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 Progress: United States #2

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Wes-ticular Fortitude
Wes-ticular Fortitude

Posts : 1154
Join date : 2018-09-28
Age : 48

Progress: United States #2 Empty
PostSubject: Progress: United States #2   Progress: United States #2 EmptyMon Jul 06, 2020 1:44 pm

Progress: United States #2 Progress-screen-logo-copy

Progress: United States #2 Flag-day

LOCATION: Auburn, Alabama
ARENA: Auburn Arena
ANNOUNCERS: Mauro Renallo & Renee Young

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- we get a bunch of highlights of the Gauntlet for the Gold, where the Miz entered at #1 and went coast to coast to become the 1st ever United States Champion ....
- The debut of Austin Aries, Elias Sampson, Kenny King, Low Ki, and Tye Dillinger are featured ....
- ‘The Machine’ Brian Cage’s debut is featured, including his brutal attack of Roman Reigns that left Reigns unable to continue in the Gauntlet for the Gold
- Johnny Gargano & The Miz are highlighted as the final 2, as well as footage of the standing ovation that Gargano received after the show went off the air ....

Show starts off with Mauro Renallo and Renee Young on commentary putting over tonight’s show .... in the main event we will see the UWF women’s world title defended for the first time in Progress as Molly Holly puts her title on the line in a much-anticipated match against the United States Women’s Champion Charlotte ....  

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Right on queue, out comes Charlotte accompanied by Nia Jax .... The fans actually cheer Charlotte but she goes full heel on them and tells them to shut up because she doesn’t need their cheers .... She wants to be called the ‘Queen of Progress’, and after tonight she will be the Queen of the entire UWF because she will win the world title .... Charlotte calls Molly Holly a fraud, and says if you get 100 chances at something eventually they are going to get lucky at least once .... Charlotte isn’t lucky, she’s just that damn good .... and she is the one who
Molly Holly has to thank for being champion in the first place because it was HER that broke Kong down to the point where Molly just picked the bones clean .... Tonight, it’s time to collect so Molly should come out here, lay the title at her feet, and say ‘thank you’ .... Either way, at the end of the night it will be Charlotte who is holding the world title in her hands ....

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Tomasso Ciampa - vs - ‘The Perfect 10’ Tye Dillinger ~~~ Singles match

Dillinger tries to wrestle early on, but Ciampa stops all that with a vicious elbow strike .... Ciampa hits a SICK bicycle knee that may have KO’d Dillinger, but he kicks out at 2 .... Dillinger battles back with left hands but Ciampa unleashes more strikes .... Dillinger catches him on his shoulders and hits the cartwheel Death Valley driver!  Dillinger unleashes a salvo of offense ending with a swinging neckbreaker for a close 2!  Ciampa slips out of the Tye Breaker attempt but Dillinger hits a Superkick!  Dillinger gets Ciampa in the corner for the mounted punches but Ciampa slips out and drops Dillinger face-first into the top turnbuckle!  Ciampa tears the elbow pad off and KO’s him with a discus elbow, then DRILLS Dillinger with a running knee strike while he’s down in the corner!  Dillinger is wobbly, and the ref tries to check on him but Dillinger pushes him away and tries to continue .... ANOTHER knee strike by Ciampa, then he finishes Dillinger off with the Project Ciampa for the 3 count ....

BACKSTAGE - we see a limo pull up in the back and the Miz gets out .... he heads to the ring

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We are back and out comes the 1st ever United States Champion THE MIZ!  He raises his hand and says when his hand goes up, your mouth goes shut!  Welcome to the most ‘must-see’ segment in Progress Wrestling .... welcome to .... the Miz’s championship celebration!!!!  He says he was going to come out here and have a big championship celebration but then he realized he would never celebrate with anyone from Alabama .... these fans are the same fans that gave Johnny Gargano a standing ovation last week and he wasn’t even the guy who won .... really?  Miz says Gargano didn’t deserve a standing ovation, because he’s the guy that went coast to coast from #1 .... as a matter of fact, when he walks to the ring, MVP should be throwing rose petals at his feet because he is bringing legitimacy to this show as a must-see A-list Star!  ‘Johnny Wrestling’ chants .... Miz says ‘who?  Who?’ And says the name doesn’t sound familiar .... he doesn’t want to hear that name because that name doesn’t deserve to be spoken in the Miz’s presence because he’s not in the Miz’s league!  He mocks MVP for making him enter #1 ....

