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 WCW HouseShow

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WCW HouseShow Empty
PostSubject: WCW HouseShow   WCW HouseShow EmptyFri Oct 01, 2021 9:58 pm


Location: Chaifetz Arena St. Louis, Mo.

  Match One: Sammy Guevara vs Buddy Murphy w/Zelina Vega        

Good competitive matchup to open the show up and these two give the fans all the action they can handle and then some. Laye in the match Zelina distracts Sammy long enough for Buddy to hit "Murphys Law" to get the win. Once the match is over, Hangman Page makes his way into the ring. Hangman grabs Guevara and throws him out of the ring......

WCW HouseShow 4Ijhc6O

  Hangman Page: " Let me apologize for the interruption.  But I've asked Eric Bischoff to get me a match against Chris Jericho for weeks now, only to come up empty handed. And seeing how this is a Friday night in St. Louis..... you just know that Jericho is just dying to be part of it. So just a few minutes, I will be  back inside this ring.....if you have any balls, why don't you meet me here?"           

WCW Contract Match: Bianca Bel-air vs Kris Stadtlander          

The two put on a scientific encounter with both ladies trading momentum until Bianca gets the win with KOD. As Bianca is making her way back to the dressing room area, she sees Teddy Long giving her a strong look over.

WCW HouseShow 9WGvfo4

Match Three: Lex Luger vs Cactus Jack w/Eddie Gilbert & Missy Hyatt          

Luger uses his strength to keep Cactus off balanced. As the match progresses,  Gilbert tells Missy he has business to attend to and leaves Missy to attend to Cactus. As Luger pounds away, Cactus let's our bloody screams of "MOMMY....HELP!" to Missy, who is obviously annoyed by Cactus. After a few more minutes, Luger puts Cactus in the Torture Rack to get the submission victory. A disgusted Missy leaves Cactus behind as he follows her screaming "MOMMY" the entire way.

  Match Four: Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard vs Randy Orton and Batista for the WCW tag team titles   

The fans aren't sure who to cheer for in this one, but the two teams put on a wrestling clinic nonetheless and this one comes down to a 30 minute time limit draw. Orton and Batista remain the WCW tag champions.

Hangman Page makes his way back to the ring and awaits to hear from Chris Jericho. But after a few minutes it's clear Jericho isn't coming out. Instead we see.......

WCW HouseShow Lr69SNI


Andrade makes his way towards the ring and talks trash about Americans the entire way. Then he turns his focus on Page, making fun of him being a cowboy. And says he is not a coward like Jericho..... therefor he will accept Pages challenge.

  Match Five: Hangman Page vs Andrade            

To say Andrade has heat from the live audience after all his trash talking is an understatement.  Page takes the fight to Andrade. The momentum changes back and forth for over 15 minutes when Page looks to be going for the "Buckshot" but out of nowhere,  Chris Jericho runs out and pulls Page off the apron and then sends him face first into the steel corner post. Hangman is busted open as Jericho makes fun of him as Eric Bischoff makes his way out.......

  Eric Bischoff: "This has went on long enough! Jericho..... you have been a Thorn in my side for far too long. And it seems you that WCW isn't big enough for the both of you. So here's how this is gonna go Violence of the Lambs,  it's going to be Hangman Page against Chris Jericho! And the loser leaves WCW once and for all!"        

   Match Five: Dean Malenko vs Big Van Vader w/Teddy Long        

This is just what you think it would be..... ALL VADER!! The big man uses his size to manhandle Malenko before putting him away with a Vader Bomb!!!

  Main Event: Jerry Lawler vs Ric Flair for the IWA World title          

WCW HouseShow AG9pFEp

Flair starts out cocky before Lawler gets the advantage and proves himself a worthy challenger. Flair does stay on top, using his usual tricks and even almost beats Lawler with the Figure Four before Lawler makes hehe ropes and then all hell breaks loose.. This unhinged Flair who goes wild but it turns into his undoing as Lawler takes advantage quickly and this causes Flair to flat out make his way towards his dressing room. Lawler follows out after him...... which turns out to be a mistake as Eddie Gilbert and Cactus Jack are waiting to attack Lawler. Gilbert and Cactus beat the piss out of Lawler until several wrestlers come to break it up. This turns out to be a bad thing as all the various wrestlers start fighting with each other.  This brings out Eric Bischoff once again. He instructs all the wrestlers get in the ring for a battle royal. The winner will face Owen Hart next week at Nitro......

Typical battle royal match that comes down to the final four..... Lex Luger, Buddy Murphy, Pentagon Jr and Michael Hayes, who eliminates Penta. Hayes talks Murphy into working with him to take on Luger even though Zelina advises better. A mishap happens and Hayes knocks Murphy out if the ring only to turn around into a Luger clothesline! Lex Luger wins the battle royal and will face Owen Hart on next week's Nitro for the WCW TV title.

WCW HouseShow 3ElC56t


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Johnny Rose

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WCW HouseShow Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW HouseShow   WCW HouseShow EmptySat Oct 02, 2021 11:32 am

Damn you Page !!!

Cactus is killing me . Lol

That’s going to be a war at Violence of the Lambs.

Dammit . Fucking Gilbert and Cactus . Now it’s a battle Royal . Lawler got screwed !!

Owen better be worried .

Good show my man .

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WCW HouseShow Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW HouseShow   WCW HouseShow EmptySun Oct 03, 2021 1:42 pm

my kind of a house show.not a lot of fluff.

a battle royal to end the show. Cool

i predict that the Cactus/Gilbert relationship will eventually sour. Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
but then again i could be wrong. Shocked

Malenko was no match for Vader but then again not many are....

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