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 IWA X Division Championship Tournament - Final Night

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IWA X Division Championship Tournament - Final Night Empty
PostSubject: IWA X Division Championship Tournament - Final Night   IWA X Division Championship Tournament - Final Night EmptySat Sep 05, 2020 3:54 pm

IWA X Division Championship Tournament - Final Night Iwa_x-10


1. Will Ospreay (XWA) vs Sabu (WWF)

Ospreay tonight is joined by his GF Priscilla. She had been noticeably absent in the first two rounds. Sabu comes out to a great ovation. He is kind of the dark horse in this tourney so far. Will seems to not be too worried about Sabu tonight but he soon learns the error of that as Sabu goes full boar at him. Will hits a Marufuji Hook Kick. But Sabu retaliates with a simple straight right to the jaw. Sliced Bread #2 by Sabu and he covers for two. He hits a Legdrop. Then looks to apply the Arabian Clutch but but Ospreay slides under his legs while maintaining wrist control and hits the Rainham Maker (Ripcord Standing Moonsault Side Slam)! 1.. 2.. No! Will looks for the Hidden Blade but Sabu sees it coming and counters into a Fujiwara Armbar! Will is in panic mode and barely gets the ropes. Sabu delivers a Samoan Drop and looks to go up for the Arabian Press but Priscilla jumps on the apron to distract him. Sabu just piefaces her down off the apron But that gave Will time to recover. He nails Silent Whisper. Then he brings Sabu back in via a Brainbuster, He goes up top... Air Assassin! 1.. 2.. 3! Will Ospreay hugs Priscilla as he just punched his ticket to the finals.

Winner: Will Ospreay

2. Jushin Liger (WCW) vs Rey Mysterio (APW)

Fans have been buzzing about this one. Jushin Liger the Japanese legend versus Lucha legend Rey Mysterio. Both men shake hands before the match. And what a match it was. Liger catches Rey out on the floor with a Pescado. Later Rey executes a Hurracanrana from the apron to thee floor. Crowd is loving this and chanting throughout. LIger hits a Brainbuster for a near fall. Rey catches Jushin with a Facebuster 1.. 2.. No! Liger then gets Rey on the top rope. The fans wondered if her would go for his Firing Squad move when he was Black Thunder. But instead he goes for a Top Rope Frankensteiner!!! But Rey lands on his feet. He dropkicks Liger into the ropes... 619!! He waits for Liger to stand... West Coast Pop!!! 1.. 2.. 3!!!! Rey is headed to the Finals!!!

Winner: Rey Mysterio

3. Hulk Hogan vs Owen Hart - IWA World Heavyweight Championship

The bell rings and Owen takes his time before tying up with Hogan. Owen ducks out on the apron then heads outside after getting tossed into the corner. The crowd chants for Hogan as he takes Owen over with a hip toss. He follows with a pair of slams then Owen bails again to have a talk with Davey Boy. Hogan heads outside to use a double noggin-knocker then slams Davey Boy on the floor and chases him in the ring but Owen and Davey stomp away. Hogan gets up to back Davey Boy in the corner as Owen accidentally splashes Davey Boy. Hogan ties up Owen’s neck into the ropes then tosses Davey outside. Owen finally gets free as Hogan went back out to ram Davey into the post. Hogan knocks Owen outside with an elbow drop then follows out for another noggin-knocker. Back inside, Hogan hits a clothesline then Owen takes a bump off of a turnbuckle smash. Hogan ducks his head for a backdrop but gets kicked in the face then sent down with a clothesline. Owen targets the neck then punches Hogan through the ropes. Owen heads out and hits a chop but Hogan reverses an Irish whip and sends Owen into the post. He sends Owen into the post again but back in the ring Owen fights back. Hogan hulks up as Owen heads up top but gets raked in the eye as Owen comes off with a double ax handle then applies a sleeper. Hogan begins to fade. The ref checks his arm. Owen drops Hogan to the mat but Hogan holds his arm up after the second attempt and gets to his feet with Owen on his back but Owen is able to run Hogan into the turnbuckle. Owen heads up top but Hogan shakes the ropes and Owen crotches himself. Hogan grabs Owen by the hair and crotches him a few more times then hits an atomic drop. Hogan kicks out Owen’s leg a few times as Owen is bumping all over the ring! Owen manages to avoid an elbow drop then hits the Missile dropkick. Owen grabs Hogan...... bridging Northern Lights Suplex!! 1......2..... but Hogan kicks out and starts hulking up. Owen fires away to no effect then Hogan starts hammering away. Hogan sends Owen over the top rope with a big boot but Owen pulls him outside as they have a slugfest. Hogan ducks a chairshot then grabs the chair as the ref makes him drop it but as that happens, Davey Boy hands Owen a pair of brass knux. Hogan slowly heads inside. Owen climbs up on the ring apron....Hogan reaches over the ropes and grabs Owen, who headlocks Hogan.....Hogan picks Owen up and Owen nails Hogan with the knux!! Hogan and Owen hit the mat. Owen puts the Knox in his tights as the ref checks on Hogan. Owen grabs Hogan's legs and applies the Sharpshooter! The ref drops and checks on Hogan..... who doesn't respond! Hogan's arm drops once.......Hogan's arm drops twice......the ref grabs Hogan's arm again...... but then the ref is pulled out of the ring by Brian Cage!