This brings out MVP to congratulate the Miz, but says it’s one thing to win a title and another thing to keep it .... he informs Miz that he has the night off because next week he will make his first defense right against a man that was never officially eliminated from the gauntlet for the gold last week, Roman Reigns!  

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MVP is in his office .... he is talking with someone and he mentions what happened on the Progress UK shows .... He says that William Regal has suspended Pete Dunne indefinitely for ruining the U.K. title tournament .... He hangs up the phone and the camera pans to show Pete Dunne sitting right there in MVP’s office!!!!  

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Dunne says the only person to blame for what happened is William Regal .... there is no controversy, what he did was make a name for himself .... he says that the wrong guy was in the main event because he never submitted and he wasn’t pinned .... the only reason he wasn’t there was because of a referee, and he showed everyone that he belonged there .... he promised that if British Strong Style didn’t get what they wanted, people were gonna get hurt .... and if Regal won’t make the right business decision than he knows MVP will make a spot for them in Progress USA ....

The Revival (Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder) - vs - Los Aviadores (Epico & Hunico) ~~~ Tag Team Match

The Revival counter the high-flying offense of Los Aviodores by taking things to the mat early on .... They isolate Epico and work over the knee, making quick tags in and out .... Epico makes the hot tag, and Hunico comes in and runs wild but gets into trouble .... Epico tags himself back in, although he can barely stand .... Wilder chop blocks the injured knee from behind, then takes out Hunico .... Dawson locks on the fuller leg lock and Epico taps out to the hold ....

After the match, The Revival lay out Hunico with the Shatter Machine for good measure ....

Dawson takes the mic and says everyone has been talking about the Street Profits .... The Profits may have technically won the match last week, but when Dash and Dawson got done with them they sure didn’t look like winners .... Dawson says Ford & Dawkins are everything that is wrong with this generation: too busy emulating spoiled, pampered professional athletes like Labron James and have become a generation of entitlement .... They think they can walk in here and take their spot without paying their dues but they’re wrong ....

Out come the Street Profits to a huge pop .... Dawkins says he knows they are new, but the Revival aren’t going to ‘rook’ them .... they are #blessed for this opportunity and they are going to make the most of it .... And they are going to do it .... RIGHT NOW!  Street Profits hit the ring and brawl with the Revival but it ends with the Profits clearing the ring ....

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Renee is in the ring and she brings out her guest, Johnny Gargano .... Gargano gets a HUGE reaction from the crowd with chants of ‘Johnny Wrestling!’ .... Renee says Johnny turned in a Star-making performance last week, entering at #2 and lasting until the final 2 in the gauntlet for the gold, including eliminating AJ Styles ....

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Gargano says he came so close to being the US champion and now he wants it even more .... He heard what the Miz said earlier about not being in his league, but Johnny says that these people disagree .... ‘Johnny Wrestling!’ chants again by the fans .... He’s not going to stop until he gets a rematch against the Miz for the United States title ....  

This brings out Austin Aries to interrupt .... Aries says he was sitting back there listening to Gargano but he can’t listen anymore because Gargano is cutting into Aries’ TV time .... the fact of the matter is that Gargano got lucky in the Gauntlet for the Gold but the clock has struck midnight and his ‘Cinderella’ Run is over .... Aries was brought here to be a Star and when they compare their pay checks, and all those extra zeroes on Aries’ paycheck say he is the bigger star ....  

