheers cheers

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IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament  Empty
PostSubject: Re: IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament    IWA Summer Sizzler: #1 Contender Semi-Final Tournament  EmptyTue Jun 21, 2022 10:18 pm

The casino battle royal is crazy and Riddle as the joker was a big surprise!

I really enjoyed it until fukin baker had to be part of it..jesus fn christ

Congrats to RIDDLE!!

DAMNN YOU JAKE ! U spent the whole match avoiding PIPER but u still managed to pull some bullshit and plant him with the ddt!

wtf!!! now,imo, Page beating COBB may be the upset of the year here!!

Cole vs Flair was fukin kick ass!

Cole helps continue the downward spiral of the horsemen!!

Well DAMN....i think RUDE/Austin topped Cole/Flair !! another great match and the USWA Heavyweight champ barely escapes with the win!! helluva match!

The Armstrongs have been one of the best and hottest teams in the IWA as of late and they gave Williams/Gordy all they could handle! YET another damn good match in a night thats just full of them!!

MJF vs Dusty was kick ass as well!! This entire show has been epic and it might very well be the SHOW OF THE YEAR!! SERIOUSLY!

odd seeing Flair kinda help Dusty win this but he wants MJF badly!!


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