Cage explains to the ref that Owen hit Hogan with the Knux! Davey Boy approaches Cage, then pushes him. Cage responds with a discuss lariat, leveling Davey Boy! Owen approaches the ropes jaw jacking with Cage as Hogan begins to get to his feet behind Owen! Owen turns around...... clothesline by Hogan..... then another......big boot by Hogan! Hulk hits the ropes...... LEGDROP BY HOGAN! 1.....2......3!!! Hogan retains the IWA World title! Cage enters the ring and celebrates the victory with Hogan as a battered Owen and Davey Boy take their leave.

Winner & Still IWA Heavyweight Champion: Hulk Hogan

4. Will Ospreay (XWA) vs Rey Mysterio (APW) - IWA World X-Division Championship

Ospreay just lost the XWA Cruiserweight title after almost 2 years but now he is 1 win away from becoming the first IWA World X-Division Champion. Will is the larger man, with the better recent pedigree. But it's Rey Mysterio who gets the cheers from the capacity crowd here in Long Island, NY. Priscilla is in the ring for introductions rubbing the shoulders of Ospreay while shooting daggers from her eyes towards Rey. Rey is bouncing on his feet working out some nervous energy. He's been in big spots before but this might be his biggest.

Match begins with them circling one another. Will feels superior and just goes right at Rey but hey gives him a series of Arm drags, then a Dropkick and Ospreay rolls out to the floor. Priscilla runs over to him. Rey is thinking about a dive out on him but he puts  Priscilla in front of him like a shield. Crowd is really booing him now. Match rolls on with both men going back and forth. Will tags Rey with a Marufuji Hook Kick. Rey executes the Bronco Buster on Ospreay. Rey later connects on a Missile Dropkick. He goes into a La Magistral Cradle for a near fall. Will with a few European Uppercuts then hits the ropes and connects with a vicious knee strike. 1.. 2..

No! He goes to the apron for Pip Pip Cheerio. He launches himself but Rey counters into a Double Knee Facebreaker. He covers!! 1.. 2.. NOOOO!!! Rey goes for the West Coast Pop but Ospreay counters and gets Rey on his shoulder.. STORMBREAKER! 1.. 2.. Noooooo! Will hits ropes... OsCutter... but Rey hits a Shotgun Dropkick to the back of Will who falls into the ropes! 619!!! Torpedo Splash but Will hits a jumping European Uppercut in desperation and both men are down.

They slowly rise and continue to fight. Silent Whisper by Will he goes up top... Aerial Assassin!! Rey got his knees up! Dropkick to the back again and Will is in the ropes... Another 619!!! He waits... West Coast Pop! 1.. 2.. 3!!!!


IWA X Division Championship Tournament - Final Night Rey-957279

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IWA X Division Championship Tournament - Final Night Empty
PostSubject: Re: IWA X Division Championship Tournament - Final Night   IWA X Division Championship Tournament - Final Night EmptyWed Sep 09, 2020 3:56 pm

Ospreay could be a sleeper in this. That's a big win over Sabu

And with the Liger loss, World Class is eliminated

Mysterio wins it! While I'm cool with him being champ, would have liked to see an active promoter win it. This is 2 world champions we have now that their owners arent active.

Good stuff
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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

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IWA X Division Championship Tournament - Final Night Empty
PostSubject: Re: IWA X Division Championship Tournament - Final Night   IWA X Division Championship Tournament - Final Night EmptyThu Sep 10, 2020 11:04 am

Good write ups ...

I kind of expected Ospreay to win this but there have been some surprises so far

Rey winning was a surprise ... looking forward to how the X Division gets built ...

Hogan wins again, but Punk is breathing down his neck

good show .... congrats to chad
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