They are interrupted by the arrival of Seth Rollins!  Rollins isn’t out here to appease Aries’ ego or trash Johnny Gargano, but he does have a bone to pick with the Miz .... Rollins thinks he should get the first title shot since he was eliminated by the Miz while he was on the floor .... Gargano says they are all in their wrestling gear, so why don’t they settle it in the ring?  This leads us to an impromptu triple threat match!

Johnny Gargano - vs - Seth Rollins - vs - Austin Aries ~~~ Triple Threat Match

Aries attacks Gargano and tosses him outside .... Aries and Rollins are face to face and they argue, then start fighting .... Aries hits a dropkick that sends Rollins outside, then he hits the Heat Seeking Missile!  Aries and Rollins fight on the outside but Gargano comes in with a suicide dive to take Aries out!  Rollins with a Superkick to Gargano .... back in the ring, Aries with a big slap to Rollins, but Rollins comes back with a Superkick!  Rollins hits a buckle Bomb on Aries but Gargano is on the apron and he hits a enziguri from the apron on Aries as well!  Gargano and Rollins battle it out, and Gargano hits a school boy on Rollins followed by the rolling roundhouse kick .... Gargano up top, but Rollins runs up and hits a super-plex!  He holds on and picks him up and goes for the Falcon Arrow but Gargano reverses into a small package for 2!  Both guys pop up, and Rollins superkicks Gargano in the Knee and then goes for the Blackout but Gargano pops up and nails a Superkick of his own!  Cover, but Aries is in to break it up .... Aries hits the IED dropkick on Gargano, then locks on the Last Chancery!!!!  ROLLINS BREAKS IT UP WITH A PHOENIX SPLASH!!!!  GODS LAST GIFT ON GARGANO!!!!  1 ... 2 ... Nooooo!  Gargano kicks out!  Rollins goes for the ripcord knee strike, but Gargano reverses it and goes into the Garga-no-escape!!!!  Aries with the soccer kick breaks it up! BRAINBUSTER TO GARGANO!!!!  1 ... 2 ... 2.99999!!!!  Rollins superkicks Aries, then goes for the buckle Bomb but Aries reverses it into a huricanrana and sends Rollins face-first into the turnbuckles!  Discus 5-arm KO’s Rollins!!!!  Aries up top .... 450 SPLASH CONNECTS!  Gargano is back in and grabs Aries .... LAWN DART!!!!  Gargano waits for Rollins to get up .... SLINGSHOT DDT!!!!  Gargano covers ... 1 ... 2 ... 3!  Gargano does it again!

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After the match, Gargano goes up into the crowd and celebrates with the fans ....

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We come back to the arena and the lights are out ....

‘Ladies and gentlemen .... Elias,’

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A spotlight comes up in the ring, and Elias is sitting on a stool with a new guitar .... he says he has a new guitar because last week he shattered his old one over Moose’s head .... but what he doesn’t have is the United States title, and there is one man to blame for him not having the title, and having to get a new guitar .... and that’s Moose .... he wrote a song about Moose, and he starts to trash him before Moose’s music hits and interrupts him ....

Elias Sampson - vs - Moose ~~~ Singles Match

Moose controls early on but Elias gets a back elbow and then hits some mounted forearm strikes .... Elias with some shoulder blocks in the corner, but Moose fights back, hitting a run up the ropes high cross, and that gets 2 .... Moose puts Elias on the top rope but Elias battles back and Moose ends up hung in the tree of whoa .... DOUBLE STOMP BY ELIAS!  That gets a 2 count, and Elias follows with a neck breaker .... Moose keeps kicking out .... Moose comes back with a dropkick and both guys are down .... Moose fires up and starts running wild, and hits the running corner dropkick!  Moose charges again, but this time Elias gets the boot up .... Elias to the 2nd rope but Moose grabs him and drills him with the ‘Go to Hell’ (choke bomb)!  1 ... 2 ... No!  Moose scoops up Elias, but Elias slips off the back and hits a blatant low blow right in front of the ref for the DQ finish ....

