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 Progress: United States #26

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress: United States #26 Empty
PostSubject: Progress: United States #26   Progress: United States #26 EmptyMon Jul 06, 2020 3:07 pm

Progress: United States #26 Progress_strong_style_pro_wrestling_logo_by_nuruddinayobwwe-dbceh2i


/strôNG/ /stīl/

1. ‘... A style of wrestling evolved from Japanese Puroresu (プロレス) and traditional British Catch wrestling that incorporates full contact martial arts kicks and strikes with a strong emphasis placed on submission wrestling ...’

Progress: United States #26 Aj_styles_wwe_champion_2017_by_lunaticdesigner-dbtgtag
Progress Atlas Champion: AJ STYLES
Progress: United States #26 Pete-dunne-uk-champ                     Progress: United States #26 CE8A5870
United Kingdom Champion:                  United States Champion:
PETE DUNNE                                                LOW KI

Progress: United States #26 Dcx1rrn-48605f53-4d63-484f-b7c3-067aeaab4891
Progress Tag Team Champions: RODERICK STRONG & KYLE O’REILLEY

LOCATION: Tampa, Florida
ARENA: Amalie Arena
ANNOUNCERS: Mauro Renallo & Renee Young

Progress: United States #26 Usa_today_9299220.0

Progress: United States #26 Axstv


We get highlights of last week where Matt Riddle was set to challenge AJ Styles for the Atlas title but was laid out backstage

Paige Van Zant turned on Charlotte and aligned herself with the 4 Horsewomen of MMA

In the main event, Toni Storm realized her dream by defeating Lacey Evans to become the new Women’s Universal Champion ....

* * * * OPENING SEGMENT * * * *

The show starts off with Elias in the ring .... Elias asks ‘Who wants to walk with Elias?’  He proceeds to sing a song about Tampa and trashes the people in attendance .... He is interrupted by the arrival of ‘The Machine’ Brian Cage!

**** 1. ‘The Machine’ Brian Cage def. Elias with the Weapon X in a squash match .... Cage enters the ring and nearly takes off Elias’ head with a discus lariat, then drills him with the Weapon X and it’s over ****

**** IN THE BACK: ****

MVP is shown watching Brian Cage on the monitor.  Alicia Atout comes in to get some comments and MVP says he’s going to get to the bottom of who attacked Matt Riddle and everyone is a suspect .... it is insinuated that he thinks Cage could be responsible by the way he is watching the monitor ....

In walks Eli Drake and he talks shit to MVP about not being featured .... he says who in the hell is booking this crap where E ... LI ... Drake is not on the card .... MVP questions him about the attack on Riddle but Drake denies it .... but he says since MVP is only giving chances to certain people he’s going to have to make his own breaks and that’s not an insult, THAT is just a fact of life!

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

**** PROMO: ****

We get a promo about tonight’s AJ Styles/ Austin Aries Iron Man Match for the Atlas title ....

We then cut to MVP and AJ talking .... MVP says he doesn’t think AJ attacked Riddle, but he’s got to ask just to eliminate him as a suspect .... AJ says he doesn’t need to attack anyone because he handles his business in the ring .... as far as Riddle goes, as soon as AJ finishes with Aries and Riddle is healthy, he wants Riddle next .... it’s time to be phenomenal ....

Up next we have an in-ring promo from the 4 Horsewomen where they welcome Paige Van Zant into the fold .... VanZant doesn’t understand why Charlotte just assumed they were friends .... Baszler cuts a promo and says they are legit fighters from the MMA world and no one can touch them!  They are taking over ‘pro wrestling’ .... this is their division now and she is putting anyone with a belt on notice .... Toni Storm, Rhea Ripley IT DOESN’T MATTER! ....

Charlottes music hits and she comes out carrying a chair!  She’s going to take on all 4 of them, but VanZant backs them all off and has them leave the ring so it can be her and Charlotte one on one!  Charlotte hits the ring and they start fighting, but of course as soon as that happens the Horsewomen hit the ring again and it’s a 4 on 1 attack!  Progress referees come in and try to get the Horsewomen off of Charlotte, but they basically turn and beat the shit out of the refs!  Baszler pulls one of their belts off and starts lashing Charlotte with the belt!!!!  

The beat down continues until Toni Storm runs out of the back and makes the save for Charlotte!  Storm grabs the chair and holds them all at bay, and Baszler and co. think better of it and just leave .... Storm and Charlotte are face to face, and Storm offers a handshake and Charlotte takes it .... There are huge whelps on Charlottes back from being whipped by the belt ....

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

**** IN THE BACK: ****

MVP continues his questioning of the locker room by talking to Brian Cage .... Cage tells MVP he didn’t attack Riddle but he wants a title shot .... the ONE% walk in and talk trash to Cage, but MVP questions them about the attack as well .... He says Aries is the one that has benefitted, but Aries says he has a shot because he deserves it and he didn’t attack Riddle ....