After the match, Elias goes and gets his guitar and prepares to smash it over Moose’s head again .... Moose ducks the guitar shot and hits the ropes .... HIT STICK (Spear)!  Elias rolls outside clutching his midsection, and Moose ends up getting his hands on Elias’ guitar .... the fans pop for this, and Elias is shaking his head NO and saying ‘that’s my property!’ .... Moose acts like he’s going to give the guitar back to Elias, but instead he drops it on the ground and stomps it to pieces!  Moose stands tall ....

VIDEO PACKAGE - We get a highlight package of the Roman Reigns/ Brian Cage incident from last week where Cage DESTROYED Reigns after being eliminated by Reigns in the Gauntlet for the Gold ....

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(World Champion) Molly Holly - vs - (United States Champion) Charlotte w/ Nia Jax  .... UWF Women’s World Title

This is Charlotte’s first shot at the world title since Molly won the title .... Nia Jax is at ringside for this one ....

They work back and forth with some clean wrestling to start, until Molly pushes Charlotte back into the ropes .... Charlotte fakes a clean break but then gets in a cheap shot .... Charlotte with some chops and let’s out a big ‘WOOOOOOO!’ but then Molly comes back with some right hands and then a dropkick that sends Charlotte outside .... from here, the action speeds up as both women turn up the intensity .... Molly hits a suplex on the ring apron, then back in the ring she hits the handspring back elbow .... she goes up top, AND CONNECTS WITH THE MOLLY GO ROUND!!!!  

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But she twists her knee on the landing and can’t cover!!!!  From here the match turns, and Charlotte takes over .... she works the knee viciously, even locking the figure four on around the ring post!  Molly battles back, but Charlotte stops her with a hangman neckbreaker for a 2 count .... Back to work on the knee and Charlotte gets a figure four!  She tries to bridge into the figure 8, but Molly gets to the ropes first .... Molly battles back, hitting a discus lariat and both ladies are down!  They fight to their feet, and Molly takes control with strikes .... Molly manages to hit a tilt a whirl backbreaker but hurts her knee more in the process .... Molly limps to her feet and starts rocking Charlotte in the corner with European uppercuts!  Charlotte eats a back body drop and then Molly ties her up in the ropes and hits a barrage of knee lifts with her good knee .... She sits Charlotte up top and climbs up, but Charlotte fights her off and knocks her to the mat .... Charlotte adjusts .... MOONSAULT MISSES!!!!  Molly pulls Charlotte to her feet, and tries to scoop her up for the Psycho Driver but the knee buckles!  Molly goes down .... NATURAL SELECTION!!!!  

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1 ... 2 ... Noooooo!!!!  Molly kicks out!!!!  Charlotte is pissed and throwing a fit!  She grabs Molly’s leg and goes for the figure four .... MOLLY WITH A SMALL PACKAGE!  1 ... 2 ... Nooooo!  Charlotte kicks out this time!!!!  Back to their feet, and Charlotte takes Molly out with a big boot!  She grabs the leg .... ‘Now we go to school!’ .... Charlotte locks in the figure four .... THEN INTO THE FIGURE 8!!!!  

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Molly is trapped in the middle of the ring!  She refuses to tap!!!!  Charlotte bridges even further to increase the pressure on the knee .... Molly tries to get to the ropes, but she can’t .... she starts to fade .... her shoulders hit the mat .... 1 ... 2 ... Molly gets the shoulder up!!!!  Charlotte cranks back harder, but Molly won’t tap .... THE BELL RINGS!!!!

There is total confusion as Charlotte immediately releases the hold and runs wild ....

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WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION!  Or do we?  The ref is talking to the ring announcer, and then starts waving his arms!  Charlotte has grabbed the UWF world title and is celebrating with it, but the ref tells her that the match has ended in a draw due to TV time remaining!!!!  The trainers are checking on Molly at ringside, and she can’t put any weight on the knee .... Charlotte gets on the mic and demands that the match be restarted, but Molly can’t even walk .... she has to be helped from the ring, and the show ends with confusion reigning supreme ....  

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