**** 2. United States Champion Low Ki def. Dalton Castle in a US title open challenge .... Low Ki is intent on defending the title every week .... this is a good match and Castle looks to have the title won on several occasions but Low Ki survives and forces Castle to tap out to the Dragon Sleeper .... ****

Eli Drake comes out and attacks Low Ki after the bell, then challenges him to defend the title against a ‘worthy’ challenger .... Low Ki isn’t messed up about it and accepts this challenge too!

**** 3. United States Champion Low Ki def. Eli Drake by countout to retain the title .... the match is controlled by Drake, but when Low Ki rallies and starts to kick the shit out of Drake he takes a walk and intentionally gets himself counted out ****

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

**** IN THE BACK: ****

Kenny King is in MVP’s office once again with the Tag Title Shot Briefcase .... he is asking MVP to be his partner .... MVP turns him down again ....

MVP gets a text and it’s a video on his cell phone of security footage from last week of Riddle being hit from behind by an object, then a man in a mask walking out of a door way and then covering the camera with his hand .... There is a knock at the door and MVP says ‘come in’, but then appears surprised by who enters his office.  The person is off-camera and the shot cuts away before it is revealed who it is ....

It’s time for our main event, and this match has been given the rest of the show!

**** 4. Atlas Title Iron Man Match: (champion) AJ Styles vs. Austin Aries .... ****

We get a more methodical start for the first 10 minutes of this one because these guys know they are in for the long haul in this match .... lots of stalling by Aries, but when the 2 lock up we get some clean hold for hold wrestling .... the action spills to the floor, and Aries wipes AJ out with the heat-seeking missile!  Styles rebounds with the phenomenon (Queberada into reverse DDT) for a 2 count!  AJ scoops Aries up for the Ushi Goroshi but Aries with elbows breaks it and then shoves AJ from behind right into the ref!  LOW BLOW!  Aries grabs AJ .... BRAINBUSTER!!!!  1 ... 2 ... 3!

Austin Aries 1-0

Aries controls the next little bit and tries to get more pins but AJ kicks out .... AJ battles back by reversing a brainbuster attempt and hitting a snap suplex into the turnbuckles!  AJ with the slingshot phenomenal forearm from the ring to the floor!  They battle there but Aries shoves AJ into the steps and he hits his head, then Aries connects with the discus 5 arm on the floor!  Aries rolls in and is content with AJ being counted out, but AJ is able to pull himself up and beat the count at 9!  Aries goes for a crucifix but Styles blocks it .... USHI GOROSHI!  Styles goes for the phenomenal forearm, but Aries dodges it and AJ rolls to his feet in the corner .... Aries charges in the corner for the IED dropkick but AJ catches him running in and rolls him into the calf killer!!!!  Aries is trapped in the middle of the ring and has to tap!

AJ 1; Aries 1

We are down to the final 5 minutes now, and we get a ton of false finishes from here on out .... They trade reversals, ending with Aries hitting a brainbuster but AJ kicks out at 2 .... LAST CHANCERY!!!!  AJ fights and manages to make it to the ropes to break the hold .... Aries heads to the top and goes for the 450 but Styles moves out of the way and Aries rolls to his feet .... PELE OUT OF NOWHERE!!!!  AJ picks him up ... STYLES CLASH!  1 ... 2 ... Nooooo!  Aries kicks out!  Now AJ goes to the top, but somehow Aries is able to get to his feet and he climbs up with AJ .... they fight on the top rope, and Aries goes for a super-plex but AJ battles out of it .... Aries goes for a top rope huricanrana but AJ blocks it!  STYLES CLASH FROM THE 2ND ROPE!!!!  AJ summons the strength to roll Aries over .... 1 ... 2 ... 3!  

AJ 2; Aries 1

Both men are laying on the mat exhausted as the final seconds tick away .... the bell rings, and the match is over!  AJ has retained!

The crowd is on their feet and actually chanting for both of them .... ‘BOTH THESE GUYS!  BOTH THESE GUYS!’ as AJ is handed the title .... AJ meets Aries in the middle of the ring and actually offers him a handshake, but as Aries is standing there considering it, we hear someone blowing a coaches whistle VERY loudly.  Our attention goes to the ramp, where Bill Alphonso has come out .... and with him is THIS MAN ....

Progress: United States #26 220px-BobbyLashleyAFL

.... BOBBY LASHLEY!!!!  Holy shit Bobby Lashley is in Progress!  Lashley comes out to the ring as Alphonso is jumping around blowing his whistle .... Lashley gets in the ring and wastes no time getting nose to nose with AJ!  There is a long pause as these 2 stare each other down, but Lashley just smiles and backs away leaving the ring .... AJ never takes his eyes off of him, and it’s obvious that Lashleys arrival has changed the game in Progress USA ....

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